Over A Dozen Arrested After Sending Threats To ‘Lynch’ Election Workers

Trump and his team accused Election workers in multiple states, including arizona, arizona of working to rig the election by sneaking in fake ballots. These false accusations are why his supporters have been sending in death rest to these same workers.
Them election workers need to seek safe spaces or find less stressful jobs.
You don’t make use of facts. You lie. So your criticisms about me are baseless. In fact, as you know, they too are mere lies.

Get back to us all when you are willing to give truth a try. Until then, fuck off Bunker.

Bye bye.
Everything I post is fact and has real deal links and data to support it. ya see how that works...

Nothing you post is fact at all and you have nothing credible to support anything you say.

You just make shit up or proclaim bullshit, anybody can type any lie they want, but everything I say is supported by facts, making it facts. Ya see how that works...

Thanks to the glorious Dominion lawsuit we were able to read the emails from Tucker Carlson and the executives at Fox News, where they said when they report the facts and truth you people change the channel and stop watching because the facts and truth are too vicious for you to handle. You don't want to hear the facts, the facts are kryptonite to a republican, because you are too weak to handle the facts.

Republicans have a very bad track record on facts and truth, most of you can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, even though Hannity and Tucker Carlson and a few others can admit it... Mike Pence said it best: "Its a hard truth" Its a hard truth that you can't admit, so everything you say is bullshit until you can actually man up and admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.
Babbit looked like John Wayne charging up Mt. Suribachi with bare hands until the super brave Capitol cop shot into the heavily armed crowd. He aimed carefully at her neck and kept her from setting off the nuclear device in her backpack. He will go down in history, along with George Floyd and Trayvon Obama as the saviors of Truth, Justice and the American Way. God Save the King!
We are a nation of laws and nobody is above the law.

If you break into the US Capitol and riot and beat cops, you put yourself at risk of being killed.
You total jokes want to throw rocks at the hornets nest, then cry like pussies when they sting you. Republicans are in a sad sad place, too weak to just man the fuck up and accept reality, as if that's so hard to do.
Everything I post is fact

No. No it’s not. You state your claims as if they were facts. But, they’re not.
and has real deal links

Jo. They have fantasy links and the like.
and data to support it.

ya see how that works...
I see how you lie. That’s everyone can see.

But, I would encourage you to start being honest and grounded in reality, someday.
No. No it’s not. You state your claims as if they were facts. But, they’re not.

Jo. They have fantasy links and the like.


I see how you lie. That’s everyone can see.

But, I would encourage you to start being honest and grounded in reality, someday.
Hang on.
Can you even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud???

Mike Pence can admit it, Sean hannity can admit it, Tucker Carlson can admit it, and a few other republicans can admit it, but most of you are just too weak and pathetic to admit it.

I doubt you can admit it, which means everything you say is a lie and all bullshit and you have no facts at all and everything you say is suspect and bullshit.

These violent right wing sore losers took their cue from the worst president of all time. And now they are collecting their prizes.


Over a dozen people have been arrested and nine convicted for sending threats to election workers, the United States Justice Department said.

On Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the sentencing of two more people for threatening poll workers, including threats of to ‘lynch’ or ‘hang’ election officials.

The convictions are the result of a Justice Department task force convened in 2021 to examine more than 1,000 ‘hostile or harassing’ messages or contacts with election workers.


On Monday, a man from Iowa was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for threatening to ‘lynch’ and ‘hang’ Republican elected officials for not overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Mark Rissi, 64, was arrested after leaving death threats in voicemails sent to two Arizona officials: Clint Hickman, a member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and Mark Brnovich, the former Attorney General of Arizona.

Check out just how far this sicko was willing to go:

Earlier this month, Frederick Francis Goltz was sentenced to three and a half years in prison with three years of probation after threatening a ‘mass shooting of poll workers.’

Goltz, a 52-year-old from Texas, also targeted officials and private citizens in Maricopa County, Arizona after the 2020 election.

In November 2022, he posted the name, home address, and telephone numbers of a lawyer working for the Maricopa County Attorney’s office to far-right social media platforms Gab and Patriots.win.

