Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice

Why haven’t the Ds passed a law making abortion legal? Simple fix. They’ve had majorities in both houses several times since 1973. O and Joe said they would, but didn’t. Strange no?
It's fairly obvious that the biggest reason is the filibuster, and the death grip the GOP fascists hold on that parliamentary device.
Why haven’t the Ds passed a law making abortion legal? Simple fix. They’ve had majorities in both houses several times since 1973. O and Joe said they would, but didn’t. Strange no?
It's fairly obvious that the biggest reason is the filibuster, and the death grip the GOP fascists hold on that parliamentary device.
As important, that such a law rests on the winds of political change. That the following congress or even the same congress could reverse it.

The law givith and the law taketh away.

You can't treat rights as changeable upon demand.
So you support forced pregnancies on women then.

No.....rapists should be put in prison for life.....I don't believe in killing a baby because the woman was raped....she should have full medical care for the baby and herself, and if she doesn't want to keep the baby, she should be able to put it up for adoption without cost.
It's fairly obvious that the biggest reason is the filibuster, and the death grip the GOP fascists hold on that parliamentary device.

Dipshit.....the democrats use it when they are out of power too...you moron. it is a check on the power of government.
You do know that pregnancy can be fatal. Childbirth can be fatal.

Sadly, about 700 women die each year in the United States as a result of pregnancy or delivery complications. During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through many changes. These changes are entirely normal, but may become very important in case there are complications or problems.

The life of the mother is the only legitimate reason for abortion......a woman doesn't have to give up her life....

In this case, the abortion is triage, saving one life rather than losing two.
"I know there are times when abortions are necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white, or a rape. I just say that, matter of factly. You know what I mean. There are times."

—Richard Nixon, on tape in the Oval Office, 1973
"I know there are times when abortions are necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white, or a rape. I just say that, matter of factly. You know what I mean. There are times."

—Richard Nixon, on tape in the Oval Office, 1973


Aborition outside of saving the life of the mother is murder.
No.....rapists should be put in prison for life.....I don't believe in killing a baby because the woman was raped....she should have full medical care for the baby and herself, and if she doesn't want to keep the baby, she should be able to put it up for adoption without cost.
That is great. Punish the rapist. I am sure that makes the victim, who you are now FORCING to bear the child feel good about being FORCED to then give birth, and then make a horrible choice about whether to give it up or keep it when she could have gotten rid early in the pregnancy.
Only because they corrected its flaws.

The fact of which you ignored, or chose not to believe
No it's been contaminated by extreme leftist activism.
When you present some facts for the irrelevance of the Constitution you will have presented to reason to over throw the government.
That is great. Punish the rapist. I am sure that makes the victim, who you are now FORCING to bear the child feel good about being FORCED to then give birth, and then make a horrible choice about whether to give it up or keep it when she could have gotten rid early in the pregnancy.

So.....kill the baby. The only death penalty case you guys love.....killing babies....

A crime was committed against the woman. That doesn't mean she can kill another human being who did nothing wrong, broke no law.

It is a sad, tragic event, and the rapist needs to be punished...but killing the baby isn't part of that equation.
Access to birth control is fundamental right. The ability of a woman to control how many children to have is a fundamental right. Privacy is a fundamental right (otherwise the state could legally spy on us for any reason at any time). It doesn't need to be specifically enumerated in the Constitution to be a right or we are royally screwed.

Disagree. The problem is we no longer live in the world of 1776 and 300 years have made tremendous changes in our view of what constitutes rights and a lot of other things. The Constitution and Bill of Rights, are deliberately worded to be broad enough to acknowledge this without restricting us to the mores of a bygone era.

There are a LOT of things not specifically enumerated that we take as rights but are interpreted by various legal scholars to be. One example:

The 4th Article/2nd Amendment- which starts out with "A well regulated Militia..." does not specifically enumerate the idea of everyone being allowed to have a gun outside of the militia, yet a portion of Americans take that as a "right" (not arguing 2A, just using it as an example)...but that is really irrelevant because of Amendment X:

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

In other words, just because there is a list of rights in the Constitution, that doesn't mean those are the ONLY rights or that the government can take away other rights that are not listed.
no. just the rights constitutionally defined as fundamental.
So is a forced pregnancy, and that is exactly what a pregnancy from rape is.

And killing an innocent baby is murder, even if the baby was created by rape. Killing a baby is murder, that is exactly what it is when you kill a baby.
You and I can agrue of which side blah blah blah til the cows come home, but is it really relevant? We each have our biases and our points of view.
and I have solid extreme examples of the left being assholes over the last, several years pushing their agenda.
So is a forced pregnancy, and that is exactly what a pregnancy from rape is.


If the mother kills the baby because she was raped, that murder is on the rapist....since it is a murder, the rapist should be executed as well....right?
We’re going to talk about the economy, about energy, about the failed Biden policies, about the open border, about destroying Putin's army, and that's how the GOP will win the midterms, not by talking about abortion
No.....rapists should be put in prison for life.....I don't believe in killing a baby because the woman was raped....she should have full medical care for the baby and herself, and if she doesn't want to keep the baby, she should be able to put it up for adoption without cost.
As you point out, she "should" have free medical care, but what if she doesn't?
You are forcing her to bear both the medical costs, plus other financial burdens, such as having to take time off from work.
She could get her medical costs covered by becoming a burden on society.
The life of the mother is the only legitimate reason for abortion......a woman doesn't have to give up her life....

In this case, the abortion is triage, saving one life rather than losing two.
Of pregnant woman, you can expect 1 in 10,000 to die before or from childbirth.
Deaths from legal abortions are 0.07 in 10,000, many times safer than remaining pregnant.

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