Own guns, learn how to use them, fight the anti-gun nimrods.

Yes, I do and they are registered with my county sheriff too.

There is no "registration" with county law-enforcement, unless you live in some goofy state that makes up their own firearms laws. The only time I have any contact with the Sheriff's Department, is when I want to run a SN on a gun I bought, to check if it's stolen.

In 1995, Heston entered his fourth stage by establishing his own political action fund-raising committee and jumped into the internal politics of the National Rifle Association. He gave numerous culture wars speeches and interviews upholding the conservative position, blaming media.

For the next six months, [Democratic presidential candidate and then-Vice President of the United States, Al Gore] is going to smear you as the enemy. He will slander you as gun-toting, knuckle-dragging, bloodthirsty maniacs who stand in the way of a safer America. Will you remain silent? I will not remain silent. If we are going to stop this, then it is vital to every law-abiding gun owner in America to register to vote and show up at the polls on Election Day.

So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore: 'From my cold, dead hands!'

— Charlton Heston, May 20, 2000
There is no "registration" with county law-enforcement,
Yes, there is, moron.

unless you live in some goofy state that makes up their own firearms laws.
It isn't mandatory, anyone anywhere can register their weapons with the county sheriff.

The only time I have any contact with the Sheriff's Department, is when I want to run a SN on a gun I bought, to check if it's stolen.
That's my point, a neighbor a long time ago had his guns stolen.
But in certain circumstances you do carry a pistol to go anywhere to support your 2nd amendment rights. And you don't have a concealed carry permit.

Tell me more about this "anywhere" you carry a pistol without a permit. You do know that you've already committed several felonies, right? I mean, even a law-abiding gun-owner with a concealed carry permit can't carry "anywhere." Or don't you know that?

Maybe you should have paid attention to the NRA. They're a good source of information about the safe and legal use of firearms.

Just trying to keep you out of the ass-pound prison, mate.
It's called Missouri where you can carry without a permit.
But in certain circumstances you do carry a pistol to go anywhere to support your 2nd amendment rights. And you don't have a concealed carry permit.
I do and so does my wife.
Tell me more about this "anywhere" you carry a pistol without a permit. You do know that you've already committed several felonies, right? I mean, even a law-abiding gun-owner with a concealed carry permit can't carry "anywhere." Or don't you know that?
No, I haven't.
Maybe you should have paid attention to the NRA. They're a good source of information about the safe and legal use of firearms.
That was a LOOOOOONG time ago, now they communist, propagandists.

Just trying to keep you out of the ass-pound prison, mate.
Keep believing that.
The gun manufacturers and the NRA must love you.
I've had guns for well over 40 years and never believed that, once.

That BS has made the rounds of republicans since the late 80's........................of course, every time THEY aren't in office, it's the same shit.
An all out ban and the confiscation of firearms IS the objective. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying, or stupid.

Diane Feinstein admitted that back in '93:

“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,’ I would have done it.”

Now, Creepy Joe is calling semi-automatic pistols "weapons of war".

An all out ban and the confiscation of firearms IS the objective. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying, or stupid.
Anyone who believes that is paranoid or stupid.
Diane Feinstein admitted that back in '93:

“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,’ I would have done it.”

Now, Creepy Joe is calling semi-automatic pistols "weapons of war".

“One of the things I was proudest of years ago, when I was in the Senate — I was able to get these weapons and the size of magazines outlawed,” Biden added. “That got changed. It got overruled. But I don’t see any rationale to why there should be such a weapon able to be purchased. It doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment rights to deny that. But anyway, their futures were cut short by a man with a stolen Glock and that 40-round magazine.”

I agree, I have two Glock 9mm, I don't have 40 round or even 20 round magazines.
I have what came with the pistols, 10+1.

I have no fear of my weapons being confiscated, nor have I EVER.

WTF do people need 40 rounds in the magazine for?
If morons can't kill something with 40 rounds, they deserve to be chased down and beaten with their own weapons.

Take a shooting and safety course.
At least go to a shooting range.
I don't mind the gun makers, I just don't go out and buy guns every year, I have 5, and that suites me just fine.
I can't stand the NRA, I'm glad I canceled my American Rifleman subscription in 1989 or 1990.
Now I really despise them, TRAITORS.

G. Kline Preston, a conservative lawyer in Nashville with business connections to Russia, introduces then-NRA president David Keene to Torshin, a powerful senator in Russia and close to President Vladimir Putin. Torshin, who styles himself as a gun enthusiast, is a lifetime NRA member. Around this time, Torshin’s young female aide, Maria Butina, creates Right to Bear Arms, a Russian version of the NRA and the first group of its kind in the country.

Butina and Torshin host Keene and other American gun rights advocates at the Right to Bear Arms annual meeting in Moscow. Two hundred people take part in the event.

Keene reportedly enlists John Bolton, a notable rightwing hawk who will serve as President Trump’s National Security Adviser, to record a video for Right to Bear Arms promoting the merits of loose gun laws. “Were the Russian national government to grant a broader right to bear arms to its people, it would be creating a partnership with its citizens that would better allow for the protection of mothers, children and families without in any way compromising the integrity of the Russian state,” Bolton said.

Butina and Torshin attend the NRA’s annual meeting in Indianapolis, where Butina is treated as a VIP. She presents a plaque to then-NRA president Jim Porter.

The NRA has been a Russian asset for a long time, along with republicans.


Anyone who believes that is paranoid or stupid.

“One of the things I was proudest of years ago, when I was in the Senate — I was able to get these weapons and the size of magazines outlawed,” Biden added. “That got changed. It got overruled. But I don’t see any rationale to why there should be such a weapon able to be purchased. It doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment rights to deny that. But anyway, their futures were cut short by a man with a stolen Glock and that 40-round magazine.”

I agree, I have two Glock 9mm, I don't have 40 round or even 20 round magazines.
I have what came with the pistols, 10+1.

I have no fear of my weapons being confiscated, nor have I EVER.

WTF do people need 40 rounds in the magazine for?
If morons can't kill something with 40 rounds, they deserve to be chased down and beaten with their own weapons.

Take a shooting and safety course.
At least go to a shooting range.
Your head is obviously in the sand of you think total ban and confiscation isn't the ultimate goal.
“One of the things I was proudest of years ago, when I was in the Senate — I was able to get these weapons and the size of magazines outlawed,” Biden added. “That got changed. It got overruled. But I don’t see any rationale to why there should be such a weapon able to be purchased. It doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment rights to deny that.
Biden's ignorance here is appalling.
- Nothing in the 1994 AWB outlawed "these weapons" or their standard capacity magazines.
- It didn't get 'overruled ' - it sunset when the law expired in 2004.
- The fact he doesn't see any reason for someone to buy one is meaningless
- Thee 2nd protects the right to own and use all "bearable arms", so a ban on said arms does indeed violate the 2nd.

Thank you for exposing ol' Joe for the buffoon he is.
But anyway, their futures were cut short by a man with a stolen Glock and that 40-round magazine.”
Murdered, in California, with a stolen Glock and 40rd magazine.
Clearly, just one more law would have prevented this crime.
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Protect your rights. Arm yourself. Keep your place secure.
You tell them Rambo.
Tell them how many times you've protected yourself.

We have to stop that tyrannical POTUS, those pillaging hordes of Chinese raping and eating children.
You can't dramatize these assumptions. Hell no.

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