Pakistan’s Searing April Temperatures Set New Global Record 122.4

Except s0n....your post makes no sense. We skeptics can and do post up threads about extreme temperatures both hot and cold.... because our side is winning. Oh and the whole weather isn't climate campaign has been a huge flop....the evidence is astounding. Time for your side to come up with a plan B
Your side has to come up with more than lame trolling. You've got nothing to backup your argument other than flames, the "findings" of highly paid energy company spokespeople and the fact that scientists work on grants, as if the money involved were as much of a reason to lie as the amounts raked in by their company mouthpieces who don't have to do research, just talk. Give me a break, winning?!?! In your mind, perhaps. :rolleyes:

Please s0n.... please show us where are your side is winning outside the little realm of the science club.

Show us where the science has paved the way for climate change legislation.:bye1:

Show us where the sciene has paved the way to carbon reduction plans.:boobies:

Show us where renewable energy isn't a joke.:cul2:

Show us all the elections that have been won by DUM :boobies:candidates running on climate change.:eusa_dance:

Show us a presidential debate where climate change has actually been a topic of discussion.:fingerscrossed:

Tell us how the Paris Treaty is going.:113:

Please provide links for all the winning happening on your side!!!:hello77:

Banner celebrations are ghey
It Was 122.4°F This Week in Pakistan, Probably a World Record for April
Of course, we can expect the parade of AGW k00ks to come crawling out of the woodwork with this news, "See...the earth is warming and the time for action is NOW!!"
Pot calling the kettle black. Don't we hear the same from the denialists everytime it snows? All it proves is that there are some people who are just as dumb. Weather and climate aren't the same thing and hot weather in Pakistan or cold weather in the Midwest are nothing to write home about.

Maybe you can help us here, why did this THREAD get posted?

Was there a point to make?
Maybe you can help us here, why did this THREAD get posted?

Was there a point to make?
Actually, I not only posted it.. and explained why..
The childish Moron Skookerasbil posted/started another/duplicate, (now merged) but of course, Couldn't explain why.
So it was posted Twice. Once by each side.
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Maybe you can help us here, why did this THREAD get posted?

Was there a point to make?
Actually, I not only posted it.. and explained why..
The childish Moron Skookerasbil posted/started another/duplicate, (now merged) but of course, Couldn't explain why.
So it was posted Twice. Once by each side.

Ahhh.....but not a single climate crusader can answer any of the questions of the "moron" in his last post above!!


Bah bah Booey
Ahhh.....but not a single climate crusader can answer any of the questions of the "moron" in his last post above!!


Bah bah Booey
You've been here 9 YEARS and at least 5,000 posts in the secton, and you STILL don't know the difference between Weather and Climate.

Really, that's Impossibly STUPID.

Never seer anything so Ignorant/low IQ from any poster on Any board
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Ahhh.....but not a single climate crusader can answer any of the questions of the "moron" in his last post above!!


Bah bah Booey
You've been here 9 YEARS and at least 5,000 posts in the secton, and you STILL don't know the difference between Weather and Climate.

Really, that's Impossibly STUPID.

Never seer anything so Ignorant/low IQ from any poster on Any board

I don't think your bold font is big enough s0n! us where people are caring that there is a difference between weather and climate, because appears to me that there are a WHOLE lot of ignoramous's out there!:2up:

You see s0n....if the policy makers are not passing any legislation on climate change ( the policy makers represent the people btw )....then the weather is not climate point is moot. It's simply a scientific statement and nothing more.... it stands on its own like a billboard on the side of the road. A billboard s0n!!

Fossil fuels will be dominating for decades = your billboards are ghey :26::26::gay:
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As long as Goofy Turds like skookerasbil continue to post "It's cold in cleveland" posts, I'll continue to post much bigger WEATHER events.
This one much more significant. A Global record for the month.
Morons like him most post minor weather events as he is Incapable of debate or discussion. NO CLIMATE, NO Charts, NO data, history etc.

Pakistan’s Searing April Temperatures Set New Global Record
On Monday, the city of Nawabshah reached 122.4 degrees Fahrenheit, causing heatstroke, power outages and general misery
Pakistan's Searing April Temperatures Set New Global Record | Smart News | Smithsonian


By Jason Daley
MAY 3, 2018
Haroon Janjua at The Guardian.

While the forecast called for a little heat in the city of 1.1 million people, meteorologists didn’t anticipate the record-setting temperatures. “We have issued forecasts about the extreme heat in Sindh province but were not expecting a world record in the month of April,” Ghulam Rasool, director general of the Pakistan Meteorological Department tells Janjua.

As Christopher Burt, an expert on weather extremes, tells Jason Samenow at The Washington Post, the latest temperature is the highest in April “yet reliably observed on Earth in modern records.”
So the Smithsonian has no idea what the difference between regional weather event and climate are... And then they ignore 2/3 of the globe that is 3-5 deg C below the 30 year average to promote this one tiny area that is warm..

My Gawd this shit gets old and the dupes who post this shit up are fools..
I'm quite certain that the folks at understand the difference quite clearly. Particularly since the interviewed expert is "an expert on weather extremes".

I'm also quite certain that you will use every opportunity to feed us crap data. That WARMING has produced the Rossby waves that are driving Arctic air south over half the northern hemisphere and simultaneously driving equatorial air north over half the northern hemisphere is a known factor that, in and of itself, produces NO CHANGE in global temperatures. The greenhouse effect, despite reduced solar input, has continued to warm the planet at an accelerating pace.
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The Arctic had a scarily low amount of ice this past winter

1) It was the warmest Arctic winter on record

Overall, this winter (as measured by December, January, and February, the three coldest months) was the warmest on record. As the Associated Press reported, Arctic weather stations averaged 8.8 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.

