Overestimated global warming

You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??
It is amusing that when the climate scientists plugged in their decade of data into the models that they had back in the early 90's and 00's, they found that ever single prediction was 100% wrong.

Yet there are people who still think that mankind is responsible for climate change. They even have the moxy to make bigoted remarks about people living in other parts of the country.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??
Funny that you are looking for a reasonable person, since you don't seem to qualify.

Did you know that every 20 thousand years, the earth wobbles just a little bit, and because of that wobble, significant climate change occurs. The last wobble gave rise to the Egyptian empire because when the lush region of the Sahara dried up and the nomads of that region were forced toward water. These very same nomads began to band into communities and eventually cities. When next that wobble happens, the odds are that the Sahara will yet again become lush and green

Also, did you know that once upon a time, the Earth was fully covered in ice? They called that time, "Snowball Earth".

Before the advent of glaciers, the oceans (the real key to climate and second strongest influence in climate after the sun) currents moved around the globe in a freer pattern then they do today. This helped to stabilize the temperature of the Earth. When the Isthmus of Central America rose up and blocked the exchange of water between the Atlantic and Pacific, it began a chain of climate changes that brought us Ice Ages and those periods of warming between them.

We are currently between two glaciation periods and the planet IS getting warmer. It has NOTHING to do with Humans. The very arrogance of such a belief cries out for reasonable people to just stand up and slap them hard across the face until their sanity returns.
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The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??
Funny that you are looking for a reasonable person, since you don't seem to qualify.

Did you know that every 20 thousand years, the earth wobbles just a little bit, and because of that wobble, significant climate change occurs. The last wobble gave rise to the Egyptian empire because when the lush region of the Sahara dried up and the nomads of that region were forced toward water. These very same nomads began to band into communities and eventually cities. When next that wobble happens, the odds are that the Sahara will yet again become lush and green

Also, did you know that once upon a time, the Earth was fully covered in ice? They called that time, "Snowball Earth".

Before the advent of glaciers, the oceans (the real key to climate and second strongest influence in climate after the sun) currents moved around the globe in a freer pattern then they do today. This helped to stabilize the temperature of the Earth. When the Isthmus of Central America rose up and blocked the exchange of water between the Atlantic and Pacific, it began a chain of climate changes that brought us Ice Ages and those periods of warming between them.

We are currently between two glaciation periods and the planet IS getting warmer. It has NOTHING to do with Humans. The very arrogance of such a belief cries out for reasonable people to just stand up and slap them hard across the face until their sanity returns.

Its dangerous posting facts. The libtards on this forum run from facts like a wounded chicken runs from a gator.

Your post will probably cause migraines and lapses of consciousness in our liberal friends.

Maybe if you put in a couple of "bush did it" and "you're racist" it might help them survive :cool:
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

Wrong to BOTH highlighted parts.

Current life on this planet has developed and thrived based on the climate that exists today. Just as previous life has died out (or its range has been reduced) due to a change in the environment, the same thing will continue to happen in today's changing environment. Some species can (and probably WILL) thrive in a hotter world. But all will not. The armadillo, for example, will likely do well. But many mammals and amphibians will not be able to transition to a hotter, drier climate. But all species of life (even plants) will naturally migrate based both on altitude and latitude. It's happening even now as long as man-made barriers don't prevent it from naturally occurring. In fact, the armadillo is now migrating north in the US into areas that were previously too cold or cool for it to live year round. And I guarantee you that the armadillo isn't doing so because it's participating in some kind of global warming conspiracy hoax.

If OUR pollution is causing the climate to change, then the common sense answer to remedy the situation is to stop, prevent, or significantly reduce that pollution.
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You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??

You can spend your time worrying about whether we will, or will not, have crop failures, or whether people do, or do not, believe in creation, or you can get on with your life.

Our current standard of living, in this country, and around the world, is highly dependent upon the use of energy, in the form of coal, oil, and natural gas. We like to live in warm houses, and have easy access to transportation. We like to flip the switch and have the lights come on, and we like that microwave oven.

Most of us have no desire to forgo any of those likes to satisfy your fears of what might possibly happen in the future. The sky is not falling, and if it ever does, there is nothing you, or I, could do about it.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

Wrong to BOTH highlighted parts.

