Pagan Christianity!

This has been disproven almost since the material was first presented in the 1800s. You may want to look at how Christians took over pagan Temples by bringing in their own rites and relics. In any case paganism has never ever really died out. The most one can say is that it kind of faded from history, but paganism and the Abrahamic faiths have existed side-by-side for thousands of years.

Most modern people who don't study Anthropology and History much get their views about 'paganism' from dumbass hippie nonsense from the '60's. They have no idea just how nasty and brutal it is and it was far worse in ancient eras, and it's pure ignorance to for anybody to claim there is some close relationship with it and Christian theology. Those witch burnings so wildly popular with tards as 'something Xians do' were in fact just pagan superstition raising it's head in the local populace, for instance.

Nothing is more nasty and brutal than the Christian teaching of eternal hell punishing. And when a common website like Wikipedia can display more historical knowledge than a large group like Christianity , it just proves the body can grow larger than the brain.

Christianity and Paganism - Wikipedia

You know nothing about either, so quit trolling and annoying people who do with your stupid angry little adolscent screeds. We aren't impressed.

I post only on my own threads ,I do not troll; I don't have to; my threads do okay without me trolling. You are welcome to insult them as much as you like. You will find that your opinion of my threads , means nothing to me. I am not out to make impressions ; I just voice my views and let them fall where they may.

Welcome to the thread , see how it grows.
Most modern people who don't study Anthropology and History much get their views about 'paganism' from dumbass hippie nonsense from the '60's. They have no idea just how nasty and brutal it is and it was far worse in ancient eras, and it's pure ignorance to for anybody to claim there is some close relationship with it and Christian theology. Those witch burnings so wildly popular with tards as 'something Xians do' were in fact just pagan superstition raising it's head in the local populace, for instance.

It puzzles me why non-Christians--especially those who were born into Christian families, or those who are now former Christians--have such a need to justify their own decision and non-beliefs by trying to link Christianity to paganism and/or Greek and Roman myths. I've loved Greek and Roman mythology since childhood and its foundation and thinking is quite different from Judaism and Christianity. Greeks and Romans of the time would be aghast at the comparison or "links." Some are even so desperate that they will re-write the original Greek/Roman myth to make it seem closer to the beliefs of Christians so that they can claim Christians copied Greek/Roman mythology. It is truly sad when we must hunt up original versions of early mythology to get the true story.

Instead of making up excuses/stories, why can't people say, "I tried Christianity. I don't like it, I don't believe it."
Now ,what is Paganism? Listen to a modern Pagan define and explain Paganism. Notice how he intertwines it with Christianity ;

Modern Paganism

Now remember this is from a Pagan.
It puzzles me why Christianity cannot see paganism in its house?
Most modern people who don't study Anthropology and History much get their views about 'paganism' from dumbass hippie nonsense from the '60's. They have no idea just how nasty and brutal it is and it was far worse in ancient eras, and it's pure ignorance to for anybody to claim there is some close relationship with it and Christian theology. Those witch burnings so wildly popular with tards as 'something Xians do' were in fact just pagan superstition raising it's head in the local populace, for instance.

It puzzles me why non-Christians--especially those who were born into Christian families, or those who are now former Christians--have such a need to justify their own decision and non-beliefs by trying to link Christianity to paganism and/or Greek and Roman myths. I've loved Greek and Roman mythology since childhood and its foundation and thinking is quite different from Judaism and Christianity. Greeks and Romans of the time would be aghast at the comparison or "links." Some are even so desperate that they will re-write the original Greek/Roman myth to make it seem closer to the beliefs of Christians so that they can claim Christians copied Greek/Roman mythology. It is truly sad when we must hunt up original versions of early mythology to get the true story.

Instead of making up excuses/stories, why can't people say, "I tried Christianity. I don't like it, I don't believe it."

It's pseudo-intellectual rubbish those with agendas have to keep inventing, that's all; same with all the Gnostic revival crap about how the orthodox view of Christianity was somehow how determined hundreds of years later by Catholics and the like and the 'cannon' has been faked. All rubbish and just conspiracy theory crap. And you're right, it is quite different from Christian theology; they're just trying to create the illusion of equal validity with it attempting to gain credibility for their nonsense. This thread is just another example of weak and ridiculous they are. They don't like the orthodox Jesus or Judeo-Christian theology, so they want to make up something else, one that validates their deviancy, sex fetishes, self-indulgent narcissism, and political agendas. Christianity and Judaism stands in the way of all kinds of mindless atavistic regressions and sociopathic drives.
Did you know that much of Christianity now has evolved from paganism? Oh the Christians don't want to know this , and does not want the world to know it either. I recommend one book as reference reading ; " Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola and George Barna. A stunning book ,I will refer to it often in this thread. Christianity used to be known as " The Way"; but the Romans start calling them Christians at Antioch, Acts 11:26. The followers accepted that terminology ; that was merely the beginning of them accepting the ways and means of Romans and other pagan influences. As the church grew and the Apostles died out , they began accepting into the church members who still had pagan ways and beliefs ; a morph that will remain in the Christian bloodstream up until this present age.

Lets look into this incredible historical event.

This has been disproven almost since the material was first presented in the 1800s. You may want to look at how Christians took over pagan Temples by bringing in their own rites and relics. In any case paganism has never ever really died out. The most one can say is that it kind of faded from history, but paganism and the Abrahamic faiths have existed side-by-side for thousands of years.

Other religions that christians based their rituals and superstitions on have fallen away though.

I'm curious about what will replace christianity and how much of it will be based on earlier religion, including christianity.

I suspect the really rabid fundie cults are what earlier christians are evolving into. Eventually, you'll belong to 'quiverful' or some such nutters.
It puzzles me why Christianity cannot see paganism in its house?

In fact, when they were forced to build cathedrals, pagans incorporated some of their own symbols into them.

I've read varying opinions about Constantine including that he used gargoyles as a way of intimidating the workers.

Otherwise, who would believe that nonsense over the Pagan beliefs?
It puzzles me why Christianity cannot see paganism in its house?
It puzzles me how no one sees that your only purpose here is to attack Christianity.

Above all else Martin Luther King took his strength from his faith in God and his Christian beliefs.
It puzzles me why Christianity cannot see paganism in its house?
It puzzles me how no one sees that your only purpose here is to attack Christianity.

Above all else Martin Luther King took his strength from his faith in God and his Christian beliefs.

Many do see it for what it is, garbage posted by assorted deviants and sociopaths.
MLK was a massive windbag.

That's the nature of being pastors and ministers, it's their job. More power to them, given the hatred and psychotic rants wildly popular with the lunatics rotting away society directed at Xians.
It puzzles me why Christianity cannot see paganism in its house?
It puzzles me how no one sees that your only purpose here is to attack Christianity.

Above all else Martin Luther King took his strength from his faith in God and his Christian beliefs.
MLK was a massive windbag.
But then again you are a racist, right?
He WAS a windbag, and could ramble on forever! :D
How would you know?

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