Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil

If you have to work three jobs to support your family why shouldn't you? What makes you or anybody else above that?

The only reason anyone would have to do that, by the way, is if they made really bad decisions in life.

Instead of remarking about how others are fucking evil, you should consider what an emotionally trapped moron you are.

30 million families receive government assistance. Working three jobs means 60 million unfilled jobs out there waiting to be filled

Your buckle down and work harder makes a great bumper sticker for your conservative buddies, but as a practical solution on a national level it is ridiculous

Not really. When I was younger I often worked two jobs, at one point three jobs. People used to do it all the time. Several of my full-time jobs had me working six days a week plus overtime during the week on top of that.

Of course back then, government programs didn't pay squat. If you wanted something, you worked more hours. Thanks to liberalism, people no longer have pride like we used to have years ago. Most would be too ashamed to admit they've been defeated and ask taxpayers for anything.

You make a good case for a basic entitlement of healthcare for ALL.

I know Ill be sorry for asking this, but.......HTF did you come up with that from my comment????
Employers don't control what you earn--you control what you earn. If your skill set (whatever that may be) doesn't pay the kind of money you want to earn, you have to find another line of work.

Says the guy who can't get health coverage from his job.


Still didn't get that shrink for that obsessive disorder yet, did you Joe?

Naw, man, just pointing out you have the self-awareness of a whore in church.
This thread is a good rebuttal to all the RWnuts around here who keep claiming that they don't want to get rid of Medicaid.

No, I started the thread to show that we are (here's your favorite liberal word) subsidizing the poor TO have children when they shouldn't be. The fact that they have way more children than the working and we are supporting them.
Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil

If you have to work three jobs to support your family why shouldn't you? What makes you or anybody else above that?

The only reason anyone would have to do that, by the way, is if they made really bad decisions in life.

Instead of remarking about how others are fucking evil, you should consider what an emotionally trapped moron you are.

30 million families receive government assistance. Working three jobs means 60 million unfilled jobs out there waiting to be filled

Your buckle down and work harder makes a great bumper sticker for your conservative buddies, but as a practical solution on a national level it is ridiculous

Not really. When I was younger I often worked two jobs, at one point three jobs. People used to do it all the time. Several of my full-time jobs had me working six days a week plus overtime during the week on top of that.

Of course back then, government programs didn't pay squat. If you wanted something, you worked more hours. Thanks to liberalism, people no longer have pride like we used to have years ago. Most would be too ashamed to admit they've been defeated and ask taxpayers for anything.

You make a good case for a basic entitlement of healthcare for ALL.

I know Ill be sorry for asking this, but.......HTF did you come up with that from my comment????

Because if everyone got basic healthcare funded by the government,

then YOU couldn't complain that the poor were getting something YOU don't get.
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid
Which is why abortion should be available at cost for those desiring it. Abortion is highest in Blue states and lowest in Red states so I fail to see why so many "modern conservatives" are anti-abortion. It's a win-win no-brainer to support more sex education, easy access to low cost contraceptives and low cost abortion.
This thread is a good rebuttal to all the RWnuts around here who keep claiming that they don't want to get rid of Medicaid.

No, I started the thread to show that we are (here's your favorite liberal word) subsidizing the poor TO have children when they shouldn't be. The fact that they have way more children than the working and we are supporting them.

Which nations have low birth rates caused by denying the poor healthcare they can't otherwise afford?

Name them.
Ray From Cleveland
Nothing is forced. If you don't want to be fixed, don't apply or accept taxpayer money. Get a job instead; buy your own birth control so you don't create the problems you would otherwise inflict on taxpayers.

No, you wrote this:

"So if we made a regulation that states you can't get one dime from the government until you are fixed first, that would greatly reduce the amount of poor children being born that the taxpayers no longer have to support."

That is forced sterilization.

If one actually needs public assistance and are at child bearing age, they would be forced, under your program, to choose between potential 'life saving' assistance and never bearing a child for the rest of their life.

That was your proposal. Fixed!!!!!!!!

Yes, it is my proposal. Nobody "needs" government assistance, they take it because it's offered to them. Most women would not apply for public assistance with those restrictions. They would make sure they didn't get pregnant. It's that word liberals loathe so much--responsibility.
This thread is a good rebuttal to all the RWnuts around here who keep claiming that they don't want to get rid of Medicaid.

