Overestimated global warming

You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

Carbon dioxide is the natural food of all plant life. The more of CO2 in the air, the better fed plants are. Which, in the long run provide food for all animals who has not yet mastered the art of photosynthesis.

CO2 is NOT a bad gas. Besides being the food of plants, it is a major component of all fizzy drinks.

it also makes up less than 1% of the atmosphere. But the AGW fools have now declared that water vapor is a pollutant--------see the pics of so-called pollution from an earlier poster.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

Carbon dioxide is the natural food of all plant life. The more of CO2 in the air, the better fed plants are. Which, in the long run provide food for all animals who has not yet mastered the art of photosynthesis.

CO2 is NOT a bad gas. Besides being the food of plants, it is a major component of all fizzy drinks.

it also makes up less than 1% of the atmosphere. But the AGW fools have now declared that water vapor is a pollutant--------see the pics of so-called pollution from an earlier poster.

Actually, CO2 makes up close to 4% of the atmosphere. AND, you should take note of the power of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. At only 391 ppm (parts per million) in the atmosphere, it's the primary cause of the reflected heat of our planet's surface and lower atmosphere. Consequently, it doesn't take much CO2 to affect the temperature. It may interest you to know that just 50 years ago, atmospheric CO2 comprised only about 315 ppm. So, the last 50 years has seen an increase of about 24%.
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Fuk. your stupidity knows no bounds, does it?

Why don't you tell all, with your vast knowledge of things going on millions of years ago.
when was the last time that man took billions of pounds of coal and billions of gallons of oil, out of the ground and burnt it?When was the last time man did that and what happened?

You damn idiot. My point went strait over your head.. "it's a bird! it's a plane! Its.... TN's point!!

Try and answer my simple question......highlighted above for your reading pleasure..... or fuk off.

Answer: Sometime before you started blogging, stop, save the world.
You global warming deniers do understand that oil and coal are stored forms of carbon. In a liquid and a solid respectively.

Man turns them into a gas by burning them. And puts them back into the atmosphere. How could that not have an effect. And a negative one at that.

I bet you all think God opens a giant chimney up in heaven and lets all those bad gasese out. Is that what you all believe?

Carbon dioxide is the natural food of all plant life. The more of CO2 in the air, the better fed plants are. Which, in the long run provide food for all animals who has not yet mastered the art of photosynthesis.

CO2 is NOT a bad gas. Besides being the food of plants, it is a major component of all fizzy drinks.

it also makes up less than 1% of the atmosphere. But the AGW fools have now declared that water vapor is a pollutant--------see the pics of so-called pollution from an earlier poster.

In that posters defense, I doubt they are informed enough to know it was water vapor, the picture just looked bad and that is all they needed.
You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??
Funny that you are looking for a reasonable person, since you don't seem to qualify.

Did you know that every 20 thousand years, the earth wobbles just a little bit, and because of that wobble, significant climate change occurs. The last wobble gave rise to the Egyptian empire because when the lush region of the Sahara dried up and the nomads of that region were forced toward water. These very same nomads began to band into communities and eventually cities. When next that wobble happens, the odds are that the Sahara will yet again become lush and green

Also, did you know that once upon a time, the Earth was fully covered in ice? They called that time, "Snowball Earth".

Before the advent of glaciers, the oceans (the real key to climate and second strongest influence in climate after the sun) currents moved around the globe in a freer pattern then they do today. This helped to stabilize the temperature of the Earth. When the Isthmus of Central America rose up and blocked the exchange of water between the Atlantic and Pacific, it began a chain of climate changes that brought us Ice Ages and those periods of warming between them.

We are currently between two glaciation periods and the planet IS getting warmer. It has NOTHING to do with Humans. The very arrogance of such a belief cries out for reasonable people to just stand up and slap them hard across the face until their sanity returns.

There was a time when it seemed both inconceivable and unbelievable that humans, despite our war-like nature, could ever destroy the planet's ability to sustain life based purely on making war and/or altering our environment. Industrialization and scientific advancement (including nuclear warfare and gene splicing) have changed all that. Humans can now unleash armageddon either with bombs or test tubes. So, it IS possible for humans to destroy the ability of the planet to continue to sustain life as we now know it. Since it IS possible, it's not illogical to conclude that there are other ways we could cause it to happen, as well.

Now, TODAY, it is the height of human arrogance to say that it could never happen or that we would never be able to cause it to happen no matter what we did. It's the arrogance of ignorance.

Can't it be said that is the height of human arrogance to say we can?

Besides, warm is better.

Besides it hasn't happened in 16 years.

Besides, the Earth doesn't care.
You seem reasonable.

As to the person stating that the last time CO2 levels were this high in the atmosphere, vulcanos were going crazy spewing noxious gases all through the atmosphere.......and the earth survived.

Well ain't that just great. Were we trying to grow soybeans, corn, rice and cows at the same time to feed ......how many billions of people now?

You all don't get it. All it takes is to screw the weather patterns up just enough that our crops are not able to grow to full yeilds. Maybe a cold snap in May when all the fruit trees are in full bloom. Maybe a drought that goes on for years in the middle of the country. Oh wait, that's already going on and, yes droughts have hit the middle of the country before.
But sea levels are rising around the world, crop lands are going under water,

You know what? Somehow, through God or Good Luck, the world evolved into a well balanced, orderly system. We had plants that depended on CO2 to grow (which us mammals happily supplied) and we had animal life that needed Oxygen to grow, (which the plants happily supplied.) We have a carbon based life system and we had an abundance of carbon stored in oil and coal. We had balance.

