PA and GA Send in Republican Electors

What vaccines are you referring to?
Mers, sars, swine flu, meningitis, influenza Pneumonia.
Feb 12, 2010 — H1N1 swine flu has killed as many as 17000 Americans, including 1800 children , the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Influenza deaths- Pneumonia deaths.
2008–2009 alone= 1,585,938
H1N1 was detected in April. FDA approved a vaccine in September.
Here's where you got caught :
According to this study, the phylogenetic origin of the flu virus that caused the 2009 pandemics can be traced before 1918. Around 1918, the ancestral virus, of avian origin, crossed the species boundaries and infected humans as human H1N1. The same phenomenon took place soon after in America, where the human virus infected pigs; it led to the emergence of the H1N1 swine strain, which later became known as swine flu. Genetic coding of H1N1 shows it is a combination of segments of four influenza viruses forming a novel strain:
This means 91 years you are saying is less time then 9-10 months.

The critical moment for the 2009 outbreak was between 1990 and 1993. A triple reassortment event in a pig host of North American H1N1 swine virus, the human H3N2 virus and avian H1N1 virus generated the swine H1N2 strain. In 2009, when the virus H1N2 co-infected a human host at the same time as the Euroasiatic H1N1 swine strain a new human H1N1 strain emerged, which caused the 2009 pandemic. So pick a real date and both still took longer then how they handled this one.
What vaccines are you referring to?
Mers, sars, swine flu, meningitis, influenza Pneumonia.
Feb 12, 2010 — H1N1 swine flu has killed as many as 17000 Americans, including 1800 children , the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Influenza deaths- Pneumonia deaths.
2008–2009 alone= 1,585,938
H1N1 was detected in April. FDA approved a vaccine in September.
Here's where you got caught :
According to this study, the phylogenetic origin of the flu virus that caused the 2009 pandemics can be traced before 1918. Around 1918, the ancestral virus, of avian origin, crossed the species boundaries and infected humans as human H1N1. The same phenomenon took place soon after in America, where the human virus infected pigs; it led to the emergence of the H1N1 swine strain, which later became known as swine flu. Genetic coding of H1N1 shows it is a combination of segments of four influenza viruses forming a novel strain:
This means 91 years you are saying is less time then 9-10 months.

The critical moment for the 2009 outbreak was between 1990 and 1993. A triple reassortment event in a pig host of North American H1N1 swine virus, the human H3N2 virus and avian H1N1 virus generated the swine H1N2 strain. In 2009, when the virus H1N2 co-infected a human host at the same time as the Euroasiatic H1N1 swine strain a new human H1N1 strain emerged, which caused the 2009 pandemic. So pick a real date and both still took longer then how they handled this one.
An H1N1 Swine Flu variant raised its ugly head in the autumn of 1976 and created such a stir that free vaccines were offered by the government. But the idea of masks was never raised and it never reached the level of 2009.
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

And by 'conditional', you mean an alternate reality where the States didn't select their electors, recognizing Biden's 306 elector win?

Good luck with that.
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....

On the way out he tried to claim credit for what the drug companies did.

Oh for God's sake...You do realize that without Trump bringing in these Drug companies, and getting the funds to them for Operation Warp speed, they wouldn't have done it right? You are pathetic.

What funds did he make available to Pfizer? They funded their own research.


Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour in what has otherwise been a poor effort to deal with the coronavirus, experts say.

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.

"This is a bright spot in the pandemic response. I mean, the rest of it has been dismal," said Goodman, who is also director of Georgetown University's Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship.

Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also lauded Operation Warp Speed for being a "success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it's been a success" in his remarks at a recent virtual summit organized by the medical news site Stat.

Launched in May, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a government initiated private/public $10 billion US program to help provide support to companies in the development, manufacturing and distribution of 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with the aim of having initial doses ready by January 2021.

" WASHINGTON — As nations around the world race to lock up coronavirus vaccines even before they are ready, the Trump administration on Wednesday made one of the largest investments yet, announcing a nearly $2 billion contract with Pfizer and a German biotechnology company for 100 million doses by December. "

Wrong as usual Bulldog...

Not really. The contract only went into effect after the drug was approved for use. If Pfizer didn't produce an approved drug, they got nothing. While being assured of a market for a working vaccine is something, in the middle of a world wide pandemic, worrying about a market for a working vaccine isn't really a big concern.

So what? If that is even the case, it shows that your statement that they took no money, is false...That's a fact.

