OWS Continues To Do Good, Buys Up 13.5 Million In Outstanding Medical Debt

I doubt very much this was accomplished by the idiots that were walking around lower Manhattan
trying to shut down a business that would not allow them access to the rest room.
This was done by the financiers of the movement.One or more of the rich that these people
are supposed to be fighting against writes a bunch of checks to prop up the image of the OWS.

Except that wasn't what they were doing.

In fact, many of the businesses in the area happily let the OWS protesters use their bathrooms.

sure they did..and went out an paid for and brought them lunch too:eusa_hand:

I'm sorry.

Were you there?
What's really funny is how your precious hero bankers would never dream of forgiving your debt for pennies on the dollar but will gladly sell it to other bankers for chicken feed.

What's really funny is how your precious hero bankers would never dream of forgiving your debt for pennies on the dollar

if you read the article that is exactly what happens

in fact that is how i got myself a great big RV

for pennies on the dollar

one the bank took back for non payment of a loan

Not the same thing, the guy that originally bought that RV still owes every penny. They will hound him to his grave for it just like they would have done to the old lady in the story.

health care providers as well as many businesses do it too

in fact the student loan program does it

happens all the time

agencies "buy" a debt for pennies on the dollar

and then hope to

make a buck going after the indebted person

there is a market for buying debt
So Barack Hussein Obama and his corrupt administration are printing money, 85 Billion a month and putting it where? That's right, Wall Street. The fat cats are getting rich and where are the OWS morons? Nowhere.

Oh, they were doing some charity, that's great.

Bunch of useless hypocrites.
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Angry Residents, Businesses Protest Occupy Wall Street Protest

The movement has been going on for two months.

By Melissa Russo and Erika Tarantal

| Monday, Nov 14, 2011 | Updated 8:37 PM EST

Downtown residents and business owners angry that their neighborhood has been occupied for two months by the Wall Street demonstration staged a protest of the protest Monday, declaring that City Hall has let it get out of control.

Angry over all-day drumming, people urinating and defecating on the streets and verbal attacks from protesters, organizers rallied at City Hall Monday to send officials a message.

"They go to the bathroom in the garbage," said one local business owner. "They destroyed the stall, they broke one of our bathrooms. We gotta take all our customers now down into the downstairs bathroom."

"I'm just sick of people being harassed and pushed around by these people," said another protester wearing a white mask. "People are scared to come out. People are sick of seeing them. They're sick of them taking over the neighborhood, fighting with police."

Exasperated residents and businesses said they are "pursuing all options," including lawsuits against the city, the mayor and the private company that owns Zuccotti Plaza, the encampment headquarters.

ALL of it here and many more
Angry Residents, Businesses Protest Occupy Wall Street Protest | NBC New York

Gotta love these "news" stories.

Few people actually live in the financial district.

Those that do? Well they are either doing so on a temporary basis because they are from outside of New York and are working here..or they are business executives.

Funny how people from outside the city have no fucking idea what they are talking about.
I'm sorry.

Were you there?

If you were that's just damn sad..shameful too

I passed by the site when I was looking for work.

It was orderly, well taken care of, the police and OWS were respectful of each other and even though I was in a business suit the folks there were nice to me.

Yeah, all that while taking over parks, sidewalks, streets, the people who LIVE there pay taxes for..and disrupting business all at the same time

so respectful

about as respectful as camping out on a Presidents family HOME...which by the way if that was being done to the Obama's you people would have a frikken COW..
so save it all...this is a nice ploy by the OWS, nothing more
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If you were that's just damn sad..shameful too

I passed by the site when I was looking for work.

It was orderly, well taken care of, the police and OWS were respectful of each other and even though I was in a business suit the folks there were nice to me.

Yeah, all that while taking over parks, sidewalks, streets, the people who LIVE there pay taxes for..and disrupting business all at the same time

so respectful

What "parks"? In New York it was "one" park.

And these folks were exercising their right to free speech.

Check it.

It's in the Constitution.
I passed by the site when I was looking for work.

It was orderly, well taken care of, the police and OWS were respectful of each other and even though I was in a business suit the folks there were nice to me.

Yeah, all that while taking over parks, sidewalks, streets, the people who LIVE there pay taxes for..and disrupting business all at the same time

so respectful

What "parks"? In New York it was "one" park.

