Overturn Marbury v. Madison!


Dim Bulb

If the ignorance I see posted here about the role of the judiciary is any indication, I believe that the next litmus test after Roe is overturned will be a desire on the part of some of the Trump uber alles set to be that we should overturn Marbury. Hope I'm wrong, but give me any reason to believe that the marginalization of an equal branch of government will stop before this democracy-crushing event.

A true conservative wants to uphold the values and the process set up by the Constitution. That's me.
If the ignorance I see posted here about the role of the judiciary is any indication, I believe that the next litmus test after Roe is overturned will be a desire on the part of some of the Trump uber alles set to be that we should overturn Marbury. Hope I'm wrong, but give me any reason to believe that the marginalization of an equal branch of government will stop before this democracy-crushing event.

A true conservative wants to uphold the values and the process set up by the Constitution. That's me.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Too much hate to fully understand. The courts have grown too powerful though. Even the SCOTUS pulls laws out of its' ass instead of kicking it back to legislators. A federal judge overturned an executive order. The powers are not balanced by any stretch.
Too much hate to fully understand. The courts have grown too powerful though. Even the SCOTUS pulls laws out of its' ass instead of kicking it back to legislators. A federal judge overturned an executive order. The powers are not balanced by any stretch.

I agree. I am a judicial conservative. Which means I even find the justices coming up with "executive privilege" where none exists abhorrent. It happens, unfortunately to justices of all stripes.
Too much hate to fully understand. The courts have grown too powerful though. Even the SCOTUS pulls laws out of its' ass instead of kicking it back to legislators. A federal judge overturned an executive order. The powers are not balanced by any stretch.

I agree. I am a judicial conservative. Which means I even find the justices coming up with "executive privilege" where none exists abhorrent. It happens, unfortunately to justices of all stripes.

First let's make Executive Privilege, claimed by the president for the executive branch of the US government for withholding information in the public interest full support, and give Kellyanne, et al full immunity for alternative realities.

Then trump&co can continue unabated on their quest to remake America into a fool's paradise, an Oligarchy of the Rich and Powerful. What wrong could such a coalition ever do?

I recognize the desire by some to somehow repeal Marbury v. Madison, but the paradox created by its existence seems to be an impenetrable one. No tunnel, no ladder, nothing imagined can accomplish such a repeal.

Any American will have standing to appeal such an effort, and which member of the Supreme Court would ever deny such a request, or vote to make their decisions impotent?

Imagine the chaos and harm if all the Landmark Cases ceased to exist?

My solution, or hope, it that the Supreme Court adopt the same Code of Ethics as have all other judges in State and Federal Courts, and that a Justice - including the Chief - stand for affirmation after serving 25 years on The Court.

Experience matters and job security should not be an issue when faced with making hard decisions. It seems 25 years is sufficient for a man or women on the court to have established a legacy, and that legacy can and ought to be put before the people in the first general election after a member of the Supreme Court has served for a quarter of a century. If they pass the scrutiny, they may then serve for life, or until they choose to retire.
Then trump&co can continue unabated on their quest to remake America into a fool's paradise, an Oligarchy of the Rich and Powerful.
That's what's already happened. He's rolling it back and it's driving you masters insane so they feed you hogwash to get you riled up.

He's rolling it back? Now I know you are insane! He has packed his inner circle with the power elite, wall street and sycophants.
Then trump&co can continue unabated on their quest to remake America into a fool's paradise, an Oligarchy of the Rich and Powerful.
That's what's already happened. He's rolling it back and it's driving you masters insane so they feed you hogwash to get you riled up.

He's rolling it back? Now I know you are insane! He has packed his inner circle with the power elite, wall street and sycophants.
Power elites = successful people. Contrasted to professional titty suckers that the left adores.
If the ignorance I see posted here about the role of the judiciary is any indication, I believe that the next litmus test after Roe is overturned will be a desire on the part of some of the Trump uber alles set to be that we should overturn Marbury. Hope I'm wrong, but give me any reason to believe that the marginalization of an equal branch of government will stop before this democracy-crushing event.

A true conservative wants to uphold the values and the process set up by the Constitution. That's me.

The USSC overturning Marbury v. Madison has the same odds that congress passing term limits on itself has: Zero.

Once the oligarchs seize power, they are loathe to surrender it.

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