Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

Her life got this fucked up because we have a special classification for perverts who are permitted to harm others.

Yet. These same degenerates moan and complain when they get their own well deserved treatment.
Her life got this fucked up because we have a special classification for perverts who are permitted to harm others.

Yet. These same degenerates moan and complain when they get their own well deserved treatment.

Wow, so two people who love each other are "perverts" according to you.


But Jimmy Swaggart picking up hookers was just a sin that Jesus totally forgave.

Can we have a collective "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

In all seriousness, I am absolutely against anyone harassing these women, but they are the ones who went after the Klein's.

The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

It's just a cake, Laurel Bowman-Cryer used to tell her wife, Rachel. But three and a half years have passed, and the hate mail keeps coming.

Back in 2013, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa made headlines when they refused to make the lesbians' wedding cake. A state official, in a move that's redefined his political career, eventually ordered the bakers to pay $135,000.

The Bowman-Cryers have received thousands of Facebook messages, each one calling them fat or evil, the dumb lesbians who ruined those Christian bakers' lives.

As they waited for their daughter's school bus this May, Rachel's cell phone dinged with a new missive.

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."

The Bowman-Cryers say they never wanted the money, which remains locked in a government account. They say they never wanted a war.

For three and a half years, they have hidden, believing in time their names would disappear from the headlines. They didn't answer the phone. They declined hundreds of interviews, quit their jobs and stopped leaving the house.

Their silence has not protected them. As the Bowman-Cryers retreated, the fury over their case grew louder.

The bakers, Aaron and Melissa Klein, appealed their fines and hired former President George H.W. Bush's White House lawyer. They toured the country with presidential candidate Ted Cruz as the face of a new fight for business owners' religious freedom.

The legalization of same-sex marriage isn't the end of the story, the Kleins told crowds from Iowa to Washington, D.C. The government, they said, wants to force Christian business owners to help gay people marry. The solution, the Kleins warned receptive lawmakers, would be legislation protecting religious liberty. Arkansas, North Carolina and Mississippi have approved bills since then, curtailing the civil rights gay people fought to win.

The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case
Hopefully the $100,000+ from the Sweet Cakes bigots has helped alleviate their pain.

Then they'll never be happy. Freeloaders on welfare have been getting money they didn't deserve for years and you can't please them. They always want more. What makes you think money will make two freaks happy?
Her life got this fucked up because we have a special classification for perverts who are permitted to harm others.

Yet. These same degenerates moan and complain when they get their own well deserved treatment.

Wow, so two people who love each other are "perverts" according to you.

Love is fleeting...

"Love is like a burning ember; only memories remain."
Can we have a collective "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

In all seriousness, I am absolutely against anyone harassing these women, but they are the ones who went after the Klein's.

The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case
Hopefully the $100,000+ from the Sweet Cakes bigots has helped alleviate their pain.
Evidently not. They smugly thought they had support. Unfortunately it seems that a child in their home is still peaceably in school.
What? Eh whatever. You're on the wrong side of history again. Go pound sand.
If the normalization of homosexuality were the right side of history, the controversy would have ended thousands of years ago.

Periodically gays have to be hammered down.

These perverts are merely getting a mild version of what they deserve.
Oh shutup you old fucking c*nt. You are such a miserable person. :fu:

I hope the two lesbos are miserable. They should be. When you push and push an agenda, don't be surprised when those being pushed push back. My only hope is that they continue getting what they deserve.
Love is fleeting...

"Love is like a burning ember; only memories remain."

The difference between Love and Herpes is that Herpes lasts forever.

I've known gay folks in loving relationships that lasted decades, and I know straight folks who get divorced in a year.

They all are deserving of good service with a minimum of lecturing by bakers who think they are ministers.

Bake the fucking cake. If you want to be a theologian, go to a seminary and then see if you can get a gig at a church that still preaches homophobia. I hear that the Westboro Baptist Church has an opening now that Fred Phelps has died.
Her life got this fucked up because we have a special classification for perverts who are permitted to harm others.

Yet. These same degenerates moan and complain when they get their own well deserved treatment.

Wow, so two people who love each other are "perverts" according to you.


But Jimmy Swaggart picking up hookers was just a sin that Jesus totally forgave.

Apply John 8 to this situation. In the end, Jesus said go and sin no more.

Did Jimmy Swaggert confess and stop doing what he confessed to doing and asked for forgiveness? To my knowledge, he did.

Did these women stop living their life of sin? The answer is obvious, NO.

Learn from this Joe.
Love is fleeting...

