over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

I'm sorry, maybe you missed the part about when they finally found the WMD buried out in the desert outside Iraq???

Saddam's WMDs: The Left's Iraq Lies Exposed

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider

As far as birthplace, Obama fought years and spent millions of dollars to suppress his birth records, finally forced, only a 3rd party witness in Hawaii claiming she saw Obama's indirect ""certificate of birth," (not a birth certificate), and for us to take her word, presented under court order, expert witness said the document had been tampered with and altered, Michelle Obama herself said Barack was a foreign exchange student at a public meeting before his becoming president and by good account, his own grandmother said he was born in Kenya. Show me another president with so many questions lingering around something so simple as his birth? Easy solution: PRODUCE THE ORIGINAL birth certificate! To this day, Obama fights it!

Please don't insult our intelligence with your efforts to try to divert the topic about this all being about racism------ we all know how Rule 12 of Alinsky's book works! You are so busted, Derp!
No, you didn't. You've come up with one tired piece of conspiracy flotsam after another
Bootney was giving you reasons for people to doubt the birth place of Obama and you keep posting establishment crap...the establishment has been wrong and dishonest before so showing their word is useless...the evidence of a Kenyan born Obama is compelling to say the least...I do believe that is what the original thread was about...and that is what Bootney was arguing...

Bootney was giving *irrational* reasons why people would doubt the place of birth of Barack Obama.

Batshit conspiracy theories about distrusting government and thus ignoring state issued birth certificates. Nonsense about Hawaii being democratically controlled, and thus unreliable (despite a Republican Governor, Republican Director of the Department of Health and republican appointed Registrar).

And Bootney continued to cite a 'picture from the internet' he could never identify nor explain as a 'reason' to ignore a State issued birth certificate. Which doesn't make the slightest sense. As without knowing what that picture was, how could it be MORE compelling than a state issued birth certificate?

And of course he never could explain his bizarre claim that Obama said he was a Kenyan on his college applications. Apparently backed by what you use; jack shit.

With nary a rational reason to ignore the 2009 COLB. Let alone the mountains of OTHER evidence affirming Obama's place of birth.

That's irrational.
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Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

I'm sorry, maybe you missed the part about when they finally found the WMD buried out in the desert outside Iraq???

Saddam's WMDs: The Left's Iraq Lies Exposed

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider

As far as birthplace, Obama fought years and spent millions of dollars to suppress his birth records, finally forced, only a 3rd party witness in Hawaii claiming she saw Obama's indirect ""certificate of birth," (not a birth certificate), and for us to take her word, presented under court order, expert witness said the document had been tampered with and altered, Michelle Obama herself said Barack was a foreign exchange student at a public meeting before his becoming president and by good account, his own grandmother said he was born in Kenya. Show me another president with so many questions lingering around something so simple as his birth? Easy solution: PRODUCE THE ORIGINAL birth certificate! To this day, Obama fights it!

Nonsense. His 2009 COLB settled any rational or legal objections. And affirmed his place of birth as being Hawaii. The 'third parties' you were referring to....were the Director of Health of Hawaii and the Registrar of Hawaii. Who the birthers have predictably folded into their batshit conspiracy theory as 'being in on it too'.

His COLB remains prima facie evidence in any court of law. It establishes his place of birth. You merely ignore it. And then laughably conclude that because you ignore it, it isn't evidence.

If only reality worked that way.
Nonsense. His 2009 COLB settled any rational or legal objections. If only reality worked that way.

How true, That really is such a bunch of nonsense. The exact same reasoning and argument used in every liberal argument, such as when Hillary was questioned over Benghazi for months, she couldn't remember anything, couldn't answer anything and most of the subpoenaed documentation was stalled until the public lost interest and the hearings finally closed. If we used your line of reasoning on Trump, he would have been proven free and clear of all accusations six months ago!
I'm sorry, maybe you missed the part about when they finally found the WMD buried out in the desert outside Iraq???

Saddam's WMDs: The Left's Iraq Lies Exposed

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider

Are you calling Trump a liar?!?!

Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies!
Nonsense. His 2009 COLB settled any rational or legal objections. If only reality worked that way.

How true, That really is such a bunch of nonsense. The exact same reasoning and argument used in every liberal argument, such as when Hillary was questioned over Benghazi for months, she couldn't remember anything, couldn't answer anything and most of the subpoenaed documentation was stalled until the public lost interest and the hearings finally closed. If we used your line of reasoning on Trump, he would have been proven free and clear of all accusations six months ago!

The Benghazi investigations went on for four years.

Mueller wasn't even assigned to the job until six months ago.

Try to catch up, tard.
I've been unimpressed. All you ever did was the standard conspiracy shtick; anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.

If a Republican Governor of Hawaii contradicts you, she's part of the conspiracy.

If the Republican appointed Registrar of Hawaii contradicts you, he's part of the conspiracy.

If the 2009 COLB contradicts you, its part of the conspiracy.

Birth Announcements, legal documents, vital document reviews, the Director of Health of the State of Hawaii, even a long form birth certificate that the State of Hawaii affirmed was 100% accurate and matched the original vital documents?