And these folks were exercising their right to free speech.

Check it.

It's in the Constitution.

where Does it say you have the RIGHT to OCCUPY property that you don't OWN?

Not arguing with you..the whole thing was just so stupid to being with...Yet you all railed over Tea Party protest AND some sign you picked out to rail over..
you're all two faced hypocrites
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What's really funny is how your precious hero bankers would never dream of forgiving your debt for pennies on the dollar

if you read the article that is exactly what happens

in fact that is how i got myself a great big RV

for pennies on the dollar

one the bank took back for non payment of a loan

Not the same thing, the guy that originally bought that RV still owes every penny. They will hound him to his grave for it just like they would have done to the old lady in the story.

health care providers as well as many businesses do it too

in fact the student loan program does it

happens all the time

agencies "buy" a debt for pennies on the dollar

and then hope to

make a buck going after the indebted person

there is a market for buying debt

I know debt is bought and sold but you cannot buy your own debt for pennies, ever been subjected to the predations of a collection agency? Debt is an awful burden. RVs and other toys are one thing but medical bills are another, you have to sign for that bill or continue to suffer or even die and then be hounded unmercifully for every last penny you owe. The for profit medical system is a trap for many that does as much harm as good.
Yeah, all that while taking over parks, sidewalks, streets, the people who LIVE there pay taxes for..and disrupting business all at the same time

so respectful

What "parks"? In New York it was "one" park.

And these folks were exercising their right to free speech.

Check it.

It's in the Constitution.

where Does it say you have the RIGHT to OCCUPY property that you don't OWN?

Right here:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Not arguing with you..the whole thing was just so stupid to being with...Yet you all railed over Tea Party protest..

There weren't many people questioning their right to protest.

It was the message that was debated.

Ain't that what protesting is about?

What "parks"? In New York it was "one" park.

And these folks were exercising their right to free speech.

Check it.

It's in the Constitution.

where Does it say you have the RIGHT to OCCUPY property that you don't OWN?

Right here:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Not arguing with you..the whole thing was just so stupid to being with...Yet you all railed over Tea Party protest..

There weren't many people questioning their right to protest.

It was the message that was debated.

Ain't that what protesting is about?


private property is not public property, do people protest on your property?
Yeah, all that while taking over parks, sidewalks, streets, the people who LIVE there pay taxes for..and disrupting business all at the same time

so respectful

What "parks"? In New York it was "one" park.

And these folks were exercising their right to free speech.

Check it.

It's in the Constitution.

where Does it say you have the RIGHT to OCCUPY property that you don't OWN?

Not arguing with you..the whole thing was just so stupid to being with...Yet you all railed over Tea Party protest AND some sign you picked out to rail over..
you're all two faced hypocrites

It is the natural right to protest against tyranny, the tyranny of the world-wide banking system that directly affects the lives of every single human on the planet.
where Does it say you have the RIGHT to OCCUPY property that you don't OWN?

Right here:

Not arguing with you..the whole thing was just so stupid to being with...Yet you all railed over Tea Party protest..

There weren't many people questioning their right to protest.

It was the message that was debated.

Ain't that what protesting is about?


private property is not public property, do people protest on your property?

oh I would pay to see that...
haul in portia potties, tent for soup lines, beds for hooking up when the urge hits, etc...
but hey, it's their right, right?
Not the same thing, the guy that originally bought that RV still owes every penny. They will hound him to his grave for it just like they would have done to the old lady in the story.

health care providers as well as many businesses do it too

in fact the student loan program does it

happens all the time

agencies "buy" a debt for pennies on the dollar

and then hope to

make a buck going after the indebted person

there is a market for buying debt

I know debt is bought and sold but you cannot buy your own debt for pennies, ever been subjected to the predations of a collection agency? Debt is an awful burden. RVs and other toys are one thing but medical bills are another, you have to sign for that bill or continue to suffer or even die and then be hounded unmercifully for every last penny you owe. The for profit medical system is a trap for many that does as much harm as good.