"Love is like a burning ember; only memories remain."

The difference between Love and Herpes is that Herpes lasts forever.

I've known gay folks in loving relationships that lasted decades, and I know straight folks who get divorced in a year.

They all are deserving of good service with a minimum of lecturing by bakers who think they are ministers.

Bake the fucking cake. If you want to be a theologian, go to a seminary and then see if you can get a gig at a church that still preaches homophobia. I hear that the Westboro Baptist Church has an opening now that Fred Phelps has died.

So someone is owed something because they ask for it?

If you want to be a homo, hide in the closet where you belong.
So someone is owed something because they ask for it?

If you want to be a homo, hide in the closet where you belong.

No, someone is owed something because you offered to provide that service for money and your business is a public accommodation subsidized by the rest of us.

That's why they are owed that.

If you want to be a theologian, go to a seminary. Of course, even the seminaries are running away from Homophobia, and those anti-gay verses are going to be like the witch-burning verses. Something you will all try to pretend aren't there and you didn't used to act on.
So someone is owed something because they ask for it?

If you want to be a homo, hide in the closet where you belong.

No, someone is owed something because you offered to provide that service for money and your business is a public accommodation subsidized by the rest of us.

That's why they are owed that.

If you want to be a theologian, go to a seminary. Of course, even the seminaries are running away from Homophobia, and those anti-gay verses are going to be like the witch-burning verses. Something you will all try to pretend aren't there and you didn't used to act on.

Under that mindset, do all those people getting food, clothing, housing, healthcare, etc. subsidized by people like me owe me a hard days work for their handout?

My hope is two lesbians continue to get the messages they deserve. That's the only thing they deserve. They definitely earned it.
Well, isn't this the thing here? We're talking about shop owners being able to exclude. If gay people, black people etc get excluded, then there needs to be other shops. In many areas in the US there isn't enough room for one shop.

So if the only shop in the area that can survive decides to ban gay people, or a religious area like the deep south all the shops decide to ban gay people, then what?

There were multiple other bakers in that area that wanted the gays business. These gays just were interested in one thing .... To make a headline and hurt these Christians.

It's been quite clear that the other bakers who offered were direct competitors with sweet cakes and Their main competitor is the one who ginned up a media firestorm along with these gays.

Maybe there were. This isn't the point.

Firstly there are laws, and they're there for a reason. Some places have multiple bakeries, some places don't. You can't have one law for places with multiple bakeries and one law for places with just one.

So the law is that you can't discriminate on the basis of who you have sex with. That's the law, it's there for many reasons, and these people broke that law and they got their ass handed to them in court.

So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

It's amazing you speak on this subject when you have no idea what's going on with sweet cakes. They closed and now the family is apart because the husband had to go back to driving a semi truck long haul to make ends meet and pay the 135k fine.

Do you have evidence of this? I've only seen one thing and it suggested something quite different.
Well, isn't this the thing here? We're talking about shop owners being able to exclude. If gay people, black people etc get excluded, then there needs to be other shops. In many areas in the US there isn't enough room for one shop.

So if the only shop in the area that can survive decides to ban gay people, or a religious area like the deep south all the shops decide to ban gay people, then what?

There were multiple other bakers in that area that wanted the gays business. These gays just were interested in one thing .... To make a headline and hurt these Christians.

It's been quite clear that the other bakers who offered were direct competitors with sweet cakes and Their main competitor is the one who ginned up a media firestorm along with these gays.

Maybe there were. This isn't the point.

Firstly there are laws, and they're there for a reason. Some places have multiple bakeries, some places don't. You can't have one law for places with multiple bakeries and one law for places with just one.

So the law is that you can't discriminate on the basis of who you have sex with. That's the law, it's there for many reasons, and these people broke that law and they got their ass handed to them in court.

So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

You keep bringing up the past like it's even relevant. The business climate today vs the 1960's is quite different.

We have evolved and no longer need these discrimmination laws. Let's just try the constitution

The past is relevant. Yes, things are different, that doesn't stop it being relevant. Oh, right, yeah, got it, you don't want to talk about it because it doesn't help your case.

We don't need these discrimination laws? Are you serious? You can see the reaction of many towards other people that suggests as soon as you get rid of discrimination laws, they're going to discriminate to their hearts' content.
There were multiple other bakers in that area that wanted the gays business. These gays just were interested in one thing .... To make a headline and hurt these Christians.

It's been quite clear that the other bakers who offered were direct competitors with sweet cakes and Their main competitor is the one who ginned up a media firestorm along with these gays.

