Paging anti death penalty libs

programs that encourage the growth of the economy will create jobs for everyone, the poor included.

reducing the tax and regulatory burden on small business will create jobs, getting rid of the terrible obamacare bill would create jobs for everyone---currently jobs are being lost due to obamacare.

you just don't get it. you think that only the govt can create jobs by spending more and more of OUR money. That is totally wrong. Letting us keep more of our money would create jobs because consumer spending creates jobs, not govt giveaways.

30 years has shown us how that worked...




And you fucking believe it...despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Ironically, many of them probably have the ten commandments in their state houses...with it's "Thou Shalt Not Kill" on prominent display.

your extreme hypocrisy is noted. you make fun of states using the ten commandments including "thou shalt not kill" and then you support unfettered abortion which has KILLED millions of unborn children.

and at the same time you feel nothing but sympathy for mass murderers and child rapists.

you are in summary, a lunatic.:cuckoo:

You don't understand a thing. I don't support "unfettered abortion". I support a woman's right to control her own body. I would like to see an end to all abortions, I just want it to be done a different way, through science and education.

I don't feel sympathy for mass murderers and child rapists. If you're 100% certain they murdered or raped, do it...Kill 'em, castrate 'em, whatever. I'm fine with that. I'm also not a small government conservative or a Christian so the hypocrisy isn't with me.

OK, I accept that. But why can't you accept that others are not being hypocritical when they state their beliefs? What is hypocritical about wanting smaller government or being a Christian?

you are quick to demonize those who do not share your beliefs, why is that?
I am not talking about trickle down. I am talking about the FACT that the US currently has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Why would any business choose to locate in the US knowing that they will be taxed to death, accused of being evil, and attacked if they make a profit?

Want new jobs in the US? start implementing business-friendly legislation, allow the recovery and sale of US energy resources.

do you know that North Dakota has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation? Why, because they are recovering and selling oil. if the idiot in the WH would stop his hatred of fossil fuels we could instantly create millions of good paying jobs.

I stand by my original post

If a corporation wants lower tax rates..... create jobs in the US. Then you qualify for lower rates.

it doesn't work that way. they cannot create jobs with the current government anti-business policies.

But you say the govt will "promise" to give them lower tax rates if they create jobs? LOL, no one trusts the current government. Why would anyone risk money on a promise from them?

You have it backwards

Nobody trusts that corporations will provide more jobs if only we slash their rates. We tried that and they just keep the money

If it is in the tax code.....Create so many jobs, receive a lower rate
They have earned lower tax rates

The stock market is booming. The jobs havent followed
your extreme hypocrisy is noted. you make fun of states using the ten commandments including "thou shalt not kill" and then you support unfettered abortion which has KILLED millions of unborn children.

and at the same time you feel nothing but sympathy for mass murderers and child rapists.

you are in summary, a lunatic.:cuckoo:

You don't understand a thing. I don't support "unfettered abortion". I support a woman's right to control her own body. I would like to see an end to all abortions, I just want it to be done a different way, through science and education.

I don't feel sympathy for mass murderers and child rapists. If you're 100% certain they murdered or raped, do it...Kill 'em, castrate 'em, whatever. I'm fine with that. I'm also not a small government conservative or a Christian so the hypocrisy isn't with me.

OK, I accept that. But why can't you accept that others are not being hypocritical when they state their beliefs? What is hypocritical about wanting smaller government or being a Christian?

you are quick to demonize those who do not share your beliefs, why is that?

Really? You can't see the hypocrisy in people who want to drown the government in a bathtub giving the government the ultimate authority over who dies? Come on.

And Christians? Jesus got the death penalty. I'm pretty sure he'd be anti. Ask the Pope about the Death Penalty. How does he feel?
I stand by my original post

If a corporation wants lower tax rates..... create jobs in the US. Then you qualify for lower rates.

it doesn't work that way. they cannot create jobs with the current government anti-business policies.

But you say the govt will "promise" to give them lower tax rates if they create jobs? LOL, no one trusts the current government. Why would anyone risk money on a promise from them?

You have it backwards

Nobody trusts that corporations will provide more jobs if only we slash their rates. We tried that and they just keep the money

If it is in the tax code.....Create so many jobs, receive a lower rate
They have earned lower tax rates

The stock market is booming. The jobs havent followed

Ok, lets try this. lets say I have a small business the is currently employing 20 people.

the govt tells me "we will cut your tax rate if you hire 5 more people" my sales will only suppport 20 people, if I hire 5 more I will have to spend all of my profit to pay them, then I will have no tax liability and no profit so I will have to close the business. So who wins? no one.

But if the govt cuts my tax rate from 35% to 20% I will have more profit to reinvest in expanding the business, generating more sales and the need for more employees. Then I can hire the 5 more people, pay my taxes, all of them will be paying taxes and the total govt revenue will go up.

this stuff is not complicated once you get the left wing lies and talking points out of the equation.
You don't understand a thing. I don't support "unfettered abortion". I support a woman's right to control her own body. I would like to see an end to all abortions, I just want it to be done a different way, through science and education.

