Pack of feral 'Teens' beat up white 15-year-old girl and steal her Air Jordans in Brooklyn

Something is very strange and profoundly sad when shoes are important enough for "children" to rob or murder for.

The victim must assume some of the blame, though. She knew very well there are some areas in large cities that cautious people avoid -- day and night. And if she sees a group of suspicious characters coming toward her, she should seek refuge in some store.

If she was a naïve liberal, I assume that she no longer is.
That's what happens when white tard parents teach their young girls to trust the black race lest you be labeled "racist" and bring tard shame on your family disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????
Something is very strange and profoundly sad when shoes are important enough for "children" to rob or murder for.

The victim must assume some of the blame, though. She knew very well there are some areas in large cities that cautious people avoid -- day and night. And if she sees a group of suspicious characters coming toward her, she should seek refuge in some store.

If she was a naïve liberal, I assume that she no longer is.

A lot of foreign visitors get in trouble in America not knowing which areas are verboten....they really need to put up signs like.............No whiteys allowed in this area.

Oh, yes, it breaks my heart when I read about a foreign visitor being beaten up or murdered because s/he naively thought that it would be safe to visit a "rough" neighborhood.

Just as Paris, London, Stockholm, etc. have "no go zones," so do we!

Of course, the American government would never dare give warnings to foreign visitors. Our liberals (who are smart enough to stay away from such areas) would never allow it. So foreign governments must warn their nationals.

I know my way around in Tampa, Fl. because I live here....but I almost got into serious trouble in Israel.

I was walking around in Jerusalem thinking it was safe...I mean you see soldiers everywhere with their rifles...but not knowing any better i wandered into a arab neighborhood....suddenly I noticed whizzing noises by my head...I looked around and these young teens were hiding in doorways shooting at me with sling shots. I was lucky i did not get hit. disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????

The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????

The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!???? disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????

The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism

the problem is;

12% of blacks are violent criminals

so cons say "ALL blacks are violent criminals!"

Meanwhile......8% of whites are violent criminals but NOBODY says "so therefore ALL whites are criminals!"

simply because of a few percentage points....

lets just get the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of either color out of society and NOT blame ALL blacks or ALL whites.

The animals who did this should all be executed (and I won't apologize for saying that)

but it is NOT a reflection on ALL blacks... disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!???? disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????

The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism

the problem is;

12% of blacks are violent criminals

so cons say "ALL blacks are violent criminals!"

Meanwhile......8% of whites are violent criminals but NOBODY says "so therefore ALL whites are criminals!"

simply because of a few percentage points....

lets just get the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of either color out of society and NOT blame ALL blacks or ALL whites.

The animals who did this should all be executed (and I won't apologize for saying that)

but it is NOT a reflection on ALL blacks...

I have never seen anyone on here say all blacks are criminals. I have posted many times that a very small fraction of blacks committ over half of all violent crime.

That fradtion being 2.5 percent of the total pop, and that group is young black males. Yes....;young black men committ over half of all violent crimes.

One should also recognize the distinction between crime in general and black crime. Whites committ most of the overall crimes ...stuff like stealing, burglaries bank robberies etc. Recognizing that whites are the majority population group.

However when you have 2.5 Per Cent of the total pop, committing over half of all violent crimes in America...who does not see the problem with that.....the biggest part of that problem being the liberals and msm refuse to report it...thus no problem can be solved until it is recognized. disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!???? disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????

The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism

the problem is;

12% of blacks are violent criminals

so cons say "ALL blacks are violent criminals!"

Meanwhile......8% of whites are violent criminals but NOBODY says "so therefore ALL whites are criminals!"

simply because of a few percentage points....

lets just get the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of either color out of society and NOT blame ALL blacks or ALL whites.

The animals who did this should all be executed (and I won't apologize for saying that)

but it is NOT a reflection on ALL blacks...
total bullshit
1. NOT a few percentage points
blacks commit murder at FOUR TIMES the rate of whites

2. a lot of whites would not care less about blacks--except they go apeshit when a cop DEFENDS himself from a jackass criminal--THIS is the stupid shit

3. I only bring up race/start threads on race because the blacks INITIATE the dumbshit
..the blacks are major hypocrites...the blacks put out much false information and dumbshit ..I am just refuting their lies/stupidshit/etc

NO--not just a few percentage points ....this is from 2008--but they don't put out information like this anymore because the truth is politically incorrect
''''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including '''of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness. Racial disparities in arrest have consistently been far less among older population groups'''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
I can give all kinds of links/stats/etc

....they graduate at lower rates and commit crime at higher rates---and they want you to think white cops are the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahhahahahahahahaha

......most blacks who are shot by cops are armed/dangerous/etc---blacks murder 8 blacks every DAY!
= and they want you to think WHITEY is the problem---hahahhahahahahahhah

etc etc etc disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!???? disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????

The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism

the problem is;

12% of blacks are violent criminals

so cons say "ALL blacks are violent criminals!"