Current life on this planet has developed and thrived based on the climate that exists today. Just as previous life has died out (or its range has been reduced) due to a change in the environment, the same thing will continue to happen in today's changing environment. Some specious can (and probably WILL) thrive in a hotter world. But all will not. The armadillo, for example, will likely do well. But many mammals and amphibians will not be able to transition to a hotter drier climate. But all species of life (even plants) will naturally migrate based both on altitude and latitude. It's happening even now as long as man-made barriers don't prevent it from naturally occurring. In fact, the armadillo is now migrating north in the US into areas that were previously too cold or cool for it to live year round. And I guarantee you that the armadillo isn't doing so because it's participating in some kind of global warming conspiracy hoax.

If OUR pollution is causing the climate to change, then the common sense answer to remedy the situation is to stop, prevent, or significantly reduce that pollution.

better tell that armadillo to stay away from the mid west and northeast, they are having record cold.

the armadillos here in La are hiding buried in the dirt to survive the temps forecast to be in the high 20s tonight.

Climate change----YES

Global warming----NO

Man made climate change----NO

if you must blame something for climate change blame the sun and the earth's tilt on its axis. Man has never had anything to do with either------and never will
The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??
Funny that you are looking for a reasonable person, since you don't seem to qualify.

Did you know that every 20 thousand years, the earth wobbles just a little bit, and because of that wobble, significant climate change occurs. The last wobble gave rise to the Egyptian empire because when the lush region of the Sahara dried up and the nomads of that region were forced toward water. These very same nomads began to band into communities and eventually cities. When next that wobble happens, the odds are that the Sahara will yet again become lush and green

Also, did you know that once upon a time, the Earth was fully covered in ice? They called that time, "Snowball Earth".

Before the advent of glaciers, the oceans (the real key to climate and second strongest influence in climate after the sun) currents moved around the globe in a freer pattern then they do today. This helped to stabilize the temperature of the Earth. When the Isthmus of Central America rose up and blocked the exchange of water between the Atlantic and Pacific, it began a chain of climate changes that brought us Ice Ages and those periods of warming between them.

We are currently between two glaciation periods and the planet IS getting warmer. It has NOTHING to do with Humans. The very arrogance of such a belief cries out for reasonable people to just stand up and slap them hard across the face until their sanity returns.

There was a time when it seemed both inconceivable and unbelievable that humans, despite our war-like nature, could ever destroy the planet's ability to sustain life based purely on making war and/or altering our environment. Industrialization and scientific advancement (including nuclear warfare and gene splicing) have changed all that. Humans can now unleash armageddon either with bombs or test tubes. So, it IS possible for humans to destroy the ability of the planet to continue to sustain life as we now know it. Since it IS possible, it's not illogical to conclude that there are other ways we could cause it to happen, as well.

Now, TODAY, it is the height of human arrogance to say that it could never happen or that we would never be able to cause it to happen no matter what we did. It's the arrogance of ignorance.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

Wrong to BOTH highlighted parts.

Current life on this planet has developed and thrived based on the climate that exists today. Just as previous life has died out (or its range has been reduced) due to a change in the environment, the same thing will continue to happen in today's changing environment. Some species can (and probably WILL) thrive in a hotter world. But all will not. The armadillo, for example, will likely do well. But many mammals and amphibians will not be able to transition to a hotter, drier climate. But all species of life (even plants) will naturally migrate based both on altitude and latitude. It's happening even now as long as man-made barriers don't prevent it from naturally occurring. In fact, the armadillo is now migrating north in the US into areas that were previously too cold or cool for it to live year round. And I guarantee you that the armadillo isn't doing so because it's participating in some kind of global warming conspiracy hoax.

If OUR pollution is causing the climate to change, then the common sense answer to remedy the situation is to stop, prevent, or significantly reduce that pollution.

If we stopped all man made pollution tomorrow, and that would not be even a remote possibility, it would take over a hundred years before a decrease of carbon in the atmosphere would even be measurable. Yet, you advocate that we abandon our current standard of living, to pursue some useless, feel good path to national destruction? Is that your common sense approach?

Lets recognize the simple fact that our earth is going to get warmer. That is the known history of the earth. It will continue to get warmer until it decides to start getting cooler again. We will either adapt to the change, or we will suffer from it. That is the story of life on this planet. You are not going to alter that fact.
You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??
Funny that you are looking for a reasonable person, since you don't seem to qualify.

Did you know that every 20 thousand years, the earth wobbles just a little bit, and because of that wobble, significant climate change occurs. The last wobble gave rise to the Egyptian empire because when the lush region of the Sahara dried up and the nomads of that region were forced toward water. These very same nomads began to band into communities and eventually cities. When next that wobble happens, the odds are that the Sahara will yet again become lush and green

Also, did you know that once upon a time, the Earth was fully covered in ice? They called that time, "Snowball Earth".

