Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

I already gave you the solution; it is compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States. The right wing doesn't like it, Because the poor may benefit.

COMPENSATION FOR SIMPLY BEING UNEMPLOYED in our at-will-employment States.

Why should someone be rewarded for bad behavior? If someone is a poor employee which results in being fired, why should they be rewarded? How does that help the employee or the employer?
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".

About 55% of anything CNN says
I was going to say, "That's beneath you", then I realized, nothing is.

Lol OMG, Derp it's well known CNN has been caught. Missed they had to fire people, eh?

You're truly worthless
They actually fired people? Did the right thing? Sad you don't understand that. Course, it's not like that's something new.
No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".

About 55% of anything CNN says
I was going to say, "That's beneath you", then I realized, nothing is.

Lol OMG, Derp it's well known CNN has been caught. Missed they had to fire people, eh?

You're truly worthless
They actually fired people? Did the right thing? Sad you don't understand that. Course, it's not like that's something new.

Give it up, Derp, I consider you a communist buffoon
I already gave you the solution; it is compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States. The right wing doesn't like it, Because the poor may benefit.

COMPENSATION FOR SIMPLY BEING UNEMPLOYED in our at-will-employment States.

Why should someone be rewarded for bad behavior? If someone is a poor employee which results in being fired, why should they be rewarded? How does that help the employee or the employer?

People are not eligible for unemployment benefits, if fired for cause. At least not in the states where I have lived.
Ray From Cleveland, post
And why is my solution so terrible?

That is your solution?

The working poor could not afford an insurance plan out of employer group plans prior to the ACA.

A private plan covering pregnancy and childbirth was probably a few thousand a month.

What are people in poverty supposed to do? Sell Drugs to make the payments.

That is no solution. You are a fraud.

Claiming you have posted solutions.
The Original Tree, post: 17761499
How is iberalism sustainable when 47% of the population pay no taxes and 50% of babies born are born on Medicaid?

Who makes up that 47%? All liberals? Then what? There may be three percent of remaining liberals that pay taxes. All the working people are conservatives.

What's any of this got to do with sustaining liberalism?

Poor people have babies. You need an authoritarian, fascist or communist state to stop them.

Liberalism created the safety net that contributed to the nation surviving the Great Bush Recession of 2008. Along with the auto bailout which has been paid back.

Obama got the unemployment rate down to 4.7%. There is still a wealth gap that was not the creation of liberalism.

I believe we are into a period of economic growth that steers clear of boom and bust economic conditions.

Boom and Bust favors the genuine wealthy. It always has.

The solution to the issue is to sustain a long term growth period and investment in education and vocational training.

It's called investment in the future with an intent to close the wealth gap.

I think you people just installed the opposite of that into the White House and Congress.

Ivanka and Jared made $212 million since the start of 2016. And daddy wants them to pay less taxes on it.

Bust in the making.
That is one of the most hilarious posts. You totter from one talking point to another till one wonders if you'll run out of words. And after all that, you come to a conclusion:

The solution to the issue is to sustain a long term growth period and investment in education and vocational training.

Trump budget proposes 40% cut to job training programs

I don't know what to say. Your solution is what Democrats want? Have you ever thought about therapy?
Republican policies have 47% of Americans receiving public assistance of some sort. You keep voting for governments that suppress wages to benefit corporations and their shareholders. Then you bitch that people don't pay their own way.

Most of the people on Medicaid and food stamps are working full time, but haven't seen a meaningful wage increase in 20 years.

Like a good Republican, you vilify the poor, not the policies that keep them dependent.

Have you always had this perverted view of reality?

As for the economy and number of folks on welfare, who has been President for the past eight years?

Here is a solution for the policies that you profess to abhor. The solution has been around for decades, and it works.

Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".

About 55% of anything CNN says
I was going to say, "That's beneath you", then I realized, nothing is.

Lol OMG, Derp it's well known CNN has been caught. Missed they had to fire people, eh?

You're truly worthless
They actually fired people? Did the right thing? Sad you don't understand that. Course, it's not like that's something new.

Give it up, Derp, I consider you a communist buffoon
Says the monkey who sits in a cage and throws poop at gawkers.

About 55% of anything CNN says
I was going to say, "That's beneath you", then I realized, nothing is.

Lol OMG, Derp it's well known CNN has been caught. Missed they had to fire people, eh?

You're truly worthless
They actually fired people? Did the right thing? Sad you don't understand that. Course, it's not like that's something new.

Give it up, Derp, I consider you a communist buffoon
Says the monkey who sits in a cage and throws poop at gawkers.

Planned Parenthood doesn't do abortions on your dime.

That would mean that money is not fungible. Which, I hope even you will acknowledge.

Simple solution. Planned Parenthood I which does not perform or refer abortions. They're eligible for taxpayer money.

Planned Parenthood II, they perform abortions only and they operate on their profits from abortions, contributions to them specifically and receive nothing from tax payers.

Problem solved.
Planned Parenthood doesn't do abortions on your dime.

That would mean that money is not fungible. Which, I hope even you will acknowledge.

Simple solution. Planned Parenthood I which does not perform or refer abortions. They're eligible for taxpayer money.

Planned Parenthood II, they perform abortions only and they operate on their profits from abortions, contributions to them specifically and receive nothing from tax payers.

Problem solved.

Well, I guess that my daughter's OBYN who has been known to perform an abortion from time to time, would have to stop seeing Medicaid patients.
But, since PP has been brought up, I find it amusing that Trump's campaign promise to defund it on day one has failed, along with everything else he has promised, and surely that must have been the easiest promise to keep.
Well, I guess that my daughter's OBYN who has been known to perform an abortion from time to time, would have to stop seeing Medicaid patients.


It stands to reason that if no government funds can go to PP because they do abortions, then doctors who agree to see Medicaid patients and are reimbursed by the government....but then, surely, you don't need me to explain this to you.

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