Pack of cigarettes will cost $40 by 2020 in Australia

And here in America the slack jawed jesuland states have the most smokers

The 10 States Most Addicted to Smoking
And here in America, the slack jawed faggot-filled, Democrat-run major cities have the most AIDS.

The 25 U.S. Cities With the Highest Rates of HIV Infection

HIV came from deforestation in central africa. Monkeys carried it.

Africa still has the highest rate of HIV
I'm not talking about Africa. I'm talking about America and where most of the AIDS is in America.

Drug abuse and prostitution is up there

In africa is mostly passed between heterosexuals

Problem is not homosexuality, it is the lack of monogamy ................ and dirty needles, among many in those groups
The problem is faggots putting their penises in places meant to be exit holes for human waste, using their buttholes as artificial vaginas. That is unsanitary as hell. Yeah, dirty needles also play a role....but faggotry is the main cause of AIDS in this country. Doesn't matter what's going on in Africa. In America, AIDS is mainly a faggot problem.
It's a morality tax, regardless.

And this is sort of thing that makes me want to wring the neck of those propping up any national sales tax. I can imagine the government carrying these efforts in controlling our purchases to a never ending length. Heck I'm beginning to hear of it now with the sale of soda pop in some places where I wouldn't want to live.
It's a morality tax, regardless.

And this is sort of thing that makes me want to wring the neck of those propping up any national sales tax. I can imagine the government carrying these efforts in controlling our purchases to a never ending length. Heck I'm beginning to hear of it now with the sale of soda pop in some places where I wouldn't want to live.
If we are going to have a national sales shouldn't be used to dictate society's purchasing choices. I would rather have a national sales tax than a federal income tax myself.

Well, I'd rather have neither, but if I had to choose...
It's a morality tax, regardless.

And this is sort of thing that makes me want to wring the neck of those propping up any national sales tax. I can imagine the government carrying these efforts in controlling our purchases to a never ending length. Heck I'm beginning to hear of it now with the sale of soda pop in some places where I wouldn't want to live.

Think about it; the govt. already ruins people's lives in the case of prostitution.
The govt. mafia wants their money.

So they pinned their hopes on a dying (literally) habit to make money off of? Smoking costs money, way more than the addicted smoker has to pay. Fuck yeah, let's makes it not easy to smoke.

It's worked in the past. Higher prices have resulted in fewer smokers. Well, along with the realization that smoking actually does cause cancer (some wingnut will take issue with that). A couple of bumps but for the most part we are on track to eliminate smoking once and for all.
It's a morality tax, regardless.

And this is sort of thing that makes me want to wring the neck of those propping up any national sales tax. I can imagine the government carrying these efforts in controlling our purchases to a never ending length. Heck I'm beginning to hear of it now with the sale of soda pop in some places where I wouldn't want to live.

Think about it; the govt. already ruins people's lives in the case of prostitution.
Gotta disagree. Once a woman chooses to become a prostitute, their lives have already been ruined well before they made that choice....and the government had very little if anything to do with it.
The govt. mafia wants their money.

So they pinned their hopes on a dying (literally) habit to make money off of? Smoking costs money, way more than the addicted smoker has to pay. Fuck yeah, let's makes it not easy to smoke.

It's worked in the past. Higher prices have resulted in fewer smokers. Well, along with the realization that smoking actually does cause cancer (some wingnut will take issue with that). A couple of bumps but for the most part we are on track to eliminate smoking once and for all.

Have you even taken a college economics class?
It's a morality tax, regardless.

And this is sort of thing that makes me want to wring the neck of those propping up any national sales tax. I can imagine the government carrying these efforts in controlling our purchases to a never ending length. Heck I'm beginning to hear of it now with the sale of soda pop in some places where I wouldn't want to live.

Think about it; the govt. already ruins people's lives in the case of prostitution.
Gotta disagree. Once a woman chooses to become a prostitute, their lives have already been ruined well before they made that choice....and the government had very little if anything to do with it.

Really? Cos I know of a lot of high end prostitutes and porn stars who are doing quite well.
The govt. mafia wants their money.

So they pinned their hopes on a dying (literally) habit to make money off of? Smoking costs money, way more than the addicted smoker has to pay. Fuck yeah, let's makes it not easy to smoke.