Nobody expected Pfizer to develop and produce the vaccine for free. Of course they took money, after their vaccine was approved and was ready to ship.

Appearantly you didn't read the NYTimes article dated July 22 of this year....Pfizer made the deal in July for the $1.95 billion so, that is before the vaccine was approved..

So? Agreeing to buy a vaccine if it works, especially in a world wide pandemic where everyone wants a vaccine, isn't really something to brag about. Is Trump really wanting praise for doing something that any 10 year old could be expected to do?

Are you really so petty that you can’t give him credit for getting this done? And you people want unity? Pfft, yeah right.
At the request of the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential electors met today in Harrisburg to cast a conditional vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President respectively.

“We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward” said Bernie Comfort, Pennsylvania Chair of the Trump campaign. “This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.”

Because the President’s lawsuit contesting the Georgia election is still pending, the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector met today at noon at the State Capitol today and cast their votes for President and Vice President.

Every swing state should do the same. Even though the fraud is now proven, it's clear that the judges, one of the biggest donor class of the Biden campaign, are not intent on hearing it. Ultimately it is up Trump and American people whether a fraudulent election can be accepted in a purported first world country.

They can send in as many clowns as they want. There was no voter fraud. The people have spoken.! :)

Which people? The 1.7 million who requested a mail ballot or the 2.4 million that turned one in? Was it the 100% people in an area that voted or the ones that pushed it to 115%? Was it the Georgia voters or the ones in the boxes under the table tabulated after the counting was supposed to be closed for the night?

which “people” spoke here?

There were no boxes under table. This has already been explained. Just stop. It's over.
Trump lost. Biden won. Move on. Deal with it.

81 million people spoke. And they voted for Joe Biden.

it’s on tape dumbass.
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....

On the way out he tried to claim credit for what the drug companies did.

Oh for God's sake...You do realize that without Trump bringing in these Drug companies, and getting the funds to them for Operation Warp speed, they wouldn't have done it right? You are pathetic.

What funds did he make available to Pfizer? They funded their own research.


Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour in what has otherwise been a poor effort to deal with the coronavirus, experts say.

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.

"This is a bright spot in the pandemic response. I mean, the rest of it has been dismal," said Goodman, who is also director of Georgetown University's Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship.

Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also lauded Operation Warp Speed for being a "success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it's been a success" in his remarks at a recent virtual summit organized by the medical news site Stat.

Launched in May, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a government initiated private/public $10 billion US program to help provide support to companies in the development, manufacturing and distribution of 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with the aim of having initial doses ready by January 2021.

" WASHINGTON — As nations around the world race to lock up coronavirus vaccines even before they are ready, the Trump administration on Wednesday made one of the largest investments yet, announcing a nearly $2 billion contract with Pfizer and a German biotechnology company for 100 million doses by December. "

Wrong as usual Bulldog...

Not really. The contract only went into effect after the drug was approved for use. If Pfizer didn't produce an approved drug, they got nothing. While being assured of a market for a working vaccine is something, in the middle of a world wide pandemic, worrying about a market for a working vaccine isn't really a big concern.

So what? If that is even the case, it shows that your statement that they took no money, is false...That's a fact.

Nobody expected Pfizer to develop and produce the vaccine for free. Of course they took money, after their vaccine was approved and was ready to ship.

Appearantly you didn't read the NYTimes article dated July 22 of this year....Pfizer made the deal in July for the $1.95 billion so, that is before the vaccine was approved..

So? Agreeing to buy a vaccine if it works, especially in a world wide pandemic where everyone wants a vaccine, isn't really something to brag about. Is Trump really wanting praise for doing something that any 10 year old could be expected to do?

Are you really so petty that you can’t give him credit for getting this done? And you people want unity? Pfft, yeah right.
Bribing Biden uses 2 conflicting political words- Diversity and Unity are opposing words.
The Trump administration ALREADY HAD Diversity, but mostly with Unity in that Diversity.
Biden's diversity is forced for appearances sake and are not only not unified, but they are and have been causing the division. They can't do anything right, it must be the reason why they make velcro shoes, they can't even tie their own shoes with out getting them all twisted in knots.
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....

On the way out he tried to claim credit for what the drug companies did.

Oh for God's sake...You do realize that without Trump bringing in these Drug companies, and getting the funds to them for Operation Warp speed, they wouldn't have done it right? You are pathetic.

What funds did he make available to Pfizer? They funded their own research.


Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour in what has otherwise been a poor effort to deal with the coronavirus, experts say.

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.

"This is a bright spot in the pandemic response. I mean, the rest of it has been dismal," said Goodman, who is also director of Georgetown University's Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship.

Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also lauded Operation Warp Speed for being a "success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it's been a success" in his remarks at a recent virtual summit organized by the medical news site Stat.

Launched in May, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a government initiated private/public $10 billion US program to help provide support to companies in the development, manufacturing and distribution of 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with the aim of having initial doses ready by January 2021.

" WASHINGTON — As nations around the world race to lock up coronavirus vaccines even before they are ready, the Trump administration on Wednesday made one of the largest investments yet, announcing a nearly $2 billion contract with Pfizer and a German biotechnology company for 100 million doses by December. "

Wrong as usual Bulldog...

Not really. The contract only went into effect after the drug was approved for use. If Pfizer didn't produce an approved drug, they got nothing. While being assured of a market for a working vaccine is something, in the middle of a world wide pandemic, worrying about a market for a working vaccine isn't really a big concern.

So what? If that is even the case, it shows that your statement that they took no money, is false...That's a fact.

Nobody expected Pfizer to develop and produce the vaccine for free. Of course they took money, after their vaccine was approved and was ready to ship.

Appearantly you didn't read the NYTimes article dated July 22 of this year....Pfizer made the deal in July for the $1.95 billion so, that is before the vaccine was approved..

So? Agreeing to buy a vaccine if it works, especially in a world wide pandemic where everyone wants a vaccine, isn't really something to brag about. Is Trump really wanting praise for doing something that any 10 year old could be expected to do?

Are you really so petty that you can’t give him credit for getting this done? And you people want unity? Pfft, yeah right.

Nope, I don't give him credit for it the technology was developed years ago and worked on for many years.

You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
You lose your argument using ad hominem replies, many of the whistleblowers are not party affiliates some are dems and some are libertarians and independents and you can not prove people who risk charges are B.S. because if they were MSM wpuld have been all over it. You would not need to lie, and you would not have people threatening them like mobsters do to keep people from testifying.
People have been arrested including a mayor and CNN and NY times themselves have reported the voter fraud.
You can only forum troll as a means to demonize people instead of refuting the facts and science.
I say science because it's scientifically impossible to take out a ballot from it's envelope without a fold crease. "Follow the science"-right?
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
You lose your argument, many of the whistleblowers are not party affiliates some are dems and some are libertarians and independents and you can not prove people who risk charges are B.S. because if they were MSM wpuld have been all over it. Ypu would not need to lie, and ypu would not have people threatening them like mobsters do to keep people from testifying.
People have been arrested including a mayor and CNN and NY times themselves have reported the voter fraud.
You can only forum troll as a means to demonize people instead of refuting the facts and science.
I say science because it's scientifically impossible to take out a ballot from it's envelope without a fold crease. "Follow the science"-right?
View attachment 429481
Nope. I can’t prove they knowingly lied because as I said, they’re mostly too stupid to be able to prove that.

The voter fraud these people are claiming is just not happening. There are few isolated instances but these people want to paint a story of massive systemic fraud.

But keep trotting out crazy people like Melissa Carone as if they’re reliable to consistent.
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
You lose your argument, many of the whistleblowers are not party affiliates some are dems and some are libertarians and independents and you can not prove people who risk charges are B.S. because if they were MSM wpuld have been all over it. Ypu would not need to lie, and ypu would not have people threatening them like mobsters do to keep people from testifying.
People have been arrested including a mayor and CNN and NY times themselves have reported the voter fraud.
You can only forum troll as a means to demonize people instead of refuting the facts and science.
I say science because it's scientifically impossible to take out a ballot from it's envelope without a fold crease. "Follow the science"-right?
View attachment 429481
Nope. I can’t prove they knowingly lied because as I said, they’re mostly too stupid to be able to prove that.

The voter fraud these people are claiming is just not happening. There are few isolated instances but these people want to paint a story of massive systemic fraud.

