Overwhelming Majority Of Studies Find That Gun Control Policies Don’t Work

Do what? Florida law still gives this kid an AR.
/——-/,The police were called to his house 39 times. The FBI was warned twice and the school suspended him. He made threats on social media yet no one did their job to stop him from buying a gun. Not the NRAs fault.

And what would show up on his Fed gun background check ?

In Massachusetts he would’ve had to get a license thru the local police . He would’ve been denied because the LOCAL police know he’s a psycho because they’ve been to his house so many times.

Florida has no such law . Don’t even need a license.

Once again no unelected law enforcement official has any say regarding the lawful exercise of any right.

But the FBI is at fault ? Blaming the Feds for what the locals refuse to do ?

Hey, it’s Florida’s right to do that . But then you end up with crazy gun crimes .
I never said anyone was at fault.

In fact there was no legal reason stop Cruz from buying a firearm that I know of.

The fact is no unelected state law enforcement employee has any authority to prevent anyone from lawfully exercising any of their Constitutionally protected rights

Anyone ? Including dangers to themselves and others ?

Plus, as with anything . There’s an appeal process .
THe op is a lie . States wgbtough gun control do better than gun nut states in any gun stat you can think of .
No they don't

If they did then CA would have a lower murder and crime rate than NH and that is not the case

Why don’t you pick comparable states . Matching Cali wh a rural state wh no large metro area ? Try being intellectually honest .

Compare California wh Florida .
Do you not understand that RATES are usually expressed in units per 100,000 residents?

That makes population differences irrelevant,

CA has a higher murder and crime rate per capita than does NH even though NH is much more lax on gun laws

Still being intellectually dishonest .

Using straight “per 100,000” stats means That city in Broward county is the murder capitol of the country . It’s like 26,000 people and has 17 murders two months into the year!
/——-/,The police were called to his house 39 times. The FBI was warned twice and the school suspended him. He made threats on social media yet no one did their job to stop him from buying a gun. Not the NRAs fault.

And what would show up on his Fed gun background check ?

In Massachusetts he would’ve had to get a license thru the local police . He would’ve been denied because the LOCAL police know he’s a psycho because they’ve been to his house so many times.

Florida has no such law . Don’t even need a license.

Once again no unelected law enforcement official has any say regarding the lawful exercise of any right.

But the FBI is at fault ? Blaming the Feds for what the locals refuse to do ?

Hey, it’s Florida’s right to do that . But then you end up with crazy gun crimes .
I never said anyone was at fault.

In fact there was no legal reason stop Cruz from buying a firearm that I know of.

The fact is no unelected state law enforcement employee has any authority to prevent anyone from lawfully exercising any of their Constitutionally protected rights

Anyone ? Including dangers to themselves and others ?

Plus, as with anything . There’s an appeal process .

If someone is a danger to themselves or others then there is a legal process to be used to make that determination.

And why should anyone be forced to waste their time and money appealing a ruling by an enelected employee of the state when that unelected employee of the state has absolutely no legal power to deny anyone the ability to lawfully exercise their Constitutionally protected rights?

If you want to deny a person the ability to legally exercise their rights you follow due process and not the arbitrary rules of some fucking kangaroo court
THe op is a lie . States wgbtough gun control do better than gun nut states in any gun stat you can think of .
No they don't

If they did then CA would have a lower murder and crime rate than NH and that is not the case

Why don’t you pick comparable states . Matching Cali wh a rural state wh no large metro area ? Try being intellectually honest .

Compare California wh Florida .
Do you not understand that RATES are usually expressed in units per 100,000 residents?

That makes population differences irrelevant,

CA has a higher murder and crime rate per capita than does NH even though NH is much more lax on gun laws

Still being intellectually dishonest .

Using straight “per 100,000” stats means That city in Broward county is the murder capitol of the country . It’s like 26,000 people and has 17 murders two months into the year!

And what will the actual murder rate be by the end of the year? Sorry but a one month spike means nothing if the rest of the year the murder rate is near zero does it?

