Pack of feral 'Teens' beat up white 15-year-old girl and steal her Air Jordans in Brooklyn

Sounds like a typical mugging to me, not a hate crime. Do you have evidence they targeted her for being white?

It's hardly a secret the media has double standard to push an agenda, but that does not make this a hate crime.
If the races were reversed, there would be no debate on whether or not its a hate crime.

"If the races were reversed, there would be no debate on whether or not its a hate crime."

if the races were reversed NOBODY would be claiming that ALL WHITES ARE VIOLENT ANIMALS who should be gunned down......
No one is saying all blacks should be shot either.
Why not??

If it is just a fact that blacks are inferior -- why take chances with them??

At least we should aim towards trying to kill 90% of them -- and hopefully the rest of them would be so afraid, they would leave the country voluntarily -- you know how cowardly the blacks are
No race is inferior. There are only inferior cultures.

Well, I was taken in. :21:
I say the things the racists on the board hint at saying but are too cowardly to say it....

It's almost like when I come out and say it -- even they see how racist it is -- and shy away from it -- its cute....

Nothing wrong with racism. Racism is good.

I bet you are one of those morons who say "the Democrats started the KKK" -- but don't mean it as a compliment.....

If racism is so good -- why do you sycophants clutch your pearls so much whenever someone calls you one

Well so many have been fallaciously indoctrinated by the media that there is something wrong with racism.

Racism in essence is just an acknowledgement of the power of genetics. Blacks really understand it but just will not admit it.
Oh, you are a genetics guy -- how very Nazi of you.....

So if you folks believe you are racially superior -- why are you so afraid of everything all of the time??

Isn't it impossible to be racially superior to all others -- yet so weak and insecure that you can't even cease the fears of becoming a minority in your own country?? (since of course the US is only "your" country)

I rarely talk to negroes .....their stupidity is just beyond the pale....a complete waste of time.
But since I have a little time to waste begin with genetics is a science. Though one that is severely hampered by academic political correctness.

Regarding 'superiority' ......the problem we face is not one of superiority is one of racial differences. The negroid race is far different from any other race on different in fact that they are actually a sub-species of the human race.

Political Correctness Prevents Advancement of Science
Well, I was taken in. :21:
I say the things the racists on the board hint at saying but are too cowardly to say it....

It's almost like when I come out and say it -- even they see how racist it is -- and shy away from it -- its cute....

Nothing wrong with racism. Racism is good.

I bet you are one of those morons who say "the Democrats started the KKK" -- but don't mean it as a compliment.....

If racism is so good -- why do you sycophants clutch your pearls so much whenever someone calls you one

Well so many have been fallaciously indoctrinated by the media that there is something wrong with racism.

Racism in essence is just an acknowledgement of the power of genetics. Blacks really understand it but just will not admit it.
Oh, you are a genetics guy -- how very Nazi of you.....

So if you folks believe you are racially superior -- why are you so afraid of everything all of the time??

Isn't it impossible to be racially superior to all others -- yet so weak and insecure that you can't even cease the fears of becoming a minority in your own country?? (since of course the US is only "your" country)

Blacks Aren’t Human

RACE IS NOT a “social construct.” Race is what it is. The genetic variation, especially the clustering found in the distribution of it, are the clearest proof that race exists immanently in Nature; i.e., that it is not merely a “social construct.”

Race and Human Genes
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Utica Avenue near Sterling Place
That's all I needed to know
Shocking .......crime is on the up swing ....hummm I wonder why . ? Trumps fault ?
The NYPD said it would focus on redeployment, identifying 15 areas which have seen an uptick in street crime, increasing police presence, and focusing on youth after an uptick in youths committing robberies against other kids.
New York City sees uptick in crime, NYPD says criminal justice reform is to blame

I wonder if she screamed but we're allies

Bonus if the mother and father are broken down progressives transplants who forced thier teenage daughter to live in crown friggin heights
If the races were reversed, there would be no debate on whether or not its a hate crime.

"If the races were reversed, there would be no debate on whether or not its a hate crime."

if the races were reversed NOBODY would be claiming that ALL WHITES ARE VIOLENT ANIMALS who should be gunned down......
No one is saying all blacks should be shot either.
Why not??

If it is just a fact that blacks are inferior -- why take chances with them??

