Pacific Ocean responsible for global warming slowdown

How about all them Cat 5 Hurricanes making landfall in the USA because Gullible Warming warmed the Atlantic ocean

yup, Mother Nature is mocking their predictions.

Hurricane Katrina was a turning point for J Curry. She had been working with Trenberth ( I think) and their data didnt show any correlation with AGW, yet he turned around and gave a public statement that it was.

She has a good quote somewhere that goes something like, "skeptics didnt woo me to their side, warmers pushed me away".

Ever since East Angelia was outed for fudging the data, it amazes me that all the people who do real science didn't band together and boot the Decline Hiders from their colleges and universities from bringing down the reputation of science. I think there's so much money going to pay people for Consensus, the real scientists were told to back off

And just what the fuck do you propose to do about it? Why don't you and the rest of the AGWCult go throw ice cubes at the Blob and shut the fuck up

Ice cubes....hmmm....I like that!

And, since you brought it up....the conclusion of my research proves that snow causes global warming!
  1. solution: i've been throwing aspirins into the toilet to decrease the Earth's fever.

And just what the fuck do you propose to do about it? Why don't you and the rest of the AGWCult go throw ice cubes at the Blob and shut the fuck up

Ice cubes....hmmm....I like that!

And, since you brought it up....the conclusion of my research proves that snow causes global warming!
  1. solution: i've been throwing aspirins into the toilet to decrease the Earth's fever.
Well now, that is about the level of intellect we have come to expect from you. Enjoy the higher food prices.

And just what the fuck do you propose to do about it? Why don't you and the rest of the AGWCult go throw ice cubes at the Blob and shut the fuck up

Ice cubes....hmmm....I like that!

And, since you brought it up....the conclusion of my research proves that snow causes global warming!
  1. solution: i've been throwing aspirins into the toilet to decrease the Earth's fever.
Well now, that is about the level of intellect we have come to expect from you. Enjoy the higher food prices.

Hey....if I don't talk like an idiot, how would you be able to understand me?
I understand you quite well, PoliticalShit. You have an ideology, it has no connection with reality. Therefore, you, as so many ideologues on all sides of the political spectrum do, deny reality.
I understand you quite well, PoliticalShit. You have an ideology, it has no connection with reality. Therefore, you, as so many ideologues on all sides of the political spectrum do, deny reality.

Nice language...

You kiss your family with that mouth?
when was the last time a brain surgeon made his own scalpels, ground the lenses for his eyewear, made his own MRI machine, developed and produced his own drugs, etc?

Brain surgeons rarely use scapels these days, Ian. This isn't the 19th century, dude. And yes, they design many of their tools these days. Why? Because they are the only ones with the necessary knowledge to know what they friggin need.

Ian said:
O - you seem very unknowledgeable about statistical criticisms. why was Gergis withdrawn? Steig, Kaufmann, Marcott, etc, etc. but especially Mann. do you honestly believe what you said? or are you just repeating someone else's talking point that has no comparison to reality? you need to read more than Real Climate and SkepticalScience.

I don't tend to read those web sites. In case you weren't aware, there are scientific periodicals that contain the actual scientific papers. But I do keep up with current events. So a couple of papers get revised. So what? Name a profession where this never occurs. Better yet. Name one that got revised due to the peer reviewed work of one of your denier buddies.
sounds like the brain surgeons you know have a very high insurance plan, and I wonder if their patients know that the tools are hand made by their own physician. Can you say scary?????? What a dolt.

Researchers Develop New Tool to Help Brain Surgeons in Operating Room- BWH Bulletin - For and about the People of Brigham and Women s Hospital

Now don't you feel like an idiot?
Well just reading the title tells me you lied, it says Researchers develop new tool, not Brain Surgeon. Didn't you say they made their own? I think you must have been looking in a mirror when you typed the line about being an idiot. Right?

Well, bubba, you have to read the article. Now, I understand that you have a problem with big words, but if you had actually read the article (keeping a dictionary handy so you can understand the big words) you would have discovered that those researchers, all of them, are neuroscientists.
well cuz, perhaps you could post up the paragraph that states that. See from the document it provides this statement:

"DESI mass spectrometry was initially developed by researchers at Purdue University. The BWH research team initiated a collaboration with Purdue University to use this technology to test brain tissue samples from patients who underwent surgery in the AMIGO suite and in standard BWH operating rooms. "

Maybe you didn't read it and again are full of sh1t, oh and still a liar.
Brain surgeons rarely use scapels these days, Ian. This isn't the 19th century, dude. And yes, they design many of their tools these days. Why? Because they are the only ones with the necessary knowledge to know what they friggin need.

I don't tend to read those web sites. In case you weren't aware, there are scientific periodicals that contain the actual scientific papers. But I do keep up with current events. So a couple of papers get revised. So what? Name a profession where this never occurs. Better yet. Name one that got revised due to the peer reviewed work of one of your denier buddies.
sounds like the brain surgeons you know have a very high insurance plan, and I wonder if their patients know that the tools are hand made by their own physician. Can you say scary?????? What a dolt.

Researchers Develop New Tool to Help Brain Surgeons in Operating Room- BWH Bulletin - For and about the People of Brigham and Women s Hospital

Now don't you feel like an idiot?
Well just reading the title tells me you lied, it says Researchers develop new tool, not Brain Surgeon. Didn't you say they made their own? I think you must have been looking in a mirror when you typed the line about being an idiot. Right?

