Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice

The left are SO desperate to keep their black genocide program, they're resorting to violence again.

The question is where would any government authority over abortion come from?
If a woman and her doctor do not believe a fetus is a child, who has any authority above them?
Clearly no one can legally.
Only those who want to impose their religious beliefs on others are concerned about stopping abortions.
It does not harm them, so they have no authority or say.
Now apply that universally and have fun with the inevitable "this is different" bullshit.

No, that is the whole point.
Applying universally, the principle that government is not a source of legal authority, works perfectly for everything.
Once you realize that defense of individual rights is the only source of any legal authority, and gov is only borrowing that authority when there is a conflict, it all makes perfect sense.
Then things like Prohibition don't happen because it becomes obvious government has no say over that.
Prohibition defended the rights of no one.
The vast majority of those weeping and wailing about the possibility of Roe being overturned will see absolutely no difference in their lives regarding abortion.

Doesn't matter.
The point is you don't let government make a bad precedent because it leads to more bad acts.
One should be against Prohibition even if one did not drink alcohol, just like males should also be against over turning Roe vs Wade.
Once government goes off the rails, anything becomes possible.
And any government restrictions on abortion would be wildly illegal.
“America is a different place, with most of its population born after Roe was decided. And a decision to overturn Roe — which the court seems poised to do, according to the leak of a draft of a majority opinion from Justice Samuel Alito — would do more to replicate Roe’s damage than to reverse it.

It would be a radical, not conservative, choice.

What is conservative? It is, above all, the conviction that abrupt and profound changes to established laws and common expectations are utterly destructive to respect for the law and the institutions established to uphold it — especially when those changes are instigated from above, with neither democratic consent nor broad consensus.”

Overturning Roe is therefore repugnant to conservativism – it is radical, extreme, reckless, and irresponsible.

You realize abortion will now be decided by the people State by State versus by Judicial Fiat.

So tell me again what you object to?
No, that is the whole point.
Applying universally, the principle that government is not a source of legal authority, works perfectly for everything.
Once you realize that defense of individual rights is the only source of any legal authority, and gov is only borrowing that authority when there is a conflict, it all makes perfect sense.
Then things like Prohibition don't happen because it becomes obvious government has no say over that.
Prohibition defended the rights of no one.
rights are nothing more than agreed upon actions from the society protecting them.

on any level.

there isn't a universal "right" to anything natively. how we define and protect rights is up to us all.

when you start saying one group isn't worthy, you are the divide.

now if we have state and federal rights, which we do, it's, because our society defines and protects them as such.

we are in a dangerous area because the left doles out rights based on emotion, not mutual gain.
Doesn't matter.
The point is you don't let government make a bad precedent because it leads to more bad acts.
One should be against Prohibition even if one did not drink alcohol, just like males should also be against over turning Roe vs Wade.
Once government goes off the rails, anything becomes possible.
And any government restrictions on abortion would be wildly illegal.
Overturning Roe won't make abortion illegal.
Conservatives are supposed to believe in limited government, clearly that's not the case.
If you believe an unborn baby is a human being, you have cause to want the government to restrict the freedom to kill them. It can be limited government even if the government protects life.
rights are nothing more than agreed upon actions from the society protecting them.

on any level.

there isn't a universal "right" to anything natively. how we define and protect rights is up to us all.

when you start saying one group isn't worthy, you are the divide.

now if we have state and federal rights, which we do, it's, because our society defines and protects them as such.

we are in a dangerous area because the left doles out rights based on emotion, not mutual gain.

We are talking about what should be a logical process to determine how one human life effects the life of another and the corresponding behaviors that should or should not be allowed to balance the needs of each life.

In the case of abortion, one human life ENDS the life of another.

