Owner of Lily Ann Cabinets represents what America needs more of...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Saw a show on CNN talking about the Rust Belt and voters watching to see if Trump brings jobs back. The owner states that he voted for Trump even though he imports from China and realizes he would probably face a major increase in costs due to a border tax. He said he did so for three reasons "jobs, taxes and the Surpreme Court".

Even though he employs his daughter at his business and about 30 people, he states that what "might not be good for my company is good for America" and so he voted for Trump.

Hell, we might have two people from coast to coast in Canada who votes for the good of the nation and not just specific self interest. Good for this guy, putting country ahead of himself and his profits while understanding the serious consequences of voting in the wrong president. I hope his participation increases his sales.

America needs to shift direction and return to it's former glory. This requires facing some grim realities and being bold and direct. Some voters understand this, even at their own personal risk. Don't shed a tear for Canada when NAFTA is ripped up or renegotiated, or, Ontario manufacturers pay a 15-20% border tariff. Canada has been getting the best of America for decades, against all odds and common sense.
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Former glory my ass. If you like his cabinets, buy a set. Trump is selling an illusion just as surely as Obama did. Better to face reality.
Former glory my ass. If you like his cabinets, buy a set. Trump is selling an illusion just as surely as Obama did. Better to face reality.

Are you suggesting he cannot alter NAFTA or rip it up? Cannot apply a border tariff? Cannot cut cots of government, decrease taxes, lower regulations? He cannot punish countries who don't pay their 2% NATO dues?

All of these are issues are issues which can be addressed, as he promised. Now if he DOESN'T do what he stated, that's another issue.

Ontario just paid $550M to keep 4000 jobs at GM, rather than GM moving back to Ohio and Michigan. Is that "ree trade", or government interference, bribery and greasing palms?

America has alot to address, whether it happens or not is up for discussion, whether it has to happen or not in order for America to succeed is not.

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