Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

Ray From Cleveland, post: 17775874
Well Duh! How about the solution being if you can't afford to have children, don't have them?

How is that a solution unless the state adopts a practice of forbidding it and enforcing it?

You said you have solutions. I am looking for real ideas with a potential for solutions.

Here's a clue. This problem is a product of the existence of poverty in society in which some level of poverty may be inherent and entrenched.

Do nothing about relieving poverty you do nothing about children being born in poverty.

Bitching about the lack of personal responsibility among the ranks of society's poor does nothing about reducing poverty.

Good paying jobs appear to help by the charts posted.

The poverty rate went down as Clinton's economic program increasing upper income taxes produced 20 million jobs over Clinton's two terms.

I'd say that is an ideal economic model that should be followed.
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Markle, post: 17776600
Since we have the same level of poverty as we had when former President Lyndon Johnson shoved the War on Poverty and his Great Society up our...throats

Are you aware that the poverty rate has not been a flat line throught this time?

The current poverty rate is once again in decline since its peak that followed the Great Bush Recession of 2008.

It declined under Reagan and Clinton with the creation of new jobs.

Reagan had much higher top tier tax rates so they could be reduced, job creation resulted.

Clinton had room to raise top tier rates and he did. Job creation was the result.

Bush cut taxes on the wealthy while off the books he spent a trillion dollars on a needless war. The result was the Great Bush Depression and an increase in poverty as the result.
Ray From Cleveland
Nothing is forced. If you don't want to be fixed, don't apply or accept taxpayer money. Get a job instead; buy your own birth control so you don't create the problems you would otherwise inflict on taxpayers.

No, you wrote this:

"So if we made a regulation that states you can't get one dime from the government until you are fixed first, that would greatly reduce the amount of poor children being born that the taxpayers no longer have to support."

That is forced sterilization.

If one actually needs public assistance and are at child bearing age, they would be forced, under your program, to choose between potential 'life saving' assistance and never bearing a child for the rest of their life.

That was your proposal. Fixed!!!!!!!!
Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children.

We elected a president not a role model. Role model is not one of the President's jobs.

Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.

The Clinton Foundation is better?

How much lower can you get?

I would say Hillary but i guess not since I am assuming she never blew Bill based on the fact he had to get a fatty to do it.

Absolutely. It is quite obvious that golf is Trump's job.

At least it isn't selling out America to the highest bidder like the Clintons did.

At least Trump never went after a 12 yr old rape victim.

True, He only enters dressing rooms of adult female beauty contestants, and grabs adult pussy.

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

He never claimed he assaulted any women.
My money says many, many Trump girlfriends have had abortions while Hillary has never had one

That we know of
Trump dodges question over whether any past partners had abortions

No is no. Trump, who lies about everything, couldn't say no.

According to Bill's former mistress (I trust anyone else over the Clintons) Hillary had many abortions:

Bill's Alleged Mistress: Hillary Had 'Several' Abortions [VIDEO]
Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children.

We elected a president not a role model. Role model is not one of the President's jobs.

Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.

The Clinton Foundation is better?

How much lower can you get?

I would say Hillary but i guess not since I am assuming she never blew Bill based on the fact he had to get a fatty to do it.

Absolutely. It is quite obvious that golf is Trump's job.

At least it isn't selling out America to the highest bidder like the Clintons did.

At least Trump never went after a 12 yr old rape victim.

True, He only enters dressing rooms of adult female beauty contestants, and grabs adult pussy.

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

He never claimed he assaulted any women.

Ray From Cleveland, post: 17761858,
What these statistics show is that lowlifes are having children they can't afford and know it. In the meantime, working people who limit their family size according to their income cannot have family sizes they would like.

So now you know every child born paid under Medicaid has parent's that our lowlifes.

No consideration for the hardworking poor.

Have you gone any depth into the statistics. What is the ratio of intentional lowlife's to unwanted pregnancies to young working families that qualify for Medicaid?

Did you study the stats?

If you don't have enough money to afford children but have them anyway, yes, you are a lowlife. Hard working poor do not have children they can't afford---at least the responsible ones anyway. I have more consideration for responsible people than irresponsible hard working people.

You see, the real problem I have here is non-working or low wage working people living better with less stress than responsible working people. Think about that for a second:

Non-working people have as many children as they like--working people can't.
Non-working or low wage people can live in the suburbs--some working people can't
Non-working of low wage people don't have medical coverage concerns--some working people do.
Non-working or low wage people are not concerned about their spending on groceries--working people do.
Non-working or low wage people have no concern about utilities--working people do.

If I have to support low wage or non-working people, that's fine. But they should not have a better and less stressful life than the working. I hope you can understand my position on this.

