Paid Internet Posters


My handlers just sent my Thanksgiving turkey via FedEx!!! It will be here tomorrow.

They also said my Christmas bonus will be double what I got last year. :mm:

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

How long until you receive the promotion to pilot the black helicopters? I think that would be a cool job.

Hey, some people are saying Sarah Palin is a trainer on how to shoot moving targets from the air, seems likely since it would be easier than shooting wolves who run faster than those of us with only two legs. And conservatives would be easy to identify, since they vote and run in lockstep.

I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

How long until you receive the promotion to pilot the black helicopters? I think that would be a cool job.

Hey, some people are saying Sarah Palin is a trainer on how to shoot moving targets from the air, seems likely since it would be easier than shooting wolves who run faster than those of us with only two legs. And conservatives would be easy to identify, since they vote and run in lockstep.

Nobody pilots the black helicopters silly....

They are drones just like the ones Obama uses to kill all his enemies
two more farts in a row from the agent trolls.:poop:

yep the same script they follow,play dumb and act innocent.same pattern everytime.

It takes a special kind of special to imply that CrusaderFrank and Mamooth are both agents of the same conspiracy.
he does have his own short bus.


I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

How long until you receive the promotion to pilot the black helicopters? I think that would be a cool job.

Hey, some people are saying Sarah Palin is a trainer on how to shoot moving targets from the air, seems likely since it would be easier than shooting wolves who run faster than those of us with only two legs. And conservatives would be easy to identify, since they vote and run in lockstep.

Nobody pilots the black helicopters silly....

They are drones just like the ones Obama uses to kill all his enemies

Well, can you be promoted to sit at a computer and guide the drone onto the population which needs eradication? That'd be cooler still.
How long until you receive the promotion to pilot the black helicopters? I think that would be a cool job.

Hey, some people are saying Sarah Palin is a trainer on how to shoot moving targets from the air, seems likely since it would be easier than shooting wolves who run faster than those of us with only two legs. And conservatives would be easy to identify, since they vote and run in lockstep.

Nobody pilots the black helicopters silly....

They are drones just like the ones Obama uses to kill all his enemies

Well, can you be promoted to sit at a computer and guide the drone onto the population which needs eradication? That'd be cooler still.

you people are such neanderthals, always good for a gut buster.

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It sounds like a conspiracy, but there is some truth to it. with that being said, it isn't only about political persuasion. It's also about marketing products- anything from a brand of clothes to an online service. Basically, it's spam.

Research: Paid Posters Poison the Internet

In China, they're called the Internet Water Army: legions of people paid to flood online hangouts with postings and comments (primarily for marketing purposes). And according to academic researchers, they're degrading information quality on the Web.

In a research paper released this week, researchers Cheng Chen, Kui Wu, Venkatesh, Srinivasan, and Xudong Zhang explain that paid posters are hired by public relations and marketing firms to post content on Websites--usually about a social event, product, or company.

For marketers, paid posters are a way to control word-of-mouth publicity about whatever they're trying to sell.

"If a company hires enough online users, it would be able to create hot and trending topics designed to gain popularity," the researchers write. "Furthermore, the articles or comments from a group of paid posters are also likely to capture the attention of common users and influence their decision."
It sounds like a conspiracy, but there is some truth to it. with that being said, it isn't only about political persuasion. It's also about marketing products- anything from a brand of clothes to an online service. Basically, it's spam.

In China, they're called the Internet Water Army: legions of people paid to flood online hangouts with postings and comments ...

We don't have any 'legions'. Maybe a waterboy or two. But no legions.


I have a confession to make

rdean, Jake Starkey and myself are all paid internet posters. Some people may have noticed that we all started on this board the same day four years ago. You might claim it was a "coincidence" but it is quite obvious that we are here with a common agenda

To root out rightwing subversives and report on their activities to our "dear leader" To date, we have been quite effective in spreading leftwing propaganda and provoking the rightwing posters to spout ever increasing paranoid and extremist responses.

We use these rightwing extremist responses as justification for having posters "banned". Unless you haven't realized, being banned from the USMB does not mean you have your posting privleges suspended. It means armed FEMA agents show up at your door and you quietly disappear.

We have our own FEMA camp just for "banned" USMB posters. Many of your old friends are there and are doing quite well as they are re-educated. Some may even be allowed to come back to the board once they get their minds right

Go throw yourself off a cliff into a volcano you parasite.

Of course we have investigated R.C. Christian several times

The investigation revealed he likes to hang out at Bus Station mens rooms, enjoys collecting Beanie Babies and still lives in his mothers basement

While he did not qualify as a subversive worthy of incarceration in a FEMA camp, he was identified as a racist troll.....and not a very good one

My side hurts from laughing so much....
I did so well this year I got a Christmas bonus check signed by George Bush. My regular paycheck is signed by Karl Rove. I have to get a check as I won't have a bank account. I believe there's a big conspiracy to steal my money.

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