over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

Laughing....says the Tin Foil conspiracy theorist citing his imagination as a primary source.

Sorry, Ram. There's a reason why Obama's 2009 COLB is prima facie evidence in any court of law. And you're not.
Never said I was but I have a brain...gut instinct and the knowledge of history showing me just how big of a liar Obama is....
Laughing....says the Tin Foil conspiracy theorist citing his imagination as a primary source.

Sorry, Ram. There's a reason why Obama's 2009 COLB is prima facie evidence in any court of law. And you're not.
Never said I was but I have a brain...gut instinct and the knowledge of history showing me just how big of a liar Obama is....

You're not using your brain. You're using your fear and paranoia. As I'm not quoting Obama. I'm quoting the state of Hawaii.

Again, Ram.....you're ignoring *any* source that contradicts you. That's called confirmation bias. And its a classic fallacy of logic.

You've got nothing. I've got the State of Hawaii affirming the accuracy of its own vital documents. You lose again.
Um, what? Who said that Obama listed his nationality as Kenyan on his college applications?

Can you back that up at all? The only part of this you got right was that his father was born in Kenya.
Hey, do you still want me to back that up? (see above)


I'd love to see you try. I suspect I'll get more stalling and excuses though.

But hey, surprise me. Back up your claim that Obama listed his nationality as 'Kenyan' on his college applications.

Or don't surprise me and give me more song and dancing on why you can't.
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

Iraq had WMD. WMD you never knew and will never know existed. There is so much you don't know you don't know.
Iraq had em.....we just never found them in great enough numbers. The Russians made sure most of them ended up North in Syria.
You're not using your brain. You're using your fear and paranoia. As I'm not quoting Obama. I'm quoting the state of Hawaii.

Again, Ram.....you're ignoring *any* source that contradicts you. That's called confirmation bias. And its a classic fallacy of logic.

You've got nothing. I've got the State of Hawaii affirming the accuracy of its own vital documents. You lose again.
Like I said when we see the original I will accept it...until then...forget it.
A birth certificate that affirms he was born in Hawaii.....is reason to believe he was born in Kenya?

Are you okay?
A birth certificate that was suppressed for months by a democratically controlled government body, coupled with this photograph below, is reason to doubt it, no?
You're not using your brain. You're using your fear and paranoia. As I'm not quoting Obama. I'm quoting the state of Hawaii.

Again, Ram.....you're ignoring *any* source that contradicts you. That's called confirmation bias. And its a classic fallacy of logic.

You've got nothing. I've got the State of Hawaii affirming the accuracy of its own vital documents. You lose again.
Like I said when we see the original I will accept it...until then...forget it.

The 2009 COLB affirms Obama's place of birth. Everything past that is just you gobbling conspiracy Koolaid and ignoring evidence.

Prima facie evidence v. your imagination.....has the same winner every time. Not you
A birth certificate that affirms he was born in Hawaii.....is reason to believe he was born in Kenya?

Are you okay?
A birth certificate that was suppressed for months by a democratically controlled government body, coupled with this photograph below, is reason to doubt it, no?

What does this have to do with Obama claiming he was born in Kenya on his college applications. You seem....confused.

And his birth certificate wasn't 'suppressed'. A copy of his COLB was released in 2009. Birthers simply ignored it. Birthers ignoring evidence isn't evidence being 'suppressed'.

As for the picture, do you even know what that is?
'd love to see you try. I suspect I'll get more stalling and excuses though.

But hey, surprise me. Back up your claim that Obama listed his nationality as 'Kenyan' on his college applications.

Or don't surprise me and give me more song and dancing on why you can't.
Hey, I am not talking about rock-solid, clear and convening evidence. The OP was laughing at people who believe/believed that he was born in Kenya. The evidence herein is plenty to give a reasonable person cause to suspect that he was, in fact, born in Kenya. It's not actual proof, simply reason to believe and not be a complete loon for doing so.
What does this have to do with Obama claiming he was born in Kenya on his college applications. You seem....confused.

And his birth certificate wasn't 'suppressed'. A copy of his COLB was released in 2009. Birthers simply ignored it. Birthers ignoring evidence isn't evidence being 'suppressed'.

