Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

For those on welfare - each new kid is like a pay raise,
With each addition their welfare check goes up.
So we need to stop rewarding them, Give them an incentive to think twice about having unprotected sex

Exactly, and the more kids you have, the larger HUD house you get as well.
Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children.

We elected a president not a role model. Role model is not one of the President's jobs.

Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.

The Clinton Foundation is better?

How much lower can you get?

I would say Hillary but i guess not since I am assuming she never blew Bill based on the fact he had to get a fatty to do it.

Absolutely. It is quite obvious that golf is Trump's job.

At least it isn't selling out America to the highest bidder like the Clintons did.

At least Trump never went after a 12 yr old rape victim.

True, He only enters dressing rooms of adult female beauty contestants, and grabs adult pussy.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17774518
For your information PP is funded, and look at the results. Furthermore is the fact that poor people are procreating much more than the working. As I pointed out, people on Medicaid are about one-fifth of our population, yet they are creating over 50% of the babies in this country. Now I'm no mathematician, but to me it seems they are having more babies than working people, and that's just plain unfair

So what do you want to do about it? How can we make sure that Ray in Cleveland is always treated fair?

"..... poor people are procreating much more than the working"

Oh my God. It's unfair to Ray."

What to do?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17774518
For your information PP is funded, and look at the results. Furthermore is the fact that poor people are procreating much more than the working. As I pointed out, people on Medicaid are about one-fifth of our population, yet they are creating over 50% of the babies in this country. Now I'm no mathematician, but to me it seems they are having more babies than working people, and that's just plain unfair

So what do you want to do about it? How can we make sure that Ray in Cleveland is always treated fair?

"..... poor people are procreating much more than the working"

Oh my God. It's unfair to Ray."

What to do?

Why should Ray be paying for other people's children?
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid

The debate is why you applaud a plan that removes so many from that benefit.
Nearly 2/3 of seniors in nursing care depend on Medicaid as well.

Let's put this in perspective. Do you believe that contraception should be free and readily available?

No I don't because that wouldn't solve the problem. Poor people are not having children they can't afford because of BC, they are having children because they will not be financially responsible for them. Lots of folks would love to have larger families, but only the poor on social programs can fulfill that desire because they are not supporting them. Working people who are not on any government program have to limit the size of their family, and I think that's totally unfair, because the working people have to support their own kids, and other people's kids as well. It's just plain wrong.

Condoms cost anywhere from 37 cents each to $1.55 each depending on how fancy you want to get:

Condoms | Walgreens

Here are the countries of the world ranked by birth rate.

Birth rate - Country Comparison

You tell us how much welfare the poor in the top 10 countries on that list get,

since you are CERTAIN that government assistance is solely responsible for the poor having babies.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17774518
For your information PP is funded, and look at the results. Furthermore is the fact that poor people are procreating much more than the working. As I pointed out, people on Medicaid are about one-fifth of our population, yet they are creating over 50% of the babies in this country. Now I'm no mathematician, but to me it seems they are having more babies than working people, and that's just plain unfair

So what do you want to do about it? How can we make sure that Ray in Cleveland is always treated fair?

"..... poor people are procreating much more than the working"

Oh my God. It's unfair to Ray."

What to do?

Why should Ray be paying for other people's children?

We pay for your children.
As expected.

Conservatives scream about abortions but as soon as a baby leaves the womb it's a huge burden to society and should be ridiculed and forced to live in poverty. Because one out of the womb a baby is no longer a political tool the right wangs can use, so they reject it.

Is your entire life that confused?

Conservatives SCREAM for PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. IF you're going to have a baby, be in a position to be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE to raise that child.

I KNOW! What an amazing concept!
Trump has explained that there must be something that the states want to hide, since they are not turning over their voting info to his voter fraud commission. Actually, I suspect that states are trying to maintain voter confidentiality. It is not the federal government's business as to whether I am registered as red, blue, or independent, But, Trump may have a point. He must have something to hide if he won't release his tax returns.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17774518
For your information PP is funded, and look at the results. Furthermore is the fact that poor people are procreating much more than the working. As I pointed out, people on Medicaid are about one-fifth of our population, yet they are creating over 50% of the babies in this country. Now I'm no mathematician, but to me it seems they are having more babies than working people, and that's just plain unfair

So what do you want to do about it? How can we make sure that Ray in Cleveland is always treated fair?

"..... poor people are procreating much more than the working"

Oh my God. It's unfair to Ray."

What to do?

Why should Ray be paying for other people's children?

We pay for your children.

Ray has suffered enough. He lives in Cleveland. Have you ever been to Cleveland?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17774518
For your information PP is funded, and look at the results. Furthermore is the fact that poor people are procreating much more than the working. As I pointed out, people on Medicaid are about one-fifth of our population, yet they are creating over 50% of the babies in this country. Now I'm no mathematician, but to me it seems they are having more babies than working people, and that's just plain unfair

So what do you want to do about it? How can we make sure that Ray in Cleveland is always treated fair?

"..... poor people are procreating much more than the working"

Oh my God. It's unfair to Ray."

What to do?

Why should Ray be paying for other people's children?

We pay for your children.

Ray has suffered enough. He lives in Cleveland. Have you ever been to Cleveland?

Can't say that I have, but Ray seems OK to me. Sounds like a hard working American
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17774518
For your information PP is funded, and look at the results. Furthermore is the fact that poor people are procreating much more than the working. As I pointed out, people on Medicaid are about one-fifth of our population, yet they are creating over 50% of the babies in this country. Now I'm no mathematician, but to me it seems they are having more babies than working people, and that's just plain unfair

So what do you want to do about it? How can we make sure that Ray in Cleveland is always treated fair?