I don't feel sympathy for mass murderers and child rapists. If you're 100% certain they murdered or raped, do it...Kill 'em, castrate 'em, whatever. I'm fine with that. I'm also not a small government conservative or a Christian so the hypocrisy isn't with me.

OK, I accept that. But why can't you accept that others are not being hypocritical when they state their beliefs? What is hypocritical about wanting smaller government or being a Christian?

you are quick to demonize those who do not share your beliefs, why is that?

Really? You can't see the hypocrisy in people who want to drown the government in a bathtub giving the government the ultimate authority over who dies? Come on.

And Christians? Jesus got the death penalty. I'm pretty sure he'd be anti. Ask the Pope about the Death Penalty. How does he feel?

our courts are not the government, juries are made up of your peers.

and once again you contradict yourself, the Pope may be against capital punishment but he is also against abortion, he is totally consistent, you are not.
Defiant teen gets life sentences in Ohio shooting -

You really think society is better off with paying for this guy to live 70 years or more in prison than just having taken him out back and shot him?

monsters like this killer are the reason we need the death penalty

But some libby needs his feel good moment.

I think society is better off without giving the state the power to kill us.

The State never had the power to kill innocent people. We are speaking of the convicted murderer or rapest. It costs about 40 thousand dollars to keep one criminal in jail for one year. And it someone shot Obama, I'm sure the justice system wouldn't care either way...
Defiant teen gets life sentences in Ohio shooting -

You really think society is better off with paying for this guy to live 70 years or more in prison than just having taken him out back and shot him?

monsters like this killer are the reason we need the death penalty

But some libby needs his feel good moment.

I think society is better off without giving the state the power to kill us.

The State never had the power to kill innocent people. We are speaking of the convicted murderer or rapest. It costs about 40 thousand dollars to keep one criminal in jail for one year. And it someone shot Obama, I'm sure the justice system wouldn't care either way...

until obama and his drone program came along.
OK, I accept that. But why can't you accept that others are not being hypocritical when they state their beliefs? What is hypocritical about wanting smaller government or being a Christian?

you are quick to demonize those who do not share your beliefs, why is that?

Really? You can't see the hypocrisy in people who want to drown the government in a bathtub giving the government the ultimate authority over who dies? Come on.

And Christians? Jesus got the death penalty. I'm pretty sure he'd be anti. Ask the Pope about the Death Penalty. How does he feel?

our courts are not the government, juries are made up of your peers.

and once again you contradict yourself, the Pope may be against capital punishment but he is also against abortion, he is totally consistent, you are not.

How am I not consistent? I've already explained my positions, there is no hypocrisy on MY part, only Christians and conservatives. :lol:
it doesn't work that way. they cannot create jobs with the current government anti-business policies.

But you say the govt will "promise" to give them lower tax rates if they create jobs? LOL, no one trusts the current government. Why would anyone risk money on a promise from them?

You have it backwards

Nobody trusts that corporations will provide more jobs if only we slash their rates. We tried that and they just keep the money

If it is in the tax code.....Create so many jobs, receive a lower rate
They have earned lower tax rates

The stock market is booming. The jobs havent followed

Ok, lets try this. lets say I have a small business the is currently employing 20 people.

the govt tells me "we will cut your tax rate if you hire 5 more people" my sales will only suppport 20 people, if I hire 5 more I will have to spend all of my profit to pay them, then I will have no tax liability and no profit so I will have to close the business. So who wins? no one.

But if the govt cuts my tax rate from 35% to 20% I will have more profit to reinvest in expanding the business, generating more sales and the need for more employees. Then I can hire the 5 more people, pay my taxes, all of them will be paying taxes and the total govt revenue will go up.

this stuff is not complicated once you get the left wing lies and talking points out of the equation.

How about this?

You have 20 people. You want to expand your business so you add capacity and are able to hire 5 more people. After you have hired the people you qualify for a lower tax rate.

Otherwise you just get the lower rate, say fuck new hiring and keep the money
Defiant teen gets life sentences in Ohio shooting -

You really think society is better off with paying for this guy to live 70 years or more in prison than just having taken him out back and shot him?

monsters like this killer are the reason we need the death penalty

But some libby needs his feel good moment.

I think society is better off without giving the state the power to kill us.

The State never had the power to kill innocent people. We are speaking of the convicted murderer or rapest. It costs about 40 thousand dollars to keep one criminal in jail for one year. And it someone shot Obama, I'm sure the justice system wouldn't care either way...

Except innocent people have been killed by our "justice" system, which is exactly the problem. You give the state the power to kill and the state will inevitably make mistakes. Not to mention the fact that the state abuses every power it has and even those it doesn't.
You have it backwards

Nobody trusts that corporations will provide more jobs if only we slash their rates. We tried that and they just keep the money

If it is in the tax code.....Create so many jobs, receive a lower rate
They have earned lower tax rates

The stock market is booming. The jobs havent followed

Ok, lets try this. lets say I have a small business the is currently employing 20 people.

the govt tells me "we will cut your tax rate if you hire 5 more people" my sales will only suppport 20 people, if I hire 5 more I will have to spend all of my profit to pay them, then I will have no tax liability and no profit so I will have to close the business. So who wins? no one.

