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Palestine deniers

Is english your mother-tongue? No matter how poorly educated you are---
if you grew up in an english speaking nation----you would probably know how
to spell ENTIRELY. 'inacurate" is also incorrect----the correct spelling
is INACCURATE (notice the two C's) you also have a problem spelling

Your comment about the word "anti-semite" is silly. Israel did not invent it.
The arab muslims did invent the idea that some of them MAGICALLY
became "palestinians" some time in the 1960s. "self-hating jew" ???
It is a phrase you picked up from reading some nonsensical garbage. Why
are you so eager to demonstrate stupidity?

Picking up on spelling shows a lack of argument, you got nothin'

sweetums your post is not a topic for arguement ----your post is a fart.

oh oh...

i now return you to the first paragraph in this post.
National home for the Jewish people is exactly what Arabs refuse to accept.
They weren't asked! And by the time they were presented with a deal, they were asked to give up 70% of the land to 10% of the population. Who would accept a bullshit deal like that?

Currently there are about two million Arab Israelis living with the same exact rights as other Israelis in Israel, not to mention Israel is known to be a great host and safe keeper of religious sites.
What about the Nakba Law? That specifically targets arab-Israeli's.

But what do I know? I live in Long Beach. So here's what a former member of the Knesset had to say about your "same exact rights" rap...

BTW, I need to thank you for the 20 second belly laugh I had when reading these two statements of yours:

National home for the Jewish people

Currently there are about two million Arab Israelis living with the same exact rights as other Israelis in Israel

The timing was perfect! One right after the other, 180 degrees apart. Or should I say, apartheid. If it arabs did have the same rights, you wouldn't be calling it a "jewish state".

So I'd say it's the Arabs that did not honor any of what was agreed to in 1917.
You either have comprehension issues, or no intention to debate honestly. That statement has nothing to do with Lord Balfour's letter to the zionist representative telling him they can create their "jewish state", but they must respect the rights of the indigenous arabs who are native to that area.
"...nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."
The "letter" was specifically addressed to the zionists, not the arabs. There is no obligation to "honor" something, that doesn't involve you. But I do love counting all the hoops you people jump through, to avoid taking responsibility for anything you've done. Psychologists should add "realityphobes" to their curriculum of mental disorders.
You brought up the letter. It clearly says the Arabs must accept a Jewish state, which they didn't and instead attacked it with the intention of "pushing the Jews into the sea." Your examples do not negate the fact that a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with the same exact rights as Jews.

As usual your post is a pile of nonsense and gibberish.
The balfour declaration also stated that the RIGHTS OF JEWS in palestine and in
the "arab" countries of the middle east must not be abridges-----but somehow
babies with slit throats became the JUMAH observance in many shariah shit
holes -
National home for the Jewish people is exactly what Arabs refuse to accept.
They weren't asked! And by the time they were presented with a deal, they were asked to give up 70% of the land to 10% of the population. Who would accept a bullshit deal like that?

What about the Nakba Law? That specifically targets arab-Israeli's.

But what do I know? I live in Long Beach. So here's what a former member of the Knesset had to say about your "same exact rights" rap...

BTW, I need to thank you for the 20 second belly laugh I had when reading these two statements of yours:

National home for the Jewish people

Currently there are about two million Arab Israelis living with the same exact rights as other Israelis in Israel

The timing was perfect! One right after the other, 180 degrees apart. Or should I say, apartheid. If it arabs did have the same rights, you wouldn't be calling it a "jewish state".

You either have comprehension issues, or no intention to debate honestly. That statement has nothing to do with Lord Balfour's letter to the zionist representative telling him they can create their "jewish state", but they must respect the rights of the indigenous arabs who are native to that area.
"...nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."
The "letter" was specifically addressed to the zionists, not the arabs. There is no obligation to "honor" something, that doesn't involve you. But I do love counting all the hoops you people jump through, to avoid taking responsibility for anything you've done. Psychologists should add "realityphobes" to their curriculum of mental disorders.
You brought up the letter. It clearly says the Arabs must accept a Jewish state, which they didn't and instead attacked it with the intention of "pushing the Jews into the sea." Your examples do not negate the fact that a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with the same exact rights as Jews.

