Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice

Naw, man, if we didn't place a value on human life, we'd have universal health care. We don't. Fuck those poor people. You guys have tried to cut welfare at every opportunity, this is why I don't take you seriously when you whine about THE BABIES!!!!! There are plenty of babies who go to bed hungry every night because our poverty relief programs are so fucking inadequate.

Abortion ends pregnancy... Therefore, contraception. There are women who use it as birth control. In fact, that's why the majority of them ARE performed. Personally, I'd rather they use other methods, but you idiots keep cutting funding to Planned Parenthood or insisting on abstinence instruction instead of teaching other forms of contraception. So I won't take your whining about THE BABIES!!!! terribly seriously.

To the first, you just discredited your own argument.

To the second, Contraception is to prevent pregnancy you idiot, not to end it. Terminating a pregnancy is an abortion.


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con·tra·cep·tion | \ ˌkän-trə-ˈsep-shən \

Definition of contraception

: deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation
'd rather they use other methods, but you idiots keep cutting funding to Planned Parenthood or insisting on abstinence instruction instead of teaching other forms of contraception.
With PP not performing abortions anymore they won't need anymore gov't funding.

It's a private organization, why should it receive any gov't funding at all?
To the first, you just discredited your own argument.

To the second, Contraception is to prevent pregnancy you idiot, not to end it. Terminating a pregnancy is an abortion.

That's one fetus that will never bother us again... So long, Globby!

Women are using abortion as birth control. That makes it contraception. In fact, it's the only form of contraception that is 100% effective.
With PP not performing abortions anymore they won't need anymore gov't funding.

It's a private organization, why should it receive any gov't funding at all?

Same reason the government contracts out building roads...

You outsource work to people who know what they are doing.

Planned Parenthood prevents far more pregnancies than they perform abortions. Abortions are only 3% of the services they provide. If you guys were serious about preventing unwanted pregnancies and abortions, you'd give PP everything they ask for, no strings attached.

Instead, very time we get a Republican in there, we go through this kabuki dance of gag rules.
Naw, man, if we didn't place a value on human life, we'd have universal health care. We don't. Fuck those poor people. You guys have tried to cut welfare at every opportunity, this is why I don't take you seriously when you whine about THE BABIES!!!!! There are plenty of babies who go to bed hungry every night because our poverty relief programs are so fucking inadequate.

Abortion ends pregnancy... Therefore, contraception. There are women who use it as birth control. In fact, that's why the majority of them ARE performed. Personally, I'd rather they use other methods, but you idiots keep cutting funding to Planned Parenthood or insisting on abstinence instruction instead of teaching other forms of contraception. So I won't take your whining about THE BABIES!!!! terribly seriously.
Wrong, shit head. We place value on innocent human life. The costs of health care for a population of our size is massive. So we have private and public with private insurance and with some government assisted coverage. If you want to whine like the asshole you are that it’s not universal and free, go right ahead. But this is still not some fantasy land of liberal wetdreams. There is no utopia.

Abortion kills preborn babies. It would control our population if people (after being born) were free to kill other post-birth people, too. But that’s not how we roll, you cheesedick.

And nobody gives a crap what an imbecile like you takes seriously. Go sit in a puddle and fart. Enjoy the bubbles.
Wrong, shit head. We place value on innocent human life. The costs of health care for a population of our size is massive. So we have private and public with private insurance and with some government assisted coverage. If you want to whine like the asshole you are that it’s not universal and free, go right ahead. But this is still not some fantasy land of liberal wetdreams. There is no utopia.

You place value on keeping them women in their place.

As far as universal health care, the US Spends more per capita than the socialized medicine countries, and we get much worse results. That's the problem when you treat health care as a commodity instead of a right. Our system is more expensive, not less.

And when a $300.00 abortion is weighed against a $10,000 live birth, that's an easy one to make.

Abortion kills preborn babies. It would control our population if people (after being born) were free to kill other post-birth people, too. But that’s not how we roll, you cheesedick.

Fetuses aren't babies... we don't have funerals for medical waste.
Wrong, shit head. We place value on innocent human life. The costs of health care for a population of our size is massive. So we have private and public with private insurance and with some government assisted coverage. If you want to whine like the asshole you are that it’s not universal and free, go right ahead. But this is still not some fantasy land of liberal wetdreams. There is no utopia.

Abortion kills preborn babies. It would control our population if people (after being born) were free to kill other post-birth people, too. But that’s not how we roll, you cheesedick.

And nobody gives a crap what an imbecile like you takes seriously. Go sit in a puddle and fart. Enjoy the bubbles.

If God wanted us to know abortion is wrong … I think he wouldn’t have “designed” a system where 50% of fertilized eggs fail to attach or abort on thier own.

If there is a teaching in his design, it’s that abortion occurs naturally and is very common.
You place value on keeping them women in their place.
Stop projecting, you imbecile libtard. As a conservative, I am far more a champion of women’s’ rights than you could ever hope to be.
But no claimed “right” of easy access to an abortion for the sake of convenience trumps the other person’s right to live.

