Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

Yes it does, even for people in their 50's or 60's.
As it should. Just as they still pay in to public schools even when their kids are grown just as the previous generation before them did.

So if you don't own a car and use public transportation, would you buy car insurance? Would you buy house insurance if you rent an apartment? If not, why should people who will never need abortions or birth control have to pay for such coverage?
Because that is how insurance remains cost effective. If you sell it as ala carte you will have to raise rates

Do you think women should have to pay more for their insurance because they can become pregnant?

Sure, as you said, that's the way insurance works.

That's besides the fact it has little to do with abortions or birth control. It has to do with vote buying which is what Commie Care was and is.

The medication I need to survive is about $250.00 a month. If I don't have my medication, I die. Now whats more important, a woman getting free this and free that so she can screw around, or people that need life sustaining medication? Well...... people who need life sustaining medication are a much smaller voting block than one half of our society. That's why there is no government mandate for insurance to provide that medication, but there is for birth control and abortions.

All medications that have been approved by the government, and recommended by the AMA, and are not more expensive versions of something else that works, and is not experimental, are covered by insurance. I'm not buying it, Ray. Don't forget that I spent 50 years in the health insurance business, and my wife was a pharmacist, and my daughter is a nurse.

What does this have to do with the AMA or approval?

There is no mandate in Commie Care or any other law that states an insurance company has to provide life sustaining medication.
And how did this great society do? Well......the poorest among us are now producing 50% of the babies, that's how good it worked.

Fucking is free.......one of the last pleasures they have left

Fucking may be free, but supporting children are not, and it shouldn't be the productive in our society providing that support. It only leads to more irresponsibility.

Outlaw sex unless you have at least a $20,000 bond.

I'm surprised that this is not one our your solutions, Ray. it makes as much sense as bring back orphanages..

Yes it does, because then there would be no benefit to having children you couldn't afford. If you have a child and you can't support them, then put them in an orphanage. If we did it that way instead of the way we're doing it now, I guarantee we could cut Medicaid babies in this country by at least half or more.

But running orphanages are free? I would like to see the cost analysis that you have done to bring you to that conclusion.

No, I didn't say they were free, but if we're going to spend money to raise other people's kids, then at least lets do it in a way that will deter people from having those kids in the first place.
Not at all, just trying to help you out Joe before your obsessive disorder worsens. It really needs to be addressed before it's too late. Kind of like if you had a respiratory problem. You don't wait until you can't breathe any longer and the paramedics have to scrape you off the floor. When you have some problems breathing, you get medical help as soon as you can.

Pointing out your hypocrisy and the irony of it isn't a medical condition. You are confused Poor White Trash. You really have no excuse. You've had all the advantages of being born white in this racist as shit society, and you still fail.

We are not talking just teen pregnancies here, we are talking about all pregnancies. Stick with the subject.

You are the one who brought schools into it... by saying they weren't doing a good job. Cutting the teen pregnancy rate in half - GREAT JOB!

That's because you liberals are so brainwashed that you actually believe your puppet masters when they told you only Republicans live in red states and only Democrats live in blue states.

No, but REpublicans do make the policies. You tell girls that they need to pray toJesus to not get preggers, and they are probably going to get preggers.

No, what it tells us is that liberalism is spreading like a cancer. More and more people are becoming irresponsible. If we don't stop liberalism, it may be 60% in ten years from now. Maybe 70% ten years after that. Before you know it, poor people will virtually be the only people having babies.

That would be a tragedy. It might actually force us to fix poverty in this country. Maybe even address things like racism.

Look at the comments from your fellow liberals here. None of them want to put an end to this. None of them believe in tough love. Like most all liberals, they make excuses instead and any suggestion to try and reduce the problem is viciously attacked.

Or they just don't see the problem the way you do. If there are more poor people having babies, it's because 40 years of Republicans trying to dismantle the middle class have pushed a lot of people into the "poor" category.
Pointing out your hypocrisy and the irony of it isn't a medical condition. You are confused Poor White Trash. You really have no excuse. You've had all the advantages of being born white in this racist as shit society, and you still fail.

Pointing it out over and over again for months on end is a mental condition. It's an obsessive compulsive disorder.

You are the one who brought schools into it... by saying they weren't doing a good job. Cutting the teen pregnancy rate in half - GREAT JOB!

When did I bring up schools in this topic? Maybe be a little more specific.

No, but REpublicans do make the policies. You tell girls that they need to pray toJesus to not get preggers, and they are probably going to get preggers.

Just because Republicans make the policies doesn't mean that Democrats in those red states won't continue to be irresponsible. That's besides the fact that some of those red states are not really red at all. They consider a red state as one that voted Republican the last Presidential election. That's about 2/3 of our country.

