PA and GA Send in Republican Electors

He sure did, and better than placing Covid patients in nursing homes like a total dumbass...
More shit. Trump's done.

When I joined here in 2017 all I read was that Trump's done.
When we had the Mueller investigation they all said Trump's done.
When they impeached Trump over nothing, they said that Trump's done.
When China sent Covid around the world killing thousands you blamed Trump for it and said Trump's done.
Now that you've destroyed all election integrity by using Venezuelan-level cheating to steal the office you say Trump's done.

Unless you have clabber for brains, by now you ought to know that TRUMP IS NEVER DONE.

We'll, in your heart of hearts you know Trump's not done. He's going nowhere. Out of office he'll be a bigger thorn in your side than in office. He'll never go away, Trump always hits back 4X harder than hit and whatever Trump has in store planned, if you think you hate Trump now or are free of him, he's going to make you sorry you ever heard of him.

Donald Trump is like a dog turd you can't scrap off your shoe. And once you throw the shoes away, the smell still remains.

As long as the DNC and Left remain the crooks and bastards they are, there will always be a Donald Trump. You grew him in the compost pile out behind your back.

He is the weed of progressive-socialism.

Trump is the reason the nation is in this mess. It's why you don't elect people that know
nothing about government.

By your hapless measure, then George Washington, John Adams, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were all failures, because none of them knew anything about government, there was no government before them! They weren't pros.

And what about Barack Obumma? Was he an expert on government because he sat in the Senate for two years scratching his balls?

Where do you go to find people who "know about government," Jack? Is there a school? You mean every House Rep and Senator all "knew about government" when they took office? And just what do they know about government, Jack, that it is all crooks?

Maybe for a change, we should start not electing government unless they first know something about business!

We need government to operate more like a business Jack, where they can meet deadlines, live within a budget and make a PROFIT.

Government is unable to do any of that. So immediately, your argument FAILS.

What you need Jack are CAREER LIFETIME GOVERNMENT LEADERS. People born to rule over you. Some people call them Kings.

Other people call them Dictators.

Jack, you need to be dictated to because people like you can't run you're own life. That's why you all fell apart with Trump in office-- -- he didn't run your life for you.

But don't worry: Joe will fill that hole for you.

And if we had a functioning government with Republicans who had any honor, integrity, or credibility, Trump would have been gone.
Trump leaves a legacy of failure. From the economy, to jobs, to the response to the pandemic. So the people showed him the door.
This is what happens when you elect an incompetent, corrupt former reality TV game show host. Sooner or later, it catches up with him.

No Freaky, as we've seen over the last four years, government cannot be run like a business. Well, at least a business run by a guy that's
declared bankruptcy seven time, killed two Atlantic City casinos, and has had every major venture that he lent his name to go belly up. :)
Again, it's not about the size of government. It's about its efficiency in action. And what we've learned over the last four years is that we
need competent people leading our government agencies and competent leadership in the White House for it to operate and execute efficiently.
Xi called and he needs you to go back to China and finish trimming his dingleberries off of his ARSE!
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Joe never won an election. You cannot win a rigged election. You cannot win an insecure and fraudulent election.

Joe is appointed if he takes office in 2020, just like Hitler was appointed Fuhrer in 1933.

Listening to the termites as they eat away at your trunk again? The SC slammed the Trumpybear twice last week. This isn't a fledgeling democracy like Germany was in the 1930's.

Good old Joe won in historic fashion. More votes than anyone in history. Eclipse's even the Great Obama's victory. Good times will be back soon.
He sure did, and better than placing Covid patients in nursing homes like a total dumbass...
More shit. Trump's done.

When I joined here in 2017 all I read was that Trump's done.
When we had the Mueller investigation they all said Trump's done.
When they impeached Trump over nothing, they said that Trump's done.
When China sent Covid around the world killing thousands you blamed Trump for it and said Trump's done.
Now that you've destroyed all election integrity by using Venezuelan-level cheating to steal the office you say Trump's done.

Unless you have clabber for brains, by now you ought to know that TRUMP IS NEVER DONE.