‘It would be a shame if someone got to [sic] this children. There are some crazies out there. This kind of info shouldn’t be readily available on the internet,’ he wrote. He quickly followed it up with: ‘Someone needs to get these people AND their children. The children are the most important message to send.’

When another user told him the official’s children should be off-limits, he said: ‘NOTHING is off limits. It’s people like you that are supposedly with us, who don’t have the stomach to do what it takes to get our country back.’

Wow. And of course Traitor Trump takes no responsibility for any of this.
I thought the baby boomers were horrible parents? But they have been topped by the MAGA crowd!
Hang on.
Can you even admit Trump lost the election
It certainly appears that way since Potato is President.
and is lying about fraud???
No. You also have no ability to validly state that President Trump is “lying” about election fraud. You saying it and it being true or factual are very different things.
Mike Pence can admit it,
Pence can believe it and say it. That’s not an admission.
Sean hannity can admit it,
Hannity can believe it and say it. That’s not an admission.

Tucker Carlson can admit it,
Tucker can believe it and say it. That’s not an admission.
and a few other republicans can admit it,
Others can believe it and say it. That’s not an admission.
but most of you are just too weak and pathetic to admit it.
Nobody can admit it. You’re too stupid to understand the meaning of words. Or, perhaps it’s just that you’re a compulsive liar.
I doubt you can admit it,

Nobody can admit it.
which means everything you say is a lie
False. That too is another of your lies.

I realize that not only are you truth averse, but you are also tragically stupid. So explaining things to you is difficult. But I’ll give you one “fer instance:”

Let’s say you were intelligent enough to play a game of poker. You have a very good hand developing. But another player keeps seeing you or raising you. “Ok,” you think, “a bigger pot for me!”

After the last cards are drawn and the final bets and raises are made, the cards get exposed. You show an Ace, 2,3,4 and 5 of spades. Straight fucking flush. You start to reach for the pot. Other guy says “hold on!” He shows a flush, too, also in spades. 10, J,Q,K, and … Ace. Royal flush. He starts to take the pot. But you say, “wait!”

How can there be two ace of spades?

You might say that he “cheated.” Maybe. Maybe not. But you’re still justified in denying that you legitimately lost.
All part of the false flag FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE 🔥
Well, they had geotagging of everyone in the area that day, there are cameras all over the place, the riot at the capitol took place and they have arrested 1100 people. They know who built the gallows, but the fact that they seem to not be concerned about it makes me wonder if they don’t want to know..or maybe they do, but don’t want anyone else to know.

It may be conspiratorial, but why else would they be so absent on the subject?
It certainly appears that way since Potato is President.

No. You also have no ability to validly state that President Trump is “lying” about election fraud. You saying it and it being true or factual are very different things.

Pence can believe it and say it. That’s not an admission.

Hannity can believe it and say it. That’s not an admission.

Tucker can believe it and say it. That’s not an admission.

Others can believe it and say it. That’s not an admission.

Nobody can admit it. You’re too stupid to understand the meaning of words. Or, perhaps it’s just that you’re a compulsive liar.

Nobody can admit it.

False. That too is another of your lies.

I realize that not only are you truth averse, but you are also tragically stupid. So explaining things to you is difficult. But I’ll give you one “fer instance:”

Let’s say you were intelligent enough to play a game of poker. You have a very good hand developing. But another player keeps seeing you or raising you. “Ok,” you think, “a bigger pot for me!”

After the last cards are drawn and the final bets and raises are made, the cards get exposed. You show an Ace, 2,3,4 and 5 of spades. Straight fucking flush. You start to reach for the pot. Other guy says “hold on!” He shows a flush, too, also in spades. 10, J,Q,K, and … Ace. Royal flush. He starts to take the pot. But you say, “wait!”

How can there be two ace of spades?

You might say that he “cheated.” Maybe. Maybe not. But you’re still justified in denying that you legitimately lost.
I knew you couldn't admit it !!
You are just a pathetic little bitch with no credibility at all.