Then why would you deny a poor woman an abortion if she accidentally gets pregnant but can't afford another child?
You dopes are the same guys who say people shouldn't be forced to get health insurance . So young people don't get health insurance . Guess who has babies ??? YOUNG HEALTHY PEOLPLE!

Yes, it's true we put a lot of aid into having healthy babies . Why ? Because it's the right thing to do AND it saves the taxpayer in the long run.

Unless you'd rather have sick babies being born ? Penny wise , pound foolish .

Subsidize something and you get more of it. Subsidize irresponsible behavior, get more of it.

So what is the humane way to discourage the poor from having children? Simply deny Medicaid to any babies born beyond, say, the first one in a poor family?

What's your plan?
Are you aware that the poverty rate has not been a flat line throught this time?

The poverty rate is 14.5%. That means the same or above what it was when LBJ shoved through the War on Poverty. We've spent $14 some odd TRILLION and accomplished nothing.
It declined under Reagan and Clinton with the creation of new jobs.
The Poverty Rate declined under Reagan because of Tax Cuts.

Clinton had room to raise top tier rates and he did. Job creation was the result.
The Poverty Rate declined under Clinton because of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act AND the Dot.Com bubble and then bust causing a recession going into the term of President George Bush?

As you know as well, the 2007/2008 recession came about due to the mortgage/financial/housing meltdown caused by the policies primarily of the Democrats.

Bush cut taxes on the wealthy while off the books he spent a trillion dollars on a needless war. The result was the Great Bush Depression and an increase in poverty as the result.

President Bush did not spend a trillion dollars on a needless war. If you believe the war on terror is unnecessary, you are a typical Progressive fool. See the mess the Middle East is in after the string of failed policies by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.
So what is the humane way to discourage the poor from having children? Simply deny Medicaid to any babies born beyond, say, the first one in a poor family?

What's your plan?

One step would be to stop rewarding people for NOT being married and having children.

So what is the humane way to discourage the poor from having children? Simply deny Medicaid to any babies born beyond, say, the first one in a poor family?

What's your plan?

One step would be to stop rewarding people for NOT being married and having children.


It's not the parents you deny the 'reward' to, once the child is born. Then you have to deny the child healthcare, food, shelter, education, etc., etc....
Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil

If you have to work three jobs to support your family why shouldn't you? What makes you or anybody else above that?

The only reason anyone would have to do that, by the way, is if they made really bad decisions in life.

Instead of remarking about how others are fucking evil, you should consider what an emotionally trapped moron you are.

30 million families receive government assistance. Working three jobs means 60 million unfilled jobs out there waiting to be filled

Your buckle down and work harder makes a great bumper sticker for your conservative buddies, but as a practical solution on a national level it is ridiculous
So what is the humane way to discourage the poor from having children? Simply deny Medicaid to any babies born beyond, say, the first one in a poor family?

What's your plan?

One step would be to stop rewarding people for NOT being married and having children.

Better yet children..
Study hard, go to college, borrow if you have to, you will make it up with higher wages that will more than make up for it
Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil

If you have to work three jobs to support your family why shouldn't you? What makes you or anybody else above that?

The only reason anyone would have to do that, by the way, is if they made really bad decisions in life.

Instead of remarking about how others are fucking evil, you should consider what an emotionally trapped moron you are.

30 million families receive government assistance. Working three jobs means 60 million unfilled jobs out there waiting to be filled

Your buckle down and work harder makes a great bumper sticker for your conservative buddies, but as a practical solution on a national level it is ridiculous

Not really. When I was younger I often worked two jobs, at one point three jobs. People used to do it all the time. Several of my full-time jobs had me working six days a week plus overtime during the week on top of that.

Of course back then, government programs didn't pay squat. If you wanted something, you worked more hours. Thanks to liberalism, people no longer have pride like we used to have years ago. Most would be too ashamed to admit they've been defeated and ask taxpayers for anything.
Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil

If you have to work three jobs to support your family why shouldn't you? What makes you or anybody else above that?

The only reason anyone would have to do that, by the way, is if they made really bad decisions in life.

Instead of remarking about how others are fucking evil, you should consider what an emotionally trapped moron you are.

30 million families receive government assistance. Working three jobs means 60 million unfilled jobs out there waiting to be filled

Your buckle down and work harder makes a great bumper sticker for your conservative buddies, but as a practical solution on a national level it is ridiculous

Not really. When I was younger I often worked two jobs, at one point three jobs. People used to do it all the time. Several of my full-time jobs had me working six days a week plus overtime during the week on top of that.

Of course back then, government programs didn't pay squat. If you wanted something, you worked more hours. Thanks to liberalism, people no longer have pride like we used to have years ago. Most would be too ashamed to admit they've been defeated and ask taxpayers for anything.

You make a good case for a basic entitlement of healthcare for ALL.

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