No, I started the thread to show that we are (here's your favorite liberal word) subsidizing the poor TO have children when they shouldn't be. The fact that they have way more children than the working and we are supporting them.

Your plan then is what?

I'll help you. Your plan is to end Medicaid for poor children.
Ray From Cleveland
Nothing is forced. If you don't want to be fixed, don't apply or accept taxpayer money. Get a job instead; buy your own birth control so you don't create the problems you would otherwise inflict on taxpayers.

No, you wrote this:

"So if we made a regulation that states you can't get one dime from the government until you are fixed first, that would greatly reduce the amount of poor children being born that the taxpayers no longer have to support."

That is forced sterilization.

If one actually needs public assistance and are at child bearing age, they would be forced, under your program, to choose between potential 'life saving' assistance and never bearing a child for the rest of their life.

That was your proposal. Fixed!!!!!!!!

Yes, it is my proposal. Nobody "needs" government assistance, they take it because it's offered to them. Most women would not apply for public assistance with those restrictions. They would make sure they didn't get pregnant. It's that word liberals loathe so much--responsibility.

Medicaid for the elderly is unnecessary? For the mentally ill?
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid
Which is why abortion should be available at cost for those desiring it. Abortion is highest in Blue states and lowest in Red states so I fail to see why so many "modern conservatives" are anti-abortion. It's a win-win no-brainer to support more sex education, easy access to low cost contraceptives and low cost abortion.

The cost of condoms cost between 26 cents and $1.50 each depending on how fancy you want to get:

Condoms | Walgreens
Ray From Cleveland
Nothing is forced. If you don't want to be fixed, don't apply or accept taxpayer money. Get a job instead; buy your own birth control so you don't create the problems you would otherwise inflict on taxpayers.

No, you wrote this:

"So if we made a regulation that states you can't get one dime from the government until you are fixed first, that would greatly reduce the amount of poor children being born that the taxpayers no longer have to support."

That is forced sterilization.

If one actually needs public assistance and are at child bearing age, they would be forced, under your program, to choose between potential 'life saving' assistance and never bearing a child for the rest of their life.

That was your proposal. Fixed!!!!!!!!

Yes, it is my proposal. Nobody "needs" government assistance, they take it because it's offered to them. Most women would not apply for public assistance with those restrictions. They would make sure they didn't get pregnant. It's that word liberals loathe so much--responsibility.

Medicaid for the elderly is unnecessary? For the mentally ill?

I don't know any elderly on Medicaid. Our elderly go on Social Security and Medicare.
Yes, it is my proposal. Nobody "needs" government assistance, they take it because it's offered to them. Most women would not apply for public assistance with those restrictions. They would make sure they didn't get pregnant. It's that word liberals loathe so much--responsibility.

Guy, spoken like a true Nazi. Let's sterilize the untermensch.

Here's the thing. You nitwits on the right keep insisting that we teach kids abstinence instead of birth control, you keep trying to pull funding from planned parenthood, and they you are amazed when poor people have unwanted babies.

The sad thing is that you work a job where you don't even rate decent health coverage, and you think you are so much better.
Ray From Cleveland
Nothing is forced. If you don't want to be fixed, don't apply or accept taxpayer money. Get a job instead; buy your own birth control so you don't create the problems you would otherwise inflict on taxpayers.

No, you wrote this:

"So if we made a regulation that states you can't get one dime from the government until you are fixed first, that would greatly reduce the amount of poor children being born that the taxpayers no longer have to support."

That is forced sterilization.

If one actually needs public assistance and are at child bearing age, they would be forced, under your program, to choose between potential 'life saving' assistance and never bearing a child for the rest of their life.

That was your proposal. Fixed!!!!!!!!

Yes, it is my proposal. Nobody "needs" government assistance, they take it because it's offered to them. Most women would not apply for public assistance with those restrictions. They would make sure they didn't get pregnant. It's that word liberals loathe so much--responsibility.

Medicaid for the elderly is unnecessary? For the mentally ill?

I don't know any elderly on Medicaid. .

