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Palestine deniers

If they do not accept Israel, they can keep dreaming of us accepting "Palestine".

There is really nothing complicated about that.

Yes, I agree.

But you might also start dropping the speech marks from the name Palestine. At least unless you are going to start using speech marks around words like Macau, Hong Kong, New Zealand or Belgium.
You do know they always use speech marks when they say Israel.

But that besides the point, I guess.

That's how many of the Israelis use to refer to their state.

I guess it's less disrespectful than writing FalaSATAN, something I see radical rightists do sometimes.
I just think that we should all show some respect to other peoples, cultures and nations - at least if we want respect back.

Most Israeli people I know are actually very respectful of Palestinian culture and history - unlike the skinhead element here - and I've also met many Palestinians who are respectful of Israeli history and culture. We just don't see those stories on the news.
I just think that we should all show some respect to other peoples, cultures and nations - at least if we want respect back.

Most Israeli people I know are actually very respectful of Palestinian culture and history - unlike the skinhead element here - and I've also met many Palestinians who are respectful of Israeli history and culture.

I guess that's fair.
If they don't accept our state, why the obligation of us to accept theirs?

how is THAT fair?

There needs to be mutual recognition, but this could be negotiated.

Once Hamas accepts Israel, Israel will accept "Palestine".

Abbas has to realize that Israel is not going to go back to the Borders the Arabs never accepted or recognized before

He has to forget "Right of Return"

He has to stop calling ALL OF ISRAEL " Palestine"

Abbas Makes It Official: All of Israel is Palestine

The Fatah party, headed by Abbas, has made official what it has been saying more quietly and adopts a new logo: All of Israel as Palestine.

Abbas with map of 'Palestine'Palestine' in background

Israel news photo: Flash 90

The Fatah party, headed by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has made official what it has been saying quietly and has adopted a new logo showing all of Israel as Palestine.

The logo marks the 48th anniversary of the founding of Fatah by Yasser Arafat and includes a map with the PA flag and a map of Israel that appears to be a depiction of the black and white checkered kefiyah, a symbol of the violent intifada, and the slogan “the state and victory."

Palestine Media Watch (PMW) revealed that the official PA daily published the new official logo.

For the past year, official PA documents have increasingly shown Palestine as covering all of Israel, but this is the first time the Fatah party has placed the map on its logo.

PMW noted, “Other symbols central to Fatah ideology also appear in the logo, including a rifle and a key symbolizing the Palestinian claim of ownership to houses within Israel.”

The Arab media watchdog translated and published the article announcing the new logo:

"Senior Fatah official in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Rabah, stressed that the movement this year will hold a big, central rally in the Gaza Strip on the day of the 48th anniversary of the beginning of the Palestinian revolution.

“Rabah explained to Ma'an that the event will be held considering the atmosphere of reconciliation and unity that has prevailed in the Palestinian arena in the last few….

“The organizing committee for the 48th anniversary of the Fatah movement approved this year's main anniversary logo... [The rally] will take place in Gaza to mark the 48th anniversary of the modern Palestinian revolution under the slogan 'the state and the victory.'"

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) reacted to the new logo by urging “President Barack Obama, the European Union and the United Nations to condemn this outrage which reiterates the clear fact that Abbas and the Fatah/PA have no interest in peace with Israel, only its destruction.”

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "This new Fatah logo graphically depicts the ugly truth about this unreconstructed terrorist organization whose Constitution to this day calls for the destruction of Israel (Article 13) and the use of terrorism as an essential element in the struggle to achieve this aim (Article 19). …It belies the fiction that Mahmoud Abbas is a 'moderate' who seeks peace with Israel, and who wishes to end Palestinian terrorism against Israeli Jews. It also makes clear that the principles of Yasser Arafat are respected and promoted.

"The new Fatah logo is not an aberration. The Palestinian Authority continues to promote the incitement of hatred in Palestinian mosques, schools and media.

