Paging anti death penalty libs

Capital punishment is too kind for many of those animals........Time to bring back labor camps, chain gangs public humiliation and torture for the special few who have earned it..........
Defiant teen gets life sentences in Ohio shooting -

You really think society is better off with paying for this guy to live 70 years or more in prison than just having taken him out back and shot him?

monsters like this killer are the reason we need the death penalty

But some libby needs his feel good moment.

You cannot kill a person just because you think that they don't deserve to live, no matter what crime they have committed.

He will get bored in prison - he will be there, in the same cell, seeing the same four walls, for the next fifty years at least. He isn't escaping lightly.
It's only important if you're fixating on the specific case itself, rather than the actual point I was making.

I like you Kevin, but seriously bro, you are engaging in logical fallacy.

This person's innocence demonstrates that the system makes mistakes, thus we can conclude, whether or not this particular individual was on death row or not (and I can't say for certain as I don't recall), that there are innocent people on death row.

There may be, but it's unlikely. Even the anti-death penalty advocates can only come up with a hundred releases in a hundred years. Further, the majority of those were on procedural errors - i.e. the person wasn't actually innocent of the crime, the prosecution flubbed the process.

Death is a rarity even in murder cases. And I have long ago conceded that I would like the burden of proof to be greater in such cases.

Now they may be imprisoned for 5 years or 70 years, it really makes no difference.


Someone imprisoned for 70 years, or even 30 years, has lost their life.

Time can never be replaced.

If their innocence is found out while they're still alive then they can still have some semblance of a life.

Nonsense. Long term incarceration destroys the social skills needed to live a normal life.

If they've been executed then they can't. Having a chance at a life is better than not having a chance.

They have no chance either way.

Put another way, if a person on death row is found to be innocent then the state is only guilty of false imprisonment, and perhaps kidnapping, whereas if they've executed an innocent person they're also guilty of murder. Murder is worse than false imprisonment and kidnapping.

And when we let them out in 20 years, for overcrowding or because Obama opposes law enforcement, then innocents die. If Richard Allan Davies had been put to death, Poly Klaas would have lived.

Ultimately, I view the anti-death penalty argument as the position that the life of victims is of less worth than the life of those convicted by a jury of their peers with full due process.

What do you guess, that 10,000 times more innocent people die from murderers convicted and released, than innocent men are executed? Or do you think it's only 9,000 times as many?

Then you're not a "Rothbard laissez faire libertarian," as Rothbard wanted to abolish the state entirely.

You didn't pay attention.

I long ago voiced my opposition to prison. Prison is a farce.
You cannot kill a person just because you think that they don't deserve to live, no matter what crime they have committed.

Unless the person is a baby - in which case there is nothing you want more than to kill them.

He will get bored in prison - he will be there, in the same cell, seeing the same four walls, for the next fifty years at least. He isn't escaping lightly.

Until he is let out in 20 years to kill again.
It's only important if you're fixating on the specific case itself, rather than the actual point I was making.

I like you Kevin, but seriously bro, you are engaging in logical fallacy.

This person's innocence demonstrates that the system makes mistakes, thus we can conclude, whether or not this particular individual was on death row or not (and I can't say for certain as I don't recall), that there are innocent people on death row.

There may be, but it's unlikely. Even the anti-death penalty advocates can only come up with a hundred releases in a hundred years. Further, the majority of those were on procedural errors - i.e. the person wasn't actually innocent of the crime, the prosecution flubbed the process.

Death is a rarity even in murder cases. And I have long ago conceded that I would like the burden of proof to be greater in such cases.


Someone imprisoned for 70 years, or even 30 years, has lost their life.

Time can never be replaced.

Nonsense. Long term incarceration destroys the social skills needed to live a normal life.

They have no chance either way.

Put another way, if a person on death row is found to be innocent then the state is only guilty of false imprisonment, and perhaps kidnapping, whereas if they've executed an innocent person they're also guilty of murder. Murder is worse than false imprisonment and kidnapping.

And when we let them out in 20 years, for overcrowding or because Obama opposes law enforcement, then innocents die. If Richard Allan Davies had been put to death, Poly Klaas would have lived.

