Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This makes claims that simply not true.

"BDS Is Anti-Semitism" Argument Dismantled - Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC Are Right


The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is a Palestinian-led campaign to incite violence and supporting a set of Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.

It's a pig in make-up...

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Don't be foolish, you know the law.

Palestinians children are killed in their own homes, in their own neighborhoods, and in their own villages.

Where else should they be?

View attachment 272558
And don't use the lame excuse that there is no place to move them. There was a resort area in one of the recent picture spamming in the last week. AND IF there is a reason they cannot move them, THEN they must follow:
View attachment 272559
But then, you know the primary Rule of Law objective is:
View attachment 272562


With the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP), they have forgotten where the put the Rule of Law. They (the HoAP) start a conflict and then blame the victim (Israelis) for HoAP casualties that follow.

The Israelis made a unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and that did not satisfy them. Even today, the HoAP, rather than pursue peaceful means, follow the mantra:

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
This is in direct opposition to the charter:

Article 2(4)
The Organization and its Members,
in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1,
shall act in accordance with the following Principles.

All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state,
or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
The HoAP can bring a halt to the casualties at any time by:

◈ suing for peace
◈ through a negotiated settlement
◈ or by simply refrain from hostile activity​

Most Respectfully,
They (the HoAP) start a conflict and then blame the victim (Israelis) for HoAP casualties that follow.
It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

As far as the 1948 War goes, as it relates to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the war was settled by two peace treaties. It was over and done.

It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.

You cannot go back that far. And even if you did, the claimant would be 70 years old or better to be a displaced person.

Additionally, refugee status is lost if the applicant has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provision in respect of such crimes. That drops out almost every single one has violated either the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938), or they have violated one or more of the 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts.

By convention, there is no obligation for Israel to allow any criminal to enter their sovereign territory. And every single one of the fake peaceful demonstrators has disqualified themselves. But I did not see any demonstrators of 70 years of age or older.

Most Respectfully,
It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.

The presence of the Jewish people in their own homeland (even the new returnees) is not CAUSE for violence against them. Then or now. There was no CAUSE for the Jewish people and Israel to have had a war for independence. That war was a direct result of the denial of the self-determination of the Jewish people by the Arabs; a denial which was backed up with invasion by other state actors and violence.

There is no CAUSE for violence from Gaza now. The Arab Palestinians hold and govern that territory. There is nothing for a government or a state to fight against or for. (The issues of refugee status or non-status are individual rights, not state rights).

UK is occupied by Israel. Give me a break. Rather fast and loose with the terminology here.

Also spreading libels like "They (the Jews) want to kill all Palestinians."

Hard not to predict her as anything but a future martyr.

There is one and only one reason why children die in the March. Because they are there, embedded with combatants. The 'protective and preventative measures' are for the Gazans to keep their children away from combatants.

What 'protective and preventative measures' can Israel possibly do in those situations? Perform a ground invasion of the March and physically remove all the children?
"BDS Is Anti-Semitism" Argument Dismantled - Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC Are Right

That video absolutely proves that BDS supporters, such as the speaker, are antisemitic. "Israel wants to kill every Palestinian simply because who they are" is a blood libel, not a criticism of Israel's government policy.

In fact, there was not a single valid criticism of Israeli policy anywhere in that video. Just blood libels, lies and false accusations.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Don't be foolish, you know the law.

Palestinians children are killed in their own homes, in their own neighborhoods, and in their own villages.

Where else should they be?

View attachment 272558
And don't use the lame excuse that there is no place to move them. There was a resort area in one of the recent picture spamming in the last week. AND IF there is a reason they cannot move them, THEN they must follow:
View attachment 272559
But then, you know the primary Rule of Law objective is:
View attachment 272562


With the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP), they have forgotten where the put the Rule of Law. They (the HoAP) start a conflict and then blame the victim (Israelis) for HoAP casualties that follow.

The Israelis made a unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and that did not satisfy them. Even today, the HoAP, rather than pursue peaceful means, follow the mantra:

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
This is in direct opposition to the charter:

Article 2(4)
The Organization and its Members,
in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1,
shall act in accordance with the following Principles.

All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state,
or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
The HoAP can bring a halt to the casualties at any time by:

◈ suing for peace
◈ through a negotiated settlement
◈ or by simply refrain from hostile activity​

Most Respectfully,
They (the HoAP) start a conflict and then blame the victim (Israelis) for HoAP casualties that follow.
It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.

Not a single Zionist shot a single bullet before the waves of Arab pogroms,
during which they attacked Jews throughout the Caliphate, and expelled them from all of their holy cities.

