overall white people don't have it in them to hire the best person for the job

I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to drop their heritage. But these labels only cause bitterness & division. No one should refer to themselves as 'African Americans','Asian Americans', or 'Irish Americans' etc. etc... People should just refer to themselves as Americans instead. Our Government should no longer sanction these labels. It's time for us to evolve and get past that.

Why isn't this sentiment heard for the irish-american, italian-american, german-american, et. al. labels? Only a racist would be bitter over an accurate label used to describe others.

Not only are you a circus barker, but a seemingly racist one at that. Keep the hits coming.

Because those ethnic groups do not often identify themselves that way.
I have never seen a black waiter at a high end restaurant. The manner and dress of a professional waiter just screams House N***er. It's not that such a restaurant wouldn't hire a black waiter. None would aspire to that degree of professionalism which comes mainly (from what I have seen) from european men.

Having lived in France for two years, I can tell you that blacks are not highly regarded and seldom are found in reputable establishments of any kind in that country. My own son's father, a Frenchman, was invited to his parents' home for a dinner for his uncle's wife, who happened to be the granddaughter of the late King of Cameroon. He was exiled in France with his family many years ago and she met and married into the family of my son's father. His father declined the invitation, saying he would never sit at a table with a black person. The bourgeoisie French do not look kindly on blacks.

We're not in France. Thank goodness for small favors.
Yes we do, we pick the Black and Mexican and say foresure not those guys, let's pick the best btw the white and asian!


What bullshit. Anyone can manipulate statistics. I see blacks and latinos in management at banks, restaurants, amusement parks, IT everywhere. Even in my billion dollar corporation, two guys two heartbeats away from the top at Black. It's bullshit and everyone knows it. Of course you will have some racist pass the black guy, but then again you will have some racist pass the white guy also.

If you want to see real job discrimination go to Zimbabwae where they just take a farmers land because he is WHITE or South Africa where apartheid is alive against the minority whites!
Racial Bias Seen in Hiring of Waiters - NYTimes.com


studies continue to show overall white people dont have it in them. A white high school graduate under 25 has a better chance than black college graduate at finding a job.

Actually it is REPUBLICANS that don't have it in them to hire the best person for the job. There is a new movie coming out about McCain/Palin v Obama/Biden 2008 and it shows how the GOP didn't even take the time to vet Palin before nominating her.

And Bush wasn't any better of a choice than Palin. Actually she would have produced the exact same results as Bush because they answer to the same master. They are just figureheads. No different on any position you can think of.

The best GOP figurehead was Reagan. Because he convinced the middle class that he was good, but behind the scenes his masters were starting a war on the American middle class. The start of NAFTA, Iraq/Afgan/Iran problems, breaking unions, illegals coming into the country. We just didn't know it at the time.

Or the GOP would even nominate Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann or Newt or Rick Perry. The old Mitt Romney MAYBE but not the one that flip flopped into basically 4 more years of Bush.

This coming from the Dems, who did such an abysmal job of vetting some guy because he was the FIRST African-American who they could dress up and take out! "A storybook", if you will.

Don't come out here, get in our grills and tell us how well Palin was, or was not, vetted.
Hypocrite much?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgIFV7jXBFQ]Biden: Obama is first "CLEAN" African American - YouTube[/ame]
Oddly enough, there are few blacks or women who enter the technical field I work in. Plus, I teach at the local technical institute and see the same ratios represented in the classroom. Why is that?
poor poor libtards.. always picking on da white peoples.. it's so sew,, sow sad innit? :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Racial Bias Seen in Hiring of Waiters - NYTimes.com


studies continue to show overall white people dont have it in them. A white high school graduate under 25 has a better chance than black college graduate at finding a job.

In the voice of the Late Great JIm Mc Kay..
"Fanning the flames....of racism. To bring you the constant headaches from the perpetually offended Libs. The profiteering on racial issues and the lies of the left".
Hey sunshine. This is a race bating troll thread and has earned you a neg rep and a report to the mods.
This is what you get for spewing bullshit.
wonder why this ain't in the race baiting forum? or maybe it belongs in the pooper room..
We should be a Color-Blind Society by now. But some don't ever want to see that happen. There's too much money & votes at stake. For many, racial division is just good for business. No one should be labelled an 'African American','Hispanic American','Asian American', etc. etc...We are all Americans. We have evolved enough to throw away the labels that only divide us. So it's time to do that.

We're still having massive parades celebrating Irish-Americans, magnificent feasts celebrating Italian-Americans and Polish-Americans. And you know what? The culture that those people, and those you mentioned, added to the melting pot which is American culture, is the richer for it. I'm curious why you selected those few groups you did.

No, it's not that most Americans also include those traditions of their ancestory as part of who they are that causes problems. The problem is there are still bigots among us, who see our multiculturist heritage as a threat.
Multi culturalism IS a threat. No nation can survive without a dominant culture.
We're still having massive parades celebrating Irish-Americans, magnificent feasts celebrating Italian-Americans and Polish-Americans. And you know what? The culture that those people, and those you mentioned, added to the melting pot which is American culture, is the richer for it. I'm curious why you selected those few groups you did.

No, it's not that most Americans also include those traditions of their ancestory as part of who they are that causes problems. The problem is there are still bigots among us, who see our multiculturist heritage as a threat.

Parades and Government Policy are two very different things. Apples & Oranges for sure. There is no longer any need to label Americans 'African American','White American','Hispanic American' and so on and so on. Those labels only serve to permanently divide us. But i guess that's what many want. Racial Division is big money & big politics. Some don't ever want to let it go. And that's just very sad.

Looks to me as if this (the first one) was a test of a particular industry and it's discriminatory hiring pratices, not government policy.

