Overestimated global warming

You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

You GW fearist do realize that warmth brings life and cold brings death.

You also realize that coal does produces 52 percent of the energy you use to power your computer. So you merely blogging adds to your fear of GW. There is only one logical thing you can do....turn off your computer and curse the darkness. Oh, and don't drive anywhere unless you sold your carbon credits.

When are we going to tell China they need to cut back on the polution?
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You fart gasses. Does farting contribute? I guess it was the dinosaurs fault the asteroid took them out then.. That dumbass dem was right when he said that!

CLimate change happens naturally. We might contribute a small percentage. I cant deny that, but all you al gore cocksuckers think it is all us! But then again, you folks obviously do not know history..
Which was my point

Fuk. your stupidity knows no bounds, does it?

Why don't you tell all, with your vast knowledge of things going on millions of years ago.
when was the last time that man took billions of pounds of coal and billions of gallons of oil, out of the ground and burnt it?When was the last time man did that and what happened?

You damn idiot. My point went strait over your head.. "it's a bird! it's a plane! Its.... TN's point!!

Try and answer my simple question......highlighted above for your reading pleasure..... or fuk off.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

Yes, and there were forest fires and volcano eruptions before man showed up on the earth. Carbon combustion products were going into the atmosphere for millions of years, not to mention dinosaur farts and the billions of cubic feet of methane produced by them.

Have you ever flown across the pacific, the atlantic, the USA, Russia, Africa? I have, and what you see is millions of square miles of empty space. Man's footprint on the earth is tiny. We are not destroying our planet.
Fuk. your stupidity knows no bounds, does it?

Why don't you tell all, with your vast knowledge of things going on millions of years ago.
when was the last time that man took billions of pounds of coal and billions of gallons of oil, out of the ground and burnt it?When was the last time man did that and what happened?

You damn idiot. My point went strait over your head.. "it's a bird! it's a plane! Its.... TN's point!!

Try and answer my simple question......highlighted above for your reading pleasure..... or fuk off.

I would figure it happens all the time
All this global warming bull crap is lining the pockets of environmentalist , like Gore who doesn't practice what he preaches . side by side who do you think has a more environmental friendly house. Bush or Gore.. .. Here is a hint it is not GORE snopes.com: A Tale of Two Houses
Geological cycles. Its been happening for millions of years. These people who think we are the major cause of cc are nutty.

Which was my point

Fuk. your stupidity knows no bounds, does it?

Why don't you tell all, with your vast knowledge of things going on millions of years ago.
when was the last time that man took billions of pounds of coal and billions of gallons of oil, out of the ground and burnt it.

When was the last time man did that and what happened?

Super volcanoes emitted billions of compounds into the atmosphere and earth survived. Read about petrology sometime.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

You do understand that magma emitted by supervolcanoes millions of years ago dwarfed the tiny amount that we're seeing today.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

Yes, and there were forest fires and volcano eruptions before man showed up on the earth. Carbon combustion products were going into the atmosphere for millions of years, not to mention dinosaur farts and the billions of cubic feet of methane produced by them.

Have you ever flown across the pacific, the atlantic, the USA, Russia, Africa? I have, and what you see is millions of square miles of empty space. Man's footprint on the earth is tiny. We are not destroying our planet.




You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

Yes, and there were forest fires and volcano eruptions before man showed up on the earth. Carbon combustion products were going into the atmosphere for millions of years, not to mention dinosaur farts and the billions of cubic feet of methane produced by them.

Have you ever flown across the pacific, the atlantic, the USA, Russia, Africa? I have, and what you see is millions of square miles of empty space. Man's footprint on the earth is tiny. We are not destroying our planet.





1954 Kilauea

and these eruptions have been going on for millions of years.
Geological cycles. Its been happening for millions of years. These people who think we are the major cause of cc are nutty.

Which was my point

Fuk. your stupidity knows no bounds, does it?

Why don't you tell all, with your vast knowledge of things going on millions of years ago.
when was the last time that man took billions of pounds of coal and billions of gallons of oil, out of the ground and burnt it.

When was the last time man did that and what happened?

Must have been just before the last interglacial warm period. Afterall, that couldn't possibly have happened without man's screwing up the environment. Or could it?

This earth has been warming since the peak of the last ice age, and will continue to warm until it reverses and heads back toward another ice age. Just like it has done thousands of times in its history.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.
There is an interesting crisis going on in the weather science. Apparently the US weather computer seems to be inferior to the so-called European models. The European model pretty much tracked Sandy correctly but the US had it going out to sea. Now it seems the US is depending on the European computers for weather analysis. What are we to make of this issue? Maybe everything the US weather "scientists" say about so-called "man-made global warming" is wrong? If they can't predict the path of a storm how the hell can they predict the global warming future? The dirty little secret is that they don't even use the words "man-made" anymore and the historical data is cherry picked to reinforce the theory. It seems to boil down to a left vs right political argument. The left is determined to reduce the US to the status of a 3rd world country by keeping energy prices high and engaging in a political extortion racket while the right wants to stabilize the economy in a time of economic crisis.
There is an interesting crisis going on in the weather science. Apparently the US weather computer seems to be inferior to the so-called European models. The European model pretty much tracked Sandy correctly but the US had it going out to sea. Now it seems the US is depending on the European computers for weather analysis. What are we to make of this issue? Maybe everything the US weather "scientists" say about so-called "man-made global warming" is wrong? If they can't predict the path of a storm how the hell can they predict the global warming future? The dirty little secret is that they don't even use the words "man-made" anymore and the historical data is cherry picked to reinforce the theory. It seems to boil down to a left vs right political argument. The left is determined to reduce the US to the status of a 3rd world country by keeping energy prices high and engaging in a political extortion racket while the right wants to stabilize the economy in a time of economic crisis.

actually the warming climate scientists have their own models, which by some of their very own admission need to be adjusted due to things that have since come to light. Yet it hasn't been 'fixed' as of now. And these models are only as good as the data they input which has been very cherry picked in many circumstances. What they also don't tell you is they are basically using only 150 years worth of cherry picked data in many instances.
Got about a minute into that dumbfuck video. In 1981, Dr. Hansen of NASA, made some pretty astute predictions concerning climate change.

RealClimate: Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection

You can link to the original paper in that article.

In fact, given the surprising amount of aerosols that India and China have been putting out, it is surprising that the temperature has been as high as it is. And the effects have far outpaced the predictions by even the 'alarmists'. For instance, in 2000, the 'alarmists' were predicting that the Arctic would be ice free for part of the summer by 2100. It now appears that will be the case by 2020, possibly by 2015. They predicted that we would be seeing noticiably more extreme weather events by 2050. According to Munich Re and Swiss Re, we are already seeing more extreme weather events by a factor of 2 or 3.

Far from overestimating the effects of the warming, the scientists have been to conservative in their forcasts.

That is absolutely correct. Time and again, based on gathered data, climate scientists have given estimates (usually within a range) of how much melting of would take place at the ice caps, or glaciers and how much of an increase in temperature would take place within a particular future period of time.

And time and time again, the estimates (even their worst case scenario estimates) have proven to be FAR too conservative in terms of both the amount of melting that would take place AND the time frame in which it would happen.

To put it more bluntly, even the scientists' worst case estimates have proven to be underestimates of both the speed and degree of the warming of the planet.

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