As usual your post is a pile of nonsense and gibberish.

The Balfour letter was pointless. Britain never owned Palestine. Palestine was not theirs to give away.
what a joke you are Tinnie----arab dogs never OWNED palestine either.
oh---ok SALA'ADIN bought it right?
Too bad none of that crap worked out for you.

When the UN passed resolution 181 the Palestinians rejected it. Since Palestine was their country and they had the final say the UN could not implement it. Resolution 181 died right there.
There were no "Palestinians" then to reject it, you lying fool. The ARABS rejected it, attacked Israel to destroy it, and it wasn't to create this fictional Palestine.

There were no "Palestinians"

Yeah, yeah, heard it all before a million times from Israeli propagandists.

Let's say there were. They could have had their " homeland" after 1917, 1948, and before 1967. They rejected it. Israel does not/ will not accept their " borders" with " Right of Return" yet. :clap2:
They could have had their " homeland" after 1917, 1948, and before 1967. They rejected it

Um....1917 and 1967 have absolutely no basis in historical fact. It's just fantasy.

(I studied history in Israel, btw!)
Veteran----tinnie just cannot bring himself to admit that the
issue in for the arab muslims is that ---just as spain is "MUSLIM
LAND" and the entire Indian subcontinent is "MUSLIM LAND"
----the entire Middle east is "MUSLIM LAND" and that jews who
have resided in the Middle east for thousands of years were so
wiped out and so displaced by islamic oppression that ISLAM
PROVED ITSELF SUPREME, thereby-----thus jews are entitled
to nothing but dhimmi status. Tinnie is a throw back to
the PAX ROMANA mentality----which also led to the genocide
of hundreds of millions Lets not blame muslims for inventing
the ideology to which tinnie clings-----in fact it was the ROMANS

well---maybe the greeks

greek empire holy roman empire islamic empire

an interesting progression------it got INCREASINGLY
Veteran----tinnie just cannot bring himself to admit that the
issue in for the arab muslims is that ---just as spain is "MUSLIM
LAND" and the entire Indian subcontinent is "MUSLIM LAND"
----the entire Middle east is "MUSLIM LAND" and that jews who
have resided in the Middle east for thousands of years were so
wiped out and so displaced by islamic oppression that ISLAM
PROVED ITSELF SUPREME, thereby-----thus jews are entitled
to nothing but dhimmi status. Tinnie is a throw back to
the PAX ROMANA mentality----which also led to the genocide
of hundreds of millions Lets not blame muslims for inventing
the ideology to which tinnie clings-----in fact it was the ROMANS

well---maybe the greeks

greek empire holy roman empire islamic empire

an interesting progression------it got INCREASINGLY

Consider the source. He once claimed that the Jews actually had a " homeland" there before they started " invading Palestine" yet when he's asked to produce a link to where is "homeland " or state was there is no response. The fact that he keeps referring to 1922 amuses me. Maybe he " forgets" that the U.N. didn't exist back then.

However , let's play. You and I have a " legal contract" and I break it. Legally, you are NOT under any obligation to honor your terms. We both decide to make up a second contract and start all over again. Legally, there is no law stating it has to have the same terms as the first one. Both sides can agree to whatever they want to. Obviously, he is too old or doesn't want to comprehend it :cuckoo:
National home for the Jewish people is exactly what Arabs refuse to accept.
They weren't asked! And by the time they were presented with a deal, they were asked to give up 70% of the land to 10% of the population. Who would accept a bullshit deal like that?

Currently there are about two million Arab Israelis living with the same exact rights as other Israelis in Israel, not to mention Israel is known to be a great host and safe keeper of religious sites.
What about the Nakba Law? That specifically targets arab-Israeli's.

But what do I know? I live in Long Beach. So here's what a former member of the Knesset had to say about your "same exact rights" rap...