Ya see in the real world and the big boy world you need this little thing called evidence. There is no credible evidence of election fraud at all, therefore there was no election fraud and Trump is lying about election fraud. AND then that means you are fake news and everything you say is bullshit and lies.

Thank you for proving my point and destroying yourself, you did this to yourself. You have made fool of yourself, and the facts prove that. I love exposing and destroying you jokes. but but but but there was fraud mommy mommy there was fraud ! Waaa !

These violent right wing sore losers took their cue from the worst president of all time. And now they are collecting their prizes.


Over a dozen people have been arrested and nine convicted for sending threats to election workers, the United States Justice Department said.

On Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the sentencing of two more people for threatening poll workers, including threats of to ‘lynch’ or ‘hang’ election officials.

The convictions are the result of a Justice Department task force convened in 2021 to examine more than 1,000 ‘hostile or harassing’ messages or contacts with election workers.


On Monday, a man from Iowa was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for threatening to ‘lynch’ and ‘hang’ Republican elected officials for not overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Mark Rissi, 64, was arrested after leaving death threats in voicemails sent to two Arizona officials: Clint Hickman, a member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and Mark Brnovich, the former Attorney General of Arizona.

Check out just how far this sicko was willing to go:

Earlier this month, Frederick Francis Goltz was sentenced to three and a half years in prison with three years of probation after threatening a ‘mass shooting of poll workers.’

Goltz, a 52-year-old from Texas, also targeted officials and private citizens in Maricopa County, Arizona after the 2020 election.

In November 2022, he posted the name, home address, and telephone numbers of a lawyer working for the Maricopa County Attorney’s office to far-right social media platforms Gab and Patriots.win.

‘It would be a shame if someone got to [sic] this children. There are some crazies out there. This kind of info shouldn’t be readily available on the internet,’ he wrote. He quickly followed it up with: ‘Someone needs to get these people AND their children. The children are the most important message to send.’

When another user told him the official’s children should be off-limits, he said: ‘NOTHING is off limits. It’s people like you that are supposedly with us, who don’t have the stomach to do what it takes to get our country back.’

Wow. And of course Traitor Trump takes no responsibility for any of this.
Funny how only one group is targeted by the Dept of Justice (LOL) for violent posts while Trump haters get a pass for their violent posts. That is not what blind justice is supposed to do.
I knew you couldn't admit it !!

Of course not. I agree that Potato is President. But no honest person can “admit” a mere unproved contention.

You are so far beyond stupid that it is clear why you are known as “The Wanker.” 👍
Of course not. I agree that Potato is President. But no honest person can “admit” a mere unproved contention.

You are so far beyond stupid that it is clear why you are known as “The Wanker.” 👍
yea nice backpedal.

You can not admit that Biden won a free and fair election and Trump is lying about election fraud that never happened. And for that reason you are a complete and total joke with no credibility at all. Everything I post is fact and supported by facts. Everything you post is lies and you have nothing to support anything you say.
Glad to clear this up for you, maybe someday you'll grow up and man up and admit reality, but I doubt it.
Hopefully the idiot from Bucyrus, Ohio is punished to the full extent of the law for his threats against an Arizona election official. He plead guilty last week and is to be sentenced in November.

yea nice backpedal.

No backpedal at all you lying retard. It’s a mere reiteration of what I had just finished saying.
You can not admit that Biden won a free and fair election
I have said many times that the evidence of massive cheating is clear; but I have not yet seen proof that any of the cheating suffices to alter even one electoral college vote.

You’re free to believe that the election was utterly on the up and up. But you’re hardly a reliable reporter.

You’re a hack. And that’s all you are.
Babbitt was the psychopath.
Who would charge at police with their guns drawn?
A dead psychopath.

I'll ignore the following lies.
That was one dumb bitch, I could see the guns in the hands of the police protecting the senate , she did also , that is one dumb fuck Trump supporter. . That's a plus for the gene pool. Remember they should have shot everysingle person who forced their way into the capital , next time they won't hold back on the bullets and that what needs to be done to these scum bag traitors. You don't get to attempt to bring down our democracy and country and walk away alive.

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