Ultimately, I view the anti-death penalty argument as the position that the life of victims is of less worth than the life of those convicted by a jury of their peers with full due process.

What do you guess, that 10,000 times more innocent people die from murderers convicted and released, than innocent men are executed? Or do you think it's only 9,000 times as many?

Then you're not a "Rothbard laissez faire libertarian," as Rothbard wanted to abolish the state entirely.

You didn't pay attention.

I long ago voiced my opposition to prison. Prison is a farce.

You can't say whether somebody can still have a life after 30 years or 70 years. If I'm in prison for a crime I didn't commit for 30 years, I'd like a chance to have a life regardless of whether you think I can or not.

You'll have to forgive me, I can't keep tabs on every person's positions on this board.
Defiant teen gets life sentences in Ohio shooting -

You really think society is better off with paying for this guy to live 70 years or more in prison than just having taken him out back and shot him?

monsters like this killer are the reason we need the death penalty

But some libby needs his feel good moment.

I like the idea he wont see daylight again. At least, not more then an hour or two a week. There is also the ass rape that's bound to happen (if it hasn't already)judging by his attitude. Death would be kind.
I haven't read the whole thread....but...I did read the news where he flipped off people and laughed in their faces.

This guy needs a big...fat...juicy...full needle stuck in his arm.
Libs enjoy coddling murderers ..........its progressively

And they think you enjoy ending the life of someone innocent in order to prove a point to possible other malefactors, even after the death penalty has been show not to deter crime.

But perhaps I should not speak for 'libs', not being one.
Maybe, for all our baubles and military might, we aren't really all that advanced as a society.

So, "advanced" would be defined as "compliance to the goals of Marx," then?

Einstein was a German, so I will grant this - but virtually every major advance in the 20th century came from America. From integrated circuits to micro-processors, from Lasers to MRI's.

Yes, our glory is fading, as we turn sharply left.
Maybe, for all our baubles and military might, we aren't really all that advanced as a society.

So, "advanced" would be defined as "compliance to the goals of Marx," then?

Einstein was a German, so I will grant this - but virtually every major advance in the 20th century came from America. From integrated circuits to micro-processors, from Lasers to MRI's.

Yes, our glory is fading, as we turn sharply left.

What we have is materialism, creature comforts, and scientific advances. But are we any better as a people than we were a century ago? Have we outgrown our greed, corruption, and violence? I would say that things are getting worse than better. I would also say that our society is pretty far to the right.
We're the only advanced society that uses the death penaty.

Maybe, for all our baubles and military might, we aren't really all that advanced as a society.

We lead the world in incarcerations and are the only "advanced" society to cling to the death penalty

Says a lot for the effectiveness of our judicial system
We're the only advanced society that uses the death penaty.
The Japanese would be surprised to hear this. You may be surprised to hear non-white societies can also be advanced, Come to think of it, China is also a very advanced society, though not squarely first world yet. Again, non white.
Japan rarely uses the death penalty

The US joins China, Saudi Arabia, Yemen an North Korea as the major users ......proud company
I'm actually not completely opposed to the death penalty, as long as there is 100% certainty that the crime was committed. Too many innocent people dying on Death Row for my tastes. I only want to kill the guilty. I know Jesus wouldn't approve and all, he opposed the death penalty...good thing I'm not Christian.

Interesting. It seems that most 'so called,' i.e., those who claim to be, Christians in this country are for the death penality.

I think the US is the only modern, first world, Western country that still uses the death penalty. It is a barbaric custom the purpose of which is simply vengence: a lowly, base act.

There are, as Seawytch mentions, too many on death row and who have been executed who are later found to be innocent. But the death penalty does nothing to deter crime and or save money, and only enacts vengence.

There is a possiblity this murderer, who seems beyond redemption, has mental illness: "Before the case went to adult court last year, a juvenile court judge ruled that Lane was mentally competent to stand trial despite evidence he suffers from hallucinations, psychosis and fantasies." When there is any doubt of sanity, death should not be imposed. Also, he was a minor at the time of the murders. Again, the US is one of the few countries around the world that will execute minors. This is not something to be proud of.

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