That would be a tragedy. It might actually force us to fix poverty in this country. Maybe even address things like racism.

Another obsession of yours. How do you fix poverty, especially when you belong to a party that promoted single-parent homes which are directly related to poverty? How do you fix poverty when you incentivize poor people making more poor people?

Since this supposed war on poverty began, we spent trillions and trillions of dollars on it doing it your way, and what have we got to show for it? A very minute drop in poverty after 50 years. Your way is a failure.

Or they just don't see the problem the way you do. If there are more poor people having babies, it's because 40 years of Republicans trying to dismantle the middle class have pushed a lot of people into the "poor" category.

Even if that were true (which it's not) that's no excuse for having children you can't afford. It's no excuse for the public to support the things you want in life.
And how did this great society do? Well......the poorest among us are now producing 50% of the babies, that's how good it worked.

Fucking is free.......one of the last pleasures they have left

Fucking may be free, but supporting children are not, and it shouldn't be the productive in our society providing that support. It only leads to more irresponsibility.

Outlaw sex unless you have at least a $20,000 bond.

I'm surprised that this is not one our your solutions, Ray. it makes as much sense as bring back orphanages..

Yes it does, because then there would be no benefit to having children you couldn't afford. If you have a child and you can't support them, then put them in an orphanage. If we did it that way instead of the way we're doing it now, I guarantee we could cut Medicaid babies in this country by at least half or more.

But running orphanages are free? I would like to see the cost analysis that you have done to bring you to that conclusion.
Abortion is cheaper. Cheaper than orphanages and certainly cheaper that "retroactive abortions" AKA Death Row or prison.
Same thing happened when they invented electricity and the internal combustion engine
Yet we, as a society, used to value labor
Now we have sold out to capitalists and labor is just a necessary evil for them to make more profit. A smaller percentage of corporate profit now goes to workers
Taxpayers have had to make up the difference

Why would taxpayers have to do that? Ask yourself that question.
Good question

We do it because we are a great society. Great societies take care of their less fortunate

Only savages want to live in a survival of the fittest society

And how did this great society do? Well......the poorest among us are now producing 50% of the babies, that's how good it worked.

Fucking is free.......one of the last pleasures they have left

Fucking may be free, but supporting children are not, and it shouldn't be the productive in our society providing that support. It only leads to more irresponsibility.
Maybe if they became conservatives, they would not enjoy fucking as much

They need a big dose of conservative guilt
Why would taxpayers have to do that? Ask yourself that question.
Good question

We do it because we are a great society. Great societies take care of their less fortunate

Only savages want to live in a survival of the fittest society

And how did this great society do? Well......the poorest among us are now producing 50% of the babies, that's how good it worked.

Fucking is free.......one of the last pleasures they have left

Fucking may be free, but supporting children are not, and it shouldn't be the productive in our society providing that support. It only leads to more irresponsibility.

Outlaw sex unless you have at least a $20,000 bond.

I'm surprised that this is not one our your solutions, Ray. it makes as much sense as bring back orphanages..
He goes beyond orphanages and wants to bring back poor farms
Round up the children of the poor and send them to work farms until their parents can scratch up the money to buy their freedom
Good question

We do it because we are a great society. Great societies take care of their less fortunate

Only savages want to live in a survival of the fittest society

And how did this great society do? Well......the poorest among us are now producing 50% of the babies, that's how good it worked.

Fucking is free.......one of the last pleasures they have left

Fucking may be free, but supporting children are not, and it shouldn't be the productive in our society providing that support. It only leads to more irresponsibility.

Outlaw sex unless you have at least a $20,000 bond.

I'm surprised that this is not one our your solutions, Ray. it makes as much sense as bring back orphanages..
He goes beyond orphanages and wants to bring back poor farms
Round up the children of the poor and send them to work farms until their parents can scratch up the money to buy their freedom
Isn't that like Socialist "Young Pioneers" except without the buyback option?

Ray From Cleveland, post That is your solution?

The working poor could not afford an insurance plan out of employer group plans prior to the ACA.

A private plan covering pregnancy and childbirth was probably a few thousand a month.

What are people in poverty supposed to do? Sell Drugs to make the payments.

That is no solution. You are a fraud.

Claiming you have posted solutions.

Well Duh! How about the solution being if you can't afford to have children, don't have them?

Well, duh! That's not a solution. It's wishful thinking and in no way addresses the problem.

I think I've addressed the problem quite well. Since poor people are generally irresponsible, we can't expect them to take precautions when having sex which leads to pregnancy. So if we made a regulation that states you can't get one dime from the government until you are fixed first, that would greatly reduce the amount of poor children being born that the taxpayers no longer have to support.

No, you've addressed nothing. You've simply stated what you think it ought to be. That's wishful thinking.

