Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice

I don’t literally mean they give rights, but their decisions effect rights and how they are interpreted.

That is literally what you said though...Their decisions should be ruling on Constitutionality of the case in front of them, nothing more...

You haven’t seen activism like this. And a pretty good indicator is the measure of public trust in the institution which used to be considered above the political fray....

First off, we don't know what the decision will be, until June. So, cool it on the "activism" charge. But, what we have witnessed over say the past five years is a slew of Federal Judges inserting themselves into Presidential politics by ruling on cases based on their political beliefs instead of any judicial integrity...This, should it hold til June and be announced, is just a decision you don't like, but have no control to influence...

...and a good indication of this is how they didn’t “reliably” rule in the way partisans on either side expected them to, right?

How so?

I expect our Justices to follow the Constitution. Nothing more, nothing less.

Fact is, you better believe I don’t like it. A very fundamental right, control over the integrity of my own body, is being taken from me. This is a right I have had for almost fifty years.

And for all that time you were mistaken...It was never a right. Simply a decision made by a judicial stretch reading something in the Constitution that doesn't exist.

The only “activism” is those now deciding pregnant women lose all rights to their body, as an entire class of people.

That is far from what would happen should the SC overturn Roe...All that means it that the issue is returned to the states, as it should have always been...If you don't like what will happen in your state, I suggest you vote for politicians that share your views.

Some of the trigger laws proposed would make abortion illegal in all cases except for “eminent threat to a woman’s life”….she would have to be on the verge of death to get a legal abortion.

While I suspect that states like that will move quickly to rectify their laws to update them, I doubt your panic is warranted...

Judicial activism? Claiming that a being growing within another’s body, that maybe nothing more than a a few cells seeking a uterus has the same rights over that body as she does. Nowhere in the constitution are embryos granted rights.

A "being" eh? What kind of being? Is it a dog? A cat? It's a being alright, a HUMAN BEING....And as such is protected under its right to life.

You don't want a baby, don't commit the act that makes a human being.
Interesting use of the term "innocent human". The roman catholic church has as a fundamental tenet, that babies are not "innocent humans"
I’m not a Catholic. And I don’t believe in original sin. And even the Catholic Church opposes abortion.
Here is a question.:How many rulings that undid previous rulings do we now believe were unwise reversals?

Answer: None

And the repeal of the horrible Roe v Wade ruling will be the same.
“America is a different place, with most of its population born after Roe was decided. And a decision to overturn Roe — which the court seems poised to do, according to the leak of a draft of a majority opinion from Justice Samuel Alito — would do more to replicate Roe’s damage than to reverse it.

It would be a radical, not conservative, choice.

What is conservative? It is, above all, the conviction that abrupt and profound changes to established laws and common expectations are utterly destructive to respect for the law and the institutions established to uphold it — especially when those changes are instigated from above, with neither democratic consent nor broad consensus.”

Overturning Roe is therefore repugnant to conservativism – it is radical, extreme, reckless, and irresponsible.
Roe was a horrible decision based on intentional misrepresentations and definitions.

The correct thing was and always will be to reverse it.

The conservative thing to do is to send the abortion question back to the states where it belongs for "The People" of each state to decide for themselves.

Why do you fear Democracy?
Interesting use of the term "innocent human". The roman catholic church has as a fundamental tenet, that babies are not "innocent humans"
Since an aborted baby cannot be Christened or Baptized having that original sin washed away this is a pretty weak argument.

By any understanding of the word, they are by definition the most innocent of all of us.

Thankfully most of us don't' need or rely on Pope's to dictate such things to us.
Ever notice how the quislings pop off about privacy being fundamental in one breath when it serves their wants...yet they want you to have to show your medical records to go in and have some crappy sandwich some place in another breath?

It's just a total lack of self-awareness at this point. It's laughable if it weren't so disturbing.
Ever notice how the quislings pop off about privacy being fundamental in one breath when it serves their wants...yet they want you to have to show your medical records to go in and have some crappy sandwich some place in another breath?

