Pagan Christianity!

Can you show us where Jesus was called " The Christian?" I wait with baited breath.

Early Christians were referred to as followers of, "The Way". Jesus was never referred to as a Christian. That's pretty stupid.

Well ,will wonders never cease ; we agree on something.

We also agree that there are Christians in the United States that want gays dead. I just believe it is .00000000107142857% of American Christians. You believe it is closer to 1 or 2% of American Christians.
Okay. And Mohamed was not a Muslim. And Abraham/Moses was not a Jew.

Jesus never called himself a Christian ,God never called Jesus a Christian, no prophets called Jesus a Christian

but Christianity calls Jesus a Christian, because they don't know what they are doing.
Jesus the Christ. He was also called the Christ. This counters your statement.

No it does not, release your mind; the Father God never called his Son a Christian, no prophets ever called Jesus a Christian ,no angel NEVER addressed Jesus as a Christian. Even the devil had enough sense never to address Jesus as a Christian.

But the monster pride of Christianity CANNOT see or EVER admit this.

I mean they are unable too ; the seduction of the Christian mind is just too strong!
I understand that your rabbi forbids you to read the New Testament, but it is in there that Jesus was also called The Christ.

Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you show us where Jesus was called " The Christian?" I wait with baited breath.

Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Main article: Christ (title)
See also: Confession of Peter

Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator with the Christogram IC XC.
The title Christ used in the English language is from the Greek Χριστός(Khristos), via the Latin Christus. It means "anointed one".[30] The Greek is a loan translation of the Hebrew mashiakh (מָשִׁיחַ) or Aramaic mshikha (מְשִׁיחָא), from which we derive the English word Messiah. Christ has now become a name, one part of the name "Jesus Christ", but originally it was a title (the Messiah) and not a name; however its use in "Christ Jesus" is a title.[31][32][33]

In the Septuagint version of the Hebrew Bible (written over a century before the time of Jesus), the word Christos was used to translate into Greek the Hebrew mashiach (messiah), meaning "anointed."[34][35](Another Greek word, Messias appears in Daniel 9:26 and Psalm 2:2.[36][37]) The New Testament states that the Messiah, long-awaited, had come and describes this savior as The Christ. In Matthew 16:16 Apostle Peter, in what has become a famous proclamation of faith among Christians since the first century, said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."[38] In John 11:27 Martha tells Jesus "you are the Christ", just before the Raising of Lazarus.[39]

In the Pauline Epistles the word Christ is so closely associated with Jesus that it is apparent that for the early Christians there is no need to claim that Jesus is Christ, for that is considered widely accepted among them. Hence Paul can use the term Christos with no confusion as to whom it refers to, and as in First Corinthians 4:15 and Romans 12:5 he can use expressions such as "in Christ" to refer to the followers of Jesus.[40]

Symbols for representing Christ (i.e. Christograms) were developed by early Christians, e.g. the Chi Rho symbol formed by superimposing the first two Greek letters in Christ ( Greek : "Χριστός" ), chi = ch and rho = r, to produce ☧.[41]
Can you show us where Jesus was called " The Christian?" I wait with baited breath.

Early Christians were referred to as followers of, "The Way". Jesus was never referred to as a Christian. That's pretty stupid.

Well ,will wonders never cease ; we agree on something.

We both believe that God doesn't exist. We share that too. We are both atheist.

You have made another error ,I am not Atheist , I believe in God and Jesus Christ.
Christians are pious pagans period! They got dressed in the pomp and glory of Catholcism ,they evolved into mainstream religion and updated their paganism into incredible doctrines.
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Notice how the Christians avoid this thread , like refusing to look in a mirror.
Notice how the Christians avoid this thread , like refusing to look in a mirror.

You are a Christian.

You have made another error ,I am not Atheist , I believe in God and Jesus Christ.

You have not avoided this thread. How does the mirror look for you?

I am not a Christian ,they believe in the Trinity ,I do not
They believe they are the chosen church , I do not
They believe Adam and Eve had a fall , I do not
They celebrate Christmas and Easter, I do not
They believe in eternal hell ,I do not
They believe salvation is for a select few ,I believe everyone is saved
They believe Jesus is God, I do not , I believe Jesus is A God
They believe Lucifer is satan ,I do not
They believe the Kingdom of God is here now ,I do not
They believe the Spirit of God is in people now ,I do not
I know your mind can't comprehend me , so you try to make me what I am not, so I can fit into your preconceived definitions.
Turning the Lords Supper into a somber occasion is straight from paganism ; it was originally done as joyous happy occasion.
Jesus was not a Christian.
Okay. And Mohamed was not a Muslim. And Abraham/Moses was not a Jew.

Jesus never called himself a Christian ,God never called Jesus a Christian, no prophets called Jesus a Christian

but Christianity calls Jesus a Christian, because they don't know what they are doing.
Jesus the Christ. He was also called the Christ. This counters your statement.