As for the picture, do you even know what that is?
Dude, why do you want scientific/DNA/Video evidence when all we're talking about is "64% of white people" believing it? We're just talking about whether those people could form such a belief, based on the facts. It's not unreasonable to believe Obama was born in Kenya and lied his ass off to be president.
'd love to see you try. I suspect I'll get more stalling and excuses though.

But hey, surprise me. Back up your claim that Obama listed his nationality as 'Kenyan' on his college applications.

Or don't surprise me and give me more song and dancing on why you can't.
Hey, I am not talking about rock-solid, clear and convening evidence.

Rock Solid clear and compelling evidence like a 2009 COLB affirming his place of birth was Hawaii....with the Republican Governor, Republican appointed Director of the Department of Health, and the republian appointed Registrar of Hawaii all affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii?

There's a reason why the COLB is prima facie evidence in any court of law.

The OP was laughing at people who believe/believed that he was born in Kenya. The evidence herein is plenty to give a reasonable person cause to suspect that he was, in fact, born in Kenya. It's not actual proof, simply reason to believe and not be a complete loon for doing so.

No reasonable person would ignore his birth certificate. Or make up elaborate batshit conspiracies about how 'Hawaii must be lying'.

That's wildly unreasonable.
The 2009 COLB affirms Obama's place of birth. Everything past that is just you gobbling conspiracy Koolaid and ignoring evidence
Where is Obama's original Birth certificate? I can produce mine in 5 seconds as I'm sure you can as well...why can't a former president of the United States find his? why does he have to rely on some sycophantic Hawaiian public servant?
Too convenient...if Obama was known to always be truthful we wouldn't be having this conversation so you can partially blame him...
What does this have to do with Obama claiming he was born in Kenya on his college applications. You seem....confused.

And his birth certificate wasn't 'suppressed'. A copy of his COLB was released in 2009. Birthers simply ignored it. Birthers ignoring evidence isn't evidence being 'suppressed'.

As for the picture, do you even know what that is?
Dude, why do you want scientific/DNA/Video evidence when all we're talking about is "64% of white people" believing it? We're just talking about whether those people could form such a belief, based on the facts. It's not unreasonable to believe Obama was born in Kenya and lied his ass off to be president.

Dude, why would a reasonable person ignore a birth certificate certified by the State of Hawaii?

You're bizarrely trying to argue that ignoring vital state issued documents and imagining a batshit conspiracy theory in its place is 'reasonable'. Its not. Its explicitly *unreasonable*, bordering on delusional.

And I'm still waiting for you to back up your claim that Obama said he was Kenyan on his college applications. So far, you've pretty much abandoned that nonsense. Which is the first reasonable thing I've seen you do.
The 2009 COLB affirms Obama's place of birth. Everything past that is just you gobbling conspiracy Koolaid and ignoring evidence
Where is Obama's original Birth certificate? I can produce mine in 5 seconds as I'm sure you can as well...why can't a former president of the United States find his? why does he have to rely on some sycophantic Hawaiian public servant?
Too convenient...if Obama was known to always be truthful we wouldn't be having this conversation so you can partially blame him...

His 2009 COLB is an original birth certificate issued by the State of Hawaii. You simply ignore it....as part of some batshit tin foil conspiracy theory where the State of Hawaii must be 'lying'. None of which you can actually back up.

Your willful ignorance isn't a standard of evidence. While his 2009 COLB is prima facie evidence in any court of law.
His 2009 COLB is an original birth certificate issued by the State of Hawaii
NO IT IS NOT...that is where you are wrong...

Says a batshit tin foil conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile, back in reality, its an original birth certificate and prima facie evidence of Obama's place of birth in any court.

You keep offering us your despeate, willful ignorance as your 'evidence'. Sorry, but you ignoring evidence doesn't make it disappear.

The 2009 COLB ended this controversy. Even Trump was forced to abandoned the birther bullshit. Yet you continue to cling to it in defiance of evidence, reason and even your own sources.

No thank you.
Dude, why would a reasonable person ignore a birth certificate certified by the State of Hawaii?
Because Democrats are known to cheat and lie, and are as partisan as fuck, especially at the local level (Rs are too, not picking sides). There was no original copy of his birth with his little footy prints on it. Harvard Law Review photograph above.

You're telling me that people MUST believe what the FUCKING GOVERNMENT tells them, when there is conflicting evidence.

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