But keep trotting out crazy people like Melissa Carone as if they’re reliable to consistent.
Must be nice to deflect, so you don't have to face your inadequacies, but then it got you to where you are today, the hell you built you yourself have to reside in.....enjoy the show, you just never learn and it shows. ;-)
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
You lose your argument, many of the whistleblowers are not party affiliates some are dems and some are libertarians and independents and you can not prove people who risk charges are B.S. because if they were MSM wpuld have been all over it. Ypu would not need to lie, and ypu would not have people threatening them like mobsters do to keep people from testifying.
People have been arrested including a mayor and CNN and NY times themselves have reported the voter fraud.
You can only forum troll as a means to demonize people instead of refuting the facts and science.
I say science because it's scientifically impossible to take out a ballot from it's envelope without a fold crease. "Follow the science"-right?
View attachment 429481
Nope. I can’t prove they knowingly lied because as I said, they’re mostly too stupid to be able to prove that.

The voter fraud these people are claiming is just not happening. There are few isolated instances but these people want to paint a story of massive systemic fraud.

But keep trotting out crazy people like Melissa Carone as if they’re reliable to consistent.
Must be nice to deflect, so you don't have to face your inadequacies, but then it got you to where you are today, the hell you built you yourself have to reside in.....enjoy the show, you just never learn and it shows. ;-)
There’s nothing to deflect from other than your vague hand waving. If you refuse to be specific, my response can’t be specific.

Ballots not being folded right is a pretty garbage way to prove voter fraud.
And metaphorically speaking, on his way out the door, Trump delivers a vaccine for Covid, and yet, another deal of peace in the ME with Israel....Amazing....And you idiots wanted him out so bad because of his 'mean tweets', that you destroyed the election process, on your way to destroying this country....
There had to be some reason 7 million more voted for Analog Joe than the Savior …. oh wait, I see why.
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
You lose your argument, many of the whistleblowers are not party affiliates some are dems and some are libertarians and independents and you can not prove people who risk charges are B.S. because if they were MSM wpuld have been all over it. Ypu would not need to lie, and ypu would not have people threatening them like mobsters do to keep people from testifying.
People have been arrested including a mayor and CNN and NY times themselves have reported the voter fraud.
You can only forum troll as a means to demonize people instead of refuting the facts and science.
I say science because it's scientifically impossible to take out a ballot from it's envelope without a fold crease. "Follow the science"-right?
View attachment 429481
Nope. I can’t prove they knowingly lied because as I said, they’re mostly too stupid to be able to prove that.

The voter fraud these people are claiming is just not happening. There are few isolated instances but these people want to paint a story of massive systemic fraud.

But keep trotting out crazy people like Melissa Carone as if they’re reliable to consistent.
Must be nice to deflect, so you don't have to face your inadequacies, but then it got you to where you are today, the hell you built you yourself have to reside in.....enjoy the show, you just never learn and it shows. ;-)
What was the deflection? Norman puts up some batshit Crazy Trumpanzee bullshit post, and people mock it. There's no deflection. Just hilarity
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
You lose your argument, many of the whistleblowers are not party affiliates some are dems and some are libertarians and independents and you can not prove people who risk charges are B.S. because if they were MSM wpuld have been all over it. Ypu would not need to lie, and ypu would not have people threatening them like mobsters do to keep people from testifying.
People have been arrested including a mayor and CNN and NY times themselves have reported the voter fraud.
You can only forum troll as a means to demonize people instead of refuting the facts and science.
I say science because it's scientifically impossible to take out a ballot from it's envelope without a fold crease. "Follow the science"-right?
View attachment 429481
Nope. I can’t prove they knowingly lied because as I said, they’re mostly too stupid to be able to prove that.

The voter fraud these people are claiming is just not happening. There are few isolated instances but these people want to paint a story of massive systemic fraud.

But keep trotting out crazy people like Melissa Carone as if they’re reliable to consistent.
Must be nice to deflect, so you don't have to face your inadequacies, but then it got you to where you are today, the hell you built you yourself have to reside in.....enjoy the show, you just never learn and it shows. ;-)
There’s nothing to deflect from other than your vague hand waving. If you refuse to be specific, my response can’t be specific.

Ballots not being folded right is a pretty garbage way to prove voter fraud.
See you just proved my point, I clearly stated there were No folds no creases in the ballots coming out of envelopes and you could bot compute what that means. IT ALSO PROVES, YOUR MEDIA SOURCE is making you oblivious and ill informed.
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
You lose your argument, many of the whistleblowers are not party affiliates some are dems and some are libertarians and independents and you can not prove people who risk charges are B.S. because if they were MSM wpuld have been all over it. Ypu would not need to lie, and ypu would not have people threatening them like mobsters do to keep people from testifying.
People have been arrested including a mayor and CNN and NY times themselves have reported the voter fraud.
You can only forum troll as a means to demonize people instead of refuting the facts and science.
I say science because it's scientifically impossible to take out a ballot from it's envelope without a fold crease. "Follow the science"-right?
View attachment 429481
Nope. I can’t prove they knowingly lied because as I said, they’re mostly too stupid to be able to prove that.