Unfortunately you are correct, nobody would have the guts to address this problem, and that in itself is the problem. My solution would work however.

Your "solutions" don't address the problem, they address the results of the problem. The problem isn't that the poor are breeding. The problem is that Republican policies have made it all but impossible to get out of poverty.

Your solutions - find a job, save your money, avoid debt, and invest, may have worked when you and I were growing up and even a "starter" job paid a living wage. It's difficult to save money when your wages don't pay enough to keep a roof over your head or food in your belly.

It's hard to avoid debt when tuition has gone up 500%, and you can't the low wage summer jobs you used to get to pay tuition are now taken by former production workers looking to feed their families.

Your solutions blame poverty on the poor. And yet other countries are doing better. They don't have the extremes of wealth and poverty the US has, they don't spend their nation's wealth on foreign wars and protecting corporate interests abroad. They spend their tax dollars at home, on education, infrastructure and on their citizens, not their corporations.

Their people are happier, healthier, and aren't bitching about every dollar they pay in taxes.
As expected.

Conservatives scream about abortions but as soon as a baby leaves the womb it's a huge burden to society and should be ridiculed and forced to live in poverty. Because one out of the womb a baby is no longer a political tool the right wangs can use, so they reject it.

You've adopted or fostered how many?
I've adopted two boys. Both successful adults now. You?
Pointing out your hypocrisy and the irony of it isn't a medical condition. You are confused Poor White Trash. You really have no excuse. You've had all the advantages of being born white in this racist as shit society, and you still fail.

Pointing it out over and over again for months on end is a mental condition. It's an obsessive compulsive disorder.

You are the one who brought schools into it... by saying they weren't doing a good job. Cutting the teen pregnancy rate in half - GREAT JOB!

When did I bring up schools in this topic? Maybe be a little more specific.

No, but REpublicans do make the policies. You tell girls that they need to pray toJesus to not get preggers, and they are probably going to get preggers.

Just because Republicans make the policies doesn't mean that Democrats in those red states won't continue to be irresponsible. That's besides the fact that some of those red states are not really red at all. They consider a red state as one that voted Republican the last Presidential election. That's about 2/3 of our country.

That would be a tragedy. It might actually force us to fix poverty in this country. Maybe even address things like racism.

Another obsession of yours. How do you fix poverty, especially when you belong to a party that promoted single-parent homes which are directly related to poverty? How do you fix poverty when you incentivize poor people making more poor people?

Since this supposed war on poverty began, we spent trillions and trillions of dollars on it doing it your way, and what have we got to show for it? A very minute drop in poverty after 50 years. Your way is a failure.

Or they just don't see the problem the way you do. If there are more poor people having babies, it's because 40 years of Republicans trying to dismantle the middle class have pushed a lot of people into the "poor" category.

Even if that were true (which it's not) that's no excuse for having children you can't afford. It's no excuse for the public to support the things you want in life.

One of our major problems not mentioned enough is the importation of the poor and needy from other countries to lower wages and overburden the safety nets we have in place. This makes everyone poorer. Democrats can't talk against immigration because.... well why can't they? It hurts them too.
30 million families receive government assistance. Working three jobs means 60 million unfilled jobs out there waiting to be filled

Your buckle down and work harder makes a great bumper sticker for your conservative buddies, but as a practical solution on a national level it is ridiculous

It's only a ridiculous notion to someone lazy and entitled like yourself. There were plenty of times in the past I worked more than one job and I would do it again if ever needed. There used to be an understanding in this country that you earned your own keep. Then LBJ came along with his welfare state and the result is people like you who somehow feel working hard is beneath you.

Used to be more "extra jobs" available
Used to be you could get a low skilled job that still paid the bills
Used to be you could get a union job and be set for life
Used to be minimum wage would pay for some life essentials

That is before Republicans sold out to corporate America

Yeah, sure, tard, automation and technological advances would have never happened if it weren't for evil Republicans colluding with corporate America. I'm sure the buggy makers were pretty upset when Henry Ford starting cranking out automobiles. Good thing Bernie Sanders wasn't around then to halt the production of Fords and rein in that greedy corporatist making them.

"Used to be" sounds like a wonderful Utopia, but this is now. Learn a new skill. Make yourself needed and if all else fails, well, the world needs ditch diggers too. Who's responsibility is it to make sure you have the skills to get a job? Oh, yeah, yours.

More excuses and finger pointing at everyone else but yourself.

