Over 70% Of Democrats Think Hillary Should Still Run Even If Indicted

To think that 70% of ANY group would vote for someone who should never EVER AGAIN hold a TSecret clearance --- is disgusting.r.

Demonstrating again:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

There is no doubt she mishandled classification information. ALL of her work was ROUTED thru an UNSECURE private server. Only to be determined what other charges are applied. The very act of purposely DESIGNING a convenience for routing the most secret stuff OUT of the approved comm channels is more than mere mishandling.

The fact that you can DENY this -- means you probably never HAD a clearance and/or don't really give a hot fuck about National Security.. If NONE of that impresses you ---- just read your heroines cackles in my Sig line.

THAT quote is stupidity not requiring a verdict. That comment ALONE --- should tell you how oblivious she is to ethics, morals, or character.

What sig line? I ignore sig lines frankly.

Like I said- and nothing you have said changes the facts- Ms. Clinton has not been charged- let alone convicted of anything.

4* If Hillary Clinton is charged with a felony in connection with the e-mail investigation, should she immediately stop campaigning or should she continue running until a court determines her guilt or innocence?

This thread is about a poll in which Democrat voters were asked this question
Questions - Hillary Clinton E-mail - May 29-30, 2016 - Rasmussen Reports™
4* If Hillary Clinton is charged with a felony in connection with the e-mail investigation, should she immediately stop campaigning or should she continue running until a court determines her guilt or innocence?

So far, you and other conservatives have been aghast- AGHAST- that Democrats would presume someone innocent until proven guilty- you know- the question this thread was about.

So once again- my point- which keeps getting demonstrated over and over in this thread:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

The fact that you won't read the Sig Line is troublesome. So in case you've locked yourself in a tiny safe space, I'll provide it for your comments (or for you to simply ignore which is the EXPECTED lemming response).

>>Hillary Victory Speech 3-15-16>> The epitome of clueless hypocrisy..
"We live in a complex and, yes, a dangerous world. Protecting America's national security can never be an after thought."

Yeah -- she actually said that... :eusa_doh:

BTW --- I'm not a Conservative. I dont usually vote for Dems or Reps. I just happen to have spent about 8 years in national intelligence areas. And my life was restricted whilst I did and had to contend with all the "inconveniences" that your power whore arrogantly ignored. And I (and millions of others that have served in those trusted capacities) am MIGHTILY PISSED.

Figures you would just blow this off as another "partisan thing"..

Okay- you are not a Conservative.

You are just another person who believes in guilty until proven innocent.

So did you absorb the MASSIVE hypocrisy in that Hilliary statement in my sig line?
Understand WHY someone who wouldn't RECOGNIZE that arrogance shouldn't be trusted?

We NOW hear that she refused to use ANY type of Secured Net gear in her State Dept office. (other than a red phone line) And because her BlackBerry doesn't FUNCTION in an approved secure office -- she would ride the elevator to another floor and stand in the hallway to do her work..

IS THAT the Commander in Chief that you want?

"""Oh the Ambassador from Egypt has been emailing me? Excuse me while I take my Blackberry downstairs to respond.. """
No- you convict someone, I will believe the person is guilty regardless of party.


Former Connecticut Gov. John G. Rowland, Republican
- guilty
Former Rep. Frank Ballance, D-N.C.- guilty

And that krooked kunt Hillary?

See- not that hard to do.

What did you have to do with the convictions? What is this supposed to prove? :dunno:

But you- and your fellow travellers Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Or rather, guilty once proven guilty, even if a party member.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

Whereas you leftists believe in innocent if a party member.

Bill Clinton, on tape threatening Betty Currie to perjure herself or he would see to it that she lost her pension.

But we know that you still defend him and wail that his impeachment was unfair.

He is a party member, and THAT is the ONLY measure for you leftists of the demagogue - sociopath party.