Well, bubba, you have to read the article. Now, I understand that you have a problem with big words, but if you had actually read the article (keeping a dictionary handy so you can understand the big words) you would have discovered that those researchers, all of them, are neuroscientists.
well cuz, perhaps you could post up the paragraph that states that. See from the document it provides this statement:

"DESI mass spectrometry was initially developed by researchers at Purdue University. The BWH research team initiated a collaboration with Purdue University to use this technology to test brain tissue samples from patients who underwent surgery in the AMIGO suite and in standard BWH operating rooms. "

Maybe you didn't read it and again are full of sh1t, oh and still a liar.

"...said co-study author Alexandra Golby, MD, director of Image-Guided Neurosurgery".

"According to co-study author Sandro Santagata, MD, PhD, of BWH’s Department of Pathology"

"The BWH research (including the above mentioned MDs and PhDs) team initiated a collaboration with Purdue University to use this technology to test brain tissue samples from patients who underwent surgery in the AMIGO suite and in standard BWH operating rooms."

"The researchers plan to improve the classification software. BWH has set up DESI mass spectrometry technology in the AMIGO suite and plans to test it to detect brain and breast cancer margins during surgery.
sounds like the brain surgeons you know have a very high insurance plan, and I wonder if their patients know that the tools are hand made by their own physician. Can you say scary?????? What a dolt.

Researchers Develop New Tool to Help Brain Surgeons in Operating Room- BWH Bulletin - For and about the People of Brigham and Women s Hospital

Now don't you feel like an idiot?
Well just reading the title tells me you lied, it says Researchers develop new tool, not Brain Surgeon. Didn't you say they made their own? I think you must have been looking in a mirror when you typed the line about being an idiot. Right?

Well, bubba, you have to read the article. Now, I understand that you have a problem with big words, but if you had actually read the article (keeping a dictionary handy so you can understand the big words) you would have discovered that those researchers, all of them, are neuroscientists.
well cuz, perhaps you could post up the paragraph that states that. See from the document it provides this statement:

"DESI mass spectrometry was initially developed by researchers at Purdue University. The BWH research team initiated a collaboration with Purdue University to use this technology to test brain tissue samples from patients who underwent surgery in the AMIGO suite and in standard BWH operating rooms. "

Maybe you didn't read it and again are full of sh1t, oh and still a liar.

"...said co-study author Alexandra Golby, MD, director of Image-Guided Neurosurgery".

"According to co-study author Sandro Santagata, MD, PhD, of BWH’s Department of Pathology"

"The BWH research (including the above mentioned MDs and PhDs) team initiated a collaboration with Purdue University to use this technology to test brain tissue samples from patients who underwent surgery in the AMIGO suite and in standard BWH operating rooms."

"The researchers plan to improve the classification software. BWH has set up DESI mass spectrometry technology in the AMIGO suite and plans to test it to detect brain and breast cancer margins during surgery.
ok, so did they make it or did Purdue University. Your claim was they made it. Being part of a study, isn't manufacturing. So I still don't see any mention of them manufacturing the tool, so your initial comment is false.
what a stupid diversion. 50 comments arguing over whether doctors make there own tools or not.

it started when I said
That's when he figures the new record for warmest year evah will be announced. Every year is the warmest ever but somehow the Pause continues. Postnormal math and science. Only the clerics can understand the intricacies involved.

of course sometimes the clerics are a bit wobbly with their math as well. here is an email by Phil Jones, Grand High Poobah of CRU at UEA, answering a call for help in responding to the 'warming isnt significant newspaper story'......

I would have thought that this writer would have know better! I keep on seeing people saying this same stupid thing. I'm not adept enough (totally inept) with excel to do this now as no-one who knows how to is here.

What you have to do is to take the numbers in column C (the years) and then those in D (the anomalies for each year), plot them and then work out the linear trend. The slope is upwards. I had someone do this in early 2006, and the trend was upwards then. It will be now. Trend won't be statistically significant, but the trend is up.

This is a linear trend - least squares. This is how statisticians work out trends. They don't just look at the series. The simpler way is to just look at the data. The warmest year is 1998 with 0.526. All years since 2001 have been above 0.4. The only year before 2001 that was above this level was 1998. So 2cnd to 8th warmest years are 2001-2007

does that fill you with confidence? personally I think Jones is a victim of the Peter Principle. eg people keep getting promotions until they are incompetent at their present job. poor Phil, sitting in his cluttered office with stacks of paper half way to the ceiling, " you want me to, give you my data?". hahahaha
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Do you actually think Phil Jones processes his data in Excel? Go look at shared code out there and tell me how much of it is MS Basic or Excel macros.
How about we set aside global warming and the arguments about it, and talk about what we're doing to the ocean? The dying reefs, the depletion of fish in fishing grounds, the garbage patches, the mercury levels, the nuclear radiation, toxic dumping, etc.

Any interest in THAT?
Show us the links so we can read about it....and become concerned like you.
Are you unable to operate Google?

If he had mentioned something or someone specific, you could feel free to ask for links, but for general comments like that, you're just being lazy and argumentative.

nobody cares about 1 degree!!!:up:

Global warming has slowed but our climate models are WRONG Daily Mail Online

Debating this stuff is like debating somebody about the quality of tires on the car AFTER the car slides off the road and hits the tree:rofl: Makes no sense s0ns...........its a form vs function thing. These debates go on endlessly................pissing contests are ghey. 20 years of this and the AGW folks haven't moved the goalposts even a single yard.:coffee:

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