What I find curious in this is how the DNC bot that created the thread fails to understand that protecting the week against the strong is a long-standing LIBERAL ideal. In the case of the two lives in question, the power dynamic is such that the woman has complete power and the developing human none.
“America is a different place, with most of its population born after Roe was decided. And a decision to overturn Roe — which the court seems poised to do, according to the leak of a draft of a majority opinion from Justice Samuel Alito — would do more to replicate Roe’s damage than to reverse it.

It would be a radical, not conservative, choice.

What is conservative? It is, above all, the conviction that abrupt and profound changes to established laws and common expectations are utterly destructive to respect for the law and the institutions established to uphold it — especially when those changes are instigated from above, with neither democratic consent nor broad consensus.”

Overturning Roe is therefore repugnant to conservativism – it is radical, extreme, reckless, and irresponsible.
Conservative is following the Constitution. You can do all of the retarded mental gymnastics you want but the Constitution does not mention abortion so it is left to the States to decide the issue.
The Rightwing penchant overturning long established precedent and established late, for putting in political judges and creating tbe most politically activist court since FDR almost a century ago….is indeed reckless.

The Supreme Court is losing credibility as being an impartial judiciary is being eroded in the eyes of many American. This isn’t good for our country. Neither is the possible precedent of giving individual rights and then taking them away.
Anything not covered in the Constitution falls to the States. That has been the precedent since the beginning.
The Rightwing penchant overturning long established precedent and established late, for putting in political judges and creating tbe most politically activist court since FDR almost a century ago….is indeed reckless.

The Supreme Court is losing credibility as being an impartial judiciary is being eroded in the eyes of many American. This isn’t good for our country. Neither is the possible precedent of giving individual rights and then taking them away.

Roe v Wade does stand up to legal scrutiny. That's the problem. Abortion needs to be decided by We the People. That is our system of Government.
Why are you unwilling to allow the people to decide?
No, there is no legal way to over turn Roe Vs Wade.
There is no government that has any standing.
Government is not a source of legal authority, and instead only borrows our legal authority, in order to better defend individual rights.
So for government to be able to stop abortion, then all individuals would have to already have that authority to do it themselves.
And clearly they do not.
So then government can't have it to borrow.

I don't know where you come up with this, but I can assure you that if the Supreme Court does indeed overturn Roe, then it will be up to the individual states to determine where the parameters of legality abortion is allowed whether you like it or not.

I don't think that Government is looking to "stop abortion" per se, rather limit the timeline as to when an abortion is to take place, and/or limit the use of abortion as a contraceptive measure.
I don't know where you come up with this, but I can assure you that if the Supreme Court does indeed overturn Roe, then it will be up to the individual states to determine where the parameters of legality abortion is allowed whether you like it or not.

And that's kind of the problem. The laws that existed before Roe were unenforceable and rarely enforced. What make you think the states will do a better job this time.

Did you know that half of abortions today are done medically and not surgically? True, the Religious crazies have put a bunch of hoops making women go to a doctor to get RU-486. But once they overturn Roe, I imagine a lot of women will just say, "Screw you", and you'll see those RU-486 ads right next to the mail-order viagra

I don't think that Government is looking to "stop abortion" per se, rather limit the timeline as to when an abortion is to take place, and/or limit the use of abortion as a contraceptive measure.

None of which they should be doing.

And if you don't think the American Taliban wants a national ban on abortion, you are kidding yourself.
What I find curious in this is how the DNC bot that created the thread fails to understand that protecting the week against the strong is a long-standing LIBERAL ideal. In the case of the two lives in question, the power dynamic is such that the woman has complete power and the developing human none.

And conservatives stand for the principle of limited, non-invasive government... so let's dispense with the notion of absolute philosophical stances when you want government small enough to fit in a woman's uterus.

If you start with the notion of "life begins at conception", women by fiat become second class citizen.

It's not just abortion. Women could be investigated for murder for having miscarriages. They could be arrested for child abuse for smoking, drinking or even eating the wrong foods during pregnancy. Some forms of contraception could be just as illegal as abortion.

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