The balance of your imbecile post was unworthy of further rebuttal. All you’re doing is repeating your pointless claims.
Fetuses aren't babies... we don't have funerals for medical waste.
Fetuses are preborn babies.

Aborted preborn babies aren’t “medical waste” no matter how much you wish it were true. They are treated like garbage. But they were people.

If God wanted us to know abortion is wrong … I think he wouldn’t have “designed” a system where 50% of fertilized eggs fail to attach or abort on thier own.

If there is a teaching in his design, it’s that abortion occurs naturally and is very common.
A piece of cotton need not become a shirt. Am I fertilized chicken egg is obviously not a chicken. A nut that grows on a tree is a part of the tree. A zygote inside a woman’s womb is a human being and can never be anything else unless it dies naturally or is slaughtered in the womb.

This is indeed a simple concept. Therefore I wouldn’t expect you to be able to grasp it.
Stop projecting, you imbecile libtard. As a conservative, I am far more a champion of women’s’ rights than you could ever hope to be.
But no claimed “right” of easy access to an abortion for the sake of convenience trumps the other person’s right to live.

Yeah, somehow I doubt that. Conservatives don't believe in equal pay, don't support sexual harassment laws, fought against the VAWA.

Aborted preborn babies aren’t “medical waste” no matter how much you wish it were true. They are treated like garbage. But they were people.

No, they really weren't. They didn't have names, and the people who created them didn't want them.

A piece of cotton need not become a shirt. Am I fertilized chicken egg is obviously not a chicken. A nut that grows on a tree is a part of the tree. A zygote inside a woman’s womb is a human being and can never be anything else unless it dies naturally or is slaughtered in the womb.

This is indeed a simple concept. Therefore I wouldn’t expect you to be able to grasp it.
You miss the point.

Most chicken eggs never become chickens, they become omelets.
most nuts never become trees, they get eaten by animals.
2/3rds of zygotes never attach to the uterine wall, and of the ones that do, 20% end up as miscarriages, 20% end up as abortions.

You see, it used to be that 10% of women died in childbirth, and 50% of children never saw the age of five.

We've made incredible medical advances since then. But that comes with a cost of a need to control population growth... Otherwise, we'd overrun the planet.

If God wanted us to know abortion is wrong … I think he wouldn’t have “designed” a system where 50% of fertilized eggs fail to attach or abort on thier own.

If there is a teaching in his design, it’s that abortion occurs naturally and is very common.
Ok, this wins 'stupid, fucked up liberal rant of the day"....

Gee,why didn't you add this photo to the moronic montages you started off with?


.....because this IS a BABY with a heartbeat in the womb, a viable human being inside the womb capable of surviving outside the womb.

You crazy fuckers want to call it a 'lump of cells'. Does that look like a 'lump of cells' to you, dumbass? If so,ook in the mirror right now and understand that what you are looking at, according to the Drnocrat Death Cult is a 'LUMP OF CELLS WITH A HEARTBEAT'...worthy of and an abortion of which is justified.

The Democrat Death Cult:

- Refused to acknowledge a baby with a heartbeat is a living being

- Wanted to refuse the right to call a baby a 'baby' and have the right to kill it as long as the head remained in the mother

- We're caught dismembering babies and selling the parts for profit, leading many at one time to refer Planned Parenthood abortion clinics an 'infant chop shop' - instead of cars, bring in a viable baby, cut it into parts, and Sr them individually.

- Tried to make it legal to.kurder a baby fighting for its life outside the womb after a failed abortion.
-- The same a$$holes arguing how an illegal can walk 5 feet across our border, have a baby, & that baby has every Constitutional right an American has were arguing that a US citizen / American baby born in the US, surviving liberals attempt to kill it, somehow does NOT have the same Constitutionl rights of any other American in the US...or the same rights Democrats want to give that baby born of an illegal 5 feet on our side of the border. WTF?!

Even now the Deatb Cult is attempting to pass legislation legalizing the murder of infants inside the womb through all 9 months of pregnancy.

Anyone who can look at all of this and NOT figure our for themselves that Democrats have no respect for life, especially those of children, are as mentally impaired as Joe Biden, if not more.
Why haven’t the Ds passed a law making abortion legal? Simple fix. They’ve had majorities in both houses several times since 1973. O and Joe said they would, but didn’t. Strange no?
Just because the US government and state governments have no authority to make abortions illegal, does not at all give the federal or state governments the authority to make abortions legally protected either.
You do not and should not pass legislation to ensure what is legal and supposed to be legal.
This is a question of individual rights, and no level of government has any authority over that.
Individual rights are not only infinite and can never all be listed, but are supposed to beyond the jurisdiction of any level of government.
Passing legislation is NOT how you make anything legal.
You make things legal by jailing anyone who would try to make something illegal, that is beyond their jurisdiction.
giving the states back power.

I'm fine with that.

No, states have no authority to arbitrarily restrict individual rights.
That would allow the major race to enslave any minority they do not like.
That would allow the major religion to abuse any minority religion.