Same thing happened when they invented electricity and the internal combustion engine
Yet we, as a society, used to value labor
Now we have sold out to capitalists and labor is just a necessary evil for them to make more profit. A smaller percentage of corporate profit now goes to workers
Taxpayers have had to make up the difference

You don't stop progress so that people can keep a job. If we did that we'd still be dialing switchboard operators to make a phone call and paying men to operate elevators for us. It's up to our education system to adapt to a changing world, which it hasn't, by the way, because people like you are still running it and it's up to people to adapt to an ever changing world.

And no taxpayers do not have to make up the difference. You CHOOSE to make it up.
Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil
So you want someone else to work 3 jobs and support your children because you "won't," or can't?

I don't want anyone's children to die, but I want you to put forth, as you expect me to put forth, the effort to contribute to supporting your children's needs.

So what to do ? Simple question.

Simple answer: if you apply for any kind of public assistance, you don't get a dime until you are fixed first. Problem solved.

Yes, because being in need for a short period of time should cost you your ability to ever procreate.

Nothing that can't be reversed once you're off social programs.

You can't reverse sterilization.
Good question

We do it because we are a great society. Great societies take care of their less fortunate

Only savages want to live in a survival of the fittest society

There is nothing great about forcibly confiscating other people's property against their will and redistributing it to someone else. The practice is immoral and repugnant and based solely out of envy, jealousy, and greed.
So you want someone else to work 3 jobs and support your children because you "won't," or can't?

I don't want anyone's children to die, but I want you to put forth, as you expect me to put forth, the effort to contribute to supporting your children's needs.

So what to do ? Simple question.

Shouldn't you be directing that question to the people making the babies they can't afford?
It stands to reason that if no government funds can go to PP because they do abortions, then doctors who agree to see Medicaid patients and are reimbursed by the government....but then, surely, you don't need me to explain this to you.

PP claims they do not use taxpayer funds for abortions. I am proposing a solution. What does a Medicaid patient have to do with Planned Parenthood performing an abortion?

Absolutely nothing. That's the point.
There is nothing great about forcibly confiscating other people's property against their will and redistributing it to someone else. The practice is immoral and repugnant and based solely out of envy, jealousy, and greed.

Yet perfectly legal
There is nothing great about forcibly confiscating other people's property against their will and redistributing it to someone else. The practice is immoral and repugnant and based solely out of envy, jealousy, and greed.

Yet perfectly legal

Who said it wasn't? There are a lot of immoral acts that are perfectly legal.
Pointing out your hypocrisy and the irony of it isn't a medical condition. You are confused Poor White Trash. You really have no excuse. You've had all the advantages of being born white in this racist as shit society, and you still fail.

Pointing it out over and over again for months on end is a mental condition. It's an obsessive compulsive disorder.

You are the one who brought schools into it... by saying they weren't doing a good job. Cutting the teen pregnancy rate in half - GREAT JOB!

When did I bring up schools in this topic? Maybe be a little more specific.

No, but REpublicans do make the policies. You tell girls that they need to pray toJesus to not get preggers, and they are probably going to get preggers.

Just because Republicans make the policies doesn't mean that Democrats in those red states won't continue to be irresponsible. That's besides the fact that some of those red states are not really red at all. They consider a red state as one that voted Republican the last Presidential election. That's about 2/3 of our country.

That would be a tragedy. It might actually force us to fix poverty in this country. Maybe even address things like racism.

Another obsession of yours. How do you fix poverty, especially when you belong to a party that promoted single-parent homes which are directly related to poverty? How do you fix poverty when you incentivize poor people making more poor people?

Since this supposed war on poverty began, we spent trillions and trillions of dollars on it doing it your way, and what have we got to show for it? A very minute drop in poverty after 50 years. Your way is a failure.

Or they just don't see the problem the way you do. If there are more poor people having babies, it's because 40 years of Republicans trying to dismantle the middle class have pushed a lot of people into the "poor" category.

Even if that were true (which it's not) that's no excuse for having children you can't afford. It's no excuse for the public to support the things you want in life.

One of our major problems not mentioned enough is the importation of the poor and needy from other countries to lower wages and overburden the safety nets we have in place. This makes everyone poorer. Democrats can't talk against immigration because.... well why can't they? It hurts them too.
America is an immigrant nation in that it imports the finest, most freedom seeking people in the world to "to form a more perfect Union". We also need "young blood" since, like most industrialized nations, the US fertility rate is 1.87, lower than 2, the sustained replication rate. Note that it would be lower if we stopped importing immigrants from Third World nations used to having larger families.

Let's have fun with math: 2 - 1.87 = 0.13. The percentage of 0.13 of 320M = 4.16 million. That's the shortfall. 4.16 million births over a mating pair lifetime. Sure most of us won't give a shit, but those officials looking at the long-term interests of the United States do give a shit.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Factor into this the necessity for "young blood"; young workers to sustain the work force when us old farts retire, which I plan on doing in the next 2-4 years.

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