Why do you want to use absolute numbers?

The RATE is the RATE it has nothing to do with absolute numbers.

For example we have more actual crimes committed in a year than the UK but their crime RATE is 3 times higher per capita

So there is actually less of a chance that you will be the victim of a crime in this country than the UK

and FYI Broward county as of June 2016 had a population of 1.9 million people

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Broward County, Florida
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what about "Mosquito Control"? will that be the next dilemma? I mean, we already have millions of illegal guns out there, kinda late to regulate the black market of guns, I guess then we cant stop those deadly mosquito's of feasting on millions of people worldwide every summer. We will never hear the left bring up god knows how many illegal weapons are out there, and did anyone try to stop the flow of weapons coming in from Mexico during the Obama years?
Retarded thread.

Of course you ignore the most obvious data.

America has the most guns and the most gun deaths. Period.

When gun nuts are otherwise occupied, gun injuries drop significantly.

Firearm-related injuries drop during NRA conventions

Moron.......gun crime in the United States is going down, gun crime in Britain is going up...that is a fact. We don't have the most gun deaths.....we come in at 111...

The cities where they held the NRA convention saw a drop in crime, dumb ass.........
THe op is a lie . States wgbtough gun control do better than gun nut states in any gun stat you can think of .
So that must make Chicago the safest city in America... what happened?

Chicago isn’t a state .
So gun control doesn’t work at a city wide level and since you can’t argue that point you want a state listed. Fine, Illinois then. Chicago has more than enough crime for the entire state, several states actually.

Chicago is an outlier because of its gang problem .

There are plenty of other cities in liberal gun control states . But noooo . You won’t see gun nuts bringing up thier gun stats vs stats in gun nut state cities .
Our entire murder rate is skewed by outliers.

5% of all the counties in the US account for almost 70% of all murders and those counties tend to be urban gang strogholds

Run by democrats....don't forget that.....
THe op is a lie . States wgbtough gun control do better than gun nut states in any gun stat you can think of .
No they don't

If they did then CA would have a lower murder and crime rate than NH and that is not the case

Why don’t you pick comparable states . Matching Cali wh a rural state wh no large metro area ? Try being intellectually honest .

Compare California wh Florida .

Baltimore and Houston...

Baltimore has extreme gun control, everything you nutters want, and h

Houston.....gun stores on every corner, they can carry guns openly and concealed, and they are on the border with a Narco drug state.

Baltimore has more gun murder than Houston without even close to the same population....

Baltimore even has a higher murder rate than New York.....

Murder rate 2017
Population of cities 2016:

Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:

Houston .......301
THe op is a lie . States wgbtough gun control do better than gun nut states in any gun stat you can think of .
No they don't

If they did then CA would have a lower murder and crime rate than NH and that is not the case

Why don’t you pick comparable states . Matching Cali wh a rural state wh no large metro area ? Try being intellectually honest .

Compare California wh Florida .

Instead of cherry picking your favorite states...let's look at the whole country...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Retarded thread.

Of course you ignore the most obvious data.

America has the most guns and the most gun deaths. Period.

When gun nuts are otherwise occupied, gun injuries drop significantly.

Firearm-related injuries drop during NRA conventions

How much do you want to bet that most gun accidents, murders and suicides are not committed by NRA members?

Read my link, dope.

It's meaningless as is much of what you post.

No meaningful statistics to be applied over a population of over 300 million can be garnered from a couple day's worth of data

And FYI I would still win that bet
Overwhelming Majority Of Studies Find That Gun Control Policies Don’t Work

Funny. It worked just fine on automatic weapons - and in other countries.

You're not going to ban semiautomatic weapons. That just isn't in the cards. Every gun owner in the country will scream bloody murder. If there's one class of weapons the 2nd Amendment was meant to protect, it's semiautomatic weapons.
70% of Americans favor stricter laws on those weapons. As usual you’re on the wrong side of history once again.

70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

That doesn't mean they support banning semiautomatic weapons, dumbass. 3/4 of all the guns in this country are semiautomatic. Of course, lying gun control fanatics like you are never going to tell the public the truth about what your agenda is.

