Over 7 Hours Of Missing Trump Phone Records Makes Nixon Tapes Look like Nothing

You're FOS.

No shit.
They can ask questions though.

That was the Trumptard SENATE, who didn't want witnesses.

January 31 2020
The trial of US President Donald Trump in the US Senate will not feature witnesses or new evidence, lawmakers in the Republican-majority chamber decided on Friday.

Out of 100 senators, 51 voted against compelling witness testimony and issuing subpoenas for documents.

The decision against hearing witnesses makes this bizarre sort of trial, but it is very political and a number of senators had made it clear what they would decide before it started the pre-ordained outcome isn’t surprising.
No, you’re just ignorant. The HOUSE calls witnesses. The Senate merely hears what the HOUSE found in their questioning of witnesses. So melt down all you want, your eyes just showing how stupid you are. The Senate does not do the investigative work. Period. Schittferbrains was so eager to run to the Senate with his garbage (Dems were forced to admit they manufactured “evidence”) that he didn’t do his job. Doesn’t mean you get a do-over in the Senate. Maybe you should tell these morons to actually attempt to do their job next time.
You're the one confused and ignorant.

"They constitute the trier of fact. Not the investigators".
Cross-examining witnesses is part of the investigation, moron.
The same witnesses Trumptards didn't even bother to listen to.

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Investigation is what the House does, dude.....you know.....present evidence, indict....then send to Senate for trial.

See ou're getting your ass handed to you over you lack of understanding of how the impeachment process works.
Wow, you got your months right.
Baby steps.
WTF does that have to do with...................ANYTHING?

Impeach a private citizen.......then remove Him from office in Senate.....wait....he's not president now.


You dumb as a rock or just stoned?
No, you’re just ignorant.
You're a moron.

The HOUSE calls witnesses.
The Senate can too, dipshit.

May 13 2021
The Senate voted Saturday morning to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, a move that was reversed a few hours later with a deal to allow a key statement into the record.

The vote on witnesses, which was 55-45, temporarily threw a wrench into the proceeding, which had been on a fast track to end, with many senators from both sides of the aisle anxious to put it behind them and move on.

A Trump aide was photographed with a list containing, it claimed, 301 witnesses (so far). Among them was Pelosi, Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a New York Times photographer, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser as well several of the House managers.

July 9 2020
Three weeks after President Clinton's impeachment trial began that the Senate directly addressed the issue of witnesses. In a 54-44 vote, the Senate passed a resolution approving subpoenas for three people: Sidney Blumenthal, Monica Lewinsky, and Vernon Jordan.

The rules required all three to be deposed behind closed doors first, and ultimately none of them testified live before the Senate. Instead, portions of the videotaped depositions were played during the trial.

The Senate merely hears what the HOUSE found in their questioning of witnesses. So melt down all you want, your eyes just showing how stupid you are.
See above, idiot.
The Senate does not do the investigative work. Period.
Depositions are investigative work.
Schittferbrains was so eager to run to the Senate with his garbage (Dems were forced to admit they manufactured “evidence”) that he didn’t do his job. Doesn’t mean you get a do-over in the Senate. Maybe you should tell these morons to actually attempt to do their job next time.
The Trumptards didn't want to see or hear any accusations, let alone any evidence against their dear leader.

Investigation is what the House does, dude.....you know.....present evidence, indict....then send to Senate for trial.

I didn't claim anything to the contrary.

See ou're getting your ass handed to you over you lack of understanding of how the impeachment process works.
You're FOS..................as usual.

Just like Trump but dumber.

July 28 2021
Tuesday night, the Republican primary for the U.S. House seat vacated by Ron Wright upon his death from COVID-19 was won by Jake Ellzey and not the Trump-endorsed candidate, Susan Wright, widow of the congressman.

Impeach a private citizen.......then remove Him from office in Senate.....wait....he's not president now.


You dumb as a rock or just stoned?
You're a special kind of stupid............................the kind Trump thrives on.

