Paleo Diet Lawsuit Dismissed By Court in Blow to Free Expression


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Bad news in an important Institute for Justice-launched lawsuit defending the right of free speech on the Internet about matters of diet and nutrition.

A state licensing board in North Carolina tried to suppress a blogger who talked up and advised people on the health benefits of the "paleo" diet (that is, eating as we think cavement ate, no grains or processed foods), telling him directly what he could or could not say about his belief that the high-meat, low-carb diet helped him with his diabetes. The case was dismissed by a federal court late last week.

Paleo Diet Lawsuit Dismissed By Court in Blow to Free Expression - Hit & Run :

Just more evidence that the state is in bed with Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. Government licensing, of course, is simply used to protect the government's favored constituents from competition. In this case, a person advising people to eat paleo hurts the bottom line of drug companies and doctors, so he has to be stopped.
Bad news in an important Institute for Justice-launched lawsuit defending the right of free speech on the Internet about matters of diet and nutrition.

A state licensing board in North Carolina tried to suppress a blogger who talked up and advised people on the health benefits of the "paleo" diet (that is, eating as we think cavement ate, no grains or processed foods), telling him directly what he could or could not say about his belief that the high-meat, low-carb diet helped him with his diabetes. The case was dismissed by a federal court late last week.

Paleo Diet Lawsuit Dismissed By Court in Blow to Free Expression - Hit & Run :

Just more evidence that the state is in bed with Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. Government licensing, of course, is simply used to protect the government's favored constituents from competition. In this case, a person advising people to eat paleo hurts the bottom line of drug companies and doctors, so he has to be stopped.
Good. The government can't protect anyone from idiots on the internet, nor should they try.
Bad news in an important Institute for Justice-launched lawsuit defending the right of free speech on the Internet about matters of diet and nutrition.

A state licensing board in North Carolina tried to suppress a blogger who talked up and advised people on the health benefits of the "paleo" diet (that is, eating as we think cavement ate, no grains or processed foods), telling him directly what he could or could not say about his belief that the high-meat, low-carb diet helped him with his diabetes. The case was dismissed by a federal court late last week.

Paleo Diet Lawsuit Dismissed By Court in Blow to Free Expression - Hit & Run :

Just more evidence that the state is in bed with Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. Government licensing, of course, is simply used to protect the government's favored constituents from competition. In this case, a person advising people to eat paleo hurts the bottom line of drug companies and doctors, so he has to be stopped.
Good. The government can't protect anyone from idiots on the internet, nor should they try.

I see no indication that the man is an idiot, but if your position is that the government was wrong in this case then what are you categorizing as "Good?"
Paleo Diet Lawsuit Dismissed By Court in Blow to Free Expression - Hit & Run :

Just more evidence that the state is in bed with Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. Government licensing, of course, is simply used to protect the government's favored constituents from competition. In this case, a person advising people to eat paleo hurts the bottom line of drug companies and doctors, so he has to be stopped.
Good. The government can't protect anyone from idiots on the internet, nor should they try.

I see no indication that the man is an idiot, but if your position is that the government was wrong in this case then what are you categorizing as "Good?"

One, there is ample evidence that cavemen ate grains. Two, just because people used to live off of raw meat doesn't make it a healthy diet.

Did I read your post correctly? I thought it said the federal courts struck down NC's silly law.
Good. The government can't protect anyone from idiots on the internet, nor should they try.

I see no indication that the man is an idiot, but if your position is that the government was wrong in this case then what are you categorizing as "Good?"

One, there is ample evidence that cavemen ate grains. Two, just because people used to live off of raw meat doesn't make it a healthy diet.

Did I read your post correctly? I thought it said the federal courts struck down NC's silly law.

There is ample evidence that some cavemen ate small amounts of grains. Before the agricultural revolution grains would certainly not have been a staple of anybody's diet. I'd say it's a small minority of paleo people who eat even small amounts of raw meat, and much smaller than that, probably around none, who eat raw meat excessively. As somebody who follows the paleo diet I can tell you I've never eaten raw meat.

And no, the courts threw out the case challenging NC's law stating that the plaintiff had no standing.
Do you have the right to dispense information related to health (specifically diabetes) without a license? It seems so in North Carolina. I hope the paleo prophet has deep pockets because an internet ambulance chasing (unlicensed?) legal firm will sue his ass off when one of his diabetec patients dies.
Do you have the right to dispense information related to health (specifically diabetes) without a license? It seems so in North Carolina. I hope the paleo prophet has deep pockets because an internet ambulance chasing (unlicensed?) legal firm will sue his ass off when one of his diabetec patients dies.

What patients? He didn't have any patients. He was giving friendly advice on a blog. What are they going to sue him for? Also, no, it doesn't seem so in North Carolina, since they're the ones who forced him to stop.
The Primal Blueprint, which is similar to Paleo, is how I lost 40 lbs in 5 months effortlessly, lowering my Cholesterol 20 points AND lowering my Triglycerides from 461 to 102. A whole host of other things improved to include my vision and hearing. Never took any medication either. And no it's not an "all meat diet" (jezz I'm sick of that!)