It's pretty standard stuff and not a shock for anyone in the resturaunt business. Mostly white waitstaff, black and hispanics in the back of the house. No it's not always the case and in the last 20 year it has gotten better, but it still exist.
Knee jerk.
You own an upscale restaurant. You entertain fine dining clients.
Now, will you hire professionally trained and experienced staff, bartenders and hosts? Or will you run an experiment in affirmative action( Quotas)?
The report is deliberately inconclusive. It makes no reference to jst how many of the "wronged people" were denied employment.
The story also ignores the experience level of minority applicants.
The entire Affirmative Action/Racial set aside community wants us to believe that the mere rejection of the minority application is in and of itself racist in nature. That if a minority( Black) person did not get hired or promoted it MUST be due to race.
You're making an assumption. I'm an anonymous entity on a forum. White, am I? Are you sure?

Yes I made an assumption, But that is typically the arguement whites bring out speaking about why they oppose AA. AA is not specifically for African Americans. That assumption has nothing to do with the rest of my post which you chose to ignore because assumptions, I guess, are a huge deal to you. :doubt:

AA, like some unions, once had a nominal purpose that no longer applies in most instances. Overall, I think minorities have far better opportunities than did their fathers or grandfathers.
It is a fact that no one will ever be able to completely suppress racism or biases based on other criteria. No government will ever completely legislate something that is so basic to human nature into oblivion. That is a fact.
There all too many instances, though, where the "oppressed minorities" are excused for behavior that would be viewed as racist of biased if exhibited by a person of another race. Equality should be applied, well...equally across the board.

Now I know you're a white guy. White guys always like to tell other people and believe they know when things are and arent needed. You dont believe its needed so viola, its not needed because YOU say so.

If you look at history, there is a reason why white people get attacked when they something racist. But if we are going to ignore your history to make a point then suuuuure a white guy saying ****** is the same as a black guy saying "white boy". As long as you forget all knowledge of Americas past...sure
The applicants were sent to Manhattan restaurants.

Manhattan. Which is mostly white.

I notice they did not send the applicants to the Bronx.

Study FAIL.
Sounds like you're suggesting that blacks stay in their place....in the Bronx.


That is not what I am saying. I am saying I bet the white applicants would have as difficult time getting hired in the Bronx as the blacks did in Manhattan.

The study is flawed because it seeks to confirm bias in one direction.

They did not attempt to determine if the opposite effect occurs in black neighborhoods.
That. just. doesn't. make. sense.

I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to drop their heritage. But these labels only cause bitterness & division. No one should refer to themselves as 'African Americans','Asian Americans', or 'Irish Americans' etc. etc... People should just refer to themselves as Americans instead. Our Government should no longer sanction these labels. It's time for us to evolve and get past that.

Why isn't this sentiment heard for the irish-american, italian-american, german-american, et. al. labels? Only a racist would be bitter over an accurate label used to describe others.

Not only are you a circus barker, but a seemingly racist one at that. Keep the hits coming.

Because those ethnic groups do not often identify themselves that way.
Really? That's it?

Racial Bias Seen in Hiring of Waiters - NYTimes.com


studies continue to show overall white people dont have it in them. A white high school graduate under 25 has a better chance than black college graduate at finding a job.

You're right, progressives practice affirmative action religiously..

Hell that's how Alvin Greene was nominated "his name sounded black" to a bunch of self loathing white progressives...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvHbKlQWRh8]I VOTED FOR ALVIN GREENE - YouTube[/ame]
This is just one example of the effect of an uninformed electorate.
Morons voting for moron candidates.
Racial Bias Seen in Hiring of Waiters - NYTimes.com


studies continue to show overall white people dont have it in them. A white high school graduate under 25 has a better chance than black college graduate at finding a job.

You're right, progressives practice affirmative action religiously..

Hell that's how Alvin Greene was nominated "his name sounded black" to a bunch of self loathing white progressives...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvHbKlQWRh8]I VOTED FOR ALVIN GREENE - YouTube[/ame]
This is just one example of the effect of an uninformed electorate.
Morons voting for moron candidates.

True except no one said they voted for him because his name sounded black. I dont know where he got that quote from. Actually I believe he got it from his ass. Thats where all his ideas come from
You are the manager. You have two candidates for a waiter position, one white one black. Waiters are notoriously unreliable anyway. If the guy craps out you'll have to fire him.
If you fire the white guy he won't be happy, badmouth you to his friends and be a memory in 10 days.
If you fire the black guy he wont be happy, badmouth you to his friends and sue you for racial discrimination.

Which one do you hire?

Neither, hire the Phillipino or the Mexican.:eusa_angel:

Neither, hire the Phillipino or the Mexican.

They will work twice as hard and for half the pay...
And no stinkin Obamacare :badgrin:
You're right, progressives practice affirmative action religiously..

Hell that's how Alvin Greene was nominated "his name sounded black" to a bunch of self loathing white progressives...

This is just one example of the effect of an uninformed electorate.
Morons voting for moron candidates.

True except no one said they voted for him because his name sounded black. I dont know where he got that quote from. Actually I believe he got it from his ass. Thats where all his ideas come from

I will not entertain race in this thread.
Fact is Greene should never been chosen Dem nominee.
If anyone ever heard that man speak, they'd immediately realize he is not a very intelligent person. And that supports my point that an uninformed electorate is dangerous.
Racial Bias Seen in Hiring of Waiters - NYTimes.com


studies continue to show overall white people dont have it in them. A white high school graduate under 25 has a better chance than black college graduate at finding a job.
Studies have been run on genetically the same geese in the artic, some of which are brown and some are white. The geese always pick a mate the same color as their mothers.

Do we care deeply and passionately about the geese or other animals?

Oh, wait. They don't look like our mothers.


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