That's because you are woefully uninformed on the subject you've been babbling about for 50 posts.
Yes, it is my proposal. Nobody "needs" government assistance, they take it because it's offered to them. Most women would not apply for public assistance with those restrictions. They would make sure they didn't get pregnant. It's that word liberals loathe so much--responsibility.

Guy, spoken like a true Nazi. Let's sterilize the untermensch.

Here's the thing. You nitwits on the right keep insisting that we teach kids abstinence instead of birth control, you keep trying to pull funding from planned parenthood, and they you are amazed when poor people have unwanted babies.

The sad thing is that you work a job where you don't even rate decent health coverage, and you think you are so much better.

There you go again Joe, I'm telling you...... your problem is getting worse and worse. Do you have nightmares every night? Really.....make an appointment for some mental help real soon.

Just some info for you Joe, we are funding PP and have been for years, and this is the result of it: 50 % of babies being born on Medicaid. We are not replacing anything with abstinence either. All those liberal schools are still teaching kids how to put rubbers on a banana. Abortion is still legal too.
There you go again Joe, I'm telling you...... your problem is getting worse and worse. Do you have nightmares every night? Really.....make an appointment for some mental help real soon.

Naw, man, trying to help you out. You see, if my boss told me tomorrow that he was cutting my health insurance, I'd be sending out resumes like a madman. I wouldn't be sitting here whining about how poor people are worse because they can get medicaid and I can't. But that's pretty much what you do. Your ire is misdirected.

Just some info for you Joe, we are funding PP and have been for years, and this is the result of it: 50 % of babies being born on Medicaid. We are not replacing anything with abstinence either. All those liberal schools are still teaching kids how to put rubbers on a banana. Abortion is still legal too.

Actually, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Here's the gag, since 1990, the rate of teen pregnancy has declined from 60 Per 1000 girls to 24 per 1000 girls. The Schools are doing just fine.


Oh, and it gets better. Which states do you think have the higher teen pregnancy rates... Yup, it's the states in JESUSLAND.


If 50% of children are being born on Medicaid instead of private insurance, that's because private insurance has failed miserably in providing coverage for people in their 20's. Time to go to single payer and be done with it.
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid
Which is why abortion should be available at cost for those desiring it. Abortion is highest in Blue states and lowest in Red states so I fail to see why so many "modern conservatives" are anti-abortion. It's a win-win no-brainer to support more sex education, easy access to low cost contraceptives and low cost abortion.

The cost of condoms cost between 26 cents and $1.50 each depending on how fancy you want to get:

Condoms | Walgreens
Naw, man, trying to help you out. You see, if my boss told me tomorrow that he was cutting my health insurance, I'd be sending out resumes like a madman. I wouldn't be sitting here whining about how poor people are worse because they can get medicaid and I can't. But that's pretty much what you do. Your ire is misdirected.

Not at all, just trying to help you out Joe before your obsessive disorder worsens. It really needs to be addressed before it's too late. Kind of like if you had a respiratory problem. You don't wait until you can't breathe any longer and the paramedics have to scrape you off the floor. When you have some problems breathing, you get medical help as soon as you can.

Actually, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Here's the gag, since 1990, the rate of teen pregnancy has declined from 60 Per 1000 girls to 24 per 1000 girls. The Schools are doing just fine.

We are not talking just teen pregnancies here, we are talking about all pregnancies. Stick with the subject.

Oh, and it gets better. Which states do you think have the higher teen pregnancy rates... Yup, it's the states in JESUSLAND.

That's because you liberals are so brainwashed that you actually believe your puppet masters when they told you only Republicans live in red states and only Democrats live in blue states.

If 50% of children are being born on Medicaid instead of private insurance, that's because private insurance has failed miserably in providing coverage for people in their 20's. Time to go to single payer and be done with it.

No, what it tells us is that liberalism is spreading like a cancer. More and more people are becoming irresponsible. If we don't stop liberalism, it may be 60% in ten years from now. Maybe 70% ten years after that. Before you know it, poor people will virtually be the only people having babies.

Look at the comments from your fellow liberals here. None of them want to put an end to this. None of them believe in tough love. Like most all liberals, they make excuses instead and any suggestion to try and reduce the problem is viciously attacked.

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