You ignore it all and just fold it into your batshit conspiracy theory. A theory backed by nothing. Just your imagination. And a birth certificate v. you imagination has the same winner every time.

Not you.
I have my sources....and am way ahead of most on this board...especially you little read CNN libs...

You've got jack shit. Your imagination isn't a source. And you can't back up any of your blithering conspiracy addled nonsense.

You're just another gulliable fool who drank the conspiracy Kool-Aid. And pretends that their imagination makes them special. You're not special, snowflake. You're a run of the mill conspiracy theorist with nothing to back your latest fantasy.

I've got the courage to deal with the world as it is and deal with evidence. You need fantasies of your own invention to deal with the world for you.

That's what makes us different.

Your imagination isn't a source?? Ya got that right, otherwise we'd all be liberals.

Laughing....I'm citing the State of Hawaii on its own documents. Poor, hapless birthers are citing their imagination.

I win.

Sure, your participation trophy is in the mail...dumbass.
Nonsense. His 2009 COLB settled any rational or legal objections. If only reality worked that way.

How true, That really is such a bunch of nonsense. The exact same reasoning and argument used in every liberal argument, such as when Hillary was questioned over Benghazi for months, she couldn't remember anything, couldn't answer anything and most of the subpoenaed documentation was stalled until the public lost interest and the hearings finally closed. If we used your line of reasoning on Trump, he would have been proven free and clear of all accusations six months ago!

Yeah, none of that is a rational reason to ignore a state issued birth certificate.

You can babble about Hilary and Benghazi all you like. The 2009 COLB remains prima facie evidence in any court of law. And the elaborate, batshit conspiracy one must swallow without evidence to ignore it still doesn't make the slightest sense.
I'm sorry, maybe you missed the part about when they finally found the WMD buried out in the desert outside Iraq???
"I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant," Trump said, referring to the Monica Lewinsky investigation. "And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying. By saying they had WMDs, by saying all sorts of things that happened not to be true."
- Donald J. Trump.
I've been unimpressed. All you ever did was the standard conspiracy shtick; anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.

If a Republican Governor of Hawaii contradicts you, she's part of the conspiracy.

If the Republican appointed Registrar of Hawaii contradicts you, he's part of the conspiracy.

If the 2009 COLB contradicts you, its part of the conspiracy.

Birth Announcements, legal documents, vital document reviews, the Director of Health of the State of Hawaii, even a long form birth certificate that the State of Hawaii affirmed was 100% accurate and matched the original vital documents?

You ignore it all and just fold it into your batshit conspiracy theory. A theory backed by nothing. Just your imagination. And a birth certificate v. you imagination has the same winner every time.

Not you.
I have my sources....and am way ahead of most on this board...especially you little read CNN libs...

You've got jack shit. Your imagination isn't a source. And you can't back up any of your blithering conspiracy addled nonsense.

You're just another gulliable fool who drank the conspiracy Kool-Aid. And pretends that their imagination makes them special. You're not special, snowflake. You're a run of the mill conspiracy theorist with nothing to back your latest fantasy.

I've got the courage to deal with the world as it is and deal with evidence. You need fantasies of your own invention to deal with the world for you.

That's what makes us different.

Your imagination isn't a source?? Ya got that right, otherwise we'd all be liberals.

Laughing....I'm citing the State of Hawaii on its own documents. Poor, hapless birthers are citing their imagination.

I win.

Sure, your participation trophy is in the mail...dumbass.

Laughing.....and a state issued COLB is still legal and rational proof of a place of birth. All the lot of you have offered is increasingly disjoined and irrational reasons for summarily ignoring a birth certificate because you don't like what it says.

It doesn't matter what you like. Original vital documents don't change just because you were dumb enough to swallow a batshit conspiracy theory.
I have my sources....and am way ahead of most on this board...especially you little read CNN libs...

You've got jack shit. Your imagination isn't a source. And you can't back up any of your blithering conspiracy addled nonsense.

You're just another gulliable fool who drank the conspiracy Kool-Aid. And pretends that their imagination makes them special. You're not special, snowflake. You're a run of the mill conspiracy theorist with nothing to back your latest fantasy.

I've got the courage to deal with the world as it is and deal with evidence. You need fantasies of your own invention to deal with the world for you.

That's what makes us different.

Your imagination isn't a source?? Ya got that right, otherwise we'd all be liberals.

Laughing....I'm citing the State of Hawaii on its own documents. Poor, hapless birthers are citing their imagination.

I win.

Sure, your participation trophy is in the mail...dumbass.

Laughing.....and a state issued COLB is still legal and rational proof of a place of birth. All the lot of you have offered is increasingly disjoined and irrational reasons for summarily ignoring a birth certificate because you don't like what it says.

It doesn't matter what you like. Original vital documents don't change just because you were dumb enough to swallow a batshit conspiracy theory.

Yep, same with dossiers evidently.
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You've got jack shit. Your imagination isn't a source. And you can't back up any of your blithering conspiracy addled nonsense.

