Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice

Worse than slavery??? You guys are nuts.
Yes, abortion is worse than slavery. The descendants of slaves have a life in a society with opportunities. The descendants of aborted babies? Well.....
Actually it is more than that, they have take into account the weight of precedent and case law as well.

SC Justices only decision should be to the Constitution of the United States....Saying that they need to uphold precedent is saying that no decision made by the court at any period in time should ever be overturned...Is that what you want? Should we bring back slavery?

oh? And who comprises this “slew”? And who decides it is based on “political beliefs” instead of “judicial integrity”?

Come on now, we saw a bunch during Trump....but, I understand you agreed with them so it was ok with you.

While it is true I can neither control it directly nor influence it, I can be part of the means to eventually overturn it much as conservatives are doing with Roe. Eventually the make up of the court will change.

Your efforts should be in amending the Constitution if you believe that strongly in it being a right....Those of you on the pro abortion side love to quote stats and polls that point to the 2/3 majority you need, so why not do it? Are your polls a lie?

How so? Because it wasn’t specified in the Constitution?

Amendment IX​

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Your making the mistake of reading into the amendment what is not there....Does it specifically outline what rights these "others" are? Or are they talking about the other enumerated rights spelled out in the document?

Have you looked at some of the proposed trigger laws?

Not all of them no...but, just because they exist at the moment, realize that the decision hasn't happened yet, and right now these legislatures should be scrambling to rectify what their constituents want.

It’s rights do not overuse that of a woman’s rights to her own body,

The woman made that choice the moment she consented to an act that has a singular purpose of creating another life.

You don’t want an abortion, don’t have one. I very much doubt rape victims had much choice in committing the act.

True, and for the record I am in favor of 'rape, incest, and health of the mother' exceptions...
Overruling bad law badly decided is good solid conservatism.

The bad laws were the unenforceable abortion laws no one was obeying by 1973.

I was first trimester pro-choice, until the roaring silence from the left in the wake of the Veritas exposure.

This isn't about choice, it's rebranded eugenics....The abortionists are plain old evil.

That you believe anything coming out of Project Veritas is kind of laughable.

And the Constitution doesn’t make any reference to an allegedly fundamental “right” to abort a human life.

The constitution wasn't written by anyone with a uterus. Maybe we need a new constitution that isn't written exclusively by white men.
SC Justices only decision should be to the Constitution of the United States....Saying that they need to uphold precedent is saying that no decision made by the court at any period in time should ever be overturned...Is that what you want? Should we bring back slavery?

No, Anger Issues, the problem here is that slavery was ended by the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. The court was correct in that according to the constitution, slaves had no rights. That's why it had to be amended.

I do think the court made up a right to privacy out of the ninth and 14th amendments... because it was pragmatic to do so. The real problem wasn't roe, it was Griswold v. Connecticut. That decision got rid of all the archaic anti-contraception laws, and no one had a problem with it.

our efforts should be in amending the Constitution if you believe that strongly in it being a right....Those of you on the pro abortion side love to quote stats and polls that point to the 2/3 majority you need, so why not do it? Are your polls a lie?

The problem here is that amending the constitution has become Nigh impossible with 50 states. The last time it was legitimately amended was the 26th Amendment in the 1970's, which everyone thought was reasonable. (Giving 18 year olds the right to vote after sending thousands of them into the meat grinder in Vietnam seemed more than fair.)
Since when is ending murder....in those states that end murder of babies...radical?

Fetuses aren't babies.

And since you are so for state rights and ending murder now, how about letting states ban guns if that's what they feel like doing.


The bad laws were the unenforceable abortion laws no one was obeying by 1973.

That you believe anything coming out of Project Veritas is kind of laughable.

The constitution wasn't written by anyone with a uterus. Maybe we need a new constitution that isn't written exclusively by white men.
The bad law was the foundation less Roe v. Wade.
No they didn’t. Yes, you hypocrites did steal that line.
You don't live by that line. I do. You're a filthy liar. I don't think it's any of government's business what a woman does with her body. I also don't think it's any of the government's damn business what someone wears on their face or what they put or don't put into their body.