Prove me wrong, You won't.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Don't be foolish, you know the law.

Palestinians children are killed in their own homes, in their own neighborhoods, and in their own villages.

Where else should they be?

View attachment 272558
And don't use the lame excuse that there is no place to move them. There was a resort area in one of the recent picture spamming in the last week. AND IF there is a reason they cannot move them, THEN they must follow:
View attachment 272559
But then, you know the primary Rule of Law objective is:
View attachment 272562


With the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP), they have forgotten where the put the Rule of Law. They (the HoAP) start a conflict and then blame the victim (Israelis) for HoAP casualties that follow.

The Israelis made a unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and that did not satisfy them. Even today, the HoAP, rather than pursue peaceful means, follow the mantra:

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
This is in direct opposition to the charter:

Article 2(4)
The Organization and its Members,
in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1,
shall act in accordance with the following Principles.

All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state,
or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
The HoAP can bring a halt to the casualties at any time by:

◈ suing for peace
◈ through a negotiated settlement
◈ or by simply refrain from hostile activity​

Most Respectfully,
They (the HoAP) start a conflict and then blame the victim (Israelis) for HoAP casualties that follow.
It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.

Not a single Zionist shot a single bullet before the waves of Arab pogroms,
during which they attacked Jews throughout the Caliphate, and expelled them from all of their holy cities.

Prove me wrong, You won't.
Not a single Zionist shot a single bullet before the waves of Arab pogroms,
They had Britain do that for them.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Don't be foolish, you know the law.

Palestinians children are killed in their own homes, in their own neighborhoods, and in their own villages.

Where else should they be?

View attachment 272558
And don't use the lame excuse that there is no place to move them. There was a resort area in one of the recent picture spamming in the last week. AND IF there is a reason they cannot move them, THEN they must follow:
View attachment 272559
But then, you know the primary Rule of Law objective is:
View attachment 272562


With the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP), they have forgotten where the put the Rule of Law. They (the HoAP) start a conflict and then blame the victim (Israelis) for HoAP casualties that follow.

The Israelis made a unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and that did not satisfy them. Even today, the HoAP, rather than pursue peaceful means, follow the mantra:

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
This is in direct opposition to the charter:

Article 2(4)
The Organization and its Members,
in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1,
shall act in accordance with the following Principles.

All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state,
or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
The HoAP can bring a halt to the casualties at any time by:

◈ suing for peace
◈ through a negotiated settlement
◈ or by simply refrain from hostile activity​

Most Respectfully,
They (the HoAP) start a conflict and then blame the victim (Israelis) for HoAP casualties that follow.
It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.

Not a single Zionist shot a single bullet before the waves of Arab pogroms,
during which they attacked Jews throughout the Caliphate, and expelled them from all of their holy cities.

Prove me wrong, You won't.
Not a single Zionist shot a single bullet before the waves of Arab pogroms,
They had Britain do that for them.

And before Arabs helped Britain invade, what was their excuse for slaughtering
and expelling the Jews?
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

As far as the 1948 War goes, as it relates to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the war was settled by two peace treaties. It was over and done.

It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.

You cannot go back that far. And even if you did, the claimant would be 70 years old or better to be a displaced person.

Additionally, refugee status is lost if the applicant has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provision in respect of such crimes. That drops out almost every single one has violated either the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938), or they have violated one or more of the 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts.

By convention, there is no obligation for Israel to allow any criminal to enter their sovereign territory. And every single one of the fake peaceful demonstrators has disqualified themselves. But I did not see any demonstrators of 70 years of age or older.

Most Respectfully,
Still playing the terrorist card on self defense, I see.

Part of Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

As far as the 1948 War goes, as it relates to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the war was settled by two peace treaties. It was over and done.

It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.

You cannot go back that far. And even if you did, the claimant would be 70 years old or better to be a displaced person.

Additionally, refugee status is lost if the applicant has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provision in respect of such crimes. That drops out almost every single one has violated either the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938), or they have violated one or more of the 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts.

By convention, there is no obligation for Israel to allow any criminal to enter their sovereign territory. And every single one of the fake peaceful demonstrators has disqualified themselves. But I did not see any demonstrators of 70 years of age or older.

Most Respectfully,
Still playing the terrorist card on self defense, I see.

Part of Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

To claim self defense one has to show one's not the aggressor.
You still didn't give the explanation for all the Arab pogroms against Jews prior to Zionism.
Or how one can claim self defense while putting a suicide belt on one's own child...

Though I agree - terrorists is a term too noble than they really deserve,
'invading savages' more likely to fit the camel urine drinkers.
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, Come-on now!