January 15 2021
The Constitution mentions no time barriers on impeachment anywhere in the six clauses defining the process and the dangers of allowing presidents to escape responsibility for misconduct done in or discovered after their last few days in office, there are three other compelling arguments that post-presidential impeachment is legitimate.

The first is that a president who returns to private life is not like other private citizens. He is different because he becomes an ex-president, and as an ex-president he has an office and certain privileges such as briefings, and entitlements such as Secret Service protection.
An ex-president occupies, in other words, a special kind of office, and therefore once someone leaves the presidency, he is still subject to conviction by the Senate (by at least 2/3 of the Senate as required in the Constitution) and removal from the office he holds as ex-president.
His removal, via a two-thirds vote in the Senate, would likely strip him of whatever powers and benefits he has as an ex-president and through a separate vote after he is convicted, Trump may be subject to the unique constitutional penalty of disqualification, which the Constitution expressly recognizes as one of the two sanctions that may be imposed on an official convicted in an impeachment trial.

Post-presidential impeachment is also legitimate because the Senate rules, initially drafted by Thomas Jefferson when he was vice-president, allow it. They provide that once the Senate has received the articles of impeachment, the Senate must “immediately” proceed with a trial.

Trump was still president when the articles of impeachment was passed on January 13.

You're a moron.

The Senate can too, dipshit.

May 13 2021
The Senate voted Saturday morning to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, a move that was reversed a few hours later with a deal to allow a key statement into the record.

The vote on witnesses, which was 55-45, temporarily threw a wrench into the proceeding, which had been on a fast track to end, with many senators from both sides of the aisle anxious to put it behind them and move on.

A Trump aide was photographed with a list containing, it claimed, 301 witnesses (so far). Among them was Pelosi, Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a New York Times photographer, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser as well several of the House managers.

The Trumptards didn't want to see or hear any accusations, let alone any evidence against their dear leader.
Cut a bipartisan deal.....LOL
The Senate voted Saturday morning to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, a move that was reversed a few hours later with a deal to allow a key statement into the record.

The vote on witnesses, which was 55-45, temporarily threw a wrench into the proceeding, which had been on a fast track to end, with many senators from both sides of the aisle anxious to put it behind them and move on.

You're a special kind of stupid............................the kind Trump thrives on.

January 15 2021
The Constitution mentions no time barriers on impeachment anywhere in the six clauses defining the process and the dangers of allowing presidents to escape responsibility for misconduct done in or discovered after their last few days in office, there are three other compelling arguments that post-presidential impeachment is legitimate.

The first is that a president who returns to private life is not like other private citizens. He is different because he becomes an ex-president, and as an ex-president he has an office and certain privileges such as briefings, and entitlements such as Secret Service protection.
An ex-president occupies, in other words, a special kind of office, and therefore once someone leaves the presidency, he is still subject to conviction by the Senate (by at least 2/3 of the Senate as required in the Constitution) and removal from the office he holds as ex-president.
His removal, via a two-thirds vote in the Senate, would likely strip him of whatever powers and benefits he has as an ex-president and through a separate vote after he is convicted, Trump may be subject to the unique constitutional penalty of disqualification, which the Constitution expressly recognizes as one of the two sanctions that may be imposed on an official convicted in an impeachment trial.

Post-presidential impeachment is also legitimate because the Senate rules, initially drafted by Thomas Jefferson when he was vice-president, allow it. They provide that once the Senate has received the articles of impeachment, the Senate must “immediately” proceed with a trial.

Trump was still president when the articles of impeachment was passed on January 13.


Your whole show trial was to attempt to prevent Trump from running in 2024.

That is how scared the left is of Trump.
You're a moron.

The Senate can too, dipshit.

May 13 2021
The Senate voted Saturday morning to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, a move that was reversed a few hours later with a deal to allow a key statement into the record.

The vote on witnesses, which was 55-45, temporarily threw a wrench into the proceeding, which had been on a fast track to end, with many senators from both sides of the aisle anxious to put it behind them and move on.

