OZ to massacre sharks! Finally some good news.

R.C. Christian

Gold Member
Jun 30, 2010
Australian Sharks to Be Killed en Masse by Government » The Epoch Times

The Australian government is so concerned about shark attacks on humans that it plans to start baiting and trapping the creatures about half a mile off the western coast. The Western Australian government plans to set baited drum lines to catch large sharks along heavily used beaches in metropolitan areas. Boats would then monitor the drum lines, to be set up for 24 hours a day for four months beginning in January.

The government’s tactic is part of a larger approach that includes more aerial surveillance, shark tagging, beach patrols, and a trial shark enclosure. It said in a statement that the drum lines are one more step toward a “long-term shark strategy” to protect people from shark attacks. It also plans to establish a Coastal Shark Management Zone.

The method of killing the sharks in large numbers with the baited drums is known as culling. Conservationists are calling for a halt to the measure.

“While we acknowledge the need to restore public confidence and provide safe swimming areas for the community, we do not support the use of lethal shark population control measures such as nets, drum lines, or targeted fishing of sharks,” said Dr. Ryan Kempster, a shark biologist and founder of Support Our Sharks, in an email. “Such approaches are by their very nature indiscriminate in the animals that are caught and killed, and also likely to be ineffective.”
Shark is delicious. I hope they don't just kill them and dump them for the sake of people stupid enough to swim among them.
I completely agree that the foul creatures should be eaten. They'll make more.

I got bumped by 1 once in the gulf, and ever since then my name is Swiminus Minimus when it comes to water where I can't see meh legs. Next month in the Bahamas should be an interesting experience for me because as it stands I'd kill every damn 1 of them.
yea oz is know for its great control of native predators....

lets look at the rabbits and then the poisons toads both seemed like a good plan at the time....

but turned out to be eco disasters
Thank I god I don't live there. Too many things that bite and leave you a corpse but it is very ecologically sensitive.
Sharks belong in the ocean, humans do not. Leave the sharks alone. Considering how many people are in the ocean every day, there are very few attacks.
Sharks are tasty treat. They need to learn their place in the food chain just like Polar bears etc. I wonder what bear tastes like? I'd love to shoot an endangered species and eat it especially a bald eagle.
Screw that. If I'm there, it's my domain.

And the sharks feel the same.

Sadly, they don't have the wherewithal to eliminate my species, so my species will win this one.

They haven't always hung out there and eaten humans. They are doing it because they have found a food source. They can return to wherever they hung out before we started hanging there. WE were there first.
We must kill a million sharks per human that had a shark even just swim near him. People need to stop invading the domain of sharks

Damn it novasteve, lighten the fuck up. I was being sarcastic for the most part! And I got bumped. Not cool.
I completely agree that the foul creatures should be eaten. They'll make more.

I got bumped by 1 once in the gulf, and ever since then my name is Swiminus Minimus when it comes to water where I can't see meh legs. Next month in the Bahamas should be an interesting experience for me because as it stands I'd kill every damn 1 of them.

I was wade fishing off Surfside in chest deep water and had a nice stringer of trout on my belt and a shark decided he wanted em. Bastard dragged me about twenty feet before he bit through the stringer.
Scared the liven shit out of me!! I'm guessing it was a BIG bull shark.

I still dont get the whole "they're going extinct" shit. Every time I go offshore I see a shitload of em.
Who cares? People aren't on the menu. If the sharks can't figure that out, then it's lights out for them.
Who cares? People aren't on the menu. If the sharks can't figure that out, then it's lights out for them.

perhaps you should explain to the sharks that it is not nice to bite and eat people! tell them to be politically correct!:D

that Nature means nothing..... you naughty boy shark you! :dunno:
i completely agree that the foul creatures should be eaten. They'll make more.

I got bumped by 1 once in the gulf, and ever since then my name is swiminus minimus when it comes to water where i can't see meh legs. Next month in the bahamas should be an interesting experience for me because as it stands i'd kill every damn 1 of them.

i was wade fishing off surfside in chest deep water and had a nice stringer of trout on my belt and a shark decided he wanted em. Bastard dragged me about twenty feet before he bit through the stringer.
Scared the liven shit out of me!! I'm guessing it was a big bull shark.

I still dont get the whole "they're going extinct" shit. Every time i go offshore i see a shitload of em.

holy shit alert ^^^^

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