That would make her the 2nd consecutive president who WOULDN'T QUALIFY to be their own secret service protection. Obama due to his terror association with Bill Mahr. Crooked Hillary due to her felony indictment.

Bill Mahr is a comedian, you boob.
If this actually happens what incentive does anyone have to follow the law anymore? Not that liberals care about that kind of stuff anyway.
Demonstrating again:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

There is no doubt she mishandled classification information. ALL of her work was ROUTED thru an UNSECURE private server. Only to be determined what other charges are applied. The very act of purposely DESIGNING a convenience for routing the most secret stuff OUT of the approved comm channels is more than mere mishandling.

The fact that you can DENY this -- means you probably never HAD a clearance and/or don't really give a hot fuck about National Security.. If NONE of that impresses you ---- just read your heroines cackles in my Sig line.

THAT quote is stupidity not requiring a verdict. That comment ALONE --- should tell you how oblivious she is to ethics, morals, or character.

What sig line? I ignore sig lines frankly.

Like I said- and nothing you have said changes the facts- Ms. Clinton has not been charged- let alone convicted of anything.

4* If Hillary Clinton is charged with a felony in connection with the e-mail investigation, should she immediately stop campaigning or should she continue running until a court determines her guilt or innocence?

This thread is about a poll in which Democrat voters were asked this question
Questions - Hillary Clinton E-mail - May 29-30, 2016 - Rasmussen Reports™
4* If Hillary Clinton is charged with a felony in connection with the e-mail investigation, should she immediately stop campaigning or should she continue running until a court determines her guilt or innocence?

So far, you and other conservatives have been aghast- AGHAST- that Democrats would presume someone innocent until proven guilty- you know- the question this thread was about.

So once again- my point- which keeps getting demonstrated over and over in this thread:

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent

The fact that you won't read the Sig Line is troublesome. So in case you've locked yourself in a tiny safe space, I'll provide it for your comments (or for you to simply ignore which is the EXPECTED lemming response).

>>Hillary Victory Speech 3-15-16>> The epitome of clueless hypocrisy..
"We live in a complex and, yes, a dangerous world. Protecting America's national security can never be an after thought."

Yeah -- she actually said that... :eusa_doh:

BTW --- I'm not a Conservative. I dont usually vote for Dems or Reps. I just happen to have spent about 8 years in national intelligence areas. And my life was restricted whilst I did and had to contend with all the "inconveniences" that your power whore arrogantly ignored. And I (and millions of others that have served in those trusted capacities) am MIGHTILY PISSED.

Figures you would just blow this off as another "partisan thing"..

Okay- you are not a Conservative.

You are just another person who believes in guilty until proven innocent.

So did you absorb the MASSIVE hypocrisy in that Hilliary statement in my sig line?

I already told you I don't pay any attention to sig lines.

I am addressing the topic of this thread- which was a poll- where Democrats were asked whether they thought that Ms. Clinton should withdraw before she was convicted of any crime- most said no.

The OP used that to attack Democrats- and his fellow traveller Conservatives chimed in- because they all believe that when it comes to Clinton- she is guilty until proven innocent.

Democrats- in the poll showed that Democrats believe in innocent until proven guilty.
If this actually happens what incentive does anyone have to follow the law anymore? Not that liberals care about that kind of stuff anyway.

'if this actually happens'- what- a charge?

What do you have against waiting until a conviction before you bring the hanging rope out?
If this actually happens what incentive does anyone have to follow the law anymore? Not that liberals care about that kind of stuff anyway.

'if this actually happens'- what- a charge?

What do you have against waiting until a conviction before you bring the hanging rope out?

You mean like George Zimmerman and Darrell Wilson?
I do. I suspect most people do. As for crimes... you people keep talking about Hillary's crimes, but you can never come up with a crime on her record.

I take it you refused to read the 83-page report.

I take it you are enjoying your chase lounge as you drift down DENIAL RIVER.
Oh then you should have no problem telling us what crime she committed.