"..... poor people are procreating much more than the working"

Oh my God. It's unfair to Ray."

What to do?

Why should Ray be paying for other people's children?

We pay for your children.

Ray has suffered enough. He lives in Cleveland. Have you ever been to Cleveland?

Correct, it's an all Democrat run city. In fact Mayor Jackson just got his buddies in city Council to pass a 1.5 million dollar dirt bike track. Why? Because the police busted his grandson a couple of time riding his dirt bike on the street. If that isn't funny enough, his same grandson just got busted with an illegal handgun and some pot. If he goes to jail, that might screw up his job that his grandfather got him at the water department. Poor kid.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17774518
For your information PP is funded, and look at the results. Furthermore is the fact that poor people are procreating much more than the working. As I pointed out, people on Medicaid are about one-fifth of our population, yet they are creating over 50% of the babies in this country. Now I'm no mathematician, but to me it seems they are having more babies than working people, and that's just plain unfair

So what do you want to do about it? How can we make sure that Ray in Cleveland is always treated fair?

"..... poor people are procreating much more than the working"

Oh my God. It's unfair to Ray."

What to do?

Why should Ray be paying for other people's children?

We pay for your children.

Ray has suffered enough. He lives in Cleveland. Have you ever been to Cleveland?

Correct, it's an all Democrat run city. In fact Mayor Jackson just got his buddies in city Council to pass a 1.5 million dollar dirt bike track. Why? Because the police busted his grandson a couple of time riding his dirt bike on the street. If that isn't funny enough, his same grandson just got busted with an illegal handgun and some pot. If he goes to jail, that might screw up his job that his grandfather got him at the water department. Poor kid.

Damn, Ray! It is hard for me to imagine what it must take for you to get up every morning!
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid

The debate is why you applaud a plan that removes so many from that benefit.
Nearly 2/3 of seniors in nursing care depend on Medicaid as well.

Let's put this in perspective. Do you believe that contraception should be free and readily available?

No I don't because that wouldn't solve the problem. Poor people are not having children they can't afford because of BC, they are having children because they will not be financially responsible for them. Lots of folks would love to have larger families, but only the poor on social programs can fulfill that desire because they are not supporting them. Working people who are not on any government program have to limit the size of their family, and I think that's totally unfair, because the working people have to support their own kids, and other people's kids as well. It's just plain wrong.

Condoms cost anywhere from 37 cents each to $1.55 each depending on how fancy you want to get:

Condoms | Walgreens

Here are the countries of the world ranked by birth rate.

Birth rate - Country Comparison

You tell us how much welfare the poor in the top 10 countries on that list get,

since you are CERTAIN that government assistance is solely responsible for the poor having babies.

What does that have to do with the topic of American kids being born on Medicaid?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 17774518 So what do you want to do about it? How can we make sure that Ray in Cleveland is always treated fair?

"..... poor people are procreating much more than the working"

Oh my God. It's unfair to Ray."

What to do?

Why should Ray be paying for other people's children?

We pay for your children.

Ray has suffered enough. He lives in Cleveland. Have you ever been to Cleveland?

Correct, it's an all Democrat run city. In fact Mayor Jackson just got his buddies in city Council to pass a 1.5 million dollar dirt bike track. Why? Because the police busted his grandson a couple of time riding his dirt bike on the street. If that isn't funny enough, his same grandson just got busted with an illegal handgun and some pot. If he goes to jail, that might screw up his job that his grandfather got him at the water department. Poor kid.

Damn, Ray! It is hard for me to imagine what it must take for you to get up every morning!

I have a great sense of humor. You have to with Democrats. For instance, the guy that's going to run against Mayor Jackson is currently a city councilman that got busted three times for DUI. You can't make up comedy like this.
For those on welfare - each new kid is like a pay raise,
With each addition their welfare check goes up.
So we need to stop rewarding them, Give them an incentive to think twice about having unprotected sex

Welfare check? What, exactly, is a "welfare check"?

I guess that I will never know exactly what a welfare check is. I guess it is a secret department located in the basement of HUD printing out checks to mail to poor people every time one of them has a baby. Hopefully, they also send a coupon good for diapers at Walmart, or somewhere...
And to think prior to the 1960s, Medicaid did not exist, yet lots of babies were born. I would guess LWNJs think all poor babies died before the invention of Medicaid.

Do you have a brain? Prior to Medicaid expansion, do you think the poor had babies at home with no medical care available?

If not, who do you believe absorbed the cost for medical care they received.

Do you really want to go back to the old system or do you want to sterilize women who have no financial mean below a certain level based on the poverty level.

What do you want to come of your hissy fit?
Prior to the passage of Medicaid in 1965, do you think any babies were born?
The Original Tree, post: 17761499
How is iberalism sustainable when 47% of the population pay no taxes and 50% of babies born are born on Medicaid?

Who makes up that 47%? All liberals? Then what? There may be three percent of remaining liberals that pay taxes. All the working people are conservatives.

What's any of this got to do with sustaining liberalism?

Poor people have babies. You need an authoritarian, fascist or communist state to stop them.

Liberalism created the safety net that contributed to the nation surviving the Great Bush Recession of 2008. Along with the auto bailout which has been paid back.

Obama got the unemployment rate down to 4.7%. There is still a wealth gap that was not the creation of liberalism.

I believe we are into a period of economic growth that steers clear of boom and bust economic conditions.

Boom and Bust favors the genuine wealthy. It always has.

The solution to the issue is to sustain a long term growth period and investment in education and vocational training.

It's called investment in the future with an intent to close the wealth gap.

I think you people just installed the opposite of that into the White House and Congress.

Ivanka and Jared made $212 million since the start of 2016. And daddy wants them to pay less taxes on it.

Bust in the making.

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