"The ZOA renews its call upon the Obama Administration to stop wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on the unreformed terrorist entity that is Fatah, to stop making excuses for Abbas, and to stop pressuring Israel to make dangerous concessions on the altar of appeasement.

”http://Click here: Abbas Makes It Official: Israel is Arab Palestine - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News :eusa_silenced:
The demand for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people has yet another dimension. It places the moral burden of the conflict on the Palestinians, and consequently, not only exonerates Israel from the dubious moral circumstances of its birth but makes the Palestinians the historical transgressors. Indeed, by refusing to accept the Jewish claim to the land, we are to blame for what has befallen us: had we accepted Israel’s claim during the Mandate years, the entire conflict could have been averted; we should simply have handed the land “back” to its rightful owners from the time that they began to articulate, at the dawn of the twentieth century, their interest in it as an actual—rather than spiritual—homeland. From this perspective, it is Arab rejection that caused the conflict and not the Zionist transgression against Arab land and rights. This is of course precisely why this Israeli government and its most ardent Zionist supporters want to wrest this recognition from the Palestinians, as it would absolve Israel of its “original sin” and delegitimize the Palestinians’ version of their own history.

Taking this reasoning to its logical (if extreme) conclusion, recognition would give Israel the right to demand a measure of retributive justice. If the Palestinians caused the conflict, they should pay for their “sins”: the Palestinian refugees should not be compensated for their dispossession, and the Palestinian people as a whole should lose any claim to equality or equivalence in any political settlement premised on supposedly painful or generous Israeli concessions. Certainly, the putative Palestinian state should not be allowed what Israel allows itself, whether this is the right to self-defense or the right to be free from foreign (i.e., Israeli) military or civilian presence on its soil. (Note the striking passage in President Obama’s address in which the flat statement that “every state has the right to defend itself” is followed immediately—and without a trace of irony—by the demand that the putative state of Palestine be “nonmilitarized.”) From this perspective, the Palestinians must remain on semipermanent probation as past culprits and potential future miscreants.
Why the Palestinians can?t recognize the Jewish State | Mondoweiss
Garbage. The region is literally all Arab or Islamic states that are accepted by Israel and the world, but the one Jewish state cannot be accepted by the savages. Does anybody care to hear why Muslims are intolerant barbarians? Islam.

Do you always miss the point?
How many times do you repeat the same crap? Arab Palestine is Jordan, and Jewish Palestine was first supposed to include Jordan as well, but was later reduced. The fact that the Arabs accepted all those newly formed Arab / Muslim states and refused to accept the one Jewish state is irrelevant. They never owned nor did they control the land. It belonged to the Ottomans for 600 years and after its collapse was controlled by the British.



Too bad none of that crap worked out for you.

They never owned nor did they control the land.

When the UN passed resolution 181 the Palestinians rejected it. Since Palestine was their country and they had the final say the UN could not implement it. Resolution 181 died right there.
There were no "Palestinians" then to reject it, you lying fool. The ARABS rejected it, attacked Israel to destroy it, and it wasn't to create this fictional Palestine.

OK, have it your way. The Arabs rejected it and it was their country and they had the last say.
There is absolutely nothing racist about the Nakba law.
That bill specifically targets the arab community.
...the "Nakba bill" would require the state to fine local authorities and other state-funded bodies for holding events marking Nakba Day...
It is not an important day for jews, it is important to Palestinian's.

It would be like an arab country making a law prohibiting any events marking the Holocaust.

Yes, it is racist!
You brought up the letter. It clearly says the Arabs must accept a Jewish state,
Only on the condition the Jewish state is created respecting the rights of the arab population already living there. You didn't do it, so that's why they attacked. All they wanted, was their inherent, inalienable rights.

which they didn't and instead attacked it with the intention of "pushing the Jews into the sea."
That's because you drove over 700,000 residents out of the area and took their land.

Your examples do not negate the fact that a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with the same exact rights as Jews.
One of my examples was a reference to the Nakba Law, which makes Palestinian's in Israel second-class citizens. So there was "negation" in my examples.