BTW, what would be a "stricter assault weapon law," since assault weapons are really nothing more than normal hunting rifles that look scary?
THe op is a lie . States wgbtough gun control do better than gun nut states in any gun stat you can think of .

Tell me again how few murders there are in Chicago and Baltimore
/——-/ I don’t give a rats ass what other countries have or don’t have. Why do you?

Less mass shootings is good, don't you think?
/——/ Why yes indeed tinkerbell. Maybe if the police and FBI started doing their job those kids would still be alive.

Do what? Florida law still gives this kid an AR.
/——-/,The police were called to his house 39 times. The FBI was warned twice and the school suspended him. He made threats on social media yet no one did their job to stop him from buying a gun. Not the NRAs fault.

And what would show up on his Fed gun background check ?

In Massachusetts he would’ve had to get a license thru the local police . He would’ve been denied because the LOCAL police know he’s a psycho because they’ve been to his house so many times.

Florida has no such law . Don’t even need a license.

Your ignorance is showing, the kid pointed a gun at his mothers head and wasn't arrested and prosecuted. If he had been he wouldn't have been able to purchase a gun. The system failed on multiple levels, deal with it.

Don't we already have DUI and texting while driving, cell phone use while driving laws?

As a side note:
When the smoke clears, the real problem for the middle class is lack of adequate pay.....
Isn't that what make you poor or middle class and not rich? Not enough pay?

We do, but unfortunately our DUI and cell phone laws aren't strong enough.

My ideas:

First DUI, life without parole.

Cell phone use including hands free; first offence $5000.00 fine and loss of your licence AND car for 30 days. You Second offence, loss of your driver's license and car permanently.

If you ever bothered to read past the 2nd amendment you might come across that whole “cruel and unusual punishment “ thing .

Not to mention we have a constitution right to alcohol! If I use gun nut logic “it’s my constitutional right to drive drunk !!”

I don't consider that cruel and unusual punishment for commiting a dangerous act.

You know what’s a dangerous act ? Giving An 18 yr old freak an AR 15! That you are fine with . But a dui gets life in jail?

I'm not pro AR-15 at all. I think they should be banned, however, I have read Canada's law which makes sense.

Getting an AR-15-style rifle is much harder in Canada than the U.S.

Then move. Hey, if Bripat really is in Canada, I'm sure we can work out some sort of trade. Hell, we'll give them you AND any other 9 leftists of their choice in exchange for him. Can't beat a deal like that.
Retarded thread.

Of course you ignore the most obvious data.

America has the most guns and the most gun deaths. Period.

When gun nuts are otherwise occupied, gun injuries drop significantly.

Firearm-related injuries drop during NRA conventions

Moron.......gun crime in the United States is going down, gun crime in Britain is going up...that is a fact. We don't have the most gun deaths.....we come in at 111...

The cities where they held the NRA convention saw a drop in crime, dumb ass.........

The cities where they held the NRA convention saw a drop in crime, dumb ass.....

That's not what my link said at all, dope.
Less mass shootings is good, don't you think?
/——/ Why yes indeed tinkerbell. Maybe if the police and FBI started doing their job those kids would still be alive.

Do what? Florida law still gives this kid an AR.
/——-/,The police were called to his house 39 times. The FBI was warned twice and the school suspended him. He made threats on social media yet no one did their job to stop him from buying a gun. Not the NRAs fault.

And what would show up on his Fed gun background check ?

In Massachusetts he would’ve had to get a license thru the local police . He would’ve been denied because the LOCAL police know he’s a psycho because they’ve been to his house so many times.

Florida has no such law . Don’t even need a license.

Your ignorance is showing, the kid pointed a gun at his mothers head and wasn't arrested and prosecuted. If he had been he wouldn't have been able to purchase a gun. The system failed on multiple levels, deal with it.


the kid pointed a gun at his mothers head and wasn't arrested and prosecuted.


Post it up.

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