Before the advent of glaciers, the oceans (the real key to climate and second strongest influence in climate after the sun) currents moved around the globe in a freer pattern then they do today. This helped to stabilize the temperature of the Earth. When the Isthmus of Central America rose up and blocked the exchange of water between the Atlantic and Pacific, it began a chain of climate changes that brought us Ice Ages and those periods of warming between them.

We are currently between two glaciation periods and the planet IS getting warmer. It has NOTHING to do with Humans. The very arrogance of such a belief cries out for reasonable people to just stand up and slap them hard across the face until their sanity returns.

There was a time when it seemed both inconceivable and unbelievable that humans, despite our war-like nature, could ever destroy the planet's ability to sustain life based purely on making war and/or altering our environment. Industrialization and scientific advancement (including nuclear warfare and gene splicing) have changed all that. Humans can now unleash armageddon either with bombs or test tubes. So, it IS possible for humans to destroy the ability of the planet to continue to sustain life as we now know it. Since it IS possible, it's not illogical to conclude that there are other ways we could cause it to happen, as well.

Now, TODAY, it is the height of human arrogance to say that it could never happen or that we would never be able to cause it to happen no matter what we did. It's the arrogance of ignorance.

truth is not arrogant

lies are arrogant

the left is lying about AGW

algore is a fraud
Funny that you are looking for a reasonable person, since you don't seem to qualify.

Did you know that every 20 thousand years, the earth wobbles just a little bit, and because of that wobble, significant climate change occurs. The last wobble gave rise to the Egyptian empire because when the lush region of the Sahara dried up and the nomads of that region were forced toward water. These very same nomads began to band into communities and eventually cities. When next that wobble happens, the odds are that the Sahara will yet again become lush and green

Also, did you know that once upon a time, the Earth was fully covered in ice? They called that time, "Snowball Earth".

Before the advent of glaciers, the oceans (the real key to climate and second strongest influence in climate after the sun) currents moved around the globe in a freer pattern then they do today. This helped to stabilize the temperature of the Earth. When the Isthmus of Central America rose up and blocked the exchange of water between the Atlantic and Pacific, it began a chain of climate changes that brought us Ice Ages and those periods of warming between them.

We are currently between two glaciation periods and the planet IS getting warmer. It has NOTHING to do with Humans. The very arrogance of such a belief cries out for reasonable people to just stand up and slap them hard across the face until their sanity returns.

There was a time when it seemed both inconceivable and unbelievable that humans, despite our war-like nature, could ever destroy the planet's ability to sustain life based purely on making war and/or altering our environment. Industrialization and scientific advancement (including nuclear warfare and gene splicing) have changed all that. Humans can now unleash armageddon either with bombs or test tubes. So, it IS possible for humans to destroy the ability of the planet to continue to sustain life as we now know it. Since it IS possible, it's not illogical to conclude that there are other ways we could cause it to happen, as well.

Now, TODAY, it is the height of human arrogance to say that it could never happen or that we would never be able to cause it to happen no matter what we did. It's the arrogance of ignorance.

truth is not arrogant

lies are arrogant

the left is lying about AGW

algore is a fraud

When certain people on the right question climate change scientists' motivations vis-a-vis money and postulate that their alleged hope at receiving public money may be at the heart of their scientific findings and predictions, those people on the right are acknowledging one undeniable truth that has been known for thousands of years. It's that money and power influence (and sometimes determine) the beliefs of people. Now, who has more money, power, and influence in the world than the people who control, and run, and profit from the power generation of oil, gas, and coal?

If doctors and the medical industry as a whole can't even get the tobacco industry to admit that their product causes lung diseases and death, than what is the likelihood that scientists can or will ever get the owners of cheap power generation to ever acknowledge that the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can and does affect Earth's climate, regardless of the evidence presented?

Luckily, those men have people like you to carry water for them.
I am beginning to wonder if Global Warming caused the extinction of the dinasousrs in 8000 BC, if not, then maybe George Bush caused the end of the dinasour age. and How do you spell Dinasore!!!
It is amusing that when the climate scientists plugged in their decade of data into the models that they had back in the early 90's and 00's, they found that ever single prediction was 100% wrong.

Yet there are people who still think that mankind is responsible for climate change.
.....And, now.....the KOCH BROTHERS KNOW IT!!!!!


"Richard Muller, who directed a Koch-funded climate change project, has undergone a 'total turnaround' on his stance on global warming, which he now admits is caused by human activity."


You Teabaggers make this tooooooooooooooooooooooo EASY!!!!
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You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

Carbon dioxide is the natural food of all plant life. The more of CO2 in the air, the better fed plants are. Which, in the long run provide food for all animals who has not yet mastered the art of photosynthesis.