Meanwhile......8% of whites are violent criminals but NOBODY says "so therefore ALL whites are criminals!"

simply because of a few percentage points....

lets just get the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of either color out of society and NOT blame ALL blacks or ALL whites.

The animals who did this should all be executed (and I won't apologize for saying that)

but it is NOT a reflection on ALL blacks...

33% of black males have felony convictions as of 2010. Do you think that decreased since then? disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!???? disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????

The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism

the problem is;

12% of blacks are violent criminals

so cons say "ALL blacks are violent criminals!"

Meanwhile......8% of whites are violent criminals but NOBODY says "so therefore ALL whites are criminals!"

simply because of a few percentage points....

lets just get the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of either color out of society and NOT blame ALL blacks or ALL whites.

The animals who did this should all be executed (and I won't apologize for saying that)

but it is NOT a reflection on ALL blacks...

33% of black males have felony convictions as of 2010. Do you think that decreased since then?

That is the reason so many young blacks are un-employable by the time they get out of H.S. many of them have rather long rap sheets.

Study: Nearly half of black men arrested by age 23 disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!???? disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????

The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism

the problem is;

12% of blacks are violent criminals

so cons say "ALL blacks are violent criminals!"

Meanwhile......8% of whites are violent criminals but NOBODY says "so therefore ALL whites are criminals!"

simply because of a few percentage points....

lets just get the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of either color out of society and NOT blame ALL blacks or ALL whites.

The animals who did this should all be executed (and I won't apologize for saying that)

but it is NOT a reflection on ALL blacks...

33% of black males have felony convictions as of 2010. Do you think that decreased since then?

That is the reason so many young blacks are un-employable by the time they get out of H.S. many of them have rather long rap sheets.

Study: Nearly half of black men arrested by age 23
..they can't speak proper English
can't act proper
can't do basic math
their writing isn't legible
etc etc disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????
The problem is the liberal and msm narrative is that blacks are the victims...despite all the evidence to the contrary of which they do their best to hide or cover up.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn’t Make Much News
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism

the problem is;

12% of blacks are violent criminals

so cons say "ALL blacks are violent criminals!"

Meanwhile......8% of whites are violent criminals but NOBODY says "so therefore ALL whites are criminals!"

simply because of a few percentage points....

lets just get the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of either color out of society and NOT blame ALL blacks or ALL whites.

The animals who did this should all be executed (and I won't apologize for saying that)

but it is NOT a reflection on ALL blacks...

33% of black males have felony convictions as of 2010. Do you think that decreased since then?

That is the reason so many young blacks are un-employable by the time they get out of H.S. many of them have rather long rap sheets.

Study: Nearly half of black men arrested by age 23
..they can't speak proper English
can't act proper
can't do basic math
their writing isn't legible
etc etc

Why is it that blacks have such a peculiar smell? Why is it their hair is so different from all other races etc.

Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS (and one Lie) disputing it discussing ....just more proof of everything we say
kids mob robberies
kids mob attacks
KIDS --like the ones who MURDERED that college girl
--it all crosschecks and adds up--black culture is self destructive
....blacks commit more hate crimes/crimes/rape per capita = which I've proven many times before

and they complain about cops DEFENDING themselves!!! total ridiculousness
IM2/blacks/etc get upset when 2 idiots get thrown out of Starbucks!!!!!????
....the blacks have NO argument at all.....the MSM is crap....the blacks/libs think we don't know that the MSM is crap when they talk about racism

the problem is;

12% of blacks are violent criminals

so cons say "ALL blacks are violent criminals!"

Meanwhile......8% of whites are violent criminals but NOBODY says "so therefore ALL whites are criminals!"

simply because of a few percentage points....

lets just get the VIOLENT CRIMINALS of either color out of society and NOT blame ALL blacks or ALL whites.

The animals who did this should all be executed (and I won't apologize for saying that)

but it is NOT a reflection on ALL blacks...

33% of black males have felony convictions as of 2010. Do you think that decreased since then?

That is the reason so many young blacks are un-employable by the time they get out of H.S. many of them have rather long rap sheets.

Study: Nearly half of black men arrested by age 23
..they can't speak proper English
can't act proper
can't do basic math
their writing isn't legible
etc etc

Why is it that blacks have such a peculiar smell? Why is it their hair is so different from all other races etc.

Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS (and one Lie)
They will tell you, you smell like wet dog. Just axe Asclepias.

Sounds like a typical mugging to me, not a hate crime. Do you have evidence they targeted her for being white?

If a gang of whites beat up a black girl what do you think the media would call it?

It's hardly a secret the media has double standard to push an agenda, but that does not make this a hate crime.

Speaking for myself, it looked to me like a straight up attack on this girl and that the theft of the shoes was an afterthought. I can't say if it was a hate crime or not but I don't think robbery was the initial intent.
Looks like our racists are getting more sophisticated - disguising their topics as "feral teens" instead of "feral negros".

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