Did Where_r_my_brains ever answer your question about what crime Hillary committed?
So will republicans you partisan ouece of shit. It's happened before and it'll happen again.

This R here continued as Congressman -- and had to wear a fucking ankle bracelet -- and *after* his conviction, Gingrich even appointed him to a "plum position."

Days in the Life of Jay Kim in the U.S. House of Correction

Rep. Jay Kim (R-Calif.), is confined to Washington D.C. after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations. (AP)
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 22, 1998; Page A23
Jay Kim has become Congress's disreputable uncle. He's always there, but no one wants to discuss him.

"It's like an awkward family dinner," said one Republican lawmaker, asking not to be identified. "You just don't talk about it."

Even Kim's fiercest allies describe their colleague's predicament-the California Republican is restricted to the halls of Congress and his Fairfax apartment as part of his sentence for accepting more than $250,000 in illegal foreign and corporate contributions-delicately.

"It's an awkward situation for everyone. I'm also the first to admit the guy made mistakes," said Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.). But he added quickly, "His plight has not diminished his effectiveness here in Congress."


House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bud Shuster (R-Pa.), who is facing an ethics investigation himself, is not particularly eager to talk about why he and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) gave Kim a plum appointment on the group negotiating the colossal highway bill. Shuster emphasized that Gingrich actually made the decision to select Kim, whom he described as "a very active member."

Washingtonpost.com: Days in the Life of Jay Kim in the U.S. House of Correction
I'm sure you can always find some unknown R that broke the law, but none of them was indicted for or guilty of espionage and then won the nomination for president.
Be a good little pony and let us know when there's an indictment, much less a guilty verdict - mkay?
Are you actually admitting that you are stupid enough to think she's innocent? Or do you think it dosen't matter you will vote for her anyway!
Where is the indictment?
This R here continued as Congressman -- and had to wear a fucking ankle bracelet -- and *after* his conviction, Gingrich even appointed him to a "plum position."

Days in the Life of Jay Kim in the U.S. House of Correction

Rep. Jay Kim (R-Calif.), is confined to Washington D.C. after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations. (AP)
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 22, 1998; Page A23
Jay Kim has become Congress's disreputable uncle. He's always there, but no one wants to discuss him.

"It's like an awkward family dinner," said one Republican lawmaker, asking not to be identified. "You just don't talk about it."

Even Kim's fiercest allies describe their colleague's predicament-the California Republican is restricted to the halls of Congress and his Fairfax apartment as part of his sentence for accepting more than $250,000 in illegal foreign and corporate contributions-delicately.

"It's an awkward situation for everyone. I'm also the first to admit the guy made mistakes," said Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.). But he added quickly, "His plight has not diminished his effectiveness here in Congress."


House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bud Shuster (R-Pa.), who is facing an ethics investigation himself, is not particularly eager to talk about why he and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) gave Kim a plum appointment on the group negotiating the colossal highway bill. Shuster emphasized that Gingrich actually made the decision to select Kim, whom he described as "a very active member."

Washingtonpost.com: Days in the Life of Jay Kim in the U.S. House of Correction
I'm sure you can always find some unknown R that broke the law, but none of them was indicted for or guilty of espionage and then won the nomination for president.
Be a good little pony and let us know when there's an indictment, much less a guilty verdict - mkay?
Are you actually admitting that you are stupid enough to think she's innocent? Or do you think it dosen't matter you will vote for her anyway!
Where is the indictment?

We know where you nose is?
If this actually happens what incentive does anyone have to follow the law anymore? Not that liberals care about that kind of stuff anyway.

'if this actually happens'- what- a charge?

What do you have against waiting until a conviction before you bring the hanging rope out?

You mean like George Zimmerman and Darrell Wilson?
And Trayvon Martin. No, wait.....he wasn't even indicted or tried.....just killed.
This R here continued as Congressman -- and had to wear a fucking ankle bracelet -- and *after* his conviction, Gingrich even appointed him to a "plum position."