American Medicine in shit.
Big Pharma is shit.
FDA Nutritional guidelines are shit.
The Primal Blueprint, which is similar to Paleo, is how I lost 40 lbs in 5 months effortlessly, lowering my Cholesterol 20 points AND lowering my Triglycerides from 461 to 102. A whole host of other things improved to include my vision and hearing. Never took any medication either. And no it's not an "all meat diet" (jezz I'm sick of that!)

American Medicine in shit.
Big Pharma is shit.
FDA Nutritional guidelines are shit.

Crazy, I had the almost the exact same results. I do the Blueprint as well, and had also lost 40 pounds in 5 months. I don't know about the other stuff though.
I see no indication that the man is an idiot, but if your position is that the government was wrong in this case then what are you categorizing as "Good?"

One, there is ample evidence that cavemen ate grains. Two, just because people used to live off of raw meat doesn't make it a healthy diet.

Did I read your post correctly? I thought it said the federal courts struck down NC's silly law.

There is ample evidence that some cavemen ate small amounts of grains. Before the agricultural revolution grains would certainly not have been a staple of anybody's diet. I'd say it's a small minority of paleo people who eat even small amounts of raw meat, and much smaller than that, probably around none, who eat raw meat excessively. As somebody who follows the paleo diet I can tell you I've never eaten raw meat.

And no, the courts threw out the case challenging NC's law stating that the plaintiff had no standing.

Okay, I read it wrong. I don't think the state board has a right to dictate what one may blog about.

I still think the paleo diet is stupid. And btw, how can you be true to it if you don't eat raw meat?
why would the meat be raw? they had fire.....isnt it basically a diet away from refined foods? can you live on it for the rest of your life etc...
why would the meat be raw? they had fire.....isnt it basically a diet away from refined foods? can you live on it for the rest of your life etc...

They had fire toward the end. But that's when it all went bad and started us down the road to huffing big macs. :D

A true paleo would eat everything raw or perhaps dried in the sun.
seems to be high on protein and fats...low carbs...but i think the one i was looking at ...has a lot more to do with diet and insulin production
seems to be high on protein and fats...low carbs...but i think the one i was looking at ...has a lot more to do with diet and insulin production
Because as I tell people: "Fat doesn't make you Fat. Sugar and Process Carbohydrates make you Fat". It's a difficult concept for some people at first. We've grown up with this idea that "low fat" and "low calorie" is the way to lose weight.
One, there is ample evidence that cavemen ate grains. Two, just because people used to live off of raw meat doesn't make it a healthy diet.

Did I read your post correctly? I thought it said the federal courts struck down NC's silly law.

There is ample evidence that some cavemen ate small amounts of grains. Before the agricultural revolution grains would certainly not have been a staple of anybody's diet. I'd say it's a small minority of paleo people who eat even small amounts of raw meat, and much smaller than that, probably around none, who eat raw meat excessively. As somebody who follows the paleo diet I can tell you I've never eaten raw meat.

And no, the courts threw out the case challenging NC's law stating that the plaintiff had no standing.

Okay, I read it wrong. I don't think the state board has a right to dictate what one may blog about.

I still think the paleo diet is stupid. And btw, how can you be true to it if you don't eat raw meat?

Probably because the paleo diet doesn't have anything to do with eating raw meat.
why would the meat be raw? they had fire.....isnt it basically a diet away from refined foods? can you live on it for the rest of your life etc...

It's basically a very low carb, high fat diet. Grains and processed foods are removed from the diet entirely because they offer no good nutrients, and a lot of anti-nutrients. I don't know why Ravi thinks you have to eat raw meat on this diet, but that's not correct. Some people will occasionally eat raw meat, but it's a minority.
why would the meat be raw? they had fire.....isnt it basically a diet away from refined foods? can you live on it for the rest of your life etc...

They had fire toward the end. But that's when it all went bad and started us down the road to huffing big macs. :D

A true paleo would eat everything raw or perhaps dried in the sun.

Now I'm starting to think this is sarcasm.
One, there is ample evidence that cavemen ate grains. Two, just because people used to live off of raw meat doesn't make it a healthy diet.

Did I read your post correctly? I thought it said the federal courts struck down NC's silly law.

There is ample evidence that some cavemen ate small amounts of grains. Before the agricultural revolution grains would certainly not have been a staple of anybody's diet. I'd say it's a small minority of paleo people who eat even small amounts of raw meat, and much smaller than that, probably around none, who eat raw meat excessively. As somebody who follows the paleo diet I can tell you I've never eaten raw meat.

And no, the courts threw out the case challenging NC's law stating that the plaintiff had no standing.

Okay, I read it wrong. I don't think the state board has a right to dictate what one may blog about.

I still think the paleo diet is stupid. And btw, how can you be true to it if you don't eat raw meat?

Don't be an idiot.

Hunter gatherer nomadic tribes have used fire for millions of years.

In fact it is the eating of cooked not raw meat that has helped us evolve to our current state.
Evolution and Meat | FoodAnthropology
There are several points of interest. First is the idea that eating meat allowed humans to develop the kinds of brains that we have now. A good idea, but apparently eating the meat raw was not sufficient.

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