No it does not, release your mind; the Father God never called his Son a Christian, no prophets ever called Jesus a Christian ,no angel NEVER addressed Jesus as a Christian. Even the devil had enough sense never to address Jesus as a Christian.

But the monster pride of Christianity CANNOT see or EVER admit this.

I mean they are unable too ; the seduction of the Christian mind is just too strong!
I understand that your rabbi forbids you to read the New Testament, but it is in there that Jesus was also called The Christ.

Certainly..........that's where the term "Christian" originated. They were followers of Christ.
Okay. And Mohamed was not a Muslim. And Abraham/Moses was not a Jew.

Jesus never called himself a Christian ,God never called Jesus a Christian, no prophets called Jesus a Christian

but Christianity calls Jesus a Christian, because they don't know what they are doing.
Jesus the Christ. He was also called the Christ. This counters your statement.

No it does not, release your mind; the Father God never called his Son a Christian, no prophets ever called Jesus a Christian ,no angel NEVER addressed Jesus as a Christian. Even the devil had enough sense never to address Jesus as a Christian.

But the monster pride of Christianity CANNOT see or EVER admit this.

I mean they are unable too ; the seduction of the Christian mind is just too strong!
I understand that your rabbi forbids you to read the New Testament, but it is in there that Jesus was also called The Christ.

Certainly..........that's where the term "Christian" originated. They were followers of Christ.

It originated from the Romans , and they used it as an insult.
Jesus never called himself a Christian ,God never called Jesus a Christian, no prophets called Jesus a Christian

but Christianity calls Jesus a Christian, because they don't know what they are doing.
Jesus the Christ. He was also called the Christ. This counters your statement.

No it does not, release your mind; the Father God never called his Son a Christian, no prophets ever called Jesus a Christian ,no angel NEVER addressed Jesus as a Christian. Even the devil had enough sense never to address Jesus as a Christian.

But the monster pride of Christianity CANNOT see or EVER admit this.

I mean they are unable too ; the seduction of the Christian mind is just too strong!
I understand that your rabbi forbids you to read the New Testament, but it is in there that Jesus was also called The Christ.

Certainly..........that's where the term "Christian" originated. They were followers of Christ.

It originated from the Romans , and they used it as an insult.

Followers of "The Christ" were named Christians. It's not rocket science for most of us.
Jesus the Christ. He was also called the Christ. This counters your statement.

No it does not, release your mind; the Father God never called his Son a Christian, no prophets ever called Jesus a Christian ,no angel NEVER addressed Jesus as a Christian. Even the devil had enough sense never to address Jesus as a Christian.

But the monster pride of Christianity CANNOT see or EVER admit this.

I mean they are unable too ; the seduction of the Christian mind is just too strong!
I understand that your rabbi forbids you to read the New Testament, but it is in there that Jesus was also called The Christ.

Certainly..........that's where the term "Christian" originated. They were followers of Christ.

It originated from the Romans , and they used it as an insult.

Followers of "The Christ" were named Christians. It's not rocket science for most of us.

They were first called Christians by the Romans ,not themselves; and the Romans meant it as an insult ; know your history; rocket science cannot hide this truth , only ignorance can.
No it does not, release your mind; the Father God never called his Son a Christian, no prophets ever called Jesus a Christian ,no angel NEVER addressed Jesus as a Christian. Even the devil had enough sense never to address Jesus as a Christian.

But the monster pride of Christianity CANNOT see or EVER admit this.

I mean they are unable too ; the seduction of the Christian mind is just too strong!
I understand that your rabbi forbids you to read the New Testament, but it is in there that Jesus was also called The Christ.

Certainly..........that's where the term "Christian" originated. They were followers of Christ.

It originated from the Romans , and they used it as an insult.

Followers of "The Christ" were named Christians. It's not rocket science for most of us.

They were first called Christians by the Romans ,not themselves; and the Romans meant it as an insult ; know your history; rocket science cannot hide this truth , only ignorance can.

I'm sure you're well versed in the ignorance thing.
I understand that your rabbi forbids you to read the New Testament, but it is in there that Jesus was also called The Christ.

Certainly..........that's where the term "Christian" originated. They were followers of Christ.

It originated from the Romans , and they used it as an insult.

Followers of "The Christ" were named Christians. It's not rocket science for most of us.

They were first called Christians by the Romans ,not themselves; and the Romans meant it as an insult ; know your history; rocket science cannot hide this truth , only ignorance can.

I'm sure you're well versed in the ignorance thing.

Hello , the term Christian was created by the Romans as an insult.
Think seriously and real about it ; for satan to deceive a whole world , Rev. 12:9 , he only has to transform himself into an angel of light , 2 Corinth. 11:14 , or deceive a great church of God and use them. Its exactly what he has done. Christianity was the perfect candidate , and satan had God's permission to do it. You can't deceive a whole church with out God being involved. Its been too well done for God not to be involved.
What's the best way to deceive a religious person?

Make them think they are chosen people ; its academic!
Who the mysterious Babylonian church really is would shock the world.

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