The voter fraud these people are claiming is just not happening. There are few isolated instances but these people want to paint a story of massive systemic fraud.

But keep trotting out crazy people like Melissa Carone as if they’re reliable to consistent.
Must be nice to deflect, so you don't have to face your inadequacies, but then it got you to where you are today, the hell you built you yourself have to reside in.....enjoy the show, you just never learn and it shows. ;-)
There’s nothing to deflect from other than your vague hand waving. If you refuse to be specific, my response can’t be specific.

Ballots not being folded right is a pretty garbage way to prove voter fraud.
See you just proved my point, I clearly stated there were No folds no creases in the ballots coming out of envelopes and you could bot compute what that means. IT ALSO PROVES, YOUR MEDIA SOURCE is making you oblivious and ill informed.View attachment 429489
Sure there were.
You are retarded.
Did you guys release the kraken yet?
Did you release the names of those 81 million voters so they can be contacted and verified?
Didn't think so. Thanks for playing!
View attachment 429330

Have we ever released the names of all the people who voted for a particular candidate in any presidential election?

No? Then your standards are obviously absurd.

And you never did answer that question: where's the kracken exactly? I've been told again and again to 'just wait'. Well, today the electoral vote came down.

Your ilk may have waited just a tad too long perhaps.
Your party is the one saying prove the fraud, then when whistleblowers come forward you deny them their rights and threaten them like the mob does, and then your politicians threaten the people who voted against them like Saddam or Meduro would do. So if people have to prove the fraud numbers you are equally responsible for backing your popular vote claim numbers, especially since it's the lawless party who got caught in many instances and lied and covered up committing more crimes then just the fraud. Including it's candidates admissions that they had the network in place to cheat. Therefore the burden of Colfax's claims are to peove that many people voted for weekend at Bidens. Colfax already lost the argument because he never removed the dead and illegal voters from those corrupted totals. If just 1 is found non existing (dead) ir illegal resident vote then Colfax's number is a lie. To know of cases and not subtract them is a lie.
The argument in that post is not the election or amount of fraud, but the vote tabulation numbers that don't add up to the amount that woukd admit they voted, so the burden of proof is now on you like as required by Trumps lawyers. Ohhh sorry you are out of time, you could not even name 1 voter for Biden, not even Hoe or Jill themselves.
Problem is your whistleblowers are hilariously full of shit (or honest people who don’t understand that they’re observing normal procedures but are so coached to be looking for fraud that everything seems like fraud).
You lose your argument, many of the whistleblowers are not party affiliates some are dems and some are libertarians and independents and you can not prove people who risk charges are B.S. because if they were MSM wpuld have been all over it. Ypu would not need to lie, and ypu would not have people threatening them like mobsters do to keep people from testifying.
People have been arrested including a mayor and CNN and NY times themselves have reported the voter fraud.
You can only forum troll as a means to demonize people instead of refuting the facts and science.
I say science because it's scientifically impossible to take out a ballot from it's envelope without a fold crease. "Follow the science"-right?
View attachment 429481
Nope. I can’t prove they knowingly lied because as I said, they’re mostly too stupid to be able to prove that.

The voter fraud these people are claiming is just not happening. There are few isolated instances but these people want to paint a story of massive systemic fraud.

But keep trotting out crazy people like Melissa Carone as if they’re reliable to consistent.
Must be nice to deflect, so you don't have to face your inadequacies, but then it got you to where you are today, the hell you built you yourself have to reside in.....enjoy the show, you just never learn and it shows. ;-)
There’s nothing to deflect from other than your vague hand waving. If you refuse to be specific, my response can’t be specific.

Ballots not being folded right is a pretty garbage way to prove voter fraud.
See you just proved my point, I clearly stated there were No folds no creases in the ballots coming out of envelopes and you could bot compute what that means. IT ALSO PROVES, YOUR MEDIA SOURCE is making you oblivious and ill informed.View attachment 429489
Sure there were.
Using your standard you still have not proved 1 voter voted for Biden, so since this is your standard and logic You just checkmated yourself, yet again. Sorry you are so angry, maybe when you find all your favorite restaurants are gone forever you will cheer up with a nice hot bowl of oatmeal.

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