Days in the Life of Jay Kim in the U.S. House of Correction

Rep. Jay Kim (R-Calif.), is confined to Washington D.C. after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations. (AP)
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 22, 1998; Page A23
Jay Kim has become Congress's disreputable uncle. He's always there, but no one wants to discuss him.

"It's like an awkward family dinner," said one Republican lawmaker, asking not to be identified. "You just don't talk about it."

Even Kim's fiercest allies describe their colleague's predicament-the California Republican is restricted to the halls of Congress and his Fairfax apartment as part of his sentence for accepting more than $250,000 in illegal foreign and corporate contributions-delicately.

"It's an awkward situation for everyone. I'm also the first to admit the guy made mistakes," said Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.). But he added quickly, "His plight has not diminished his effectiveness here in Congress."


House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bud Shuster (R-Pa.), who is facing an ethics investigation himself, is not particularly eager to talk about why he and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) gave Kim a plum appointment on the group negotiating the colossal highway bill. Shuster emphasized that Gingrich actually made the decision to select Kim, whom he described as "a very active member."

Washingtonpost.com: Days in the Life of Jay Kim in the U.S. House of Correction
I'm sure you can always find some unknown R that broke the law, but none of them was indicted for or guilty of espionage and then won the nomination for president.
Be a good little pony and let us know when there's an indictment, much less a guilty verdict - mkay?
Are you actually admitting that you are stupid enough to think she's innocent? Or do you think it dosen't matter you will vote for her anyway!
Where is the indictment?

We know where you nose is?
Beg pardon?
Democrats consider rules and laws and morals only as things to use for accusations of hypocrisy against right wingers who violate them.
Or... laws only keep honest people honest.
Rules and laws are only meant for Republicans
That's right. So you better stay in line.
When Trump becomes president, Hillary will go to jail. Then I will party like it's 1999!
Interesting that you think a President can just jail people. Not that knowledgeable on our Constitution and Separation of Powers, are you?
Exactly. And you'd be smart to wisen up and stop asking questions.
I hope president Trump treats liberals exactly like obama treats conservatives. It will be funny to witness your outrage.
Trump is with us on most issues. No matter though. A Presidency for him is "not in the cards," so to speak.

You hope, but polls show that isn't a fact. Hillary can't even beat Sanders in the Dem primary. I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatch.
Hillary is far ahead of Sanders. And as for counting chickens, the most important thing is who will be doing the counting ;)

Son , you're a retard. But I'll say this, I'm glad that you never knew anyone who depended on classified material remaining classified to keep them safe. If you had , you wouldn't be so flippant about Hillary's crimes.
The crimes she's been indicted for?
Here's a question. If the FBI revokes her security clearance, what then? Can a person who can't qualify for a security clearance be President?
A president has security clearances. There are no qualifiers to the job of president besides what is spelled out in the US Constitution.

You obviously don't know how security clearances work. The FBI and the FBI alone decides who has security clearance, not even the POTUS can over ride their decision, though of course they could theoretically fire FBI Directors until they find one willing to grant clearance to someone who has previously been denied.
If this actually happens what incentive does anyone have to follow the law anymore? Not that liberals care about that kind of stuff anyway.

'if this actually happens'- what- a charge?

What do you have against waiting until a conviction before you bring the hanging rope out?

You mean like George Zimmerman and Darrell Wilson?
And Trayvon Martin. No, wait.....he wasn't even indicted or tried.....just killed.

Thanks for making my point. You liberals make this so easy.
If Nixon was a democrat he'd be a hero to all of the lefties here and they'd consider Watergate a right wing conspiracy.
Nixon was not a Democrat....he was a Republican...elected by Republicans....twice as VP and twice as President. A Republican supported by Republicans.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted
Legally she can't if indicted.

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