Maybe there were. This isn't the point.

Firstly there are laws, and they're there for a reason. Some places have multiple bakeries, some places don't. You can't have one law for places with multiple bakeries and one law for places with just one.

So the law is that you can't discriminate on the basis of who you have sex with. That's the law, it's there for many reasons, and these people broke that law and they got their ass handed to them in court.

So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

It's amazing you speak on this subject when you have no idea what's going on with sweet cakes. They closed and now the family is apart because the husband had to go back to driving a semi truck long haul to make ends meet and pay the 135k fine.

Do you have evidence of this? I've only seen one thing and it suggested something quite different.

When the evidence shows that's the case, will it change your view of what was done to them?
There were multiple other bakers in that area that wanted the gays business. These gays just were interested in one thing .... To make a headline and hurt these Christians.

It's been quite clear that the other bakers who offered were direct competitors with sweet cakes and Their main competitor is the one who ginned up a media firestorm along with these gays.

Maybe there were. This isn't the point.

Firstly there are laws, and they're there for a reason. Some places have multiple bakeries, some places don't. You can't have one law for places with multiple bakeries and one law for places with just one.

So the law is that you can't discriminate on the basis of who you have sex with. That's the law, it's there for many reasons, and these people broke that law and they got their ass handed to them in court.

So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

You keep bringing up the past like it's even relevant. The business climate today vs the 1960's is quite different.

We have evolved and no longer need these discrimmination laws. Let's just try the constitution

The past is relevant. Yes, things are different, that doesn't stop it being relevant. Oh, right, yeah, got it, you don't want to talk about it because it doesn't help your case.

We don't need these discrimination laws? Are you serious? You can see the reaction of many towards other people that suggests as soon as you get rid of discrimination laws, they're going to discriminate to their hearts' content.

We don't. As white, male, heterosexual and Christian, I don't care if a business refuses to serve me because I'm any of those. I'll go elsewhere. Unlike others, I don't expect or demand people do for me because I ask. That's the difference between me and the fags.
There were multiple other bakers in that area that wanted the gays business. These gays just were interested in one thing .... To make a headline and hurt these Christians.

It's been quite clear that the other bakers who offered were direct competitors with sweet cakes and Their main competitor is the one who ginned up a media firestorm along with these gays.

Maybe there were. This isn't the point.

Firstly there are laws, and they're there for a reason. Some places have multiple bakeries, some places don't. You can't have one law for places with multiple bakeries and one law for places with just one.

So the law is that you can't discriminate on the basis of who you have sex with. That's the law, it's there for many reasons, and these people broke that law and they got their ass handed to them in court.

So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

You keep bringing up the past like it's even relevant. The business climate today vs the 1960's is quite different.

We have evolved and no longer need these discrimmination laws. Let's just try the constitution

The past is relevant. Yes, things are different, that doesn't stop it being relevant. Oh, right, yeah, got it, you don't want to talk about it because it doesn't help your case.

We don't need these discrimination laws? Are you serious? You can see the reaction of many towards other people that suggests as soon as you get rid of discrimination laws, they're going to discriminate to their hearts' content.
The mistake you make is that you believe if the laws are punishing enough the discrimination will go away. Punish people enough and the discrimination turns to resentment and hatred.

The lesbos have learned this. In the article they state that they are concerned that their behavior has resulted in less sympathy, less compassion, less interest in perverts.
Let them suffer, die, suicide, they are an irritant.
Maybe there were. This isn't the point.

Firstly there are laws, and they're there for a reason. Some places have multiple bakeries, some places don't. You can't have one law for places with multiple bakeries and one law for places with just one.

So the law is that you can't discriminate on the basis of who you have sex with. That's the law, it's there for many reasons, and these people broke that law and they got their ass handed to them in court.

So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

It's amazing you speak on this subject when you have no idea what's going on with sweet cakes. They closed and now the family is apart because the husband had to go back to driving a semi truck long haul to make ends meet and pay the 135k fine.

Do you have evidence of this? I've only seen one thing and it suggested something quite different.

When the evidence shows that's the case, will it change your view of what was done to them?
Nothing was "done to them" , they brought it on themselves through their illegal activity.
So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

It's amazing you speak on this subject when you have no idea what's going on with sweet cakes. They closed and now the family is apart because the husband had to go back to driving a semi truck long haul to make ends meet and pay the 135k fine.

Do you have evidence of this? I've only seen one thing and it suggested something quite different.