At least we should aim towards trying to kill 90% of them -- and hopefully the rest of them would be so afraid, they would leave the country voluntarily -- you know how cowardly the blacks are
No race is inferior. There are only inferior cultures.

Which came first...the chicken or the egg?

Anyhow race determines culture.
No, if a nice midwest family adopts a black baby, that kid will turn out just fine. Black culture is what causes ALL their long list of issues.

the ANIMALS involved in the beating should ALL be rounded up and taken out back and removed as a threat to society.

the people who recorded it and laughed should get the same treatment.

and perhaps we need more punitive regulations for the parents.

perhaps if parents were going to hang for the crimes of their children they might raise better kids.

this was fkn sickening
Heinous crime, I don't know why anyone would call it a hate crime in the legal sense.

What makes it a Love Crime, in your view, HJ?

^Trump brain trust.

Do you have an answer? Personally, the individuals involved in this crime seemed to be rather hateful, from my vantage.

Probably battery, assault, theft. Something in that range. Unless it turns out the motive was based on race or something else consistent with hate crime laws then it's not legally a hate crime. But why am I talking to you as you don't seem to know what that is.
Heinous crime, I don't know why anyone would call it a hate crime in the legal sense.

What makes it a Love Crime, in your view, HJ?

^Trump brain trust.

Do you have an answer? Personally, the individuals involved in this crime seemed to be rather hateful, from my vantage.

Probably battery, assault, theft. Something in that range. Unless it turns out the motive was based on race or something else consistent with hate crime laws then it's not legally a hate crime. But why am I talking to you as you don't seem to know what that is.
I know it's a stretch, but IMAGING 5 white guys assaulted a black girl like this and none intervened and even filmed the attack and laughed.

Even liberal white airheads such as yourself would be calling it a hate crime. But THAT never happens so you can and will just ignore the hypothetical
Heinous crime, I don't know why anyone would call it a hate crime in the legal sense.

What makes it a Love Crime, in your view, HJ?

^Trump brain trust.

Do you have an answer? Personally, the individuals involved in this crime seemed to be rather hateful, from my vantage.

Probably battery, assault, theft. Something in that range. Unless it turns out the motive was based on race or something else consistent with hate crime laws then it's not legally a hate crime. But why am I talking to you as you don't seem to know what that is.
I know it's a stretch, but IMAGING 5 white guys assaulted a black girl like this and none intervened and even filmed the attack and laughed.

Even liberal white airheads such as yourself would be calling it a hate crime. But THAT never happens so you can and will just ignore the hypothetical

I imagine some liberals would do that. Doesn't make for a good excuse to do it now.
Something is very strange and profoundly sad when shoes are important enough for "children" to rob or murder for.

The victim must assume some of the blame, though. She knew very well there are some areas in large cities that cautious people avoid -- day and night. And if she sees a group of suspicious characters coming toward her, she should seek refuge in some store.

If she was a naïve liberal, I assume that she no longer is.
Something is very strange and profoundly sad when shoes are important enough for "children" to rob or murder for.

The victim must assume some of the blame, though. She knew very well there are some areas in large cities that cautious people avoid -- day and night. And if she sees a group of suspicious characters coming toward her, she should seek refuge in some store.

If she was a naïve liberal, I assume that she no longer is.

A lot of foreign visitors get in trouble in America not knowing which areas are verboten....they really need to put up signs like.............No whiteys allowed in this area.
Something is very strange and profoundly sad when shoes are important enough for "children" to rob or murder for.

The victim must assume some of the blame, though. She knew very well there are some areas in large cities that cautious people avoid -- day and night. And if she sees a group of suspicious characters coming toward her, she should seek refuge in some store.

If she was a naïve liberal, I assume that she no longer is.

A lot of foreign visitors get in trouble in America not knowing which areas are verboten....they really need to put up signs like.............No whiteys allowed in this area.

Oh, yes, it breaks my heart when I read about a foreign visitor being beaten up or murdered because s/he naively thought that it would be safe to visit a "rough" neighborhood.

Just as Paris, London, Stockholm, etc. have "no go zones," so do we!

Of course, the American government would never dare give warnings to foreign visitors. Our liberals (who are smart enough to stay away from such areas) would never allow it. So foreign governments must warn their nationals.

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