But if the govt cuts my tax rate from 35% to 20% I will have more profit to reinvest in expanding the business, generating more sales and the need for more employees. Then I can hire the 5 more people, pay my taxes, all of them will be paying taxes and the total govt revenue will go up.

this stuff is not complicated once you get the left wing lies and talking points out of the equation.

How about this?

You have 20 people. You want to expand your business so you add capacity and are able to hire 5 more people. After you have hired the people you qualify for a lower tax rate.

Otherwise you just get the lower rate, say fuck new hiring and keep the money

a business cannot add capacity and hire people unless it has profit from sales to spend on expansion and hiring. the money has to come before the expansion and hiring.

and if a company chooses to say fuck it and keep the profits, thats up to them, not the government.

what is it that you do not get about freedom?

but the reality is that greedy companies usually go out of business because a smart competitor comes in and provides a better product for a lower price. another example of freedom.

but you leftists want the government to control everything and not let the free market set prices of products and labor.

can you give me one example of a large economy where that kind of socialism has ever worked?
programs that encourage the growth of the economy will create jobs for everyone, the poor included.

reducing the tax and regulatory burden on small business will create jobs, getting rid of the terrible obamacare bill would create jobs for everyone---currently jobs are being lost due to obamacare.

you just don't get it. you think that only the govt can create jobs by spending more and more of OUR money. That is totally wrong. Letting us keep more of our money would create jobs because consumer spending creates jobs, not govt giveaways.

30 years has shown us how that worked...




And you fucking believe it...despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Business growth is bad for the people.................Ask any clueless civil servant
Ok, lets try this. lets say I have a small business the is currently employing 20 people.

the govt tells me "we will cut your tax rate if you hire 5 more people" my sales will only suppport 20 people, if I hire 5 more I will have to spend all of my profit to pay them, then I will have no tax liability and no profit so I will have to close the business. So who wins? no one.

But if the govt cuts my tax rate from 35% to 20% I will have more profit to reinvest in expanding the business, generating more sales and the need for more employees. Then I can hire the 5 more people, pay my taxes, all of them will be paying taxes and the total govt revenue will go up.

this stuff is not complicated once you get the left wing lies and talking points out of the equation.

How about this?

You have 20 people. You want to expand your business so you add capacity and are able to hire 5 more people. After you have hired the people you qualify for a lower tax rate.

Otherwise you just get the lower rate, say fuck new hiring and keep the money

a business cannot add capacity and hire people unless it has profit from sales to spend on expansion and hiring. the money has to come before the expansion and hiring.

and if a company chooses to say fuck it and keep the profits, thats up to them, not the government.

what is it that you do not get about freedom?

but the reality is that greedy companies usually go out of business because a smart competitor comes in and provides a better product for a lower price. another example of freedom.

but you leftists want the government to control everything and not let the free market set prices of products and labor.

can you give me one example of a large economy where that kind of socialism has ever worked?

Companies cannot expand without a government tax cut? If your company is expanding and adding jobs IN THE deserve a tax cut

If we gave you a tax cut and you choose to just keep it.....the tax cut was useless. Wasn't it?
That would be true if those given life did not appeal their convictions.

They claim the cost is due to the appeals process as if it's limited only to those facing the death penalty.

Every person convicted of a crime has the right to appeal.

The high cost of the appealate process is just a fraction of the true costs of executing people.

Criminals who have absolutely nothing left to lose require an extraordinary level of security. That level of security costs a lot.

I call bullshit on that.

You have obviously never seen how inmates on deathrow live.

They are in their cellls 23 hours a day.

Do you think those with a life sentence would have something more to lose?

Call whatever you like. I KNOW how much more death row incarceration costs. You obviously don't.
We have ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!

Not so much a Death Penalty case, as-much-as a

"Damning testimony from a crucial witness and modern methods of investigating arson present new evidence that could free a man in prison after nearly 42 years. Steve Kroft reports on the latest twist in the Pioneer Hotel fire in Tucson that killed 28 in 1970."

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Defiant teen gets life sentences in Ohio shooting -

You really think society is better off with paying for this guy to live 70 years or more in prison than just having taken him out back and shot him?

monsters like this killer are the reason we need the death penalty

But some libby needs his feel good moment.

Too many challenges available due to gravy sucking lawyers. The max penalty should be: "Stuck in Prison Until Age 65". At that age they are falling apart. Kick 'em out in the street so we don't have to pay for their Med. benifits. Let them rot where they came from instead of being a drain on society. It's win-win. We save money they have a chance to breath free air before they die.
April 9, 2013

Theocrat SMACK-DOWN!!!

"When it comes to the death penalty, the only thing the United States can do is plead the insanity defense. The rest of the advanced world has moved on, but America resolutely remains among the top five executioners — behind China, Iran and Iraq, and just ahead of Pakistan. In Colorado, prosecutors are seeking the death of James Holmes, the clearly insane young man who dyed his hair a vivid orange, allegedly killed 12 people at a midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises” and made no effort to escape. “Justice is death,” declared the prosecutor. The Taliban, I tell you, are among us."

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