When the evidence shows that's the case, will it change your view of what was done to them?
Nothing was "done to them" , they brought it on themselves through their illegal activity.

It was brought on by a bunch of freak lesbians that don't like being told no.
So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

It's amazing you speak on this subject when you have no idea what's going on with sweet cakes. They closed and now the family is apart because the husband had to go back to driving a semi truck long haul to make ends meet and pay the 135k fine.

Do you have evidence of this? I've only seen one thing and it suggested something quite different.

When the evidence shows that's the case, will it change your view of what was done to them?
Nothing was "done to them" , they brought it on themselves through their illegal activity.
And the pervs brought everything that is happening to them on themselves too. Every loss of job, every loss of housing, every threat, every insult, everything. They did it to themselves and they deserve it.
Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

It's amazing you speak on this subject when you have no idea what's going on with sweet cakes. They closed and now the family is apart because the husband had to go back to driving a semi truck long haul to make ends meet and pay the 135k fine.

Do you have evidence of this? I've only seen one thing and it suggested something quite different.

When the evidence shows that's the case, will it change your view of what was done to them?
Nothing was "done to them" , they brought it on themselves through their illegal activity.
And the pervs brought everything that is happening to them on themselves too. Every loss of job, every loss of housing, every threat, every insult, everything. They did it to themselves and they deserve it.

They couldn't accept no as an answer. They chose to push it because they were little spoiled brats. Now, they get what comes their way.
Maybe there were. This isn't the point.

Firstly there are laws, and they're there for a reason. Some places have multiple bakeries, some places don't. You can't have one law for places with multiple bakeries and one law for places with just one.

So the law is that you can't discriminate on the basis of who you have sex with. That's the law, it's there for many reasons, and these people broke that law and they got their ass handed to them in court.

So I just used this real life example to make my point that these "discrimmination" laws aren't necessary in today's america and you just ignore that point?

There is no need for the government to kill that business. When any business stops taking customers they risk losing their business in the long run. The market will weed out these businesses. Government doesn't need to kill people's livelihoods

Problem is that back in the day this didn't happen, did it? Bus companies didn't go out of business because blacks had to sit at the back. Diners didn't go out of business for discriminating against blacks.

In fact this bakery is probably doing better for the all the free advertising they're getting and all the bigoted Christians in the area are flocking to their hidden away bakery.

That's why govt is needed. To stop this ridiculousness.

You keep bringing up the past like it's even relevant. The business climate today vs the 1960's is quite different.

We have evolved and no longer need these discrimmination laws. Let's just try the constitution

The past is relevant. Yes, things are different, that doesn't stop it being relevant. Oh, right, yeah, got it, you don't want to talk about it because it doesn't help your case.

We don't need these discrimination laws? Are you serious? You can see the reaction of many towards other people that suggests as soon as you get rid of discrimination laws, they're going to discriminate to their hearts' content.
The mistake you make is that you believe if the laws are punishing enough the discrimination will go away. Punish people enough and the discrimination turns to resentment and hatred.

The lesbos have learned this. In the article they state that they are concerned that their behavior has resulted in less sympathy, less compassion, less interest in perverts.
Let them suffer, die, suicide, they are an irritant.

The thing is, not only do I know this, I know it works, and I can prove it.

Let's look at German, East German, West German and Austria. Three countries who in the 1930s and first half of the 1940s were Nazi. Let's make no mistake about this, the Hitler youth was a big part of kids' lives and all of that.

In 1945 Germany was divided into 4, and then Germany got Separated. Austria was also divided into 4 but the Russians didn't seem to care so much about Austria.

In the first few years after the end of the war, the Americans especially, but the British and French too, introduced a policy called "denazification", basically rooting out the bad guys, putting them on trial. They went through society, and tried to make society a better place.

The Russians didn't care. Anyone who would make a good Communist could be a good Communist.

The Austrians were told they were the victims. The West Germans however were guilty of all crimes. Forget that 40% of concentration camp commanders were Austrian, Hitler was from Austria and Austrians are quite right win in comparison with other countries.


The NDP is Germany's far right party.


This is their membership based on region. All those in the former East Germany are higher than those in the former West Germany. Berlin was in both.


This is a state election map, again, similar thing.


Why are there more neo-Nazis in a part of the country that was Communist? Well, mainly because the West Germans were brought up being educated in not being that.

Austria is quite right wing. However it's quite difficult to compare, however the far right lost, narrowly, the presidential election a few months back, and has contested it and will have another election. Half of people basically voted for them.

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