BTW, I need to thank you for the 20 second belly laugh I had when reading these two statements of yours:

National home for the Jewish people

Currently there are about two million Arab Israelis living with the same exact rights as other Israelis in Israel

The timing was perfect! One right after the other, 180 degrees apart. Or should I say, apartheid. If it arabs did have the same rights, you wouldn't be calling it a "jewish state".

So I'd say it's the Arabs that did not honor any of what was agreed to in 1917.
You either have comprehension issues, or no intention to debate honestly. That statement has nothing to do with Lord Balfour's letter to the zionist representative telling him they can create their "jewish state", but they must respect the rights of the indigenous arabs who are native to that area.
"...nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."
The "letter" was specifically addressed to the zionists, not the arabs. There is no obligation to "honor" something, that doesn't involve you. But I do love counting all the hoops you people jump through, to avoid taking responsibility for anything you've done. Psychologists should add "realityphobes" to their curriculum of mental disorders.

There is absolutely nothing racist about the Nakba law.
The demand for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people has yet another dimension. It places the moral burden of the conflict on the Palestinians, and consequently, not only exonerates Israel from the dubious moral circumstances of its birth but makes the Palestinians the historical transgressors. Indeed, by refusing to accept the Jewish claim to the land, we are to blame for what has befallen us: had we accepted Israel’s claim during the Mandate years, the entire conflict could have been averted; we should simply have handed the land “back” to its rightful owners from the time that they began to articulate, at the dawn of the twentieth century, their interest in it as an actual—rather than spiritual—homeland. From this perspective, it is Arab rejection that caused the conflict and not the Zionist transgression against Arab land and rights. This is of course precisely why this Israeli government and its most ardent Zionist supporters want to wrest this recognition from the Palestinians, as it would absolve Israel of its “original sin” and delegitimize the Palestinians’ version of their own history.

Taking this reasoning to its logical (if extreme) conclusion, recognition would give Israel the right to demand a measure of retributive justice. If the Palestinians caused the conflict, they should pay for their “sins”: the Palestinian refugees should not be compensated for their dispossession, and the Palestinian people as a whole should lose any claim to equality or equivalence in any political settlement premised on supposedly painful or generous Israeli concessions. Certainly, the putative Palestinian state should not be allowed what Israel allows itself, whether this is the right to self-defense or the right to be free from foreign (i.e., Israeli) military or civilian presence on its soil. (Note the striking passage in President Obama’s address in which the flat statement that “every state has the right to defend itself” is followed immediately—and without a trace of irony—by the demand that the putative state of Palestine be “nonmilitarized.”) From this perspective, the Palestinians must remain on semipermanent probation as past culprits and potential future miscreants.
Why the Palestinians can?t recognize the Jewish State | Mondoweiss
Once Hamas accepts Israel, Israel will accept "Palestine".

I doubt it will, actually. Under Netanyahu I think that is highly unlikely.

Should Israel wish for long term peace, mutual recognition is essential.

But Netanyahu is not alone.

If the 'coalitzya' with Lapid and maybe even Livni will decide, hypothetically, that this step is wanted, Bibi will have to find some "equal ground" and do what the nation wishes.

Which is exactly what I said. If Hamas accepts us, Israel will accept 'Palestine'. I will see injustice if it happens from our side only and not theirs.

And as long as it doesn't happen, well, we're kinda stuck:cool:
Once Hamas accepts Israel, Israel will accept "Palestine".

I doubt it will, actually. Under Netanyahu I think that is highly unlikely.

Should Israel wish for long term peace, mutual recognition is essential.

whatever Israel wishes for----Muslims are not going to give
up their concept of the entire Middle east as "MUSLIM LAND"
It is a basic ingrained belief----people do not easily relinquish
fascist perquisites Even in the USA there were people willing
There were people who did not even own slaves who NEEDED
their concept of ISLAMIC SUPERIORITY. Anyone interested
in real life find an intelligent muslim and tell him that you believe
that the 20% of the residents of saudi arabia who are NON MUSLIMS
should have RIGHTS equal to muslims including complete and
opened religious freedom and that the laws keeping non muslims
out of mecca and medina are "disgusting" and a CRIME AGAINST
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They weren't asked! And by the time they were presented with a deal, they were asked to give up 70% of the land to 10% of the population. Who would accept a bullshit deal like that?