CO2 is NOT a bad gas. Besides being the food of plants, it is a major component of all fizzy drinks.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

Wrong to BOTH highlighted parts.

Current life on this planet has developed and thrived based on the climate that exists today. Just as previous life has died out (or its range has been reduced) due to a change in the environment, the same thing will continue to happen in today's changing environment. Some species can (and probably WILL) thrive in a hotter world. But all will not. The armadillo, for example, will likely do well. But many mammals and amphibians will not be able to transition to a hotter, drier climate. But all species of life (even plants) will naturally migrate based both on altitude and latitude. It's happening even now as long as man-made barriers don't prevent it from naturally occurring. In fact, the armadillo is now migrating north in the US into areas that were previously too cold or cool for it to live year round. And I guarantee you that the armadillo isn't doing so because it's participating in some kind of global warming conspiracy hoax.

If OUR pollution is causing the climate to change, then the common sense answer to remedy the situation is to stop, prevent, or significantly reduce that pollution.

Liberals, who are the blind followers of Darwin, should realize that not all species are deserving of survival and life.

The world is not poorer because we no longer have dinosaurs. Or Passenger pigeons. Or dodo birds.

The world will not be a poorer place if spotted owls, and any and all the useless critters presently guarded by the Employment Prevention Agency, die off. These useless biological non-entities survive at the horrendous cost of human unemployment, poverty and misery, just because weak-kneed yahoos prefer bird and fish and bug and rodent families to HUMAN families.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??

The agricultural production usually managed to keep pace with the growth of population. Starting in the latter part of the twentieth century, due to technological advances, food production outpaced need for food for such degree that precious food has been converted into fuel for vehicles that idiotically, but not surprisingly cost more to produce than the savings it might ever realize.

Just like politics, agriculture is always local. It may be a draught in Iowa, but then, at the same time there might be a flood in Georgia. There may be a cold snap in May, but then there maybe a long hot spell in October.

So, there is indeed a balanced system. Only the Chicken Little fear mongers would cry about doom, because they are unable to see beyond the borders of their counties.

If you think that we have severely depleted the Earth's ability to deal with the carbon we generate, may be you should think about what you are saying. We create carbon? And if we do, should not the rain forests be grateful?

If you think that there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, maybe you should stop breathing.
The question is not whether pollution has an effect on our environment. The question is how much effect it has on our climate. If you suspect that it does increase global warming, then the second question has to be whether that increased global warming will be beneficial or harmful to life on this planet. Currently, we don't know the answer to either question.

The third and final question is, if our pollution is causing the earth to warm faster than normal, and if this will be detrimental to life, is there any thing we can do to remedy the situation? The answer to that one is no.

Wrong to BOTH highlighted parts.

Current life on this planet has developed and thrived based on the climate that exists today. Just as previous life has died out (or its range has been reduced) due to a change in the environment, the same thing will continue to happen in today's changing environment. Some species can (and probably WILL) thrive in a hotter world. But all will not. The armadillo, for example, will likely do well. But many mammals and amphibians will not be able to transition to a hotter, drier climate. But all species of life (even plants) will naturally migrate based both on altitude and latitude. It's happening even now as long as man-made barriers don't prevent it from naturally occurring. In fact, the armadillo is now migrating north in the US into areas that were previously too cold or cool for it to live year round. And I guarantee you that the armadillo isn't doing so because it's participating in some kind of global warming conspiracy hoax.

If OUR pollution is causing the climate to change, then the common sense answer to remedy the situation is to stop, prevent, or significantly reduce that pollution.

Liberals, who are the blind followers of Darwin, should realize that not all species are deserving of survival and life.

The world is not poorer because we no longer have dinosaurs. Or Passenger pigeons. Or dodo birds.

The world will not be a poorer place if spotted owls, and any and all the useless critters presently guarded by the Employment Prevention Agency, die off. These useless biological non-entities survive at the horrendous cost of human unemployment, poverty and misery, just because weak-kneed yahoos prefer bird and fish and bug and rodent families to HUMAN families.

Who said anything about deserving? And who are we to decide? The fact is that the natural world in incredibly interdependent. And we don't know what the effect could or would be if species x or y would cease to exist in present numbers. Just as an example off the top of my mind is the fact that the entire food chain (in the ocean, for example) can be dependent on the smallest and seemingly most insignificant (to us) life form. With that said, let me add something that I rarely hear mentioned. Guess where the global warming of climate change ultimately goes! it goes into the ocean. How warm do you think the ocean has to get before it can't support life?

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