Oxford Bans Christian Group Because It Might Melt the Snowflakes

If you think foot-washing suggested something sexual, you are sorely misinformed.

Not for me, thanks. Save it for your boyfriend.
If you think foot-washing suggested something sexual, you are sorely misinformed.

An argument in a movie means nothing. Yes, some people have foot fetishes, but it was common for people to wash other's feet before meals in biblical times...so unless you are trying to make yourself look like a retard and claim everyone back then had foot fetishes, rather than a desire for cleanliness...I'd drop this corny attempt at trolling if I were you.
They don't need any homophobic groups on campus.
Don't need any faggots on this planet period. What benefit do fags give society?
Homosexuality is found throughout nature, so in other words, put there by your god.
No dipshit, "homosexual' behavior found in the animal kingdom is the product of confused instincts caused by conflicting stimuli, which is why dogs will hump anything in sight when they smell a female in heat nearby.

Stupid people like you need to educate yourselves instead of believing homo propaganda. Not to mention how stupid it is to compare human sexuality to that of the lower animals. If I were a fag, I'd be offended by the comparison.
They don't need any homophobic groups on campus.
Don't need any faggots on this planet period. What benefit do fags give society?
Homosexuality is found throughout nature, so in other words, put there by your god.
No dipshit, "homosexual' behavior found in the animal kingdom is the product of confused instincts caused by conflicting stimuli, which is why dogs will hump anything in sight when they smell a female in heat nearby.

Stupid people like you need to educate yourselves instead of believing homo propaganda. Not to mention how stupid it is to compare human sexuality to that of the lower animals. If I were a fag, I'd be offended by the comparison.
I'm just saying that god made homosexuality. You must have heard the story of God kicking Adam out of the Garden of Eden for banging the chick, instead of staying in Homo Heaven with God.
You would have to be an idiot to hire a college graduate these days. They have no clue what real life is like outside of their bubble world.

An Oxford College has banned the Christian Union from its freshers’ fair on the grounds that it would be “alienating” for students of other religions, and constitute a “micro-aggression”.

The organiser of Balliol’s fair argued Christianity’s historic use as “an excuse for homophobia and certain forms of neo-colonialism” meant that students might feel “unwelcome” in their new college if the Christian Union had a stall.

Freddy Potts, vice-president of Balliol’s Junior Common Room (JCR) committee, said that if a representative from the Christian Union (CU) attended the fair, it could cause "potential harm" to freshers.

Mr Potts, writing on behalf of the JCR's welfare committee, told the CU representative at Balliol, that their "sole concern is that the presence of the CU alone may alienate incoming students”.

Oxford college bans 'harmful' Christian Union from freshers' fair

England is a Muslim country. Islam represses Christianity, so this is no surprise.
They don't need any homophobic groups on campus.
Don't need any faggots on this planet period. What benefit do fags give society?
Homosexuality is found throughout nature, so in other words, put there by your god.
No dipshit, "homosexual' behavior found in the animal kingdom is the product of confused instincts caused by conflicting stimuli, which is why dogs will hump anything in sight when they smell a female in heat nearby.

Stupid people like you need to educate yourselves instead of believing homo propaganda. Not to mention how stupid it is to compare human sexuality to that of the lower animals. If I were a fag, I'd be offended by the comparison.
I'm just saying that god made homosexuality. You must have heard the story of God kicking Adam out of the Garden of Eden for banging the chick, instead of staying in Homo Heaven with God.
God didn't make homosexuality. God made Adam and Eve and told them to reproduce. So nope, you're way off on that one. Nice try though.
You want your homophobia pushed on people who don't want it. How is that different?

Besides, Oxford promotes the Caliphate and is actively oppressing religions other than Islam, to the loud applause of Stalinists like you...

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