Over 70% Of Democrats Think Hillary Should Still Run Even If Indicted

If the mainstream (liberal ) media isn't outraged the 70% of the low information democrat party won't be outraged. It's a fact of life.
Democrats consider rules and laws and morals only as things to use for accusations of hypocrisy against right wingers who violate them.
Or... laws only keep honest people honest.
Rules and laws are only meant for Republicans
That's right. So you better stay in line.
When Trump becomes president, Hillary will go to jail. Then I will party like it's 1999!

And when pigs fly, you will open a flying butcher shop.....

They just want to make history at the expense of the country. :cuckoo:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted
Speaking of which, how's that indictment coming along?

It's coming along well. IG report confirmed she lied. And lied badly. They've extradited a hacker from Europe for low level charges (unusual) and gave him a plea deal to cooperate (with what?). They've given immunity to some of her aides. The FBI director has publicly countered what Crooked Hillary said about the "security review" by saying it's 100% an investigation.

Here's a hint Bodecea. In law enforcement...you don't spend unnecessary money on a case unless you think you have a crime. They're doing extradition from Europe.....for a low level hacker. Just so they can give him a plea deal on a small charge....to cooperate with a case that (according to libs) isn't criminal and isn't an issue???

Hmmmm. For it to be such a non issue....the FBI sure isn't acting like it.
you are a little behind the times bucs...

On May 25, 2016, Lazar—then age 44—pleaded guilty in U.S. federal court to unauthorized access to a protected computer and aggravated identity theft as part of a plea agreement with federal prosecutors.[21]

According to a Justice Department press release:

"In a statement of facts filed with his plea agreement, Lazar admitted that from at least October 2012 to January 2014, he intentionally gained unauthorized access to personal email and social media accounts belonging to approximately 100 Americans, and he did so to unlawfully obtain his victims’ personal information and email correspondence. His victims included an immediate family member of two former U.S. presidents, a former member of the U.S. Cabinet, a former member of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former presidential advisor, he admitted. Lazar admitted that in many instances, he publically released his victims’ private email correspondence, medical and financial information and personal photographs."[21]
Lazar is scheduled to be sentenced on September 1, 2016.[21]
To think that 70% of ANY group would vote for someone who should never EVER AGAIN hold a TSecret clearance --- is disgusting.

She purposely mishandled her secure communications for her CONVENIENCE. And because she's an arrogant power whore. Don't NEED to indict her.. Just have the FBI revoke her courtesy clearances and declare she is ineligible for FUTURE TS clearances or above.

The FBI can do that by themselves. THEN watch these lemmings ignore National security to go over the cliff with her.
Here's a question. If the FBI revokes her security clearance, what then? Can a person who can't qualify for a security clearance be President?

That is not a requirement for president of the United States.

They just want to make history at the expense of the country. :cuckoo:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent.
Liberals believe Conservatives are guilty. No need to prove anything.

Why we act like you? You are the one declaring a 'liberal' guilty in this thread- nobody to blame but your own Conservative standards.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

They just want to make history at the expense of the country. :cuckoo:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals also like to ignore facts and pretend that she hasn't ever done anything wrong. :cuckoo:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

You prove my point again.
To think that 70% of ANY group would vote for someone who should never EVER AGAIN hold a TSecret clearance --- is disgusting.r.

Demonstrating again:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent
I think you are wrong. I think Obama will pull the rug out from under Hillary at the last moment and in steps Biden.

Obama hates the Clinton clan.

Putting Joe Biden in and knocking out Bernie Sanders will cause riots in the streets. Could happen anyway and here it was the Progressives who believed the Republicans would be in chaos.

They just want to make history at the expense of the country. :cuckoo:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals also like to ignore facts and pretend that she hasn't ever done anything wrong. :cuckoo:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

You prove my point again.

No, I just stated a fact.
I do. I suspect most people do. As for crimes... you people keep talking about Hillary's crimes, but you can never come up with a crime on her record.

I take it you refused to read the 83-page report.

I take it you are enjoying your chase lounge as you drift down DENIAL RIVER.

They just want to make history at the expense of the country. :cuckoo:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals also like to ignore facts and pretend that she hasn't ever done anything wrong. :cuckoo:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

You prove my point again.

No, I just stated a fact.

You just showed that you don't know what facts are.
I do. I suspect most people do. As for crimes... you people keep talking about Hillary's crimes, but you can never come up with a crime on her record.

I take it you refused to read the 83-page report.

I take it you are enjoying your chase lounge as you drift down DENIAL RIVER.
Oh then you should have no problem telling us what crime she committed.

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