You are the worst miserable form of hypocrite ever imaginable. You are no liberal and never have been. You're a fucking communist. Authoritarian. Asshole.
Naw, Roe just recognized reality... women who don't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant.

It was easy for them to do in 1973, and it will be easier in 2022 when they've ALREADY ENJOYED THE RIGHT for 50 years.
It is cretins such as you who conflate abortion with contraception.

As for the legality of abortion, the States will be addressing that issue if the Dobbs draft decision stands.
It is cretins such as you who conflate abortion with contraception.

As for the legality of abortion, the States will be addressing that issue if the Dobbs draft decision stands.

Abortion is contraception... as far as the women who have them are concerned, and they are the only ones who count.

Dobbs will be the worst thing that happened to the Right Wing in this country... it shows how crazy you are.

It's why Republicans avoided overturning Roe for 50 years.
“America is a different place, with most of its population born after Roe was decided. And a decision to overturn Roe — which the court seems poised to do, according to the leak of a draft of a majority opinion from Justice Samuel Alito — would do more to replicate Roe’s damage than to reverse it.

It would be a radical, not conservative, choice.

What is conservative? It is, above all, the conviction that abrupt and profound changes to established laws and common expectations are utterly destructive to respect for the law and the institutions established to uphold it — especially when those changes are instigated from above, with neither democratic consent nor broad consensus.”

Overturning Roe is therefore repugnant to conservativism – it is radical, extreme, reckless, and irresponsible.
So...I guess you would have been against Brown v. Board of Education since it was a radical change from Plessy v. Ferguson.

Roe was a horribly flawed decision. It was legislation from the bench. It should be overturned.
Abortion is contraception... as far as the women who have them are concerned, and they are the only ones who count.

Dobbs will be the worst thing that happened to the Right Wing in this country... it shows how crazy you are.

It's why Republicans avoided overturning Roe for 50 years.
No you idiot. Abortion is absolutely NOT contraception. How fucking ignorant are you? :cuckoo:

Abortions are only performed after conception. You idiot.
No you idiot. Abortion is absolutely NOT contraception. How fucking ignorant are you? :cuckoo:

Abortions are only performed after conception. You idiot.

Right.. they undo conception by putting little Globby into a medical waste container rather than sucking off the welfare teet for 18 years. Given how much your side whines about welfare, you should be happy about that.
Right.. they undo conception by putting little Globby into a medical waste container rather than sucking off the welfare teet for 18 years. Given how much your side whines about welfare, you should be happy about that.
You’re retarded. Contraception means to prevent conception. Once conception has occurred, you can’t prevent it (or “undo” it) you fucking imbecile. And no. My side doesn’t whine about welfare. Welfare cheating is another story. But some people do have a need for help and if we as a society agree to lend that hand, I’m ok with it.

In any event, only utter vile scumbags like you place a dollar value on innocent human life.
You’re retarded. Contraception means to prevent conception. Once conception has occurred, you can’t prevent it (or “undo” it) you fucking imbecile. And no. My side doesn’t whine about welfare. Welfare cheating is another story. But some people do have a need for help and if we as a society agree to lend that hand, I’m ok with it.

In any event, only utter vile scumbags like you place a dollar value on innocent human life.

Naw, man, if we didn't place a value on human life, we'd have universal health care. We don't. Fuck those poor people. You guys have tried to cut welfare at every opportunity, this is why I don't take you seriously when you whine about THE BABIES!!!!! There are plenty of babies who go to bed hungry every night because our poverty relief programs are so fucking inadequate.

Abortion ends pregnancy... Therefore, contraception. There are women who use it as birth control. In fact, that's why the majority of them ARE performed. Personally, I'd rather they use other methods, but you idiots keep cutting funding to Planned Parenthood or insisting on abstinence instruction instead of teaching other forms of contraception. So I won't take your whining about THE BABIES!!!! terribly seriously.

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