Paid Internet Posters


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right
I don't think it's any secret that I'm being paid by the NWO, the Illuminati, and the LPGA to post here mocking and ridiculing the Truthers. :eusa_whistle:

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

I knew it!!!!!!

I win the pool!
I don't think it's any secret that I'm being paid by the NWO, the Illuminati, and the LPGA to post here mocking and ridiculing the Truthers. :eusa_whistle:

you havent done a very good job and have been globally exposed

so take a nice deep breath and relax


I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

If I could convince myself to 'bite' on the bait you've left here I would want you to elaborate. Also, to share with us an example of your activities that we can go back and read those posts with this new 'revealation' in mind.

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

If you guys are getting paid, someone is wasting their money.

We had you investigated shortly after you joined the board last summer

We had a team go through your posts, check out your garbage and see which internet porn sites you visit.

The report came back that you were not necessarily subversive just not very bright

Hope that clears things up. <Midget porn?>

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

Go throw yourself off a cliff into a volcano you parasite.

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

Go throw yourself off a cliff into a volcano you parasite.

Of course we have investigated R.C. Christian several times

The investigation revealed he likes to hang out at Bus Station mens rooms, enjoys collecting Beanie Babies and still lives in his mothers basement

While he did not qualify as a subversive worthy of incarceration in a FEMA camp, he was identified as a racist troll.....and not a very good one
Ah, but does your employer provide free healthcare insurance?

If not then you're more stupid that any of us might have ever believed.

Or, maybe, even if.......

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

Go throw yourself off a cliff into a volcano you parasite.

Of course we have investigated R.C. Christian several times

The investigation revealed he likes to hang out at Bus Station mens rooms, enjoys collecting Beanie Babies and still lives in his mothers basement

While he did not qualify as a subversive worthy of incarceration in a FEMA camp, he was identified as a racist troll.....and not a very good one


I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

I'll be PM'ing you my resume posthaste
Research: Paid Posters Poison the Internet

By John P. Mello Jr, PCWorld

  • Nov 23, 2011 3:36 PM
  • print

In China, they're called the Internet Water Army: legions of people paid to flood online hangouts with postings and comments (primarily for marketing purposes). And according to academic researchers, they're degrading information quality on the Web. In a research paper released this week, researchers Cheng Chen, Kui Wu, Venkatesh, Srinivasan, and Xudong Zhang explain that paid posters are hired by public relations and marketing firms to post content on Websites--usually about a social event, product, or company.

For marketers, paid posters are a way to control word-of-mouth publicity about whatever they're trying to sell.

"If a company hires enough online users, it would be able to create hot and trending topics designed to gain popularity," the researchers write. "Furthermore, the articles or comments from a group of paid posters are also likely to capture the attention of common users and influence their decision."

That which is good for marketers, however, isn't always good for consumers.
"Though and interesting strategy in business marketing, paid posters may create a significant negative effect on the online communities, since the information from paid posters is usually not trustworthy," the paper states.

The practice can poison the attitudes of web surfers, especially when the two armies clash in cyberspace. "When two competitive companies hire paid posters to post fake news or negative comments about each other, normal online users may feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to put any trust in the information they acquire from the Internet."

To illustrate this, the researchers cited an instance in which a seemingly inane message was posted to a World of Warcraft forum in China.
"Junpeng Jia, your mother asked you to go back home for dinner!" The message said.
In two days, the message had garnered over 300,000 replies and seven million clicks. It was later revealed that a PR firm was behind the surge in traffic--it wanted to maintain interest in the site while it was down for system maintenance, so it hired 800 posters who used 20,000 identities to create the illusion of purposeful activity happening there.

Although the researchers focused their attention on paid posters in China, these techniques are used all over the world. The U.S. military, for example, has been working on software to automate the process of creating "sockpuppet" armies to invade social networks and online forums and gather info on terrorists and terrorist organizations. The researchers also showed how "socialbots" made up of bogus "friends" could be used for mischief on Facebook.

Through their research, the scientists identified several ways to identify potential paid posters on a forum. Paid posters add new comments to a forum more often than typical members, for example. This is because they work under tight time constraints and don't have time to read other member's comments.

For the same reason, the rate between comment postings is shorter, too. And they don't use an I.D. very long, either. Their "mission" time is usually short. When their mission is done, they discard their I.D. and never use it again.
Detecting infiltration of a website by paid posters with automated systems that use semantic analysis can be effective, the researchers noted.

"The reason why the semantic analysis improves performance is that online paid posters often try to post many comments with some minor edits on each post, leading to similar sentences," they explained. "This helps the paid posters post many comments and complete their assignments quickly, but also helps our classifier to detect them."

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

I'll be PM'ing you my resume posthaste

Its actually a great job

401K and great dental benefits

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

I'll be PM'ing you my resume posthaste

Its actually a great job

401K and great dental benefits

Does your office have a foosball table and a cappuccino machine?
Remember what they told us at graduation fellow paid posters"go do the voodoo you do so well!"

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