We'll, in your heart of hearts you know Trump's not done. He's going nowhere. Out of office he'll be a bigger thorn in your side than in office. He'll never go away, Trump always hits back 4X harder than hit and whatever Trump has in store planned, if you think you hate Trump now or are free of him, he's going to make you sorry you ever heard of him.

Donald Trump is like a dog turd you can't scrap off your shoe. And once you throw the shoes away, the smell still remains.

As long as the DNC and Left remain the crooks and bastards they are, there will always be a Donald Trump. You grew him in the compost pile out behind your back.

He is the weed of progressive-socialism.

Trump is the reason the nation is in this mess. It's why you don't elect people that know
nothing about government.

By your hapless measure, then George Washington, John Adams, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were all failures, because none of them knew anything about government, there was no government before them! They weren't pros.

And what about Barack Obumma? Was he an expert on government because he sat in the Senate for two years scratching his balls?

Where do you go to find people who "know about government," Jack? Is there a school? You mean every House Rep and Senator all "knew about government" when they took office? And just what do they know about government, Jack, that it is all crooks?

Maybe for a change, we should start not electing government unless they first know something about business!

We need government to operate more like a business Jack, where they can meet deadlines, live within a budget and make a PROFIT.

Government is unable to do any of that. So immediately, your argument FAILS.

What you need Jack are CAREER LIFETIME GOVERNMENT LEADERS. People born to rule over you. Some people call them Kings.

Other people call them Dictators.

Jack, you need to be dictated to because people like you can't run you're own life. That's why you all fell apart with Trump in office-- -- he didn't run your life for you.

But don't worry: Joe will fill that hole for you.

And if we had a functioning government with Republicans who had any honor, integrity, or credibility, Trump would have been gone.
Trump leaves a legacy of failure. From the economy, to jobs, to the response to the pandemic. So the people showed him the door.
This is what happens when you elect an incompetent, corrupt former reality TV game show host. Sooner or later, it catches up with him.

No Freaky, as we've seen over the last four years, government cannot be run like a business. Well, at least a business run by a guy that's
declared bankruptcy seven time, killed two Atlantic City casinos, and has had every major venture that he lent his name to go belly up. :)
Again, it's not about the size of government. It's about its efficiency in action. And what we've learned over the last four years is that we
need competent people leading our government agencies and competent leadership in the White House for it to operate and execute efficiently.
Xi called and he needs you to go back to China and finish trimming his dingleberries off of his ARSE!

That wasn't even remotely humorous. You need to go back to your church, pray to whatever god you believe in, and ask him for a sense of humor...or at least the ability to type a snappy comeback.
Cool. Have you said the phrase, President Elect Biden yet? :) Cause it's official now. Bye, bye Trumpybear!
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Joe never won an election. You cannot win a rigged election. You cannot win an insecure and fraudulent election.

Joe is appointed if he takes office in 2020, just like Hitler was appointed Fuhrer in 1933.

Listening to the termites as they eat away at your trunk again? The SC slammed the Trumpybear twice last week. This isn't a fledgeling democracy like Germany was in the 1930's.

Good old Joe won in historic fashion. More votes than anyone in history. Eclipse's even the Great Obama's victory. Good times will be back soon.

It seems fitting that Biden and Harris would break the record that Obama and Biden set.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Just right winger
Not your dumb ass
Mind your own business.

I'll say what I like, thank you.

And your 'paid' nonsense is nonsense no matter who you are directing it at.

i laugh
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi loves a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden.

Cheatin Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching out his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.

I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.

View attachment 429515


I am a world renowned message board poster known for my charm and wit.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Joe never won an election. You cannot win a rigged election. You cannot win an insecure and fraudulent election.

Joe is appointed if he takes office in 2020, just like Hitler was appointed Fuhrer in 1933.

Listening to the termites as they eat away at your trunk again? The SC slammed the Trumpybear twice last week. This isn't a fledgeling democracy like Germany was in the 1930's.

Good old Joe won in historic fashion. More votes than anyone in history. Eclipse's even the Great Obama's victory. Good times will be back soon.

It seems fitting that Biden and Harris would break the record that Obama and Biden set.

I have to credit the Trumpybear for the turn out of the century.....
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Joe never won an election. You cannot win a rigged election. You cannot win an insecure and fraudulent election.