As usual your post is a pile of nonsense and gibberish.
I just shot down everyone of your points, that's the "pile".
Once Hamas accepts Israel, Israel will accept "Palestine".
Once Israel ends the belligerant occupation of Palestinian land and gets their collective asses back past the Green Line and in compliance with the '67 borders, I'm sure that will be fine with Hamas.
It wasn't the Arabs either. It belonged to the Turks, which were defeated by the Allies and were controlling the entire region. Which meant the Arabs didn't have a "final say" on anything either.
Stop being obtuse! Britain was the authority having jurisdiction.

And the issue wasn't about the arabs having "final say", it was about the efforts being made to give them "no say". They were the majority population and should of been given control of the majority of the land. What actually went down, was the opposite. And that's the genesis of all the hostility in that area which has lasted up to today.
You brought up the letter. It clearly says the Arabs must accept a Jewish state,
Only on the condition the Jewish state is created respecting the rights of the arab population already living there. You didn't do it, so that's why they attacked. All they wanted, was their inherent, inalienable rights.

which they didn't and instead attacked it with the intention of "pushing the Jews into the sea."
That's because you drove over 700,000 residents out of the area and took their land.

Your examples do not negate the fact that a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with the same exact rights as Jews.
One of my examples was a reference to the Nakba Law, which makes Palestinian's in Israel second-class citizens. So there was "negation" in my examples.

As usual your post is a pile of nonsense and gibberish.
I just shot down everyone of your points, that's the "pile".
The only person you shot down is yourself, nincompoop. Repeating the same crap once more doesn't make what you said any more true or relevant.
It wasn't the Arabs either. It belonged to the Turks, which were defeated by the Allies and were controlling the entire region. Which meant the Arabs didn't have a "final say" on anything either.
Stop being obtuse! Britain was the authority having jurisdiction.

And the issue wasn't about the arabs having "final say", it was about the efforts being made to give them "no say". They were the majority population and should of been given control of the majority of the land. What actually went down, was the opposite. And that's the genesis of all the hostility in that area which has lasted up to today.
Did you see the map of Palestine in 1920? It shows Jordan and Israel allocated to be Jewish Palestine. That was reduced by 77% and Jordan became "Arab Palestine", and Israel was to be the Jewish Palestine. The Arabs then had their say, which was no to the state of Israel, and no to a Jewish state. They attacked it, and got their butts handed to them. Despite all of this, allowed about 2 million Arab Muslims to remain in Israel and gave them all the rights as other Israelis. Arabs don't like the outcome? TOUGH SHIT, MOHA-MUD!

Keep talking, maybe some day you'll say something intelligent....you never know. Ha ha ha.


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There is absolutely nothing racist about the Nakba law.
That bill specifically targets the arab community.
...the "Nakba bill" would require the state to fine local authorities and other state-funded bodies for holding events marking Nakba Day...
It is not an important day for jews, it is important to Palestinian's.

It would be like an arab country making a law prohibiting any events marking the Holocaust.

Yes, it is racist!

I believe you're mistaken.

It is not about fining those marking the nakba, it's about NOT FUNDING THEM.

There is a big difference.

The Nakba bill says something very simple. If a governmental organization wishes to mark the Nakba day (Nakba day means mourning over Israel's independence. Nakba= disaster or catastrophe), the are more than welcome to do that, but with no funding money from the government.

Basically, they can do whatever they want, simply not with MY tax payments.

There is no reason why the normal Israeli citizen should pay for an organization MOURNING over our country's existence.

THAT is what the law says. Nothing racist about it. One of the most SANE laws ever made.
Once Hamas accepts Israel, Israel will accept "Palestine".
Once Israel ends the belligerant occupation of Palestinian land and gets their collective asses back past the Green Line and in compliance with the '67 borders, I'm sure that will be fine with Hamas.

That's because youre a Useful Idiot who actually believes Hamas is ok with the Green line.

One more who didn't read their charter.

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