OWS Continues To Do Good, Buys Up 13.5 Million In Outstanding Medical Debt

This is something you would never see in a million years from the far right.

Right as usual, leftist fanatics. :cuckoo:


Mitt Romney gives more to charity than President Obama, Joe Biden - POLITICO.com

Romney and his wife gave 29.4 percent of their income to charity in 2011.

9/21/12 3:08 PM EDT

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was far more generous to charities than President Barack Obama or Vice President Joe Biden last year, both in dollar terms and as a percentage of income, tax return data Romney’s campaign released Friday indicate.

Romney and his wife, Ann, gave 29.4 percent of their income to charity in 2011, donating $4,020,772 out of the $13,696,951 they took in.
This is something you would never see in a million years from the far right.

Right as usual, leftist fanatics. :cuckoo:


Mitt Romney gives more to charity than President Obama, Joe Biden - POLITICO.com

Romney and his wife gave 29.4 percent of their income to charity in 2011.

9/21/12 3:08 PM EDT

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was far more generous to charities than President Barack Obama or Vice President Joe Biden last year, both in dollar terms and as a percentage of income, tax return data Romney’s campaign released Friday indicate.

Romney and his wife, Ann, gave 29.4 percent of their income to charity in 2011, donating $4,020,772 out of the $13,696,951 they took in.


They also do absolutely nothing for that money they "take in" and "take in" a heck of a lot more than Obama and Biden, combined.
Don't forget the "doing good" of Occupy Oakland which consisted of assaults, setting a car on fire, breaking windows, and looting small businesses...let alone the absolute filth and garbage strewn all over downtown.

Who you described are the real far left, members of the Socialist Worker's Party who eschew peaceful protest and attract the criminal element who are not political, in fact most are simply angry and hope to use a legitimate protest as a means to loot others.

Sadly the far right, of which katzndogz and boedicca are too bigoted to recognize legitimate protest vis a vis criminal protest and consider anyone disagrees with them as being a "leftist". I suppose both bigotry and a hateful disrespect for others is behind their continue vitriol of any they do not consider conservative enough.

Which is why I don't even bother to comment about that nonsense.

Conservatives seem to have no idea about the differences.

A lot of those folks are anarchists and have a way of fucking up perfectly peaceful protests.

That's what real grassroots activism is all about. Something the teabaggers could only dream of.

Why is it that when whiny liberals lose on issue after issue, they always think of lewd sex acts and people's genitals?

Are you kidding? Have you not read any of the posts by Warrior, Rabbi or other forgettable lewd and vulgar self defined conservatives. Better you call them out for what they are - bigots and perverts.
^^ Butthurt because right wing filth like you would never do anything even remotely as charitable as these people are doing,...

When an empirical study of the actual behavior of American conservatives and liberals was published in 2006, it turned out that conservatives donated a larger amount of money, and a higher percentage of their incomes (which were slightly lower than liberal incomes) to philanthropic activities.

Conservatives also donated more of their time to philanthropic activities and donated far more blood than liberals. What is most remarkable about this study are not just its results. What is even more remarkable is how long it took before anyone even bothered to ask the questions. It was just assumed, for centuries, that the left was more compassionate.

Ronald Reagan donated a higher percentage of his income to charitable activities than did either Franklin D. Roosevelt or Ted Kennedy. Being willing to donate the taxpayers' money is not the same as being willing to put your own money where your mouth is.

Milton Friedman pointed out that the heyday of free-market capitalism in the 19th century was a period of an unprecedented rise in philanthropic activity. Going even further back in time, in the 18th century Adam Smith, the patron saint of free-market economics, was discovered from records examined after his death to have privately made large charitable donations, far beyond what might have been expected from someone of his income level.

Helping those who have been struck by unforeseeable misfortunes is fundamentally different from making dependency a way of life.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Conservatives Donate More Than Liberals
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Conservatives Donate More Than Liberals

I knew this crap was coming. I applaud any kind of charity, bravo to anyone who gives, that's why I am astounded at the nasty reaction of some on this board to the news that a bunch of people have been rescued from the horrible burden of medical debt.

Obama said HE was going to do that.
How about that, private charity from people voluntarily coming together to help others.

A thing conservatives have done for centuries. Clearly a new concept for libs. Maybe they will develop a work ethic. Then again probably not. That would make them conservatives.
A comment was made - "the funds came from small donors with a little to give to help out those that needed it".

Since this is all being turned into yet another Republican - Democrat bash fest, suppose for a second, the following.

What if more than half of those small donors were Republican? What if it was 50-50? What if the Democrats gave more than 50%? In the end, does it really matter? People reached out to help those who can use it. THAT's the important bit. To muddy it up with all the finger-pointing and posturing... I am pretty sure the people who benefited from these efforts could care less what the party lines are.

oh right, turn this all around and put the Tea Party did this...

please, who cares what they bought and that they have make some huge announcement about it show's they didn't have the people in mind when they did it either..

they were props to be used too

and notice with Democrats the money ALWAYS comes from small donors...the lie that keeps on giving and some people swallow hook, line and stinker...
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A comment was made - "the funds came from small donors with a little to give to help out those that needed it".

Since this is all being turned into yet another Republican - Democrat bash fest, suppose for a second, the following.

What if more than half of those small donors were Republican? What if it was 50-50? What if the Democrats gave more than 50%? In the end, does it really matter? People reached out to help those who can use it. THAT's the important bit. To muddy it up with all the finger-pointing and posturing... I am pretty sure the people who benefited from these efforts could care less what the party lines are.

oh right, turn this all around and put the Tea Party did this...

please, who cares what they bought and that they have make some huge announcement about it show's they didn't have the people in mind when they did it either..

they were props to be used too

and notice with Democrats the money ALWAYS comes from small donors...the lie that keeps on giving and some people swallow hook, line and stinker...

Why do you hate people helping out others in need? Oh that's right, you are a right wing piece of shit. Your motto is to just let them all die :cuckoo:
A comment was made - "the funds came from small donors with a little to give to help out those that needed it".

Since this is all being turned into yet another Republican - Democrat bash fest, suppose for a second, the following.

What if more than half of those small donors were Republican? What if it was 50-50? What if the Democrats gave more than 50%? In the end, does it really matter? People reached out to help those who can use it. THAT's the important bit. To muddy it up with all the finger-pointing and posturing... I am pretty sure the people who benefited from these efforts could care less what the party lines are.

oh right, turn this all around and put the Tea Party did this...

please, who cares what they bought and that they have make some huge announcement about it show's they didn't have the people in mind when they did it either..

they were props to be used too

and notice with Democrats the money ALWAYS comes from small donors...the lie that keeps on giving and some people swallow hook, line and stinker...


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