It's worked in the past. Higher prices have resulted in fewer smokers. Well, along with the realization that smoking actually does cause cancer (some wingnut will take issue with that). A couple of bumps but for the most part we are on track to eliminate smoking once and for all.

Have you even taken a college economics class?

That would assume taking any college class
Make it $400. Does anyone have any sympathy for these idiots?

$40 cigarettes after laws pass parliament

sep 14 2016 Smokers will soon be slugged $40 for a packet of cigarettes.
Bipartisan legislation to increase the tax on cigarettes over four years cleared parliament on Wednesday night.
The excise will increase by 12.5 per cent each year to 2020.
Labor backed the legislation, having announced similar measures before the July 2 election.
Debate on the tax hike in the Senate sparked calls for a rethink of Australia's ban on nicotine e-cigarettes, with Liberal backbencher James Paterson arguing the healthier alternative should be available.

a 15 percent black market now

will turn into a 40 percent black market

should prices rise so
Should be more money. They ban weed but cancer sticks stay legal. Cigarette smokers are nasty. I remember I dated this guy in college who was a smoker. Kissing him was like kissing an astray. That was the first and last time I dated a smoker.

Then you have people smoking outside buildings and you wind up walking into a cloud of cancer smoke.
No worries. Just hang out where they do those barbque food services where you gasp on the street as the smoke swirls around you. Its no different if the smoke smells better, ya know.

I dated a guy that was a drunk. Kissing him was like taking a swig from a whiskey bottle. See how that goes?
It's a morality tax, regardless.

And this is sort of thing that makes me want to wring the neck of those propping up any national sales tax. I can imagine the government carrying these efforts in controlling our purchases to a never ending length. Heck I'm beginning to hear of it now with the sale of soda pop in some places where I wouldn't want to live.

Think about it; the govt. already ruins people's lives in the case of prostitution.
Gotta disagree. Once a woman chooses to become a prostitute, their lives have already been ruined well before they made that choice....and the government had very little if anything to do with it.

Really? Cos I know of a lot of high end prostitutes and porn stars who are doing quite well.
If you think selling your body is 'doing quite well'....then you're in for one hell of an awakening when that body doesn't sell like it used to. Prostitutes are never stable people doing 'quite well', regardless if they put that face on whenever you come around. They may have money, but their lives are empty.
The govt. mafia wants their money.

So they pinned their hopes on a dying (literally) habit to make money off of? Smoking costs money, way more than the addicted smoker has to pay. Fuck yeah, let's makes it not easy to smoke.

It's worked in the past. Higher prices have resulted in fewer smokers. Well, along with the realization that smoking actually does cause cancer (some wingnut will take issue with that). A couple of bumps but for the most part we are on track to eliminate smoking once and for all.

Can't see the forest from the trees.

If you want to improve society with taxation this tax should be on booze.

DUI deaths would be reduced at an incredible rate.

Broken homes caused by it would be virtually illuminated.

Rape, murder, child molestation and the spread of STD's reduced, likely by historic numbers

Who needs those incredibly expensive DUI enforcement stops if nobody can afford to drink!

Hell, when you count the actual cost of alchohol use and abuse, the cost of smoking on this country is likely pennies on the dollar to smoking.

What a wonderful world you folks must live in.

Tax someone else while ignoring your own problems.

I'll stick with reality, I sleep better that way.
It's a morality tax, regardless.

And this is sort of thing that makes me want to wring the neck of those propping up any national sales tax. I can imagine the government carrying these efforts in controlling our purchases to a never ending length. Heck I'm beginning to hear of it now with the sale of soda pop in some places where I wouldn't want to live.

Think about it; the govt. already ruins people's lives in the case of prostitution.
Gotta disagree. Once a woman chooses to become a prostitute, their lives have already been ruined well before they made that choice....and the government had very little if anything to do with it.

Really? Cos I know of a lot of high end prostitutes and porn stars who are doing quite well.
If you think selling your body is 'doing quite well'....then you're in for one hell of an awakening when that body doesn't sell like it used to. Prostitutes are never stable people doing 'quite well', regardless if they put that face on whenever you come around. They may have money, but their lives are empty.

Yea, well I'm sure many CEOs are empty too. We allow them to do their business though.

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