Now we have severly depleted the earths ability to handle the amount of carbon we generate. A huge carbon trap exists in the form of the rain forests. Which we proudly watch as they are cut down to raise cattle for cheap hamburger. You can't cut down the greenery, burn up the carbon deposits and not expect the system to become out of balance.

A huge heat trap exists in the oceans and the water is warming. Releasing more heat into the atmosphere.

We have crops that have come to depend on growing and producing within a certain time frame and certain temperture ranges. Screw all that up, by changing the weather patterns and our food producing ability takes a big hit.

We don't kNow what burning billions and billions of tons of oil and gas will do to the world BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

But it (burning oil and coal) represents a lot of released energy over time and something has to change.

We do know the last time carbon levels were this high. Big vulcanos and big animals. And I don't think we would have found the earth to have been a very friendly place for us humans.

Of course if you believe the Creationist Museum in KY, we could walk with the dinasors again??
Funny that you are looking for a reasonable person, since you don't seem to qualify.

Did you know that every 20 thousand years, the earth wobbles just a little bit, and because of that wobble, significant climate change occurs. The last wobble gave rise to the Egyptian empire because when the lush region of the Sahara dried up and the nomads of that region were forced toward water. These very same nomads began to band into communities and eventually cities. When next that wobble happens, the odds are that the Sahara will yet again become lush and green

Also, did you know that once upon a time, the Earth was fully covered in ice? They called that time, "Snowball Earth".

Before the advent of glaciers, the oceans (the real key to climate and second strongest influence in climate after the sun) currents moved around the globe in a freer pattern then they do today. This helped to stabilize the temperature of the Earth. When the Isthmus of Central America rose up and blocked the exchange of water between the Atlantic and Pacific, it began a chain of climate changes that brought us Ice Ages and those periods of warming between them.

We are currently between two glaciation periods and the planet IS getting warmer. It has NOTHING to do with Humans. The very arrogance of such a belief cries out for reasonable people to just stand up and slap them hard across the face until their sanity returns.

There was a time when it seemed both inconceivable and unbelievable that humans, despite our war-like nature, could ever destroy the planet's ability to sustain life based purely on making war and/or altering our environment. Industrialization and scientific advancement (including nuclear warfare and gene splicing) have changed all that. Humans can now unleash armageddon either with bombs or test tubes. So, it IS possible for humans to destroy the ability of the planet to continue to sustain life as we now know it. Since it IS possible, it's not illogical to conclude that there are other ways we could cause it to happen, as well.

Now, TODAY, it is the height of human arrogance to say that it could never happen or that we would never be able to cause it to happen no matter what we did. It's the arrogance of ignorance.
Do you know when you have lost an argument?

It is when you have to resort to wild extremes to make an insignificant point. Nothing that mankind is doing with regard to climate, is having the effect you claim it is having. Scientists have take recorded measurements of the past twenty years, plugged them into their models from when they began this little hoax, and discovered that they weren't even in the same solar system when it came to the accuracy of their models. In others words, they failed, and failed utterly to get anything close to their dire warnings.

Now, go peddle your voodoo science to the faithful and tell Algore hi for Me when you get back.
Funny that you are looking for a reasonable person, since you don't seem to qualify.

Did you know that every 20 thousand years, the earth wobbles just a little bit, and because of that wobble, significant climate change occurs. The last wobble gave rise to the Egyptian empire because when the lush region of the Sahara dried up and the nomads of that region were forced toward water. These very same nomads began to band into communities and eventually cities. When next that wobble happens, the odds are that the Sahara will yet again become lush and green

Also, did you know that once upon a time, the Earth was fully covered in ice? They called that time, "Snowball Earth".

Before the advent of glaciers, the oceans (the real key to climate and second strongest influence in climate after the sun) currents moved around the globe in a freer pattern then they do today. This helped to stabilize the temperature of the Earth. When the Isthmus of Central America rose up and blocked the exchange of water between the Atlantic and Pacific, it began a chain of climate changes that brought us Ice Ages and those periods of warming between them.

We are currently between two glaciation periods and the planet IS getting warmer. It has NOTHING to do with Humans. The very arrogance of such a belief cries out for reasonable people to just stand up and slap them hard across the face until their sanity returns.

There was a time when it seemed both inconceivable and unbelievable that humans, despite our war-like nature, could ever destroy the planet's ability to sustain life based purely on making war and/or altering our environment. Industrialization and scientific advancement (including nuclear warfare and gene splicing) have changed all that. Humans can now unleash armageddon either with bombs or test tubes. So, it IS possible for humans to destroy the ability of the planet to continue to sustain life as we now know it. Since it IS possible, it's not illogical to conclude that there are other ways we could cause it to happen, as well.

Now, TODAY, it is the height of human arrogance to say that it could never happen or that we would never be able to cause it to happen no matter what we did. It's the arrogance of ignorance.

Can't it be said that is the height of human arrogance to say we can?

Besides, warm is better.

Besides it hasn't happened in 16 years.

Besides, the Earth doesn't care.
When they resort to extremes, the argument is over. I suppose that all that nuclear fallout is having a huge impact on our planet........oh, wait.......it didn't happen......These devotee's get scary sometimes. I expect they'll begin wearing the robes of their order someday soon.
Does not appear that the ice is going anywhere, maybe a little smaller but we are now measuring with satellites. Like measuring with a micrometer what we used to measure with a yard stick. Besides the Arctic has been ice free in the past.


If you are looking for meaningful data use volume and not extent. Extent means it has sea ice if 15% of an area has sea ice. Volume is what is there.


CryoSat-2 reveals major Arctic sea-ice loss - Arctic Sea Ice

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