It's just a total lack of self-awareness at this point. It's laughable if it weren't so disturbing.
They'd stand by and cheer while their political opponents were being dragged off and shot or put in forced labor camps as well. And they KNOW IT'S TRUE.
They'd stand by and cheer while their political opponents were being dragged off and shot or put in forced labor camps as well. And they KNOW IT'S TRUE.

I specifically recall some of them openly calling for people who did not conform to the decrees to undergo invasive medical procedures like vaccination to be rounded up and put in camps similar to the way they did the Japanese.
As you point out, she "should" have free medical care, but what if she doesn't?
You are forcing her to bear both the medical costs, plus other financial burdens, such as having to take time off from work.
She could get her medical costs covered by becoming a burden on society.

So...all of a sudden money is more important than the life of a child? We use government money to pay for the child, versus allowing the baby to be murdered.......
Of pregnant woman, you can expect 1 in 10,000 to die before or from childbirth.
Deaths from legal abortions are 0.07 in 10,000, many times safer than remaining pregnant.

And? Murdering a baby is 100% fatal.......an abortion kills almost every time...and when it doesn't immediately kill the baby, the Doctor, who took an oath to first do no harm, allows the baby who survived the abortion to simply die...
A raped woman who is forced to carry the child to term is more likely to die from pregnancy/childbirth, than a rapist to be sentenced to the death penalty.

Sorry.....that's just crap.

Do you support the death penalty for rape?
the left has had plenty of time to make this law and be done with it. they choose instead to use to like now, fire up a base over an issue.

their own fault for making it political and it resolving problems.

Yep, Derek Hunter pointed out that with obama, they had two years with a filibuster prove majority in the Senate to pass kill baby laws....they didn't......that's on them.
That is literally what you said though...Their decisions should be ruling on Constitutionality of the case in front of them, nothing more...
Actually it is more than that, they have take into account the weight of precedent and case law as well.

First off, we don't know what the decision will be, until June. So, cool it on the "activism" charge. But, what we have witnessed over say the past five years is a slew of Federal Judges inserting themselves into Presidential politics by ruling on cases based on their political beliefs instead of any judicial integrity...

oh? And who comprises this “slew”? And who decides it is based on “political beliefs” instead of “judicial integrity”?

This, should it hold til June and be announced, is just a decision you don't like, but have no control to influence...

While it is true I can neither control it directly nor influence it, I can be part of the means to eventually overturn it much as conservatives are doing with Roe. Eventually the make up of the court will change.

How so?

I expect our Justices to follow the Constitution. Nothing more, nothing less.

I think you expect them to follow your interpretation of the Constitution.

And for all that time you were mistaken...it was never a right. Simply a decision made by a judicial stretch reading something in the Constitution that doesn't exist.

How so? Because it wasn’t specified in the Constitution?

Amendment IX​

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

That is far from what would happen should the SC overturn Roe...All that means it that the issue is returned to the states, as it should have always been...If you don't like what will happen in your state, I suggest you vote for politicians that share your views.

While I suspect that states like that will move quickly to rectify their laws to update them, I doubt your panic is warranted...

Have you looked at some of the proposed trigger laws?

A "being" eh? What kind of being? Is it a dog? A cat? It's a being alright, a HUMAN BEING....And as such is protected under its right to life.

It’s rights do not overuse that of a woman’s rights to her own body,

You don't want a baby, don't commit the act that makes a human being.
You don’t want an abortion, don’t have one. I very much doubt rape victims had much choice in committing the act.
Here is a question.:How many rulings that undid previous rulings do we now believe were unwise reversals?

Answer: None

And the repeal of the horrible Roe v Wade ruling will be the same.
Citizens United.
Yep, Derek Hunter pointed out that with obama, they had two years with a filibuster prove majority in the Senate to pass kill baby laws....they didn't......that's on them.
They had no idea Roe would ever be overturned.

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