Pagan Christianity!

Christians stick their heads in the sand when it comes to paganism in their ranks. They fear their true roots. After Christ left the earth , the decay in believers took a new turn.

Believers are too frightened to see this was meant to be.
Again and Again ,LISTEN to Jesus as he tries to teach believers in him who do NOT listen to him , they listen to their pastors; Matt. 24:5," For MANY shall come in my name, ( there are 2.18 billion Christians-or people who claim the name of Christ to be the Son of God ; this is a warning by Jesus that MANY believers in him will come on the world scene) , " And shall deceive MANY!"

Now , this is Jesus warning that MANY people shall come in his name ; now , THAT means they ARE believers of , worshippers of , followers of Jesus! Not some weird group of unbelievers , but MANY believers! And they THINK their right in their religious interpretations ,but they are wrong! Their hearts mean well, but THEY are going to DECEIVE MANY!

Now , you use your own common sense. The term "Many" means " A large indefinite number."

Now then, what group on earth now is a large indefinite number of believers in Christ?


Its academic! Christianity!

Now ,HOW are they deceiving many?

With their warped view of scripture!
Again and Again ,LISTEN to Jesus as he tries to teach believers in him who do NOT listen to him , they listen to their pastors; Matt. 24:5," For MANY shall come in my name, ( there are 2.18 billion Christians-or people who claim the name of Christ to be the Son of God ; this is a warning by Jesus that MANY believers in him will come on the world scene) , " And shall deceive MANY!"

Now , this is Jesus warning that MANY people shall come in his name ; now , THAT means they ARE believers of , worshippers of , followers of Jesus! Not some weird group of unbelievers , but MANY believers! And they THINK their right in their religious interpretations ,but they are wrong! Their hearts mean well, but THEY are going to DECEIVE MANY!

Now , you use your own common sense. The term "Many" means " A large indefinite number."

Now then, what group on earth now is a large indefinite number of believers in Christ?


Its academic! Christianity!

Now ,HOW are they deceiving many?

With their warped view of scripture!

Now remember Christianity means well ; it thinks in its conscious mind that it is right; but RIGHT THERE is the keen powerful deception of satan and the sheer power of God's permissive will ; the seduction of the Christian mind. God will "Give humans over to a certain locked in consciousness", Rom. 1:28.Or manipulate their thinking.

For his purpose.
Again and Again ,LISTEN to Jesus as he tries to teach believers in him who do NOT listen to him , they listen to their pastors; Matt. 24:5," For MANY shall come in my name, ( there are 2.18 billion Christians-or people who claim the name of Christ to be the Son of God ; this is a warning by Jesus that MANY believers in him will come on the world scene) , " And shall deceive MANY!"

Now , this is Jesus warning that MANY people shall come in his name ; now , THAT means they ARE believers of , worshippers of , followers of Jesus! Not some weird group of unbelievers , but MANY believers! And they THINK their right in their religious interpretations ,but they are wrong! Their hearts mean well, but THEY are going to DECEIVE MANY!

Now , you use your own common sense. The term "Many" means " A large indefinite number."

Now then, what group on earth now is a large indefinite number of believers in Christ?


Its academic! Christianity!

Now ,HOW are they deceiving many?

With their warped view of scripture!

Three things to keep in mind: First, Jesus commanded his followers to go out and teach all nations. Second, he sent the Holy Spirit to be with them. Third, we are to leave judgment to God.

We have Paul advising how to identify false teachers: They line their pockets; they overstay their welcome; they take advantage of others' hospitality without giving anything in return. In other words, instead of pasturing the flock, they pasture themselves on the flock.

Read your post again. Isn't the intent to make people anxious and fearful? To doubt? You want readers to be unhappy, right?

This was not Jesus' intent. His Good News is that God loves us, and we are forgiven when we turn away from our sins. Obedience to God's will brings us life--and a more abundant life at that. What we are able to give, returns to us many fold.

Scripture shouldn't make us unhappy and fearful. It shouldn't be used to make people doubt--neither themselves, nor each other, nor God.
Again and Again ,LISTEN to Jesus as he tries to teach believers in him who do NOT listen to him , they listen to their pastors; Matt. 24:5," For MANY shall come in my name, ( there are 2.18 billion Christians-or people who claim the name of Christ to be the Son of God ; this is a warning by Jesus that MANY believers in him will come on the world scene) , " And shall deceive MANY!"

Now , this is Jesus warning that MANY people shall come in his name ; now , THAT means they ARE believers of , worshippers of , followers of Jesus! Not some weird group of unbelievers , but MANY believers! And they THINK their right in their religious interpretations ,but they are wrong! Their hearts mean well, but THEY are going to DECEIVE MANY!

Now , you use your own common sense. The term "Many" means " A large indefinite number."