Joe is appointed if he takes office in 2020, just like Hitler was appointed Fuhrer in 1933.

Listening to the termites as they eat away at your trunk again? The SC slammed the Trumpybear twice last week. This isn't a fledgeling democracy like Germany was in the 1930's.

Good old Joe won in historic fashion. More votes than anyone in history. Eclipse's even the Great Obama's victory. Good times will be back soon.

It seems fitting that Biden and Harris would break the record that Obama and Biden set.

I have to credit the Trumpybear for the turn out of the century.....

And around Jan 2018 or so I thought this would be a low turnout election that was won by the side better able to get its base to turn out. Weird election. Trump himself was the central issue, and Covid turned out to define his presidency.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Joe never won an election. You cannot win a rigged election. You cannot win an insecure and fraudulent election.

Joe is appointed if he takes office in 2020, just like Hitler was appointed Fuhrer in 1933.

Listening to the termites as they eat away at your trunk again? The SC slammed the Trumpybear twice last week. This isn't a fledgeling democracy like Germany was in the 1930's.

Good old Joe won in historic fashion. More votes than anyone in history. Eclipse's even the Great Obama's victory. Good times will be back soon.

It seems fitting that Biden and Harris would break the record that Obama and Biden set.

I have to credit the Trumpybear for the turn out of the century.....

And around Jan 2018 or so I thought this would be a low turnout election that was won by the side better able to get its base to turn out. Weird election. Trump himself was the central issue, and Covid turned out to define his presidency.

A lot of people voted against Trump more than for Biden. Even Ben Shapiro recognized that Trump made it *really* hard for people to want to vote for him.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Joe never won an election. You cannot win a rigged election. You cannot win an insecure and fraudulent election.

Joe is appointed if he takes office in 2020, just like Hitler was appointed Fuhrer in 1933.

Listening to the termites as they eat away at your trunk again? The SC slammed the Trumpybear twice last week. This isn't a fledgeling democracy like Germany was in the 1930's.

Good old Joe won in historic fashion. More votes than anyone in history. Eclipse's even the Great Obama's victory. Good times will be back soon.

It seems fitting that Biden and Harris would break the record that Obama and Biden set.

I have to credit the Trumpybear for the turn out of the century.....

And around Jan 2018 or so I thought this would be a low turnout election that was won by the side better able to get its base to turn out. Weird election. Trump himself was the central issue, and Covid turned out to define his presidency.

A lot of people voted against Trump more than for Biden. Even Ben Shapiro recognized that Trump made it *really* hard for people to want to vote for him.

Those are lies, and you are a liar. If you cannot hold legal elections and follow the law as written and allow a fraudulent election you cannot know how many people voted for who.

We already know that Dominion voting machines were designed to steal elections. This is why Maduro bought them and invested in them and this is why Democrat controlled districts bought them. They were sold on these machines based on their abilities to steal votes. That was part of the sales pitch. Any public official that participated in the purchase of these machines should be brought up on charges.

Joe Biden hid in his basement, did not campaign, is a Racist, and was not more popular than Barak Obama among blacks. Donald Trump by the way got the highest percentage of The Black and Hispanic vote than any Republican President, 20% and 40%, and also had increased his vote totals by 20% over 2016.

Joe Biden is a Fraud like Hitler was a Fraud, like you are a Fraud.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Joe never won an election. You cannot win a rigged election. You cannot win an insecure and fraudulent election.

Joe is appointed if he takes office in 2020, just like Hitler was appointed Fuhrer in 1933.

Listening to the termites as they eat away at your trunk again? The SC slammed the Trumpybear twice last week. This isn't a fledgeling democracy like Germany was in the 1930's.

Good old Joe won in historic fashion. More votes than anyone in history. Eclipse's even the Great Obama's victory. Good times will be back soon.

It seems fitting that Biden and Harris would break the record that Obama and Biden set.

I have to credit the Trumpybear for the turn out of the century.....

And around Jan 2018 or so I thought this would be a low turnout election that was won by the side better able to get its base to turn out. Weird election. Trump himself was the central issue, and Covid turned out to define his presidency.

A lot of people voted against Trump more than for Biden. Even Ben Shapiro recognized that Trump made it *really* hard for people to want to vote for him.