These Arctic warm spells do occur due to natural variability, Alek Petty, a NASA polar scientist, says. “But the key is that they are happening more frequently, they are lasting longer, and they have been more intense than they used to be,” he says. Indeed, this was the third Arctic winter in a row that experienced an extreme heat wave.


The arctic was 5.1 degrees Celsius warmer than usual on February 27.
Climate Reanalyzer

The heat spell in Pakistan is unusual, but this is the heat wave that should be worrying all.
Ahhh.....but not a single climate crusader can answer any of the questions of the "moron" in his last post above!!


Bah bah Booey
You've been here 9 YEARS and at least 5,000 posts in the secton, and you STILL don't know the difference between Weather and Climate.

Really, that's Impossibly STUPID.

Never seer anything so Ignorant/low IQ from any poster on Any board

Warmer is climate, colder is either weather or climate change
The Arctic had a scarily low amount of ice this past winter

1) It was the warmest Arctic winter on record

Overall, this winter (as measured by December, January, and February, the three coldest months) was the warmest on record. As the Associated Press reported, Arctic weather stations averaged 8.8 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.

These Arctic warm spells do occur due to natural variability, Alek Petty, a NASA polar scientist, says. “But the key is that they are happening more frequently, they are lasting longer, and they have been more intense than they used to be,” he says. Indeed, this was the third Arctic winter in a row that experienced an extreme heat wave.


The arctic was 5.1 degrees Celsius warmer than usual on February 27.
Climate Reanalyzer

The heat spell in Pakistan is unusual, but this is the heat wave that should be worrying all.
I'm quite certain that the folks at understand the difference quite clearly. Particularly since the interviewed expert is "an expert on weather extremes".

I'm also quite certain that you will use every opportunity to feed us crap data. That WARMING has produced the Rossby waves that are driving Arctic air south over half the northern hemisphere and simultaneously driving equatorial air north over half the northern hemisphere is a known factor that, in and of itself, produces NO CHANGE in global temperatures. The greenhouse effect, despite reduced solar input, has continued to warm the planet at an accelerating pace.
So with "normal " solar input the temperature in Pakistan would have been 150F
Regional weather event.

The Alarmist Stupidity, It burns...

Yep... there are bodies of water in Canada that are still frozen. But that doesn't count to the alarmist k00ks.:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Thankfully in the last 10 years the public has clearly picked up on the double standard.

Yep... there are bodies of water in Canada that are still frozen. But that doesn't count to the alarmist k00ks.:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Thankfully in the last 10 years the public has clearly picked up on the double standard.
It's also cold in your freezer you Irelevant TROLL/Moron.
Every day you come up with tese idiotic quips.
'Your brother says it snowing in Pennsylavania', ergo there no global warming
You're a Moorn and a TROLL

This a science section and you post NO Data, NO Links, No graphics, just your juvenile (or demented) emoticons.
You're a PureTroll who should not be in the section.
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Yep... there are bodies of water in Canada that are still frozen. But that doesn't count to the alarmist k00ks.:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Thankfully in the last 10 years the public has clearly picked up on the double standard.
It's also cold in your freezer you Irelevant TROLL/Moron.
Every day you come up with tese idiotic quips.
'Your brother says it snowing in Pennsylavania', ergo there no global warming
You're a Moorn and a TROLL

This a science section and you post NO Data, NO Links, No graphics, just your juvenile (or demented) emoticons.
You're a PureTroll who should not be in the section.

But winning s0n....your anger screams, "I'm losing!". Seems every time I make a post your head explodes.:springbed::surprised1::surprised1:

Last time I checked, this is the ENVIRONMENT forum ( not the SCIENCE forum...dummy ) the politics matter as much a the science. Actually the politics are more important than the science. If the science is having no effect on the politics, essentially then it is nothing more than a hobby. But everybody has to have a hobby I guess, right?:cul2:

You need links from me s0n, here ya can find about 4 billion that display clearly how laughable the science is :flirtysmile4::funnyface::funnyface:

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!
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Rossby wave due to global warming
Rossby waves are created by the temperature differential across hemispheres and the rotation of the earth. It has no correlation to AGW.

In fact, the rapid heat release occurring in the arctic today is what is causing the super lows and deep intrusion into mid latitudes..

Again you show total ignorance of the systems function.. You then make a false assumption of causation without facts..

Yep... there are bodies of water in Canada that are still frozen. But that doesn't count to the alarmist k00ks.:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Thankfully in the last 10 years the public has clearly picked up on the double standard.
It's also cold in your freezer you Irelevant TROLL/Moron.
Every day you come up with tese idiotic quips.
'Your brother says it snowing in Pennsylavania', ergo there no global warming
You're a Moorn and a TROLL

This a science section and you post NO Data, NO Links, No graphics, just your juvenile (or demented) emoticons.
You're a PureTroll who should not be in the section.
And you don't see the hypocrisy of your own doing the same thing about every regional brief uptick in temp...

Yep... there are bodies of water in Canada that are still frozen. But that doesn't count to the alarmist k00ks.:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Thankfully in the last 10 years the public has clearly picked up on the double standard.
It's also cold in your freezer you Irelevant TROLL/Moron.
Every day you come up with tese idiotic quips.
'Your brother says it snowing in Pennsylavania', ergo there no global warming
You're a Moorn and a TROLL

This a science section and you post NO Data, NO Links, No graphics, just your juvenile (or demented) emoticons.
You're a PureTroll who should not be in the section.
And you don't see the hypocrisy of your own doing the same thing about every regional brief uptick in temp...

Well for our pal Abu, only regional upticks count ( like 0.21 degrees btw :5_1_12024:). Regional cold? Doesn't count:abgg2q.jpg:

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