States do not have legal authority to dictate to a woman about what medical procedures they can or can not have done.
Why haven’t the Ds passed a law making abortion legal? Simple fix. They’ve had majorities in both houses several times since 1973. O and Joe said they would, but didn’t. Strange no?
Why? Because they would rather use it as a wedge issue than fix it. Democrats have played their base and now they will either need to pass a bill or let states decide. Not sure why the Dems aren't trying to push a bill through.

I think they realize November is trouble for them and if they can divert, this wedge issue may keep them in power but don't expect them to pass a bill legalizing abortion.
Right. You're okay with zero firearm restrictions?

Yes, there really should be zero firearm restrictions.
We do not want juveniles to have firearm access, but that should be done through parental supervision, and not any legislative or executive body.
The tradition is the home defense weapon over the mantle, and children were not restricted from its use when necessary.

I can not think of a single firearm piece of legislation that is actually legal.
They are all criminal in effect and intent.
Removing legislative decision-making responsibility from the hands of politicians who have proven themselves in the last years to be the most corrupt, most criminal, most treasonous, most self-serving, most oppressive enemies of the state and placing that authority to self-legislate back into the hands of the people is somehow 'RADICAL' to extremists and snowflakes?!

The same politicians who demanded commitment to the USSC's rulings are now the same people are calling g for violence against them, attempting to undermine and destroy the court, and are declaring the entire USSC to be an ILLEGITIMATE Court.

The same people demand they get their way and have the authority to dictate their agenda on the rest of the country....

- Are the same ones who are throwing a treasonous insurrection now because they are not getting their way and demand

The same ones who are declaring they are the best to decide Constitutionality of law are the very same ones who have and continue to violate both Constitition and Rule of Law:
- Russian Collusion Scandal

- Faux Imprachment coup attempts during which Democrats were caught breaking laws

- Presidents, VPs, the NSA, CIA, FBI committing crimes against Americans and the nation

- Democrats inciting an assassination attempt on and shooting of fellow opposition party lawmakers ... and now are inciting the same type of violence against USSC Justices

- Refusing to denounce the USSC Leak, doxxing of the court, 'insurrections' (and instead are calling for them), and violence against and intimidation of Justices

- Incited and encouraged violent BLM and Antifa terrorist activity that involved looting, burning, destroying, and killing while perpetrating billions of dollars in damage in property communities....

Democrats, Iberal extremists have done these yet they believe they are best to make laws and judge Constitutionality then force their agendas on us?

Democrats have demonstrated they either don't know the law and Constitution or don't care about ant of it:

- Federal Democrats - Pelosi and others - have been caught multiple times breaking Insider Trading Laws. Each time they have claimed they did not know those laws applied to them, swore they would write new legislation making it illegal for politicians to engage in Insider Trading EVEN THOSE LAWS ALREADY EXIST & refused to allow any of themselves to he charged with criminally making their millions
-- How can criminal repeat offenders be entrusted with making and forcing laws on the rest of us when they are continuous caught breaking the same laws and others?

The Democrats' Head of the Judicial Committee, the Guy who is supposed to know law and make sure the Justice system operates legally actually ORDERED the US AG TO BREAK US LAW...AND THEN LED DEMOCRATS IN ADMINISHING THE US AGFOR REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW FOR DEMOCRAT BENEFIT. Fat-ass Jerry Nadler riminally abused his Committee position and power.

And there are so many other examples, almost daily, showing how corrupt, criminal, treasonous, self-serving, US govt undermining they are while they insist to get their way and that they are the only ones who can be entrusted to run the country.

NOT taking more power from them, or at least power they have no Constitutional authority to wield, and giving it back to the states would be 'radical',, not to mention a mistake.
The fact is that overturning Roe is not conservative, it's radical, extreme, reckless, and irresponsible - which is what conservatism has become.
So "radical" that leftist superstars Alan Dershowitz and Ruth Bader Ginsburg considered Roe to be aberrant bad law.

Go piss up a rope.

First of all, Dershowitz is no liberal at all, but extremely right wing and a sell out to the highest bidder.
Second is that Ginsburg was an extremely strong abortion rights proponent, and made no argument against abortion rights at all, in any way.
All she said is that Roe Vs Wade stopped any further analysis of women's rights issues that should have continued to a better popular understanding as to why abortion rights must always remain legal.

In the drafted opinion, Alito quoted the late Justice Ginsburg, who was a famously strong defender of women's rights during her 27-year tenure on the court before her death in 2020.

"Roe...halted a political process that was moving in a reform direction and thereby, I believed, prolonged divisiveness and deferred stable settlement of the issue," Alito quoted Ginsburg on the third page of his 98-page opinion.

In a lecture published in the 1992 issue of the New York University Law Review, Ginsburg argued that in the 1970s, amid a wave of cases on gender issues, the Supreme Court "approved the direction of change through a temperate brand of decisionmaking, one that was not extravagant or divisive."

"Roe, on the other hand, halted a political process that was moving in a reform direction and thereby, I believe, prolonged divisiveness and deferred stable settlement of the issue," Ginsburg said. She added that the Roe decision "coupled with the rights of the pregnant woman the free exercise of her physician's medical judgment," instead of focusing on "the idea of the woman in control of her destiny and her place in society."

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