Those are lies, and you are a liar. If you cannot hold legal elections and follow the law as written and allow a fraudulent election you cannot know how many people voted for who.

We already know that Dominion voting machines were designed to steal elections. This is why Maduro bought them and invested in them and this is why Democrat controlled districts bought them. They were sold on these machines based on their abilities to steal votes. That was part of the sales pitch. Any public official that participated in the purchase of these machines should be brought up on charges.

Joe Biden hid in his basement, did not campaign, is a Racist, and was not more popular than Barak Obama among blacks. Donald Trump by the way got the highest percentage of The Black and Hispanic vote than any Republican President, 20% and 40%, and also had increased his vote totals by 20% over 2016.

Joe Biden is a Fraud like Hitler was a Fraud, like you are a Fraud.

Troll alert!!
And if we had a functioning government with Republicans who had any honor, integrity, or credibility, Trump would have been gone.
Trump leaves a legacy of failure.

WRONG AGAIN, Funnelhead. Trump was the greatest success of all time. Trump leaves us nothing but a legacy of success and is only a "failure" in your mind because Trump championed free market capitalism and you think CAPITALISM is a failure.

I'm sure you'll be just delighted when our economy totally collapses under Biden next year with 30 trillion in debt!

I just love it when you idiots post because the more you talk, the more you just bury yourselves in your own indefensible stupidity.
He's done more good for this country than anyone you people put up did in 8....You're just triggered by his tweets.
I mean, have you seen the country lately?

Yes, and I constantly wonder when Democrats who have done a stealar job ruining their economies in the name of Covid, are continuing to do so...Like Junkies hooked on their dictatorial power...
Because 300k people have died and our hospitals are at capacity with a lot more people who are dangerously close to adding to that total.

I mean, it’s not a secret so there’s no real reason you need to wonder about it.

Predictions at the start of this were upwards of 2 million....But I am sure you think that no one should have died....That's just as ridiculous as most of your posts.

President Trump has the country on course to have fewer deaths this year than normal
Even with Covid.
Truly amazing.

I realize that C Clayton Jones is little more than a fucking retard - but why does C. Clayton laugh at facts?
He's done more good for this country than anyone you people put up did in 8....You're just triggered by his tweets.
I mean, have you seen the country lately?

Yes, and I constantly wonder when Democrats who have done a stealar job ruining their economies in the name of Covid, are continuing to do so...Like Junkies hooked on their dictatorial power...
Because 300k people have died and our hospitals are at capacity with a lot more people who are dangerously close to adding to that total.

I mean, it’s not a secret so there’s no real reason you need to wonder about it.

Predictions at the start of this were upwards of 2 million....But I am sure you think that no one should have died....That's just as ridiculous as most of your posts.

President Trump has the country on course to have fewer deaths this year than normal
Even with Covid.
Truly amazing.

I realize that C Clayton Jones is little more than a fucking retard - but why does C. Clayton laugh at facts?
We laugh at you idiots who believe kooks and lunatics because of your fragile emotional state.
He's done more good for this country than anyone you people put up did in 8....You're just triggered by his tweets.
I mean, have you seen the country lately?

Yes, and I constantly wonder when Democrats who have done a stealar job ruining their economies in the name of Covid, are continuing to do so...Like Junkies hooked on their dictatorial power...
Because 300k people have died and our hospitals are at capacity with a lot more people who are dangerously close to adding to that total.

I mean, it’s not a secret so there’s no real reason you need to wonder about it.

Predictions at the start of this were upwards of 2 million....But I am sure you think that no one should have died....That's just as ridiculous as most of your posts.

President Trump has the country on course to have fewer deaths this year than normal
Even with Covid.
Truly amazing.

I realize that C Clayton Jones is little more than a fucking retard - but why does C. Clayton laugh at facts?
We laugh at you idiots who believe kooks and lunatics because of your fragile emotional state.

You laugh at facts.
You are in a cult - sad.
He's done more good for this country than anyone you people put up did in 8....You're just triggered by his tweets.
I mean, have you seen the country lately?

