Pacific Ocean waters absorbing heat 15 times faster over past 60 years than in past 1

Deniers never met a problem that they couldn't ignore.

Do you suppose that they are Neanderthal remnants skilled at not adapting to environmental changes?
Deniers never met a problem that they couldn't ignore.

Do you suppose that they are Neanderthal remnants skilled at not adapting to environmental changes?

I don't know... We've moved on from the 1890's tilting at windmills. Technology advancements have left you Neanderthals in the dust. You really should try and keep up. Of course, there have been ignoramuses like you bleating about the end of the world since the beginning of time.

[ame=]Sheep Bleating Noise - YouTube[/ame]
Don't you get a kick out of science deniers claiming technological chops?

And, they don't even comprehend the irony.
Don't you get a kick out of science deniers claiming technological chops?

And, they don't even comprehend the irony.

I get a kick out of liberal idiots.

Wrong about the Carboniferous, wrong about plutonium, wrong about oil production.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
and you know the oil companies don't get subsidies, they just get the normal depreciation tax breaks that any other company gets

In 2013, subsidies for petroleum products, worldwide, will reach 250 BILLION DOLLARS.

If these are "subsidies" then what should we call all these eco-energy-taxes (real and direct subsidies) that are funneled into wind & solar ?

This crap scheme is spin-doctoring the taxes individual nations charge on petroleum as a "subsidy" if it`s below the average a select group of other countries slap on petro-products, as "optimal" ...and at the same they select which countries are in this "optimal" group.

According to this scheme any country that does not tax you to the max, the tax is defined as "sub-optimal" and that is now according to the authors a subsidy.

The only way that could be implemented is to give the IMF the authority to enforce an "optimal" tax on a global level...or for starters with a group of nations that were suckers and gave up their sovereign rights to determine their own taxation structure.

These communist fuckers outline on page 14 all the wonderful things that can be done with their so called "pre-taxes" .

increased petroleum product prices by 38 percent in 2008.

Budgetary allocations to a range of social protection programs were increased substantially (Direct Social Support, Social Benefits Through Work, Income Generation and Community Development).

The level of cash benefits received by beneficiaries of the Food Subsidy Program was increased, with the minimum benefit increasing from 70 MT to 100 MT and the maximum benefit from 140 MT to 300 MT.

The number of branches of the National Institute for Social Protection was increased from 19 to 30 to facilitate an expansion of the program.

increased domestic petroleum product prices in both March and October 2005 (more than doubling prices) and again in May 2008 (prices of products were increased by 25–33 percent).

A temporary cash transfer program was implemented in 2005 to mitigate the impact of price increases, aiding 19 million poor families, with targeting relying on existing databases. A similar cash transfer accompanied the price increases in 2008.

Some budgetary savings from reducing subsidies were reallocated to existing education, health, and infrastructure programs that benefit low- and middle-income households.

2005, culminating in full price liberalization in February 2008, when product prices were increased by 33–76 percent.

The minimum wage was increased, and low-paid government employees received higher wage increases than other employees.

A one-time bonus was given to low-income government employees and pensioners.

An electricity lifeline tariff was maintained at current low levels—electricity access is almost universal
So we should let a clusterfuck of non-elected bureaucrats decide how much more "pre-taxes" we should fork over to them, and if we don`t then we are guilty of having "subsidized" the petroleum industry if our gas-tax is "sub-optimal" ....and then they use it to run some sort of international SUBSIDY system which gives government employees bonuses and pay-hikes and amongst other things can pay for a wonderful welfare system.

In Mozambique they already have one of the best in the world for men, because the women have to do all the work:


But this brilliant plan will ensure that everybody, women like the one above can do this instead:

And their "underpaid hard working" (mostly male) government employees can get pay-hikes or as it is in most of the rest of these countries that will benefit from our "pre-tax" they can buy more Kalashnikovs.

Do you have any more bright ideas like the one in that pdf?
I was under the impression you are one of those who hates the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party.
Which way would you think mainstream Americans would swing if the democrats would implement this "pre-tax" scheme ?
I almost wish Obama would try it right now and deliver Americans from "sub-optimal" taxes!
Do you think that Americans are so stupid that they don`t know the difference between a subsidy and a "non-optimal" tax (hike)?
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This notion that we can't afford fuel-less and waste-less energy is pretty strange.
If it were up to denialists we'd not raise food. Why? The process is unreliable. Crops and animals sit around mostly and do nothing. They just grow. You can't eat that.

Then only once in a great while they ripen or get slaughtered and actually make food.

We should wait until technology invents food that is available all of the time before we eat.
Don't you get a kick out of science deniers claiming technological chops?

And, they don't even comprehend the irony.

I get a kick out of liberal idiots.

Wrong about the Carboniferous, wrong about plutonium, wrong about oil production.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Denying science is wrong. I can't think of anything more bone headed than that.

Says the bonehead who keeps getting the facts wrong.
No, you laugh because you are idiots.

Solar and wind is free?

I'm surprised you're smart enough to turn on your computer. :lol:

Once the first kilowatt hour comes out, the next are virtually free.

Which fossil fuel can claim that?

And after those virtually free kwhs, it's still more expensive and less reliable.

That first kilowatt hour must be an expensive mother fucker, eh?

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