Painting or Painter A-Z


Weeds - Thunder/Lightning by Bert Emanuel (Me)
Weeds exhibiting flowers and interesting diversity. The short, vertical lines are raindrops. Mood painting.
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Bluegrass Garden by Bert Emanuel
Four standard instruments of Bluegrass music in their typical location, under the trees, among the bushes, flowers, & grass. Acoustic instruments, needing no electric outlets to plug into.
The blue diamonds are Banjo melody notes. Brown rectangles represent guitar rythym chords. Orange pear shapes are mandolin notes. Purple lines are beats of the bass fiddle, providing the depth and foundation of the songs.

Snowy Cabin by Bert Emanuel
A cabin in the woods, the full moon's glow casting a blue tint on the snow. An owl sits on a tree branch (upper left). Smoke rises out of the chimney, from the fireplace, keeping the residents warm & cozy.


Dunedin Pier - Early Morning

Man and pelican sharing the quiet, tranquil peace of the pier, each in their own way. (8:00 AM)


Eclectus Parrots - by Bert Emanuel

Green male & red/blue/purple female. Are found in tropical rainforests of New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, & a small section of Australia

Florida Flamingos by Bert Emanuel
Semi-surrealist view of Flamingos wading in a Florida shoreline
Note: the actual painting's colors are MUCH more colorful and vibrant than this somewhat washed-out photo shows.

Bearded Guitarist by Bert Emanuel
Guitarist in a nightclub, with colored lights, playing a red, hollow body electric guitar - looks like Chuck Berry.


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Landscape With the Fall of Icarus by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

A scene from Greek mythology


Frida Kahlo Butterfly Painting by Frida Kahlo
So feminine. So sweet. Having lived in Mexico for 3 years (Villahermosa, Tabasco), I had a quick attraction to this painting.
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Blue Nature - Tropical Lake by Bert Emanuel
Semi surrealist depiction of blue animals, in and around a lake, in a tropical country.

Mandolin - Double Stops

The dots on the fingerboard are notes. The colored lines connecting the dots (notes) are "double stops (ie. the harmonic blending of the 2 notes played simultaneously). These are shown as color blends > red + blue = purple......yellow + blue = + yellow = orange......white + red = pink.
Just as the notes of the mandolin (and violin) blend to the ear, here, these same notes blend in color, to the eye.
NOTE: Along with this painting, there is a VIDEO of me (Bert Emanuel) playing the mandolin, and illustrating all these double stops, thus adding a video and audio feature, so you can see/hear exactly what is represented in the painting.


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