A Trump aide was photographed with a list containing, it claimed, 301 witnesses (so far). Among them was Pelosi, Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a New York Times photographer, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser as well several of the House managers.

July 9 2020
Three weeks after President Clinton's impeachment trial began that the Senate directly addressed the issue of witnesses. In a 54-44 vote, the Senate passed a resolution approving subpoenas for three people: Sidney Blumenthal, Monica Lewinsky, and Vernon Jordan.

The rules required all three to be deposed behind closed doors first, and ultimately none of them testified live before the Senate. Instead, portions of the videotaped depositions were played during the trial.

See above, idiot.

Depositions are investigative work.

The Trumptards didn't want to see or hear any accusations, let alone any evidence against their dear leader.

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Go fuck yourself ignoramus. Continuing to show your utter stupidity. The Senate acts as the jury. Jurors do not call witnesses. That is the job of the HOUSE. No matter how much bullshit you spout. Now STFU. Or continue embarrassing yourself asshole.
Go fuck yourself ignoramus. Continuing to show your utter stupidity. The Senate acts as the jury. Jurors do not call witnesses. That is the job of the HOUSE. No matter how much bullshit you spout. Now STFU. Or continue embarrassing yourself asshole.

Being as they create their own rules and are not bound by law.......
Cut a bipartisan deal.....LOL

Your whole show trial was to attempt to prevent Trump from running in 2024.
Sure, why not, the orange traitor tried to overthrow the election.
Trump's cult is rigging the next one.
That is how scared the left is of Trump.
EVERYONE should be scared of the retard, if not, there's something wrong with YOU.
No one with two brain cells to rub together would let the grifter run a lemonade stand.
Go fuck yourself ignoramus. Continuing to show your utter stupidity. The Senate acts as the jury. Jurors do not call witnesses. That is the job of the HOUSE. No matter how much bullshit you spout. Now STFU. Or continue embarrassing yourself asshole.
Holy fuck what a retard.
Even when you're proven wrong, you continue with made-up BS.
Just like your daddy...................doubling down on your stupidity.
Keep embarrassing yourself, like Trump.............you found something you're good at.
The only morons that are dumber than Trump.................... are his cult.
Sure, why not, the orange traitor tried to overthrow the election.
Trump's cult is rigging the next one.

EVERYONE should be scared of the retard, if not, there's something wrong with YOU.
No one with two brain cells to rub together would let the grifter run a lemonade stand.
Yet your boy barely can remember his name......LOL

Who was that old guy in a daze trying to get Obama's attention at the WH the other day?
It was revealed by Robert Costa that Donald Trump's White House phone records had seemingly disappearedbetween 11:17 a.m. to 6:54 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2021. At a time when many leaders said that they were calling the White House, somehow there was no record of it from the White House. It was a tip-off to any investigators that something was being held back or intentionally hidden.

The carriers have them. Merrick Garland will soon.

yeah, so Ashley Biden said she used to take uncomfortably long showers with her dad, Joetato in her diary. cant wait to see that. Joe always has given off a molester vibe.
Yet your boy barely can remember his name......LOL

Who was that old guy in a daze trying to get Obama's attention at the WH the other day?
The edited video from FOX?
They've been caught so many times it's ridiculous.
Even more ridiculous, Trumptards still believe it.
The edited video from FOX?
They've been caught so many times it's ridiculous.
Even more ridiculous, Trumptards still believe it.

Even unedited shows the same thing.....Hear his story lie about going to the Himalaya's with Xi at the Jackson (get my approval ratings up) photo op? Fact checked by WAPO in 2019 as false.
Even unedited shows the same thing.....Hear his story lie about going to the Himalaya's with Xi at the Jackson (get my approval ratings up) photo op? Fact checked by WAPO in 2019 as false.
Sure it does, FOX cut the footage before Biden found the person who he was supposed to introduce to speak next.

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