Not a single Zionist shot a single bullet before the waves of Arab pogroms,
They had Britain do that for them.

While you can make the call that the British were involved, they were acting as the Government of Palestine. That is the same self-governing institution that the Arab Palestinians refused to participate. The Government of Palestine (the British) took the actions as they saw the situation demanded; commensurate with their authority and obligations.

The Haganah (as an Israeli shadow Militia) did not developed a defensive posture until the Arab riots in 1920 and 1921. The Haganah maintained a policy of operational restraint (havlaga); except in rare like the Arab Palestinian Black Hand operators in the 1920s; having mounted attacks and terror campaigns against Israelis. (From the Britannica Encyclopedia on the Arab Palestinian Conflict • Author Dr Paul G. Pierpaoli Jr)

But again, this makes no difference in the outcomes that we see today. It is not like any of us has the power to go back and ask the parties to the region to change their approach. And again, it is not likely that even that would not satisfy the Arab Palestinians territorial wants and political needs.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, Come-on now!

Not a single Zionist shot a single bullet before the waves of Arab pogroms,
They had Britain do that for them.

While you can make the call that the British were involved, they were acting as the Government of Palestine. That is the same self-governing institution that the Arab Palestinians refused to participate.

The Haganah (as an Israeli shadow Militia) did not developed a defensive posture until the Arab riots in 1920 and 1921. The Haganah maintained a policy of operational restraint (havlaga); except in rare like the
Arab Palestinian Black Hand operators in the 1920s; having mounted attacks and terror campaigns against Israelis. (From the Britannica Encyclopedia on the Arab Palestinian Conflict • Author Dr Paul G. Pierpaoli Jr)

But again, this makes no difference in the outcomes that we see today. It is not like any of us has the power to go back and ask the parties to the region to change their approach. And again, it is not likely that even that would not satisfy the Arab Palestinians territorial wants and political needs.

Most Respectfully,

Arab propaganda intentionally selects a very limited timeline,
purposefully leaving out all violence that caused Jews to organize politically through Zionism and raise arms in response.

They never dare to even remotely discuss the subject, destroys their whole "innocent victims" propaganda, therefore the Jihadi rats immediately switch to hiding mode.

Will anyone on Team Palestine ever give a straight answer?
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

As far as the 1948 War goes, as it relates to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the war was settled by two peace treaties. It was over and done.

It was the Zionists who attacked and expelled the Palestinians in 1948 and continue that practice today.

So don't give me that crap that it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors.

You cannot go back that far. And even if you did, the claimant would be 70 years old or better to be a displaced person.

Additionally, refugee status is lost if the applicant has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provision in respect of such crimes. That drops out almost every single one has violated either the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938), or they have violated one or more of the 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts.

By convention, there is no obligation for Israel to allow any criminal to enter their sovereign territory. And every single one of the fake peaceful demonstrators has disqualified themselves. But I did not see any demonstrators of 70 years of age or older.

Most Respectfully,
Still playing the terrorist card on self defense, I see.

Part of Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

To claim self defense one has to show one's not the aggressor.
You still didn't give the explanation for all the Arab pogroms against Jews prior to Zionism.
Or how one can claim self defense while putting a suicide belt on one's own child...

Though I agree - terrorists is a term too noble than they really deserve,
'invading savages' more likely to fit the camel urine drinkers.
Which Arabs?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, Come-on now!

Not a single Zionist shot a single bullet before the waves of Arab pogroms,
They had Britain do that for them.

While you can make the call that the British were involved, they were acting as the Government of Palestine. That is the same self-governing institution that the Arab Palestinians refused to participate. The Government of Palestine (the British) took the actions as they saw the situation demanded; commensurate with their authority and obligations.

The Haganah (as an Israeli shadow Militia) did not developed a defensive posture until the Arab riots in 1920 and 1921. The Haganah maintained a policy of operational restraint (havlaga); except in rare like the Arab Palestinian Black Hand operators in the 1920s; having mounted attacks and terror campaigns against Israelis. (From the Britannica Encyclopedia on the Arab Palestinian Conflict • Author Dr Paul G. Pierpaoli Jr)

But again, this makes no difference in the outcomes that we see today. It is not like any of us has the power to go back and ask the parties to the region to change their approach. And again, it is not likely that even that would not satisfy the Arab Palestinians territorial wants and political needs.

Most Respectfully,
The Haganah (as an Israeli shadow Militia) did not developed a defensive posture until the Arab riots in 1920 and 1921.
That was after the start of their settler colonial project.
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