What about the Nakba Law? That specifically targets arab-Israeli's.

But what do I know? I live in Long Beach. So here's what a former member of the Knesset had to say about your "same exact rights" rap...

BTW, I need to thank you for the 20 second belly laugh I had when reading these two statements of yours:

National home for the Jewish people

Currently there are about two million Arab Israelis living with the same exact rights as other Israelis in Israel

The timing was perfect! One right after the other, 180 degrees apart. Or should I say, apartheid. If it arabs did have the same rights, you wouldn't be calling it a "jewish state".

You either have comprehension issues, or no intention to debate honestly. That statement has nothing to do with Lord Balfour's letter to the zionist representative telling him they can create their "jewish state", but they must respect the rights of the indigenous arabs who are native to that area.
The "letter" was specifically addressed to the zionists, not the arabs. There is no obligation to "honor" something, that doesn't involve you. But I do love counting all the hoops you people jump through, to avoid taking responsibility for anything you've done. Psychologists should add "realityphobes" to their curriculum of mental disorders.
You brought up the letter. It clearly says the Arabs must accept a Jewish state, which they didn't and instead attacked it with the intention of "pushing the Jews into the sea." Your examples do not negate the fact that a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with the same exact rights as Jews.

As usual your post is a pile of nonsense and gibberish.

The Balfour letter was pointless. Britain never owned Palestine. Palestine was not theirs to give away.
It wasn't the Arabs either. It belonged to the Turks, which were defeated by the Allies and were controlling the entire region. Which meant the Arabs didn't have a "final say" on anything either.
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I will see injustice if it happens from our side only and not theirs.

So would I - it has to be mutual.

My concern these days is more that it is Israel that will not budge.

There are more than 40 new Knesset members.

I think we should give them a try to put a blessed change on BOTH inside and outside political problems.

Who knows. Surprises can happen.
The demand for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people has yet another dimension. It places the moral burden of the conflict on the Palestinians, and consequently, not only exonerates Israel from the dubious moral circumstances of its birth but makes the Palestinians the historical transgressors. Indeed, by refusing to accept the Jewish claim to the land, we are to blame for what has befallen us: had we accepted Israel’s claim during the Mandate years, the entire conflict could have been averted; we should simply have handed the land “back” to its rightful owners from the time that they began to articulate, at the dawn of the twentieth century, their interest in it as an actual—rather than spiritual—homeland. From this perspective, it is Arab rejection that caused the conflict and not the Zionist transgression against Arab land and rights. This is of course precisely why this Israeli government and its most ardent Zionist supporters want to wrest this recognition from the Palestinians, as it would absolve Israel of its “original sin” and delegitimize the Palestinians’ version of their own history.

Taking this reasoning to its logical (if extreme) conclusion, recognition would give Israel the right to demand a measure of retributive justice. If the Palestinians caused the conflict, they should pay for their “sins”: the Palestinian refugees should not be compensated for their dispossession, and the Palestinian people as a whole should lose any claim to equality or equivalence in any political settlement premised on supposedly painful or generous Israeli concessions. Certainly, the putative Palestinian state should not be allowed what Israel allows itself, whether this is the right to self-defense or the right to be free from foreign (i.e., Israeli) military or civilian presence on its soil. (Note the striking passage in President Obama’s address in which the flat statement that “every state has the right to defend itself” is followed immediately—and without a trace of irony—by the demand that the putative state of Palestine be “nonmilitarized.”) From this perspective, the Palestinians must remain on semipermanent probation as past culprits and potential future miscreants.
Why the Palestinians can?t recognize the Jewish State | Mondoweiss
Garbage. The region is literally all Arab or Islamic states that are accepted by Israel and the world, but the one Jewish state cannot be accepted by the savages. Does anybody care to hear why Muslims are intolerant barbarians? Islam.
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