Palestine Today

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Mr. Tinmore, just so you'll know, area children younger than this one have had bombs strapped to their torso and blown up many people. Just so you'll know.

He knows; Just won’t admit it
Did I already say those who love the Jihadis, also coincidently hate America?

Ask them if they want Islam to dominate the entire middle east, and crickets...
But that their Jihadi heroes murder Muslims by the millions is somehow always justified.
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Palestinian Leaders Punish Gaza, Blame Israel

by Khaled Abu Toameh
March 28, 2019 at 5:00 am

Palestinian Leaders Punish Gaza, Blame Israel

  • HRather than demanding that Hamas cease and desist from endangering the lives of Palestinians by sending them to clash with Israeli soldiers, the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its leaders are condemning Israel for perpetrating "crimes" against Palestinians. According to the logic of the PA, the conflict started when Israel fired back.

  • Abbas and his officials have apparently not heard of the arson kites and booby-trapped balloons that have been launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli towns on nearly a daily basis over the past few months. They also apparently have not have not heard of the rockets and mortars that are fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel almost every day. The PA further appears unaware that Hamas has been sending thousands of Palestinians to attack Israeli soldiers with explosive devices, firebombs and rocks.

  • Abbas and the PA are simply doing the one thing they are good at: trying to frame Israel for Palestinian crimes against their own people. Clearly, the PA leaders are afraid to condemn the rocket attacks on Israel. They evidently do not want to be accused by their people of betraying the Palestinian "resistance" against Israel.

Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) are doing the one thing they are good at: trying to frame Israel for Palestinian crimes against their own people. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

On the one hand, the PA is accusing Israel of imposing restrictions on the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. On the other hand, it is the PA itself that is punishing the people there by cutting their salaries and firing thousands of civil servants. When Palestinians in the West Bank took to the streets to protest the PA sanctions against the Gaza Strip, the PA sent its security forces to break up the protests and arrest many of the demonstrators. This is the same PA that is now accusing Israel of using force to disperse Palestinian protesters at the Gaza-Israel border.

Until a few days ago, the PA was accusing Hamas of committing crimes against unarmed Palestinians protesting the high cost of living and increased taxation by Hamas. Now, the PA is denouncing Israel for targeting Hamas after Hamas fired rockets into Israeli towns.

One PLO official, Tayseer Khaled, went as far as likening Hamas's repressive measures to those of Nazi Germany's secret police, the Gestapo. Another Palestinian official, Jamal Muheissen, said that Hamas was like a terrorist group that has hijacked an airplane.

Last week, Abbas himself denounced Hamas as "dogs" and said that it will end up in the dustbin of history. "They [Hamas] can go to hell; those dogs," Abbas said while he was visiting in hospital a senior Fatah official who was reportedly badly beaten by Hamas members in the Gaza Strip. The official, Atef Abu Seif, was transferred from the Gaza Strip to a hospital in Ramallah.

Abbas and the PA are furious because Hamas militiamen and security officers have been breaking the arms and legs of protesters in the Gaza Strip. They do not seem overly concerned, however, when Hamas or other groups in the Gaza Strip indiscriminately fire rockets and booby-trapped balloons at Israeli civilians.

Abbas and the PA are simply doing the one thing they are good at: trying to frame Israel for Palestinian crimes against their own people. Only when Hamas beats the brains out of PA supporters do Abbas and his associates respond. As far as they are concerned, rockets and mortars can explode to their hearts' content -- as long as they land on Israeli homes. Thanks to this double game, which the PA has been playing for a long time, Abbas and his senior officials appear increasingly to be losing credibility among their people.
Lamis Deek

Terrorist Plotter or Man Set Up by Police?

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Artist Najat El-Khairy's Invitation To The Ninth Annual International Al-Awda Convention

One of over 200 killed in the Great March of Return's one year of protesting for freedom under the decade's long blockade of Gaza.

“Yaser Murtaja was a civilian and a journalist who was wearing clear press identification

One of over 200 killed in the Great March of Return's one year of protesting for freedom under the decade's long blockade of Gaza.

“Yaser Murtaja was a civilian and a journalist who was wearing clear press identification


Did he drive an ambulance carrying rockets and explosives too?
One of over 200 killed in the Great March of Return's one year of protesting for freedom under the decade's long blockade of Gaza

They aren't protesting for "freedom". They aren't even protesting for "return". They are protesting Jewish self-determination and sovereignty.
One of over 200 killed in the Great March of Return's one year of protesting for freedom under the decade's long blockade of Gaza

They aren't protesting for "freedom". They aren't even protesting for "return". They are protesting Jewish self-determination and sovereignty.
They started out by calling it colonialism then later called it self determination.

When did that happen?
One of over 200 killed in the Great March of Return's one year of protesting for freedom under the decade's long blockade of Gaza

They aren't protesting for "freedom". They aren't even protesting for "return". They are protesting Jewish self-determination and sovereignty.
They started out by calling it colonialism then later called it self determination.

When did that happen?

After Israel became a state in 1948.
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