Yes, and I constantly wonder when Democrats who have done a stealar job ruining their economies in the name of Covid, are continuing to do so...Like Junkies hooked on their dictatorial power...
Because 300k people have died and our hospitals are at capacity with a lot more people who are dangerously close to adding to that total.

I mean, it’s not a secret so there’s no real reason you need to wonder about it.

Predictions at the start of this were upwards of 2 million....But I am sure you think that no one should have died....That's just as ridiculous as most of your posts.

President Trump has the country on course to have fewer deaths this year than normal
Even with Covid.
Truly amazing.

I realize that C Clayton Jones is little more than a fucking retard - but why does C. Clayton laugh at facts?
We laugh at you idiots who believe kooks and lunatics because of your fragile emotional state.

You laugh at facts.
You are in a cult - sad.
Right. Facts.

Did you guys ever figure out what was on that server that delta force seized in Germany?

Because that did, in fact, happen. Right?
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Both Liberal and Conservative judges have mocked Trumps legal challenges as baseless

Every one on USMB mocks you as the head buffoon of Xi's and Putin's Propaganda Parade.

I am the most popular poster on USMB and beloved by millions of fans. If you visit the USMB Headquarters Building you will see that I have a reserved parking space and there is a plaque honoring me as poster of the year between the first floor Ladies Room and the USMB Gift Shop.

YOU are a Fraud. But Putin loves a Fraud, Xi love a Fraud, and someone that can be easily bought, like you, like Joe Biden. Joe is no more legitimate in 2020 than Hitler was in 1933, and like Joe has you in 2020, Hitler had his Poster, Goebbels belching our his message from Hell 24-7. And like Goebbels, you should know that Hell is reserved for Liars.
I suggest you purchase some fire insurance, not that it will do you any good.'re imagining a new conspiracy to explain the failure of your old conspiracy.

And of course Biden is the legitimate president-elect. He won the election easily. That's how our system works. That you don't like the outcome doesn't suddenly make it 'illegitimate'.

It just makes you a sore loser.

Joe never won an election. You cannot win a rigged election. You cannot win an insecure and fraudulent election.

Joe is appointed if he takes office in 2020, just like Hitler was appointed Fuhrer in 1933.

Listening to the termites as they eat away at your trunk again? The SC slammed the Trumpybear twice last week. This isn't a fledgeling democracy like Germany was in the 1930's.

Good old Joe won in historic fashion. More votes than anyone in history. Eclipse's even the Great Obama's victory. Good times will be back soon.

It seems fitting that Biden and Harris would break the record that Obama and Biden set.

I have to credit the Trumpybear for the turn out of the century.....

And around Jan 2018 or so I thought this would be a low turnout election that was won by the side better able to get its base to turn out. Weird election. Trump himself was the central issue, and Covid turned out to define his presidency.

A lot of people voted against Trump more than for Biden. Even Ben Shapiro recognized that Trump made it *really* hard for people to want to vote for him.

Those are lies, and you are a liar. If you cannot hold legal elections and follow the law as written and allow a fraudulent election you cannot know how many people voted for who.

We already know that Dominion voting machines were designed to steal elections. This is why Maduro bought them and invested in them and this is why Democrat controlled districts bought them. They were sold on these machines based on their abilities to steal votes. That was part of the sales pitch. Any public official that participated in the purchase of these machines should be brought up on charges.

Joe Biden hid in his basement, did not campaign, is a Racist, and was not more popular than Barak Obama among blacks. Donald Trump by the way got the highest percentage of The Black and Hispanic vote than any Republican President, 20% and 40%, and also had increased his vote totals by 20% over 2016.

Joe Biden is a Fraud like Hitler was a Fraud, like you are a Fraud.

You know so much that isn't true and is only on the GOP propaganda machine. A tiny percentage of the world's media and probably the least respected in the modern world by respected media and law enforcement.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

This is the bizzarro world of Donalde Trump and his crazy supporters like you. The judges are applying the rule of law.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

'it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign'? Some of the judges that threw out the lawsuits were Trump appointed.

Cool story.

The judges are from the federalist society, it does not get more establishment than that.

And yes, they support Biden over Trump. It is irrelevant who appointed them. They do not serve America.

So you say;. The judges have correctly applied the law. You are a fascist and do not recognize the rule of law.

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