You're just another gulliable fool who drank the conspiracy Kool-Aid. And pretends that their imagination makes them special. You're not special, snowflake. You're a run of the mill conspiracy theorist with nothing to back your latest fantasy.

I've got the courage to deal with the world as it is and deal with evidence. You need fantasies of your own invention to deal with the world for you.

That's what makes us different.

Your imagination isn't a source?? Ya got that right, otherwise we'd all be liberals.

Laughing....I'm citing the State of Hawaii on its own documents. Poor, hapless birthers are citing their imagination.

I win.

Sure, your participation trophy is in the mail...dumbass.

Laughing.....and a state issued COLB is still legal and rational proof of a place of birth. All the lot of you have offered is increasingly disjoined and irrational reasons for summarily ignoring a birth certificate because you don't like what it says.

It doesn't matter what you like. Original vital documents don't change just because you were dumb enough to swallow a batshit conspiracy theory.

Yep, same with dossiers evidently.

Laughing.....you're scrambling from topic to topic, trying to make something work. Alas, you still have no rational reason to ignore a state issued birth certificate.

All you have is mountains and mountains of baseless batshit. None of which you can rationally back up.

Meanwhile, Obama's 2009 COLB remains prima facie evidence in any court. And you still have no rational reason to ignore it.
And I'm guessing you have no clue about the evidence that indicates that Obama's COLB and birth certificate have been altered or forged.

You know that the accidentally released copy of the back side of Obama's COLB shows that it was created in 2007, right? Right?

You're aware of the enormous discrepancies between the BC that Obama released in 2012 and the "official birth certificate verification" that was done by Dr. Fukino, the director of the Hawaiian Department of Health in 2008 (Dr. Fukino said the BC was "half handwritten"). You're aware of this, right? Was Dr. Fukino drunk when she examined the alleged BC?

And, of course, you're aware that the About the Author that Obama approved for his first book, years before he ran for president, said he was born in Kenya?

It really helps to read both sides of the issue before posting something about it.
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Sorry, you didn't expose anything. The only reason one would think Michelle Obama claimed Obama was born in Kenya is if one is a birther. What other point could you possibly be making? That Michelle Obama is a birther? You're a nut.

" The only reason one would think Michelle Obama claimed Obama was born in Kenya..."


I provided her saying so.

Try to stop lying.

First, point out in the video where she says Obama was born in Kenya, what is the time stamp?

And then why don't you answer the question. If you're not a birther why would you be making the claim that Michelle said Obama was born in Kenya? THINK???? Fuck you, asnwer a question for a change.

Michelle Obama: "Kenya.....Barak's home country....."

In your face.

So, you believe Michelle Obama is a birther, god damn, your logic is flawless.

Let's review the facts:

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Let's review the facts

You claimed Michelle Obama said Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

You lied.

And those are the facts.
Let's review the facts:

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Any questions???
More important than the ACCUSATIONS that Barry was born out of country was / is his own admission that he was mentored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Saul Alinsky - even quoted him during his Inauguration, was mentored by an Anti-American hate-spewing racist pastor, and was friends with terrorists, like Bill Ayers.

...but the media successfully convinced idiot voters none of this past mattered...

LOL- the media successfully convinced idiot voters to vote for Donald Trump.

Barack Obama didn't 'admit' anything- he wrote a whole book about his relationship with Frank Davis- and the voters basically told idiots like you to shut the fuck up.
And I'm guessing you have no clue about the evidence that indicates that Obama's COLB and birth certificate have been altered or forged.

You know that the accidentally released copy of the back side of Obama's COLB shows that it was created in 2007, right? Right?

You're aware of the enormous discrepancies between the BC that Obama released in 2012 and the "official birth certificate verification" that was done by Dr. Fukino, the director of the Hawaiian Department of Health in 2008 (Dr. Fukino said the BC was "half handwritten"). You're aware of this, right? Was Dr. Fukino drunk when she examined the alleged BC?

And, of course, you're aware that the About the Author that Obama approved for his first book, years before he ran for president, said he was born in Kenya?

It really helps to read both sides of the issue before posting something about it.

I have been following Birther idiotic lies since 2009. Yes I am aware of every single one of your idiotic lies.

There is no evidence that Barack Obama's birth certificate was altered.
There is no 'accidental' release of the back side of Barack Obama's birth certificate.
Dr. Fukino said very clearly that she had seen the original birth documentation of Barack Obama- and that he was born in Hawaii.
And there is no indication that Barack Obama ever approved or knew that that short bio said he was born in Kenya- but we do know from the editor that he never told them he was born in Kenya

It really helps if you read any of the facts- rather than just reposting Birther lies and idiocy.
And who has ever claimed that Obama said he was born in Kenya?
Wasn't me, so / and I don't give a crap. As I said, I was more concerned about the extreme influence Communists, Socialists, Terrorists, and Anti-American Hate-Spewing Racists had on him.
Yet here you are. Spewing your usual extreme partisan lies and hate towards Barack Obama and in support of the idiotic Birthers.

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