Now then, what group on earth now is a large indefinite number of believers in Christ?


Its academic! Christianity!

Now ,HOW are they deceiving many?

With their warped view of scripture!

Three things to keep in mind: First, Jesus commanded his followers to go out and teach all nations. Second, he sent the Holy Spirit to be with them. Third, we are to leave judgment to God.

We have Paul advising how to identify false teachers: They line their pockets; they overstay their welcome; they take advantage of others' hospitality without giving anything in return. In other words, instead of pasturing the flock, they pasture themselves on the flock.

Read your post again. Isn't the intent to make people anxious and fearful? To doubt? You want readers to be unhappy, right?

This was not Jesus' intent. His Good News is that God loves us, and we are forgiven when we turn away from our sins. Obedience to God's will brings us life--and a more abundant life at that. What we are able to give, returns to us many fold.

Scripture shouldn't make us unhappy and fearful. It shouldn't be used to make people doubt--neither themselves, nor each other, nor God.

The readers who are unhappy are welcome to this thread
Those readers who are fearful of the Christian hell are welcome to thread

All are welcome to thread.

Have you noticed that many are reading thread?

Explain to me why you think so many are reading?
The time has come when men call evil , good.
When they see a whole church and think its good.
In Jeremiah 10:2-5 God is basically calling a Christmas tree Pagan! He just uses the word " Heathen ." He said don't learn that practice , he said the customs of the people are vain. And don't learn them. Christians all over the world are celebrating Christmas, erecting Christmas trees, as the verse states ," They deck them with silver and gold." They dress it with ornaments, or whatever they use ,with all kinds of decorations;

There is a spirit here working in the conscious mind of believers who do this custom.

They can't see that to God its heathen. You can show them this in scripture and its like talking to a wall. Its nothing there.

The spirit here is pagan ;and its still alive and well in many believers AND unbelievers as well.
The way to deceive a religion of believers , is to make the darkness appear as light. Then make satan become the god of their earth.
Remember the fable of the man who cried wolf? The concept of people warning you , when its really something wrong with them;

Christianity in a nutshell.

Always trying to teach and tell you things , as if its nothing wrong with them.
If you knew the book , then you would know that Christianity is not doing church by the book.

Truly knowing the bible , is to then see a whole world of deception.
The ego of any church , is to see themselves as " The Church."

They cannot see themselves as any other way ; because they ALL are egotistic.
When your religion celebrates Christmas and Easter , its just a pagan religion. If your religion has churches that have stained glass windows with a " White Christ" flying holy in the air , its just a pagan religion. If your church building has statues and funerals , its a pagan church.

When your religion celebrates Christmas and Easter , its just a pagan religion. If your religion has churches that have stained glass windows with a " White Christ" flying holy in the air , its just a pagan religion. If your church building has statues and funerals , its a pagan church.


Its pagan , or highly influenced by paganism.

And it blinds people to its presence. This is why Christians cannot see this.
Who would believe that the largest religion on this planet , is a messed up false religion? I mean nobody would believe that.

its how satan has deceived a world. You think deception is obvious? No , its lethal when nobody knows.
In Revelations 2:24 Jesus is describing a serious problem IN HIS CHURCH ; he is not referring to some outside church , he is giving insight to a conscious problem that erodes his own church ;
"They do not know the depths of satan." They don't know how seriously deep and profound satan will go to in his deceptive ways. He will come into the church and deceive it from the inside out ; using the bible ,ministers , pastors , and the church to incorporate a stunning spiritual deception that none of them can see.

He can make them practice paganism , make them embrace ways that God hates, Rev. 2:15. I see this on this board in this section every day. But the Christians can't see it ; like Christ said , "They don't know."

And they don't know; its like a wall erected within their own consciousness; they will practice those pagan ways until they die.
I have seen a lot of things in the spirit world. When I was a nine year old boy, I saw Jesus. Years later, I would talk to him through the Holy Spirit. I have heard Father God's voice. I have had a visions of Saint Peter. I have both seen and talked to angels, demons, and the dead. Christianity is the most stable religion there is. The Catholic Church is the best church. This comes from a person with lots of experience with the spirit world.
I have seen a lot of things in the spirit world. When I was a nine year old boy, I saw Jesus. Years later, I would talk to him through the Holy Spirit. I have heard Father God's voice. I have had a visions of Saint Peter. I have both seen and talked to angels, demons, and the dead. Christianity is the most stable religion there is. The Catholic Church is the best church. This comes from a person with lots of experience with the spirit world.

I totally disagree with you ; in my understanding , nobody has seen Jesus or heard God's voice. You have not seen angels or spoken to the dead ; those things are signs of instability. Yet your religion is teaching people these incredible ways of telling false hoods.

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