I know debt is bought and sold but you cannot buy your own debt for pennies

sure you can

the IRS has a debt forgiveness program

through an offer and compromise deal

which will settle your debt for pennies on the dollar

all the hospitals around here have programs

that they will settle with you for pennies on the dollar

if accepted

in fact in some cases they will wipe the debt clean

with no repayment

Medical debt settlement
wow, they got rich somehow? Weren't they protesting against, THE RICH?

all them stinky hippies lowlifes camping out in parks and on people businesses must of done a lot of panhandling while they were at it

good gawd people in this country will fall for anything

^^ Butthurt because right wing filth like you would never do anything even remotely as charitable as these people are doing,...

When an empirical study of the actual behavior of American conservatives and liberals was published in 2006, it turned out that conservatives donated a larger amount of money, and a higher percentage of their incomes (which were slightly lower than liberal incomes) to philanthropic activities.

Conservatives also donated more of their time to philanthropic activities and donated far more blood than liberals. What is most remarkable about this study are not just its results. What is even more remarkable is how long it took before anyone even bothered to ask the questions. It was just assumed, for centuries, that the left was more compassionate.

Ronald Reagan donated a higher percentage of his income to charitable activities than did either Franklin D. Roosevelt or Ted Kennedy. Being willing to donate the taxpayers' money is not the same as being willing to put your own money where your mouth is.

Milton Friedman pointed out that the heyday of free-market capitalism in the 19th century was a period of an unprecedented rise in philanthropic activity.
Going even further back in time, in the 18th century Adam Smith, the patron saint of free-market economics, was discovered from records examined after his death to have privately made large charitable donations, far beyond what might have been expected from someone of his income level.

Helping those who have been struck by unforeseeable misfortunes is fundamentally different from making dependency a way of life.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Conservatives Donate More Than Liberals
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Conservatives Donate More Than Liberals
While you can buy up your own debt for pennies, the tax implications are horrendous. The balance of the forgiven debt is counted as income. If you owe $10,000 and settle it for $2,000, you owe taxes on the remaining $8,000. You will get a 1099 for the balance. This is true whether you buy your own debt, or if a company buys your debt. It is not true if an individual buys your debt and forgives it.
Occupy's Rolling Jubilee Succeeds Partly Because It's Not A New Idea At All - Forbes
Contrast the $13.5M with the vast amount of free medical care provided by Religious Charitable Institutions that are being assaulted by ObamaCare. The latter provide real services, but Obama wants to keep them from fulfilling their missions.

And the recipients of the free medical care don't get socked with a surprise tax.
Contrast the $13.5M with the vast amount of free medical care provided by Religious Charitable Institutions that are being assaulted by ObamaCare. The latter provide real services, but Obama wants to keep them from fulfilling their missions.

And the recipients of the free medical care don't get socked with a surprise tax.

Think St. Jude. For one. Catholic Charities for another.
wow, they got rich somehow? Weren't they protesting against, THE RICH?

all them stinky hippies lowlifes camping out in parks and on people businesses must of done a lot of panhandling while they were at it

good gawd people in this country will fall for anything

^^ Butthurt because right wing filth like you would never do anything even remotely as charitable as these people are doing,...

When an empirical study of the actual behavior of American conservatives and liberals was published in 2006, it turned out that conservatives donated a larger amount of money, and a higher percentage of their incomes (which were slightly lower than liberal incomes) to philanthropic activities.

Conservatives also donated more of their time to philanthropic activities and donated far more blood than liberals. What is most remarkable about this study are not just its results. What is even more remarkable is how long it took before anyone even bothered to ask the questions. It was just assumed, for centuries, that the left was more compassionate.

Ronald Reagan donated a higher percentage of his income to charitable activities than did either Franklin D. Roosevelt or Ted Kennedy. Being willing to donate the taxpayers' money is not the same as being willing to put your own money where your mouth is.

Milton Friedman pointed out that the heyday of free-market capitalism in the 19th century was a period of an unprecedented rise in philanthropic activity. Going even further back in time, in the 18th century Adam Smith, the patron saint of free-market economics, was discovered from records examined after his death to have privately made large charitable donations, far beyond what might have been expected from someone of his income level.

Helping those who have been struck by unforeseeable misfortunes is fundamentally different from making dependency a way of life.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Conservatives Donate More Than Liberals
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Conservatives Donate More Than Liberals

I knew this crap was coming. I applaud any kind of charity, bravo to anyone who gives, that's why I am astounded at the nasty reaction of some on this board to the news that a bunch of people have been rescued from the horrible burden of medical debt.

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